The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 7: The Sick Bay

Tears streamed down my face as I witnessed my mother and sister in anguish.

Desperate to console them, I pushed forward, but an invisible barrier held me back.

No matter how swiftly I moved, how fiercely I exerted myself, their distance remained unbridgeable.

I bellowed with all my might, my voice echoing through the air, "Mother, Sister! I'm here! Look at me, I'm right here!"

Yet, my pleas fell on deaf ears as they continued to weep, their tears flowing ceaselessly until there was nothing left.

At that moment, a chilling thought gripped me: Was this the cold embrace of death? Could I truly be gone? The notion was inconceivable. I couldn't allow myself to perish, not when I still had a duty to protect and care for them. It was far too early for me to depart from their lives.



…... “Hey Kid…. Wake up... wake up” A familiar voice pierced through the haze of my consciousness, urgently calling me to awaken.

As I struggled to open my eyes, my body drenched in sweat and my mind groggy, I found myself in an unfamiliar place.

It was a sterile white room, with beds neatly arranged along the walls, shrouded by curtains. The air carried the distinct scent of antiseptic and suffering. The patients, mostly silent, occasionally let out groans or cries of pain. Amidst this somber atmosphere, a nurse moved tirelessly, checking vitals and administering medication, her weary face attempting to offer solace through a strained smile.

Before me stood a towering figure, his jet-black hair contrasting against the light armor he wore. He carried two beautiful katanas, exuding an air of calmness and familiarity. His features bore the unmistakable traits of Japanese heritage, and his voice resonated with a sense of recognition. My gaze was drawn to the magnificent katanas at his side, adorned with intricate black and red embroideries resembling twisting vines. The handles, wrapped in red and black leather, emanated an aura of intimidation. I couldn't help but yearn to witness the blades unsheathed, knowing they must be masterpieces forged by the skilled hands of a master blacksmith.

You may wonder, in an era abundant with technological advancements, why people still clung to traditional weaponry. The answer is simple: the emergence of monsters rendered gunpowder and bullets nearly obsolete. These creatures possessed formidable defenses, with thick skin, scales, fur, or bones that could withstand the impact of most firearms. Some even boasted regenerative abilities or elemental powers, rendering them impervious to certain types of ammunition. In response, years of research yielded a new recipe for gunpowder, improved shell casings, and innovative weapons crafted from materials found in the treacherous lands infested by these monsters. Rare metals, crystals, herbs, and even parts harvested from the creatures themselves were utilized, each imbued with unique properties. The new gunpowder was more explosive, capable of penetrating deeper into the flesh of the monsters. The casings were sturdier and able to withstand higher temperatures and pressures. The swords, axes, knives, and spears forged from these materials were sharper, more durable, and exhibited resistance to thermal fluctuations and corrosion to some extent.

Yet, humanity's thirst for power remained unquenched. To gain an even greater advantage, exoskeletons were developed, enhancing speed, strength, agility, and endurance. These mechanical suits were equipped with built-in weapons and customizable gadgets, tailored to the preferences of the wearer. By combining the art of martial combat with the capabilities of the exoskeletons and wielding these upgraded traditional weapons, individuals attained unprecedented levels of power and strength.

They could engage monsters on equal or even superior terms, unleashing devastating combinations and attacks by harnessing their skills and abilities.

Using martial arts, while wearing an exoskeleton and using old-school weapons made from new materials, giving the person a tremendous increase in power and strength. They could fight against some monsters on equal or even superior terms. They could also combine their skills and abilities to create devastating combos and attacks.”


… I shifted my gaze from the gleaming katana and locked eyes with the black-haired man before me. "It seems you've just regained consciousness. That's a relief. Let me call the nurse to check on you," he said, his voice strikingly familiar. It dawned on me that he was the guard who regularly delivered my meals and repeated the same phrases each time.

After a brief wait, a petite nurse with long vibrant purple hair approached me, clad in her professional attire. She appeared slightly older than me, radiating beauty and exuding a cheerful aura. Her physique was akin to a masterpiece as if a sculptor had meticulously chiseled her form. The nurse's outfit clung tightly to her body, making it difficult for me to avert my gaze without seeing every detail.

Before I could utter a word, she spoke in a cheerful tone: "It seems your condition is stable. You passed out from the pain, but there's no internal bleeding or life-threatening injuries. You have two fractured ribs, a fractured arm, and three ripped-out nails. Even though you were also shocked using electricity there seems to be no nerve damage. To aid and hasten your recovery and regeneration, I've administered nanomachines. I'll inform the guards to leave you here for a couple of days, although I can't guarantee they'll comply, especially that sick man Rick. Hang in there, kid."

Meeting her gaze directly, I implored: "Can you please explain what's happening or provide me with some clues about my situation?"

Regretfully, she replied, "I'm sorry, kid, but we're forbidden from disclosing anything. Our lives would be at stake if we did."

"All right, then can I ask for two things, at least?" I inquired.

"If it's within my power, sure!" she responded energetically.

"Firstly, please stop calling me kid. My name is Xeno. Also, considering you're not much older than me, please refrain from treating me like a child. Additionally, it's cumbersome to address you solely by your profession, and I'm aware there are other nurses here. Could you share your name with me?" I requested.

Amused, she retorted, "Cheeky, aren't you, Xeno?" Her smile brightened the room. "Well, my name is Lana. Nice to meet ya. And yes, you're right, I'm only 20 years old, not much older than you. Now, what's the second thing you need?"

"If it's not too much trouble, I require a pen, paper, and a lighter. Can you arrange that for me? Also, please summon the guard who was here earlier and close the curtains when he arrives. Is that possible?" I inquired.

"Hmm, you're putting me in a tight spot, Xeno. But since I find you cute, I'll help you out. Just remember, nothing comes for free in this life, so I'll be asking for a favor in the future. Deal?" she proposed.

"Depends on the nature of the favor, but sure, it's a deal, Lana," I replied, maintaining a playful tone. "Hey, Lana, don't tell me the favor you want from me involves my body?" I teased.

Laughing, she responded, "You certainly have a sense of humor, even in times like these. I'm starting to like you more and more."

With that, Lana left the room momentarily, returning after a couple of minutes accompanied by the guard, who carried the requested items. As she began closing the curtains around us, I leaned in and whispered, "No matter what you hear or how much commotion I cause, please don't let anyone behind these curtains. And thank you, Lana. I owe you big time."

She smiled and gave me a reassuring nod before departing.


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