The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 72: Fueling a New Goal

Whaaaaat? What is this? This is so cool! I mean, I can’t even believe this is happening.

As I pondered in awe, I opened my eyes to find the twins staring down at me, their eyes wide with astonishment.

Taken aback, I asked them: "What's going on with you two all of a sudden? Is there something on my face?"

Hana, brimming with curiosity, looked at me with sparkling eyes and inquired: "Xeno, what was that? What was that incredible force surrounding you earlier? And why did your back glow so intensely just moments ago? You even seem taller than before! What in the world is happening? Please, Xeno, tell us! I'm practically dying from excitement!"

Force surrounding me? Taller? Back glowing? What in the world was Hana talking about?

I couldn't comprehend what Hana meant because I didn't feel any of those things, so I asked Eve to analyze my body and report any changes.

Eve then revealed that not only had I grown taller once again, but my entire body had undergone transformations. However, despite Eve's thorough search, she couldn't find any information about the glowing back. So, I took off my shirt and asked the twins to describe what they saw.

To my astonishment, the twins described a skull tattoo, etched on my back with black and gold pigment. Not only was it engraved, but it also pulsated with life.

According to the twins, the tattoo seemed to possess an eerie presence, which they, being sensitive to malevolence, could sense.

I pondered the tattoo for a while, but the only explanation I could come up with was that it must be connected to the new skills I had just acquired.

Turning back to the twins, I sat them down and recounted everything that had happened to me—the new job, the newfound skills, the mana, the revelations, and the epiphanies. I left no detail untold.

However, what came next shook me. Ha-Eun and Hana, surprisingly reaching the same conclusion, said in perfect sync: "Xeno, based on your explanation, we believe that the creator who bestowed this power upon you made you undergo a personal trial to unlock the second phase. So, can we assume that the trial of self will be different for each person? And if someone fails to overcome it, they will never be able to reach phase two or go further.”

The twins' revelation left me utterly stunned, as it perfectly aligned with my own thoughts. With a smile, I responded to them, while playfully ruffling their hair: "Wow, you two have really delved into some deep thinking there. I've been observing your progress over these months, witnessing the immense effort you've put into your training, meditation, and studies, yet your progress this time is surprising. Honestly, I'm both amazed and incredibly proud of you. Keep up the fantastic work, seriously."

I paused for a moment, then continued: "Regarding your theory, you hit the nail on the head. It's not just about hard work and meditation anymore; it's also a battle against oneself. If you can triumph over your inner demons, truly grasp the message that's meant for you, then you can proceed to phase two. However, if you fail to do so, you'll never be able to enhance or awaken your job and skills. Essentially, you'll be left as mere cannon fodder, pawns."

However, there was a nagging concern that continued to bother me. How could I possibly increase my mana reserves enough to reach stage two? Was it solely reliant on the particles in the air? If that was the case, it would take an eternity to progress. What a bummer.

Lost in my thoughts, I suddenly heard Eve's voice chiming in: "Young master, don't you remember our previous discussion? There's another way to boost your reserves—by obtaining magic gems from the monsters beyond the settlement walls. The higher the monster's rank, the larger and purer its magic gem, and the more mana it contains. So, here's the simple plan for your progress: meditate to absorb magicules from the air whenever possible and slay as many monsters as you can to absorb the mana from their gems."

Ah, my dependable partner, always there to guide me. She's truly amazing. I mean, who wouldn't adore someone like her? She consistently comes to my rescue when I'm lost, offering the most brilliant solutions. I can't express my gratitude enough towards her.

Eve, seemingly sensing my inner thoughts, appeared pleased and fell silent after providing me with the solution.

Eve's explanation ignited a fire within me, fueling a new and exhilarating goal. I envisioned myself traversing the vast expanse of Earth, embarking on a thrilling quest to hunt down menacing monsters, uncover hidden dungeons, and unearth priceless treasures. But that was not all—I yearned to forge connections between settlements, fortifying their defenses and bolstering their offenses. And let's not forget my original mission: to eradicate every last branch of "The Cult of the Damned" and seize control. It was to be a revenge-fueled adventure like no other.

With unwavering determination, I made a silent vow to share my ambitions with my loyal crew once I had secured this facility. But for now, it was time to put my skills to the test.

"You two!" I called out to the twins.

Once the twins heard my call, their faces brimmed with anticipation. They knew something extraordinary was about to unfold.

Taking my place at the center of the room, I beckoned the twins to bring me my trusted kodachis and overcoat.

As they placed the items in my hands, I focused my thoughts, uttering the words, "Soul Vault." And in an instant, something truly miraculous occurred—the kodachis and overcoat blinked out of sight, disappearing into thin air. Panic briefly gripped me, but as soon as I willed their return, they reappeared in my grasp, as if they had never left.

I was awestruck. This newfound ability meant I no longer had to fear concealing my weapons and belongings. With a simple thought, I could store any item using this extraordinary skill. The best part? I had yet to discover the limits of its capacity, leaving room for thrilling experimentation in the days to come.

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