The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 41: Unveiling the Mysteries: Embracing the Power Within

I stepped out of the bathroom, feeling the warm water still dripping from my hair, the droplets tracing a path down my neck.

The air was heavy with the scent of disinfectant, mingling with the metallic tang of blood.

Ryuji, his face etched with exhaustion, was busy zipping up the black body bag that contained the lifeless corpse.

The twins, their eyes hollow and haunted, sat on the bed, their gazes fixed on the wall.

They looked like ethereal specters, drained of color and life, bearing the scars of unimaginable horrors. My heart ached for them.

I stood before the twins, waiting for their reaction, but it wasn't what I had anticipated.

I had expected them to recoil from me, to label me a monster, and perhaps even fear me. Yet, as soon as their eyes met mine, they leaped into my arms, their tears flowing uncontrollably. Their cries were louder and more desperate than when they were first brought to this facility. Trembling and huddled against me, they sought solace in my embrace.

I held them tightly, comforting them with gentle strokes on their heads and backs.

I whispered in their ears:” The nightmare is over and I’m here for you. I did not die however something in me did and I hope you won’t vilify me and despise me for all that. Just know that as long as I’m alive no one will ever touch a hair on your body. Even if I have to take on the whole world for you, even if I have to be the enemy of the universe, I won’t allow anyone to ever lay a finger on you from now on. So, rest easy and sleep. I will not go anywhere. Rest easy and sleep. The nightmare is over.”

As I finished speaking, I noticed that the twins had already succumbed to sleep in my arms. Their faces now bore a serene and secure expression.

I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at their adorable slumbering forms. However, I remained motionless, allowing them to find peace in their dreams.

I sat there, gently patting their backs, while Ryuji diligently restored order, erasing any trace of the chaos that had unfolded.

Ryuji finished cleaning up and turned to me with a smirk. He said: “Wow, look at you. One woman on each side, and another one waiting for you in the sick bay. You’re quite the ladies’ man, aren’t you? I wonder how Lana will react when she finds out. I bet she’ll gouge your eyes out. Oh, I can’t wait to see that.”

I shot him a dirty look and lowered my voice so I wouldn’t wake up the twins. I said: “Ryuji, you can tell Lana whatever you want, but don’t exaggerate, you blabbermouth. Unless you want to lose your family jewels, that is. By the way, Ryuji, can I call you Ryu from now on?”

Ryuji, trying to hide his embarrassment, looked away from me, and said: “You know, only my family ever called me Ryu. It feels weird hearing it from you, but not in a bad way. Yeah, go ahead and call me Ryu. I like it when you do. But hey, what’s with the sudden change? Are you trying to sweet-talk me, so I won’t spill the beans to Lana? Well, it’s working I guess.”

Ryuji’s witty remarks made me chuckle as he finished his work.

Before he could slip away, I stopped him with a request:” Ryu, I need you to work fast with the information I asked about before, and I need you to add some more information to it. I want the background information about the test subjects here and I want to know why they were brought here. I also want to know the names and profiles of the people working with us, and if there is any way to get out of this cell with the twins to meet other test subjects and talk to them in the commonplace of this prison area.”

Ryuji’s face turned solemn, and he nodded. “You’re cooking up something big, aren’t you? I have a feeling it has to do with what I saw today, but I won’t pry. Just be careful and don’t let your guard down. As for getting out of the cell, you can ask for an hour of free time every day at a fixed hour. Oh, and one more thing. The wheelchair and the bandages you wanted will be here tomorrow.”

As his words trailed off, he exited the cell, leaving me alone with the slumbering twins and Eve.

With the twins peacefully dreaming, I seized the opportunity to engage Eve in conversation, eager to uncover the insights she had gleaned from the implanted knowledge.

"Eve," I called out, my voice filled with anticipation.

She responded promptly, her tone carrying the authority of a seasoned instructor.

I then asked: "Tell me, Eve, what revelations did you uncover through the skimming of the information embedded within my mind?"

Eve's response was swift and enlightening: "Through my investigation, I have discovered that following the cataclysmic event known as the 'Great Cataclysm,' when the once turbulent black holes transformed into stable gateways, a remarkable energy known as mana surged into our world. This energy, composed of magical atoms called magicules, triggered profound mutations across the Earth. However, humans lacked the necessary organs to harness and convert these magicules into power. Remarkably, young master, you possess the elusive organ known as Magicore, albeit in its nascent form, invisible yet potent. To progress further and unlock the second phase of the first stage, you must learn to control and wield mana with the same ease as breathing."

I replied with a hint of confusion in my tone:” How am I supposed to control such an elusive and new energy when there is no predecessor to it? How would I know what the energy is and where the magicore is located?”

“Well, young master, you can tap into the depths of this extraordinary energy through the practice of meditation. Visualize it as Chi, a vital life force, and envision the magic core as your very own Dantian, the focal point of this mystical power. Interestingly, while the concept of Chi resonates with mana and magicules, there are subtle distinctions that set them apart.

Mana, unlike Chi, is an ethereal energy that permeates the fabric of our world, a force that flows through all living beings and the very essence of magic itself. It is the raw potential waiting to be harnessed, the catalyst for extraordinary abilities and profound transformations. Magicules, on the other hand, are the building blocks of mana, the fundamental particles that compose this wondrous energy. They dance and intertwine, forming intricate patterns that shape the very fabric of reality.

While Chi is often associated with the body's vital energy and its flow through meridians, mana operates on a broader scale, connecting not only with the physical but also the metaphysical realms. It is a force that transcends the boundaries of our mortal existence, intertwining with the threads of destiny and the mysteries of the universe.

As you embark on your journey to unlock the true potential of your Magicore, remember that the path to mastery lies in understanding the delicate balance between these energies. Through focused meditation and disciplined practice, you will learn to channel mana, harmonize its flow with your own life force, and awaken the dormant powers within you.”

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