The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 1: Where Hell Started

As I woke up in the Japanese settlement, just like any other day, I, Xeno Leonhart, a 16-year-old high school student, prepared myself for school.

The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm glow over the peaceful streets. Despite my non-Japanese name, my ancestors migrated here after the cataclysmic events that reshaped Earth. We have been living in this wonderful settlement ever since, embracing the rich culture and traditions that surround us.

After my morning routine of brushing my teeth and washing my face, I greeted my mother and sister, but I chose to ignore my stepfather.

It's not because he's a bad person, but I can never feel the same sense of safety that my deceased father provided. I miss him deeply, every single day. His absence is a constant reminder of the monster attack that took him away from us.

It was five years ago when I lost my father during a horrifying monster attack on our settlement. The memories of that day still haunt me, but I've learned to carry on.

Three years later, my mom decided to remarry, as raising a family on her own became too much for her to handle. I don't hold any blame towards her, but I can't help but feel a mix of resentment and loneliness.

As I sat down at the breakfast table, I heard my mother, Lea Leonhart, reprimanding me, "Hey Xeno, it's impolite to sit on the table without greeting Roger. Say sorry right now!"

I sighed, feeling the weight of her words. Reluctantly, I replied, "Fine, fine, I got it. I apologize. Good morning, Roger."

Roger, with a hint of irritation, responded, "That doesn't sound very genuine, does it? You brat!" His words stung, but I knew I had to keep my composure.

Feeling frustrated, I retorted, "What do you expect from me? You're not my real father, are you?"

The tension in the room grew, and my mom screamed, "Xeno, stop that!"

I took a deep breath, trying to maintain my composure. "Hey, Mom! You know I love you and Sophie more than anything, and I would do anything for you. But don't try to force anything on me, okay?" I expressed my feelings, hoping she would understand.

I was relieved that I managed to express my feelings without losing my temper or becoming annoyed, as I often would.

By the way, Sophie, my younger sister, recently turned 7. With her brown hair and green eyes inherited from our mom, she was already dressed in her school uniform, ready to go to her elementary school.

"Hey, heyyy Xeno! Lift me up! Lift me uppp and hug me," Sophie demanded, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Unable to resist her adorable plea, I lifted her, hugged her tightly, and planted a kiss on her forehead.

She giggled and declared that I was the best, which brought a genuine smile to my face.

All of this unfolded while my mom watched me with a stern expression due to our earlier conversation.

So, I hugged my mom as well, expressing my love, and informed her that I had to leave, even though I hadn't eaten breakfast.

Before my mom could say anything more, I swiftly grabbed my lunchbox and backpack and hightailed it out of the house as fast as I could.

As I walked down the road heading toward my destination, which is my high school, "Corvius High School", I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and determination.

Unlike schools of old, Corvius did not only teach us the usual subjects like math, physics, and chemistry but also prepared us for a military career. We learned martial arts, weapon handling, military strategy, and monster ecology, among other things.

Why did we need such training? Because Corvius was a feeder school for the Corvius Military Academy (CMA), the most prestigious institution for aspiring exoskeleton knights.

Exoskeletons were advanced devices that enhanced human capabilities and allowed us to fight against the monstrous creatures that threatened our world. These exoskeletons were the main weapons used in Hysperia.

To me, and every other student present in "Corvius High", joining CMA and then "Hysperia" was the ultimate dream.

"Hysperia" is the elite exoskeleton knight corps that was renowned for its bravery and skill. It was also the corps where my father gave his life to protect humanity.

Yes, my father gave his life in the monster rampage 5 years ago. He belonged to the Defense Corps and died defending the settlement from a monster rampage, the biggest this settlement has ever seen.

On that day, a colony of goblins led by an emperor and two kings attacked the settlement while the main corps was away on an expedition to gather new resources for study purposes. The attack was a surprise. No one anticipated it, not even the scouts who excel in detection.

Why were they undetected, you might ask? It's simple, they burrowed underground until they reached the settlement. It was the first time since the great catastrophe that monsters had shown any semblance of planning and coordination, of intelligence in general. They usually attack in a frenzy. They kill as many male citizens as possible and kidnap and rape the female citizens to propagate.

However, this was the day that changed everything. The day that the goblins attacked our city with unprecedented ferocity and cunningness. The day that my father and his fellow soldiers sacrificed themselves to stop them.

It was also the day that I swore to follow in his footsteps and join the "Hysperia" corps.

The goblins came in a horde of 3000, led by an emperor and two kings. They were no match for our city's defenses, but they used stealth and surprise to infiltrate and sabotage. They killed many innocent people before my father and his comrades reached the site.

That day, my father and his comrades faced two choices: wait for backup and risk more casualties, or charge and face certain death. They chose the latter.

They fought bravely and managed to slay the goblin leaders, but they paid with their lives. Their final words were "For the Future". Those words echoed in my ears as I learned of their fate.

I had never cried before, but that day I wept until I had no tears left. It was on that day that I hardened my heart and resolved to become strong enough to protect my family and loved ones.

Furthermore, after the goblins' raid ended, two inquiries were raised among the people who witnessed it and the higher-ups.

The first one was: "Did someone or something control the goblins?"

The second one was: "Were monsters evolving and becoming smarter?"

These questions caused a lot of unrest, but no one could find any clues to answer them. The only thing they knew was that more dark times would come and that they had to be prepared for the worst from then on.

This brings us to this day, and as I was heading to school, a mysterious black SUV with tinted windows pulled up beside me.

Out came masked men who grabbed me and threw me inside it. I tried to resist, but they were too strong and skilled for a 16-year-old to take them on.

I ended up suffering from a broken arm and bruised ribs. Fear coursed through my veins as I realized I was being taken away from everything I knew and loved. I was erased from the world as Xeno Leonhart.

But was that really the end of my story?

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