The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 11: Enraged

NobleCrow here, new chapter today and maybe another on either Wednesday or Friday. 

Hope you enjoy!

The next day arrived, and just as Lana had mentioned, I found myself thrown back into my cell without any consideration for my well-being.

I glanced around the empty room, letting out a sigh. This place is so bleak and lifeless, but I can't afford to care.

There is no time to feel lonely and no time to revel in my depression. If I have time to do that then what I should do instead is train and read. Unfortunately, the books still haven't arrived, leaving me with nothing to do but focus on my training.

I took off my shirt and began my training routine.

I did basic training such as pushups, setups, and the rest while pushing through the searing pain in my arm and ribs. However, no matter how much pain I felt or how much I felt that I needed to stop I didn’t, since strength and pain come hand in hand and I’ve learned that from life.

For a man to get stronger in his life he has to face everything head on. Pain, depression, tiredness, and loneliness all should be faced alone since no matter whom you talk to or tell in the end they wouldn’t care. It was every man for himself kind of world and I already knew that after I lost my father.

In the end, being a man is a tough thing but I’m not here to complain. Instead, I’m using all those negative feelings and thoughts that are haunting me, as fuel to get stronger and stronger so that I can take care of the people who do care about me and cherish me.

I went through the mixed martial arts routine that I usually go through and when I was done, I went to the small bathroom provided to me in this cell and took a shower, and then wore the prison clothes that I was provided with while washing the clothes that I was brought in with and hung them on the bar of the curtains for them to dry.

As I prepared to lie down on the bed, I heard the door open, and Carlo entered with a wide grin on his face. He taunted, "Today is going to be fun, you shitty brat."

I met his gaze but remained silent. He forcefully dragged me outside and took me to the torture room, where I saw Rick wearing a sinister smile. He gloated, "I've prepared something enjoyable for you today, you piece of trash! Hope you enjoy it. Hahahahahaha!"

I looked at him without reacting, which seemed to bore him. He stared back at me and remarked:” It’s no fun when you don’t panic, struggle or even bite back. What happened to you? Did you become this mellow because of that bitch Lana, I wonder?” 

At the mention of Lana's name, my eyes filled with murderous intent. If looks could kill, Rick would have perished a thousand times over. However, I remained silent, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a response.

Rick's jolly smile widened as he observed my glare. He chuckled and exclaimed:  "Ohhhh, so it really was because of that bitch. You know I wondered why she was always defending you and asking for you to be left one more day at the sick bay. No wonder when I groped her this time, she did not react like how she usually does by either slapping me or reporting me to the higher-ups. Instead, she remained silent and allowed me to have my way for a brief moment before leaving and reminding me to keep my promise. I see I seeeee! Seeing her in that state was amusing, but do you know what’s even more amusing? That despite promising to keep you in the sick bay for two days, I only kept you for one. You should have seen her face when she knew that all she did was in vain. The disappointment, the anger, the disgust! Hahaha hahaha! It was deliciousss.”

Rick’s words ignited a fire in my chest, a fire of rage and hatred that burned away all reason and restraint. I saw red as I broke free from Carlo’s hold and lunged at Rick like a wild beast. I tackled him to the floor and rained down blows on his face, feeling his bones crack and his blood splatter. I wanted to kill him, to make him pay for everything he had done to me and Lana. I didn’t care about the consequences, I only cared about satisfying my vengeance. But before I could deliver the final strike, a heavy blow landed on the back of my skull, sending me into darkness.


When I regained consciousness, I found myself tied to a pole in the torture room, my upper body exposed.

I scanned the room and saw Carlo tending to a bandaged Rick while attempting to calm him down. However, as soon as Rick noticed that I had woken up his anger flared, and he charged straight at me with a whip in hand. Without a word, the whip whizzed and cracked against my skin, leaving a deep, bleeding laceration on my chest. A surge of pain shot through my body, but I clenched my teeth so hard that blood oozed from my lips, stopping me from making any sound.

Despite the excruciating pain, I managed a sinister smile and taunted Rick, saying: “This look suits you so much, Rick. I wish I could have killed you but it seems that Carlo was faster than me, and managed to stop me at the last minute. I was close oh so close!”

Rick’s eyes bulged with rage and he spat at me venomously: “You filthy bastard! You worthless scum! How dare you! How dare you lay a finger on me, the great Rick! If the boss hadn’t warned me not to kill you or else, I’d take your place, I would have torn you apart.”

He paused and wiped the drool from his chin like a mad dog. Then he stared into my eyes and said with an icy and sinister voice that made me shiver: “You know, the boss only said I couldn’t kill you. He didn’t say anything about making you beg for death!”

He raised the lash again and whipped me mercilessly, over and over, until there was no spot of skin left unscathed.

My chest, arms, and face were mutilated beyond recognition. I was a mess of flesh and blood, but only groans of pain escaped my mouth. And just when I thought it was over and that they would release me and toss me back to my cell, I heard Rick yell at Carlo: “Go get the others to bring the buckets of rubbing alcohol here. Now!”

Carlo tried to object, but Rick wouldn’t budge.

Succumbing to the pressure Rick was emanating, Carlo had the other guards bring three large buckets of alcohol and place them in front of me. The sight of the buckets filled me with dread, knowing the agony that awaited me.

Rick, looking into my eyes, smiled and said: "Still acting tough, huh! Well, let’s see how long you will last!" His sadistic pleasure was evident in his voice.

Before Rick could continue his ramblings, I mustered all the strength I had left and stared deep into his eyes. With a twisted smile on my bloodied face, I spat a mouthful of bloody saliva directly at him. The act of defiance enraged him beyond measure.

In a fit of rage, Rick grabbed one of the buckets filled with rubbing alcohol and hurled its contents at me. The liquid splashed over my mutilated body, seeping into every open wound. The pain that followed was excruciating, beyond anything I had ever experienced. I couldn't help but let out a piercing scream, my voice echoing through the room.

As the burning sensation intensified, I fought to maintain consciousness, my body convulsing in agony. The guards watched with a mix of pleasure and indifference, reveling in my suffering.

Yet amidst the pain, a flicker of determination ignited within me. I refused to let them break me. I would endure, no matter the cost. With every ounce of strength I had left, I focused on that resolve, blocking out the torment and preparing myself for whatever is coming next.

Just as Rick was about to hurl the second bucket at me, a furious voice erupted from behind him, exclaiming, "Is that your idea of not killing someone, you imbecile!"

It was none other than the facility's chief. Locking eyes with me, he issued a stern command, "Release him and escort him to the infirmary. It's because of you incompetent fools that we must delay the drug trials. Prepare yourselves for the consequences!"

Upon hearing the chief's words, Rick and the others displayed no reaction except for a noticeable pallor and submissive nods, resembling obedient dogs caught in their misdeeds.

Summoning all my strength, I managed a bloodied smile and uttered, "Who’s a good boy? You all are..."

With that, I relinquished consciousness, content that I had denied them the satisfaction of breaking me.

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