The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 66: The Burden of Destiny: A Son’s Sacrifice

As I anxiously awaited Ryuji's negotiation results, Eve's voice abruptly broke the silence.

"Young master, I hate to disturb your rest, but I must remind you of something. You're just one step away from mastering chi and unlocking phase two of stage one. While we wait for Ryuji's good news, I suggest you practice relentlessly to finish this as quickly as possible. Remember, you have a family waiting for you out there. They may be safe, or they may be in trouble. But one thing is certain, young master—they need you. Where is that fire that used to burn within you? Has it dwindled? Have you forgotten about Roger?"

I snapped at Eve, releasing a killing intent that even the twins could sense, and said: "Eve, as your master, I appreciate your concern and your attempt at motivation. But never dare utter that scumbag's name in my presence. Do you think I'm oblivious to my goals? Do you think I enjoy being trapped here? Do you think a single day passes without their names haunting my thoughts? However, answer me this, Eve. What happens to a building without support? What happens to a settlement without a sturdy, towering wall?"

"It would collapse or get attacked, young master."

"Exactly. And the same fate awaits my family if I reach them unprepared. Truth be told, Eve, with each passing day, I'm convinced that I can never reunite with my mother and sister. Even if I were to end everything here and outside, I can't face them. My hands are stained and will continue to be stained with blood. I've taken lives, and I will continue to do so. I am no longer the Xeno my mother brought into this world. I am an abomination, a monster in human flesh. I refuse to taint my mother and sister with my karma. I refuse to put them in harm's way and cause them more suffering. They already believe I'm dead, so what purpose would it serve to appear before them after all this time? My duty as a son and a brother is to protect and provide, and that's exactly what I'll do. But it will all be done from a distance, where I can watch over them without causing them trouble. Do you understand what I'm saying, Eve?"

“Yes, I understand young master. I will follow your lead and obey your words.”

Even though Eve answered in that manner, I felt that there were some things she still wanted to say but held herself back from it.

I appreciated her understanding and her work, and I appreciated her for reminding me of my goals and in order not to disappoint her I went directly to work and sat in the lotus position.

My target today will be infusing my sensory organs and my brain and spinal cord with chi so that I would master chi infusion and move to phase two of stage one, which is: mana and skills.

As I prepare to embark on this journey of chi infusion, I can feel the anticipation building within me. The air crackles with energy, and I can almost taste the possibilities that lie ahead. With unwavering determination, I close my eyes and focus my mind, visualizing the intricate pathways of chi coursing through my body.

I begin by directing my attention to my sensory organs, envisioning them as conduits for the vibrant energy of chi. I imagine each sense awakening, becoming heightened and attuned to the subtlest vibrations of the world. My eyes become sharper, capable of perceiving the tiniest details and seeing beyond the surface. My ears become finely tuned instruments, capturing even the faintest whispers and discerning the true essence of sound. I feel the energy flowing through my nose, enhancing my sense of smell, allowing me to detect scents that were once imperceptible. My taste buds come alive, savoring every nuance and flavor with heightened sensitivity. And finally, I focus on my skin, feeling it become more receptive, allowing me to sense the world through touch in ways I never thought possible.

With my sensory organs infused with chi, I turn my attention to my brain and spinal cord. I visualize the energy flowing through these vital centers of my being, nourishing and empowering them. As the chi courses through my brain, I feel my thoughts becoming clearer, my mental acuity sharpening to a razor's edge. Ideas flow effortlessly, and my capacity for learning and understanding expands exponentially. The chi permeates my spinal cord, enhancing my physical coordination and granting me a heightened sense of balance and agility.

With each breath, I draw in more chi, allowing it to merge seamlessly with my being. The boundaries between myself and the energy become blurred, as if we are becoming one. I can sense the power building within me, ready to be harnessed and channeled into the manifestation of mana and skills, which means that I have succeeded in the final level of phase one.

As I was about to embark on the next phase, Eve's voice cut through the air, filled with panic: "Young master, stop right there! I've detected something unusual in your sensory organs after infusing them with chi. I strongly advise you to test them before proceeding any further."

"An abnormality, huh? Is it dangerous, or is it similar to what happened when I infused my skin with chi? I had a feeling something like this might occur ever since I learned about the 'Daimorph' mutation."

Eve replied, her voice calm and calculated: "Based on my calculations, young master, it appears to be the same mutation that occurred when the 'Daimorph' took effect after infusion. However, the outcome this time is uncertain, which is why I halted your progress until you thoroughly investigate it."

So, according to Eve, I needed to conduct experiments to uncover the results of this mutation. Yet, according to the descriptions provided by those bastards who experimented on me with the drug 'Altera,' I should experience further heightened senses and even unlock a sixth sense.

I called the twins over, sharing the news and inquiring about the duration of my meditation. Their eyes sparkled with curiosity as they asked: "Does this mean it's time for an experiment? And as for your meditation, it has lasted for four days.”

"Four days already? Did Ryuji mention me at all during his visits over the past four days?" I asked eagerly.
"Well, every time he came to deliver food, he asked about you," replied the twins.

"But when he saw you deep in meditation, he left, saying he'd talk to you when you were free."

"Then I'll catch him when he brings the food today. But for now, let's focus on experimenting and unlocking some new abilities," I said determinedly.



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