The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 9: Lana Ivanov

After Ryuji and Rick departed, just as I was about to retrieve the paper to destroy it, Lana appeared through the curtains, her expression filled with concern. She leaned in close and spoke in a hushed voice, her face contorted with a grimace.

"I've bought you two days, and I hope it's enough time for you to recover as much as possible with the help of the nanomachines I injected into you."

Her words weighed heavily on me as tears welled up in her eyes. She took a seat on the edge of the bed and continued, her voice trembling with emotion.

"I feel sorry for you and everyone here. I've witnessed scenes that I wish I could erase from my memory—the atrocities, the suffering, the pleas of children and teenagers longing to see their loved ones, only to be denied that chance. It's truly heartbreaking."

She paused for a moment, composing herself before speaking again.

"I genuinely hope that the same fate doesn't befall you, Xeno. I truly do. However, I need to warn you, this is just the beginning. I can't go into details, but I need you to stay strong and never give up. I don't want to witness a good person like you meet a horrific end, and I don't want to see you lose that fighting spirit you possess."

Her voice cracked as she shared her own struggles.

"Today has been a terrible day for me. I watched a 12-year-old girl die before my eyes, helpless to save her. What is more vexing is that I can't quit. My family, the Ivanovs, were once respected merchants. However, one day my father was deceived, and we lost everything. He fell into depression and eventually took his own life, leaving us burdened with debt. I rushed through my nursing education, searching for the highest-paying job to repay those debts and provide a better life for my mother and younger sister. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine being thrust into this hellhole, forced to witness the senseless deaths of innocent people, young and old, in such inhumane ways. I became a nurse to save lives, not to watch them slip away... That's why, Xeno, no matter how difficult it becomes, keep fighting and never succumb to your demons or the demons within this facility. I don't know why I've shared all of this... please, forget what I said."

As she prepared to leave, I reached out and gently grasped her hand, urging her to stay. Surprise flickered across her face, but she remained by my side, not uttering a word of protest.

I locked eyes with her and spoke earnestly, "You've been through so much, haven't you? It seems like you haven't seen your family in a long time. Lana, we've faced similar hardships. I also lost my father when I was ten years old. He died protecting this settlement. The compensation my mother received wasn't enough to take care of us, so she remarried three years after his death. I never blamed her, but I always wondered why she didn't rely on me more as I grew up. I felt lonely, isolated, and untrustworthy. I poured my heart into my studies and future, hoping to support my mother and sister. But look at what happened to me. Despite feeling vexed, agitated, and angry, I will never give up. I need to go back, to take care of my family and protect them, no matter what."

As I finished speaking, I retrieved a piece of paper from under my pillow and showed it to Lana. She read the contents and looked at me in surprise.

I smiled and reassured her, "See, I never said I'm giving up, and I never will."

Her face lit up with happiness, and she suddenly hugged me, saying, "Well, I'm gonna hold ya to that promise. Besides, you still owe me. Don't you dare die before repaying your debts!"

Being enveloped in an unexpected embrace by such a stunning woman caught me off guard, causing me to flinch momentarily.

However, instead of pushing her away, I instinctively held her tightly, drawn to the warmth emanating from her. At that moment, the pain and despair that had consumed me seemed to fade into the background.

After a few minutes, I gazed at her while still locked in our embrace.  Wanting to lighten the mood, I playfully remarked, "You know, with each passing second, I'm starting to suspect that the favor you wanted to ask of me involves my body."

Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she released me, exclaiming, "You pervert! It's not like that at all!"

With a smile on her face, Lana bid her farewell and departed.

Witnessing her laughter and seeing her radiant smile provided a brief respite, allowing me to momentarily let go of my worries and find solace.

Again, I was left alone with my own thoughts, the weight of the day’s events pressing heavily upon me.

As I reflected on the chaos that had unfolded, my mind raced with questions about what lay ahead.

The enigmatic Ryuji, who had agreed to help me so easily, but whom I can’t put my finger on why he did help. The mysterious facility, where I had witnessed unspeakable horrors and also experienced them.

The torment I endured, both physical and psychological, at the hands of the ruthless Rick and his psychotic guard.

The elusive chief, who had ordered my capture and torture but also seemed to know something about me that I didn’t. And the cryptic warnings from Lana, the only person who had shown me kindness in this hellhole, about a more volatile future.

How much longer can I endure this relentless struggle? Will I find more allies in this treacherous place? And what other secrets lie in wait, ready to unravel my fragile existence?

As I drifted into slumber, the uncertainty of tomorrow loomed over me, leaving me to wonder if I would ever find respite from this never-ending nightmare.

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