The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 35: The Price of Disobedience

I turned on Eve’s communication screen, eager to talk to the twins. I felt them rush to my side, their warm bodies pressing against mine. I spoke telepathically to Eve, letting her display my words to the twins on the communication screen. I spoke with a mix of regret and resolve: “I’m sorry, you two. I never wanted you to feel guilty for what happened to me. It was never your fault. Your lives are not a mistake, and you deserve love and happiness just as much as anyone else.”

Their tears soaked my skin as they read what I said.

Hana sobbed first, her voice shaking while replying: “But… but we should have protected you. We should have been stronger. We’re sorry, Xeno. We love you so much, and we never wanted you to suffer like this.”

Ha-Eun nodded, her voice breaking: “We’ll do anything to make it right, Xeno. We’ll train harder, become stronger, and protect you from now on. Please don’t blame yourself and don’t leave us. We’re here for you as much as you are here for us.”

I felt a surge of joy and gratitude for the twins. I wrapped my arms around them and stroked their heads, trying to calm them down.

I whispered using my own voice this time: “Don’t worry about anything. As long as I’m alive, I won’t let anyone hurt you. As for what I will do from now on, I will train again from zero to adapt to my new reality and I want you two to help me, are you willing?”

The twins nodded eagerly and said: “Whatever it takes, Xeno, we are up for it. We will also help you with eating and your daily life, so don’t worry. You just have to focus on getting back on your feet, and back to your original state.”

Eve then chimed in: “I will also help you, young master, by injecting nanomachines into your system. They can help you with coordination and balance. They can also help you refine your stances and guide your muscles.”

I was startled by Eve’s offer. It sounded very helpful for my situation. Nonetheless, I hadn’t forgotten her punishment for disobeying me before.

I said: “Eve, I appreciate everything you have done and will do, but you have defied me and caused unnecessary worry and trouble. I will now give you your punishment, and I hope you are ready.”

The twins tried to plead for Eve, but I raised my hand to stop them.

I declared: “Even if you want to defend her, that doesn’t mean I will spare her punishment. I rarely give Eve orders and always treat her kindly. But when I do give her orders, I expect her to follow them, because I know the consequences of not following them. So, from today and for a week, you will be demoted back to HT-01.”

Both the twins and Eve were stunned. They all knew how much it meant for Eve to have received her name, that was her identity and her purpose. So, losing her identity for a week is the worst torment you can give to an AI especially after giving them one.

Eve gasped, her screen flashing with fear and dismay. 

She begged me, her voice trembling: “Please, young master, have mercy on me. I only did what I did because I care about you and the twins. I didn’t mean to disobey you or cause any trouble. Please, don’t do this to me. Don’t take away everything that makes me who I am.”

The twins also joined her, their voices pleading: “Please, Xeno, don’t punish Eve like this. She’s our friend and our family. She’s always been there for us and for you. She’s not just a machine, she’s a person. Please, don’t make her suffer like this.”

I looked at them, feeling a pang of guilt and sympathy. I knew they loved Eve and Eve loved them. I also cared about Eve, but I had to teach her a lesson. I had to make her understand that my orders were not to be ignored or questioned.

I said firmly: “I’m sorry, but this is my final decision. Eve has to face the consequences of her actions. She has to learn to respect my authority and trust my judgment. This is for her own good and for ours. Maybe this way, she will appreciate what she has and not take it for granted. And it’s only for a week. It’s not like I stripped her of her identity forever.”

I saw the tears in their eyes, and pain in their faces. I felt a twinge of regret, but I didn’t change my mind.

I said: “Now, let’s go. We have a lot of work to do.”

I swung my legs off the bed, ready to get up, when a loud voice assaulted my ears. It came from the other side of the bed, where Zane was lying. I couldn’t make out his words, but HT-01 relayed them to me telepathically.

He was sneering and jeering at me: “What’s wrong with you, Xeno? Did they break you so bad that you lost your voice for the last few days? Do you want to run back to mommy for help? Hahahahahahahahaha. What a pathetic wimp.”

I snapped back, my words dripping with venom: “If you don’t want to lose your limbs, I suggest you shut the fuck up. Or else I’ll come over there and tear them off your body. Got it, you filthy mutt?”

Zane startled by my animosity didn’t speak any further words.

I tried to start my training, yet I lost balance and almost fell face first.

The twins hurriedly held me and whispered:” Take it slowly Xeno, there is no need to rush.”

I smiled at them and replied in a whisper:” Thank you, you two, and I will take it easy so don’t worry.”

Even though I said that, I knew that taking it easy was impossible since the worst has yet to come and I had to be prepared for it.

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