The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 49: A Dance of Deception

I was shaking with rage even though I already knew the atrocities done by this organization. I would have appreciated more detailed information about this organization; however, it seems impossible for Ryuji at the moment.

As I was thinking about this, I was interrupted by loud banging at the door. I was startled since I knew it was Rick and his goons from the knocking, so I directly dove into the wheelchair that Ryuji had brought for me and acted as though I was an unresponsive puppet.

Rick entered soon after with Carlo and stared at me. However, I didn’t move, speak or even look at him when he was looking at me. I just looked into empty space, ignoring his existence. Rick looked at me with a maniacal laugh and a sarcastic tone, saying: "Look how the mighty have fallen. You deserve everything that you got, you piece of shit."

With that said Rick kicked the wheelchair I was in, causing me to fall to the floor, and started stomping on my body and head while laughing. The twins, holding their anger and frustration, mustered a smile and got into character.

Rick then proceeded to look at them and asked while confused: "Why are you smiling? That's not how you usually react. Where is the concern for Xeno that you usually show? Where is the disdain in your eyes towards me whenever I come to take him away?"

The twins looked Rick in the eyes and said simultaneously: "We don't know what you thought, however, it's survival of the fittest in this facility. Backstabbing and acting should be prevalent to all of you, isn't it?"

Rick looking more puzzled, replied to the twins: "So, that means all this time you have been acting to curry favor with this brat so that he can take your place in the experiments and torture. And all of that was done for your own survival? I can't believe this at all, do you think I'm an idiot or something?"

Hana giving the evilest of smiles I’ve seen her give looked Rick into his eyes and said:” Well you are an idiot, Rick, think about it we have been used and abused all of our lives even by our own flesh and blood. We have been even sold by our supposed foster parents to this place. So, what do you expect from people who have been used and abused all their lives? Would you expect them to trust anyone and everyone? Would you expect them to place their lives in the hands of a 17-year-old brat? If you did Rick then you are one hell of an idiot.”

“So, what you two bitches mean to tell me is that now that this piece of shit has served his purpose, he has become disposable to you? Don’t fuck with me. If your words are true then prove it.”

This time, and to my shock it was Ha-Eun who answered Rick:” And what are we supposed to do to prove it to you? Do you want us to stomp on him? Or do you want to see something else, Rick? If so hurry up and spit it out you piece of shit.”

Rick with his veins popping from anger replied with an irritated tone:” Here take this knife and stab him while he is down. If you want to prove it stab him and stab him deep.”

Ha-Eun with fast thoughts and incredible determination took the Knife from Rick’s hand and plunged it into my shoulder as deep as her hand could. She then looked at Rick with a twisted smile and said:” What did you expect of us? Did you expect us to be afraid of stabbing someone after we have already killed one person? I don’t know if Ryuji told you about what happened in this cell, however, if he didn’t, let me enlighten you. The only mistake that your dog Zane did before he died is attack us when we had broken plate shards hidden with us in case of emergencies. And guess what he died a very gruesome death with his head separated from his shoulders. So, in conclusion, Rick, take this brat and do what you want to do and fuck off because we are not in the mood to play now. We have enough on our plate with this confinement. Oh, and before I forget Rick, we’re going to ask Ryuji to let us out into the courtyard, so if you see us push this potato with us it’s just to keep up our images as good girls who take care of other people. Now if you are done, and you have seen what you wanted, leave.”

Rick sporting a flabbergasted look on his face ordered Carlo to pick me up and place me again in the wheelchair with the knife still stuck in my shoulder and blood oozing out of it, they then proceeded to leave dragging me along to the torture room.

However, before Rick left, he looked toward the twins smiled blissfully, and said:” You bitches are not bad at all, maybe after this piece of shit dies you can become my lovers and we would have some fun. If you do, I would take good care of you, and you would live like queens.”

The twins disgusted by Rick and his offer, looked at him with a smile, and then Hana proceeded to spit on the ground and say:” In your dreams you sorry excuse of a man, now get the hell out we had enough of your bullshit.”

Rick smiling closed the door while leaving these words:” We will see about it. Soon you will be begging for my love and affection.”

The twins relieved by Rick’s departure, looked at each other and nodded while saying:” To where you will be going, neither heaven/hell nor the cycle of reincarnation will be able to save you.”

As Rick's footsteps faded into the distance, the twins took a moment to collect themselves, their expressions hardening with resolve. They knew that their survival depended on their strength and on Xeno, and they were prepared to face whatever awaited them in the depths of this hellish place with him.

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