The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 64: The Director’s Play: A Meticulously Scripted Act

Filled with gratitude for Ryuji's unwavering trust in me, I expressed my sincere appreciation.

Then, with a sense of urgency, I addressed him directly, saying: "Hey Ryu, I almost forgot. I have a crucial letter that needs to be delivered to the scientist. Listen closely, because these instructions are the key to sealing the deal with her."

I proceeded to outline the entire conversation Ryuji would have with the scientist. I described in detail what she would say and do at each step and provided him with the appropriate responses. As I revealed my predictions, Ryuji was left speechless, his astonishment evident. He finally mustered the words: "Boss, it's not that I doubt your words, but are you absolutely certain that everything will unfold exactly as you've foreseen?"

I flashed him a wicked smile and said:” Ryu, you should learn something about me. I am the type of person who thinks about any and all possibilities all the time. I have already simulated this conversation in my mind a thousand times. I know I’m not perfect, and that some of my predictions might come out wrong. However, I’m pretty sure that all will be well with you there. I have the utmost faith in you, Ryu, so wing it if anything goes awry. Deal?”

He gave me a thumbs up and said, “You got it, boss.”

I felt lucky to have Ryuji as my reliable partner, even though he was a troublemaker and a prankster most of the time.

So, I watched him leave and sat on my bed, waiting for the outcome.


Ryuji’s POV:

As I made my way out of Xeno’s cell, my mind was consumed with one burning question: How on earth did he become so damn brilliant?

Not only did he flawlessly summarize the entire conversation I was about to have with the scientist, but he also provided me with a detailed set of instructions on what to do and speak.

He even went as far as predicting her emotional state when she would respond. Frankly, it sent shivers down my spine.

How deep did his thoughts delve? How extensively had he analyzed those around him? These questions swirled in my head as I stood before the cell where the scientist was held captive, bound and gagged.

I knocked on the door, then unlocked it with my keys, allowing myself entry. The scene inside was all too familiar. A petite and stunning woman with a bobbed mane of ginger hair, adorned with glasses. Her vibrant green eyes mirrored the leaves of a lush tree, while freckles danced across her face. She wore the lab coat of a scientist, but her appearance was marred by exhaustion and despair. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying, and her clothes were stained and disheveled.

It was clear that the weight of losing someone she held dear had taken its toll, and I couldn't help but empathize with her. However, now was not the time for contemplation. I had a mission entrusted to me by Xeno, and I had to focus.

Entering her cell, I removed the handcuffs and shackles, then gently took off the gag that silenced her. Placing a tray of food before her, along with the letter addressed to her, I set it beside a cup of water. Stepping back a few paces, I awaited her reaction. I couldn't leave the cell, as the despicable chief had strictly ordered me to prevent any possibility of her taking her own life.

If my boss's words held any truth, the unfolding scene would be nothing short of a gripping spectacle. As the scientist's eyes locked with mine, her trembling hand clutched the paper, anticipation radiating from her gaze. A tempest of rage brewed within her, ready to be unleashed. And just as my boss had foreseen, her fury erupted like a volcano.

"Are you toying with me?" she bellowed, her voice laced with frustration.

"What's the meaning of this damn letter you've given me? What does 'what price would you pay for power?' even imply? And who in their right mind would send such an ambiguous message my way? If you're here to play with my emotions and mock me, I'm in no mood. I have already lost everything I care about and have, even my life is not mine anymore…"

With those words, she crumbled into a torrent of tears, her emotions overwhelming her. Though stunned by the accuracy of my boss's prediction, I resolved to press on with the scripted response. And so, I voiced the words I was meant to say: " What was written in this letter is the whole truth. Even though it consists of a single line, a person as smart as you should have no problem understanding what’s going on. I mean who in their right mind would joke about such things in a place like this?"

Now, she would mull it over, and according to my boss's prediction, and respond with skepticism. And true to his foresight, her doubts materialized.

Confusion and disbelief danced in her eyes as she bombarded me with a barrage of questions: " Is this really the truth? How is your boss capable of giving me power? Who is he? Do I know him?"

With unwavering conviction, I assured her: "Every word I speak is the unadulterated truth. I witnessed it with my own eyes, and I wasn't the sole witness. Four others can vouch for the capabilities of my boss. And let me tell you, it transcends the realm of imagination. Even you, with your brilliance, couldn't fathom it. As for your remaining questions, the answers will reveal themselves in due time. Now, can I have your response?"

But as anticipated, she answered with denial, just as my boss had foreseen.

"There's no way your boss possesses such power. If he did, why hasn't he already destroyed this facility and escaped? Is this some sadistic torture orchestrated by the chief to further torment me? Did he send you to toy with my hopes and mock my helplessness? Get out of here! Our conversation is over."

I stood there, rendered speechless by the turn of events. Who wouldn't be? This conversation unfolded before me like a meticulously scripted act, with me and the scientist as the actors, and my boss as the director. Yet, I couldn't remain in awe. I had to deliver the final blow, the coup de grace, as my boss had instructed.

"I have neither the time nor the inclination to toy with you," I declared, mustering the most serious and resolute tone I could summon.

"I am here solely on business, under strict orders. My boss will never become the chief. I would rather die by seppuku than serve that wretched individual. The chief is merely one of our 'targets,' nothing more, nothing less. It's a pity, really. You could have had the opportunity to exact your 'revenge' and quell the seething rage and disappointment within you."

With those words, I turned my back to her and began a deliberate, measured stride toward the exit.

According to my boss, this would prompt her to enter the phase of bargaining then acceptance. And as expected, the scientist's voice echoed through the air, urgency lacing her words: "Wait! Wait! I'll give anything, even my soul. Just grant me the chance to tear that bastard apart, and I'll offer you anything."

Bingo! There it was—the line I had been eagerly awaiting, the culmination my boss had anticipated. A gleeful and malevolent smile crept across my face, hidden from her view. Pausing for a moment, I composed myself, transforming my expression into one of strict professionalism.

Then, I turned around and spoke, my voice laced with intrigue: "My boss has no interest in your soul, though he could claim it if he desired. Trust me, he possesses that power. However, what he truly desires is for you to join our family, to contribute your exceptional talents. In return, he offers you a new purpose, power, and a sense of belonging. All he asks for is loyalty, respect, and the unwavering use of your talents. So, do we have a deal?"

The scientist, elated by my words and the agreement we had reached, extended her hand, sealing our pact. But before I departed, she had one final request.

"Before you go, could you at least tell me your name and the name of our new boss?"

I chuckled, meeting her gaze, eager to witness her reaction.

"Our boss's glorious name is Xeno, and I am his right-hand man. You can call me Ryuji or Ryu, as you will soon become a part of our family."

As if the name of our boss struck a chord within her, the scientist's shocked voice reverberated: "My name is Aurora. Inform our boss that it will be an honor working with him."

To her words, I simply laughed, a sinister undertone accompanying my amusement, as I locked the door behind me, leaving the cell behind.



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