The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 14: Monster Ecology, Biology, and Rankings

This is an informational chapter, and it contains a lot of information about monsters, biomes, and dungeons. This will give you a glimpse of what the main character will face in the future with his crew. 

I hope you enjoy, and a new chapter will be either released on Wednesday or Friday or both, and that's all depending on the time I have. 


“Books loaded young master what questions do you have?”

“Eve what are monsters and how are they classified?”

“Young Master, monsters are living beings that inhabit various regions of the world, often posing a threat to humans and other creatures. They have diverse forms, abilities, and behaviors, depending on their environment and evolutionary history. Some monsters are solitary, while others live in groups or have complex social structures. Some monsters are herbivorous, while others are carnivorous or omnivorous. Some monsters are intelligent, while others are driven by instinct or magic.

One way to classify monsters is by their rank, which indicates their level of power and danger. The rank of a monster is determined by several factors, such as its size, strength, speed, agility, endurance, intelligence, magic, and special skills. The rank of a monster can also vary depending on the situation, such as its mood, health, hunger, or territory. Generally, monsters are ranked from E to S, with E being the weakest and S being the strongest. However, there are also some rare monsters that exceed the S rank, known as SS or superior rank monsters or SSS which are disaster class rank monsters.


 The ranks are as follows:

  • E-rank: The lowest rank of monsters, usually harmless or easily defeated by humans. They include small animals, insects, and plants that have some degree of mutation or magic. Examples are goblins, slimes, and mandrakes. Some of them may also be undead monsters that have been reanimated from corpses or bones, such as skeletons or zombies. Skeletons are animated bones that have no flesh or organs, while zombies are rotting bodies that have no mind or will. In addition, there are aberrations, horrors, and nightmares, which may have bizarre shapes, disturbing sounds, or frightening effects to confuse or scare humans. Aberrations are creatures that defy natural laws and logic, horrors are creatures that feed on fear and pain, and nightmares are creatures that invade dreams and cause nightmares. Some plant monsters in this rank are vines, mushrooms, and cacti, which may have thorns, spores, or needles to defend themselves. Note: Some monsters may exceed E-rank if they are led by generals, kings, and emperors.


  • D-rank: Slightly more dangerous than E-rank monsters, but still manageable by regular soldiers with advanced weaponry or weaponry made from monster parts. They include larger or more aggressive animals, such as wolves, bears, and boars. Some of them may have elemental or magical abilities, such as fire-breathing lizards or lightning birds. Some plant monsters in this rank are man-eaters, corpse flowers, and mandragoras, which may have carnivorous appetites, foul odors, or loud screams to deter or harm humans. Man-eaters are plants that can swallow humans whole and digest them slowly, corpse flowers are plants that emit a stench of death and decay to attract prey or repel enemies, and mandragoras are plants that can uproot themselves and shriek when disturbed.


  • C-rank: The average rank of monsters, requiring trained exoskeleton wearing soldiers to deal with them. They include exotic creatures that have strange forms and abilities that challenge human understanding. Some of them may also have adaptive or evolutionary traits that allow them to survive in harsh environments or change according to their needs. An example of those monsters are orcs and hobgoblins. Some plant monsters in this rank are orchids of illusion, carnivorous roses, and blood vines, which may have optical, chemical, or biological effects to manipulate or harm humans. Orchids of illusion are plants that can create realistic illusions to deceive or entice humans, carnivorous roses are plants that can spray acidic or poisonous fluids to dissolve or paralyze humans, and blood vines are plants that can drain blood or essence from humans and use it to grow stronger.


  • B-rank: The higher rank of monsters. They require a whole platoon of soldiers wearing exoskeletons wielding the best gear and a lot of sacrifices to deal with them. They include humanoid or beast-like creatures that have high physical or magical strength, such as ogres, trolls, and minotaurs. Some of them may also have special skills or traits, such as invisibility, poison, or regeneration.  Some plant monsters in this rank are treants, dryads, and alraunes, which may have limbs, faces, or voices to lure or attack humans. Treants are tree-like creatures that can move and speak, dryads are nymphs that live in trees and can control them, and alraunes are flowers with human-like bodies that can secrete nectar or pollen. Some higher undead in this rank are ghouls, wights, and mummies, which may have enhanced speed, strength, or durability to hunt or haunt humans and monsters. Ghouls are undead that feed on flesh and can paralyze their prey with their claws or teeth, wights are undead that drain life force and can create more wights from their victims, and mummies are undead that preserve their bodies with magic and can inflict curses with their touch. 


  • A-rank: The high rank of monsters, posing a serious threat to human settlements or regions. They include giant or monstrous creatures that have formidable power and durability, such as wyverns, hydras, and Krakens. Some of them may also have unique abilities or effects, such as mind control, curses, or weather manipulation. Some plant monsters in this rank are world trees, Yggdrasil, and lotuses of the sun and moon, which may have immense size, mystical properties, or cosmic connections to influence the world around them. World trees are plants that can reach the sky and support entire ecosystems on their branches, Yggdrasil are plants that can connect different realms and dimensions with their roots, and lotuses of the sun and moon are plants that can absorb and radiate solar or lunar energy.


  • S-rank: The rare rank of monsters, often considered legendary or mythical. They include ancient or divine beings that have transcendent power and wisdom, such as phoenixes, sphinxes, and unicorns. Some of them may also have mysterious origins or purposes, such as guardians, harbingers, or creators. Some plant monsters in this rank are sacred trees, holy flowers, and divine fruits, which may have miraculous effects, divine blessings, or forbidden secrets to bestow upon those who encounter them. Sacred trees are plants that can grant wishes, heal wounds, or reveal truths to those who worship them, holy flowers are plants that can purify evil, enhance magic, or inspire love in those who smell them, and divine fruits are plants that can grant immortality, enhance abilities, or curse fates to those who eat them. Some higher undead in this rank are liches and death knights, which may have powerful magic, bloodlust, or martial prowess to dominate or destroy humans. Liches are humans who have sacrificed their souls for immortality and can command legions of undead, and death knights are undead warriors who have sworn allegiance to a dark lord and can wield unholy weapons and magic. Some humanoid monsters in this category are vampires and werewolves. Vampires are undead aristocrats who have gained eternal youth and beauty by drinking the blood of humans and monsters preferably monsters and can charm or control their thralls. As for werewolves, they are humanoid monsters who can change forms on nights of full moons. Note: Vampires and werewolves might reach the S-rank if they are day walkers or if they can transform into wolf form without the help of the full moon respectively. As a note liches and death knights are considered a higher rank if they command an undead army since that implies intelligence and cunningness.


  • SS-rank: The elite rank of monsters, challenging the limits of humans. They include exceptional or extraordinary beings that have unparalleled power and skill, such as leviathans, elder dragons, and storm kings. Some of them may also have distinctive abilities or characteristics, such as flight, stealth, or aura. 


  • SSS-rank: The highest rank of monsters, beyond the comprehension of humans. They include primordial or elemental forces that have world-shaping power and awe-inspiring presence, such as dragon lords, ancient dragons, titans, and storm lords. Some of them may also have unknown motives or goals, such as guardians, challengers, or wanderers


“Eve, can you give me examples of some famous monsters that belong to each rank with details about them?”

“It is possible young master, some famous monsters that belong to different ranks are:


  • E-rank: The slime is a common monster that can be found in many places. It is a blob of gelatinous substance that can absorb and digest organic matter. It has no intelligence or personality and is usually harmless unless provoked.


  • D-rank: The fire-breathing lizard is a reptilian monster that can spit fire from its mouth. It is a territorial and aggressive creature that hunts smaller animals for food. It has a low level of intelligence.


  • C-rank: The orc is a humanoid monster that has green or gray skin and tusks. It is a savage and malevolent creature. It has a low level of intelligence and culture and can speak a crude language. It can use weapons and armor but prefers to fight with brute force and numbers.


  • B-rank: The ogre is a humanoid monster that has a large and muscular body. It is a violent and brutish creature that raids human settlements for food and loot. It has a moderate level of intelligence and can communicate with simple words.


  • A-rank: The wyvern is a winged monster that has scales and horns. It is a majestic and powerful creature that rules over its domain with fire and fury. It has a high level of intelligence.


  • S-rank: The phoenix is a bird-like monster that has feathers and a tail of fire. It is a rare and noble creature that can resurrect from its ashes after death. It has a very high level of intelligence and wisdom and can communicate telepathically.


  • SS-rank: The elder dragon is a reptilian monster that has wings and claws. It is an agile and fierce creature that flies through the sky with speed and grace. It can use fire, earth, ice, water, lightning, dark, or light magic depending on its biome or nature.  It has a high level of intelligence and skill and can use various tactics and strategies. It can also communicate with humans through thought or telepathy if it deems the human worthy.


  • SSS-rank: The Dragonlord or ancient dragon is an ethereal monster that has no fixed form or appearance. It has been on earth since ancient times but has been in hiding in remote places that humans couldn’t reach until the great catastrophe when it reemerged. It is an omnipotent and omniscient creature that can command and transform any dragon at will. It has an incomprehensible level of intelligence and consciousness and can communicate in any way it desires.”


“Then Eve what is the difference between humanoid and non-humanoid monsters?”

“Young master, all humanoid monsters are former humans who had ingested monster cores, the crystallized essence of a monster’s power. Monster cores are rare and valuable items that can grant enhanced abilities or attributes to those who consume them. However, they also carry the risk of transforming the consumer into a monster, depending on the type and quality of the core. The most common types of humanoid monsters are orcs, goblins, werewolves, vampires, trolls, and giants. These monsters retain some of their human features and intelligence but also develop monstrous traits and instincts. They often form clans or tribes based on their monster type and compete or cooperate with other monsters or even sometimes humans.

Some additional details are:

  • Monster cores are usually obtained by killing or capturing monsters and extracting their hearts or other vital organs. They come in different colors, shapes, and sizes, reflecting the nature and power of the monster they came from. Some cores are more compatible with certain humans than others, depending on their affinity or alignment.


  • The transformation process from human to monster is usually gradual and painful, involving physical and mental changes that may be irreversible. Some humans may resist or embrace the transformation, while others may lose control or awareness of themselves. The degree and speed of the transformation may vary depending on the amount and frequency of core consumption.


  • The types of humanoid monsters are based on the types of cores they consumed. For example, orcs are humans who consumed cores from beasts or brutes, goblins are humans who consumed cores from vermin or pests, werewolves are humans who consumed cores from wolves or dogs, vampires are humans who consumed cores from bats or bloodsuckers, trolls are humans who consumed cores from giants or ogres, and giants are humans who consumed cores from dragons or wyverns. Each type of humanoid monster has its own strengths, weaknesses, and characteristics that distinguish them from other types.”



“Then Eve what is a monster’s rarity?”

“A monster’s rarity is a factor that indicates how common or uncommon a monster is in the world. The rarity of a monster may affect its appearance, behavior, and loot. According to the web search results, different games may have different ways of classifying a monster’s rarity, but some common categories are:


  • Normal: The most common and basic monsters, usually spawning in large groups or waves. They have no special attributes or abilities and are easy to defeat. They drop low-quality or common items or materials. Examples are goblins, slimes, and mandrakes.
  • Rare: More uncommon and stronger monsters, usually spawning in smaller groups or pairs. They have one or more special attributes or abilities that make them more challenging or dangerous. They drop higher-quality or rare items or materials. Examples are fire-breathing lizards, lightning birds, and invisible ogres.
  • Unique: Very uncommon and powerful monsters, usually spawning alone or with a few minions. They have several special attributes or abilities that make them very formidable or threatening. They drop very high-quality or unique items or materials. Examples are dragons, hydras, and phoenixes.
  • Legendary: Extremely rare and mighty monsters, usually spawning as bosses or mini-bosses. They have unique and distinctive attributes or abilities that make them legendary or mythical. They drop extremely high-quality or legendary items or materials. Examples are ancient dragons and titans.”



“What more should I know about monsters?”

“Well, young master you should also about monster biome and territory. A monster’s biome and territory are factors that indicate where a monster lives and hunts in the world. The biome and territory of a monster may affect its appearance, behavior, and adaptation, in general, its nature. Some common examples are:


  • Aquatic: A biome that consists of water bodies, such as oceans, lakes, rivers, or ponds. Aquatic monsters are adapted to living and moving in the water and may have features such as gills, fins, scales, or tentacles. Some examples of aquatic monsters are naiads, river drakes, crocodiles, and krakens.


  • Arctic: A biome that consists of cold and snowy regions, such as tundras, glaciers, or icebergs. Arctic monsters are adapted to surviving and thriving in low temperatures and may have features such as fur, feathers, claws, or horns. Some examples of arctic monsters are yetis, frost giants, polar bears, and white dragons.


  • Desert: A biome that consists of hot and dry regions, such as sands, dunes, or oases. Desert monsters are adapted to enduring and exploiting high temperatures, and may have features such as scales, spikes, wings, or venom. Some examples of desert monsters are scorpions, basilisks, sandworms, and sphinxes.


  • Forest: A biome that consists of lush and green regions, such as woods, jungles, or groves. Forest monsters are adapted to hiding and hunting in vegetation, and may have features such as camouflage, fangs, vines, or magic. Some examples of forest monsters are goblins, wolves, treants, and unicorns.


  • Hill or Mountain: A biome that consists of elevated and rugged regions, such as mountains, cliffs, or plateaus. Hill monsters are adapted to climbing and roaming in high altitudes, and may have features such as hooves, wings, shells, or fire. Some examples of hill monsters are goats, griffins, tortoises, and phoenixes.


  • Swamp: A biome that consists of wet and murky regions, such as marshes, bogs, or fens. Swamp monsters are adapted to living and lurking in mud and water, and may have features such as slime, scales, tentacles, or poison. Some examples of swamp monsters are slimes, hydras, giant frogs, and black dragons.”



“Then what is the difference between a biome and territory?”

“Young master, a biome, and territory are related but have different concepts that describe the living conditions of a monster. A biome is a biogeographical unit that consists of a biological community that has formed in response to the physical environment and a shared regional climate. A biome may span more than one continent and can comprise a variety of habitats. A territory is a geographical area that is occupied and defended by a single monster or a group of monsters. A territory may be smaller or larger than a biome and can overlap with other territories.

For example, a forest biome is a biome that consists of lush and green regions, such as woods, jungles, or groves, where forest monsters live and adapt. A forest territory is a geographical area within the forest biome that is occupied and defended by a specific forest monster or a group of forest monsters, such as wolves, goblins, or unicorns.”


“Then how do monsters reproduce, Eve?

“Monster reproduction is a topic that has not been fully explored, but there are some clues and theories that can shed some light on it. According to the web search results, different monsters may have different ways of reproducing, depending on their type, rank, and environment. Some of the possible methods are:

  • Sexual reproduction: This is the most common and natural way of producing offspring, where two monsters of the same species or monsters and humans mate and exchange genetic material. This may result in offspring that inherit traits from both parents or that have variations or mutations. Some examples are goblins, orcs, ogres, or trolls.


  • Asexual reproduction: This is a way of producing offspring without mating or exchanging genetic material, where a single monster produces clones of itself or splits into smaller parts. This may result in offspring that are identical or very similar to the parent, or that have different forms or stages.


  • Parasitic reproduction: This is a way of producing offspring by using another monster as a host or a source of nutrients, where a monster infects, implants, or consumes another monster and uses its body or energy to create or nurture its offspring. This may result in offspring that are dependent on or harmful to the host, or that have hybrid or corrupted features. “


“Eve then how about dungeons? What do you know of its existence?”

“Young master, Dungeons are mysterious places that attract humans and monsters from all over the world. They are often the remnants of ancient civilizations that have vanished from history, forgotten temples that once worshipped gods or demons, or hidden lairs of powerful beings that seek to avoid the world. Dungeons are usually located underground, in remote areas, or in other planes of existence that are difficult to access. They are made by various methods, such as magic that shapes the stone and creates illusions, engineering that constructs complex mechanisms and devices, or natural forces that erode and form caverns and tunnels. Dungeons contain many dangers and secrets, such as monsters that lurk in the shadows, traps that spring from the walls or floors, puzzles that test the wits and skills of the explorers, and relics that hold ancient power or knowledge. Dungeons also have guardians that protect and inhabit it. Dungeons, in conclusion, are a source of wonder and peril for those who dare to enter them, offering rewards and risks in equal measure.”

“Thank you for the explanation, Eve. Is there anything else I should know?”

“There is only one more thing left to know, all these studies are based on recordings theories and advanced AI logistics, computations, and ariel observations, since humans could not reach far enough to observe, record, or take notes of such monsters, and environments.”

“Well then, thank you Eve for the information that you have given me. For now, please shut down and I will be in touch with you at a later date.”

“No problem young master I’m here to serve.”

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