The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 33: Failure and Consequences

I saw a flicker of humanity in the eyes of the two scientists.

They had tried to avoid the organization’s twisted experiments, hoping to spare their loved ones and the test subjects from harm. But I knew they were powerless to stop them. I should have been powerless too.

I should have kept quiet and endured whatever they did to me, instead of risking their wrath turning to the twins. But it was too late.

The chief had noticed my defiance and decided to make an example of me. He turned to me with a cruel grin and said: “Well, well, well. It seems you have some objections to our work. How about we switch you with the twins? You can watch them suffer while you rot in your cell. How does that sound?”

I felt a surge of panic and rage at his words and shouted: “No! Don’t you dare touch them. I’ll do anything you want, just leave them alone. Please.”

The chief’s smile grew wider and he said: “Anything? That’s not enough, you little shit. You have to beg for it. Beg for it like the pathetic dog you are. Come on, let me hear you loud and clear.”

I was speechless with humiliation and anger. I couldn’t bring myself to beg, but I had no choice.

The chief snapped at me: “What’s the matter? Lost your voice? Do you want me to drag the twins here right now?”

“No, no, please don’t.”

“Then beg, you worthless worm, beg for their lives, like a good little mutt.”

I hung my head and bit my lip until it bled.

I forced myself to say: “Please, I beg you. I’m a good dog. I’m sorry for talking back. I’ll do any experiment you want. Just leave the twins out of it.”

I wished I could die then and there. I had worked hard all my life to never depend on anyone or ask for help.

And now this twisted bastard was making me grovel to save the only people I cared about. How low could I sink?

The chief seemingly satisfied with my reply was cackling maniacally. He laughed and laughed until his ego was satisfied. He then looked at me and said:” Why that’s a good boy.”

“Now thennnnn, my dear colleagues" the chief announced, his voice dripping with malevolence, "Let the experiment begin."

As soon as the chief uttered those words, the room became a hive of activity.

The scientists scrambled to get the equipment ready for the experiment. One of them, who was the rat lookalike that explained before, handed the chief a syringe filled with a yellowish-brown liquid.

The chief took it with a smirk and walked towards me. I felt the cold metal of the electrodes on my temples and the wires attached to the monitors on my chest.

I watched him come closer, feeling my heartbeat faster and faster. I was not afraid of him or his needle. I was angry at him and his cruelty. I wanted to fight back, to resist, to escape. But I knew it was futile.

He was too ruthless, too evil.

He reached me and grabbed my arm, ignoring my glare. He plunged the needle into my vein, injecting the liquid into my bloodstream.

I screamed in agony as the substance burned through my veins, reaching my brain and nervous system. I felt like my whole body was on fire, and I couldn’t move or breathe. The chief watched me with a sadistic glee, while the other scientists were looking at the monitors.

The monitors showed erratic spikes in my brain activity, indicating that something was going terribly wrong. However, the chief oblivious to the results said: “Excellent, excellent. This is what we wanted to see. The serum is working. It’s enhancing his senses beyond human limits. Soon he will be able to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch everything in a way no one else can. He will be our perfect weapon, our ultimate spy, our loyal dog.”

He leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear: “Do you feel it? Do you feel the power coursing through you? Do you like it? You should be grateful to me.”

I wanted to spit in his face, but I couldn’t even open my mouth. I felt a surge of hatred and disgust for him and his twisted experiments.

He was not giving me a gift; he was destroying me, and I could feel it deep inside my soul.

I felt like something precious was being taken from me. I felt that something necessary was being yanked out of my body. I felt like I was losing myself, losing my touch with reality, losing the meaning of my life.

I screamed because that was all I can do. I screamed and groaned so loudly that the scientists placed a cloth inside my mouth to shut me up.

Through my muffled cries, I could hear the chief talking to the scientists while looking dissatisfied. It seemed that the indicators at the monitors did not show signs of acceptance but of rejection. That meant that the experiment failed and miserably.

I gathered as much brain power as I could and talked to Eve telepathically:” Eve, lessen the pain at once and try to minimize the damage from the side effects of the drug as much as possible.”

Eve replied with a concerned and apologetic tone:” Affirmative young master, however as things are going, I will only be able to mitigate the loss of senses to 50%. I’m sorry young master I couldn’t stop it completely, I failed you.”

 Hearing Eve’s words I lost consciousness.

When I woke up, I found myself back in my cell being cradled by the twins. I could feel something wet dripping on my face however I couldn’t see the source they were coming from.

From this, I realized that the experiment had failed.

Instead of enhancing my senses, it damaged them.

I could barely see anything in the light, everything was blurry and distorted.

I could barely hear anything; everything was muffled and distant.

I could barely smell anything; everything was stale and rotten.

I could barely taste anything; everything was bitter and sour.

I could barely feel anything, everything was rough and painful.

I had lost half of my senses and with them half of my life.

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