The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 55: Until I Met Him

Albert’s POV:


I grew up in the depths of a poverty-stricken slum, where survival was a daily battle. With no parents, siblings, or friends to lean on, I relied solely on my own wit and determination to navigate the harsh realities of life. In the midst of the squalor, I discovered a glimmer of hope, a chance to break free from the chains that had plagued me for so long. It was an opportunity to attend a prestigious butler school, where I could learn the art of serving the elite. Without hesitation, I applied, fueled by the burning desire to transform my life. To my astonishment, the headmaster recognized my intelligence and diligence, granting me a scholarship that would forever alter the course of my destiny.

The butler school became my sanctuary, a place where dreams were nurtured and aspirations took flight. I immersed myself in the teachings, absorbing every lesson with an insatiable hunger for knowledge. From the intricacies of table settings to the art of impeccable service, I honed my skills under the watchful eyes of seasoned instructors. The days turned into nights as I poured over textbooks, practicing my craft until perfection became second nature. The camaraderie among my fellow students fueled my determination, and together, we formed an unbreakable bond, united by our shared pursuit of excellence.

When the day of graduation arrived, I stood proudly among my peers, adorned with honors and armed with a recommendation letter from the esteemed headmaster. The world lay before me like an open book, brimming with possibilities and opportunities. With my diploma in hand, I embarked on a quest to find the perfect position as a butler, eager to put my newfound skills to the test.

Fate smiled upon me when I received a call from a wealthy businessman in search of a butler for his opulent mansion. Excitement coursed through my veins as I prepared for the interview, meticulously selecting my finest suit and polishing my shoes to a mirror-like shine. Armed with my diploma and references, I entered the grand estate, my heart pounding with anticipation.

The master of the house, a distinguished gentleman with a commanding presence, greeted me warmly. His piercing gaze seemed to penetrate my very soul, assessing my character and suitability for the role. I held my breath as he introduced me to the madame of the house, a woman of ethereal beauty and charm. Her smile sent a shiver down my spine, and I couldn't help but feel a strange attraction, a magnetic pull that defied reason.

To my delight, I was offered the position. I moved into their sprawling mansion, where I was assigned to serve the master of the house, a successful businessman and philanthropist. I also took on the responsibility of looking after the master's wife and two children, who quickly became like family to me. The days were filled with a flurry of activity, from managing household affairs to attending to the family's every need. I became more than just a butler; I became a confidant, a mentor, and a father figure to the children who looked up to me with wide-eyed wonder.

But amidst the opulence and grandeur, a storm brewed beneath the surface, and that was when I reached the remarkable age pf 100. In a world where people lived well into their 300s and 400s, my wisdom and experience were highly valued. Little did I know that this newfound attention would lead me down a treacherous path.

The madame of the house, consumed by her own desires, made a brazen and inappropriate advance towards me. My heart sank, torn between loyalty and the need to protect the family I held dear. With unwavering resolve, I firmly rejected her advances, explaining that I could never betray my master, that my devotion to the family ran deep.

The madame's anger and humiliation knew no bounds. She vowed to make me pay for my rejection, to strip away everything I had worked so hard to build. She concocted a plan to ruin me, to tarnish my name and cast doubt upon my integrity. She stole valuable items from the family vault, planting them in my quarters to frame me as a thief. Fabricated evidence painted me as a rapist and a blackmailer, a vile traitor to the very ones I had served faithfully.

Confronted by the master of the house, his trust shattered, I pleaded my innocence with desperation in my voice. But he did not listen, blinded by his wife's lies and his own misguided anger. He did not bother to check the security footage that could have cleared my name, dismissing my pleas as the desperate cries of a guilty man. In that moment, my world crumbled around me, and I found myself facing a fate I could never have imagined.

The master of the house, consumed by rage and betrayal, ordered his security guards to capture me, to sell me off to an organization known for their inhumane human experimentation. I fought with every fiber of my being, my fists swinging with a determination fueled by injustice. But I was outnumbered and overpowered, my pleas falling on deaf ears.

As the stun gun struck me, darkness enveloped my senses, and I was dragged away to the depths of that wretched facility. Betrayed, my heart filled with a burning desire for justice. They thought they could break me, but little did they know that they had only ignited a fire within me.

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, as I languished in the confines of that hellish place. But with each passing day, my resolve grew stronger, my determination unyielding. I vowed to escape, expose the truth, and bring those who had wronged me to their knees. I endured the torment, and the experiments, drawing strength from the revenge I will inflict, drawing strength from the pain, suffering, and disappointment I was feeling.

However, no matter how hard I tied there was no escaping this facility and my body was getting overburdened with all the failed experimentation and torture inflicted on me.

But that all changed when he came along. He had raven hair that flowed like a dark river, and eyes that were empty pits of despair. He seemed like a shell, a lifeless puppet. But I soon learned that it was just a façade.

He rolled up to me on a wheelchair, pushed by two lively and lovely twins. He didn’t speak, but his words flashed on a screen that only the twins, him, and I could see. His first words chilled me to the bone, and left a deep impression on me: “What price would you pay for power?”

Little did I know at that time that he was the one I will call my new master, the one who will give me a new purpose, a new life, and a new family.

Little did I know at that time that he will become the master of my fate, the captain of my soul, the beginning of my empowerment.

Little did I know that he will be my new master, Xeno.

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