The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 589 - Tsukisho-sama Chitose 14

Most of the forces under King Huai’an can be dominated by Luo Ci, and the information reported will be handed to her.

In the past five years, she has insisted on practicing martial arts. Perhaps she has a good talent. Although she is not comparable to the top masters, she can be regarded as a first-class player, and it is more than enough to protect herself.

During this period, she kept sending letters to Lingwu Villa, because she left Chu Zhi in the past, so in this life, she would write letters at intervals to explain the situation around her, as well as some interesting things that happened.

The letters she received from fragments were several thick stacks. Chu Zhi’s frequency of writing letters was consistent with hers, but the content of each letter was not much. Most of them were responses to her letters, and only occasionally talked about own business.

Chu Zhi’s days in the villa were relatively dull. Every day was nothing more than practicing martial arts and swordsmanship. There was no need to write such things down.

The only thing worth mentioning is the discovery of the villa’s spies. It took three years to clean it up completely, and it also lost some disciples.

The process of cleaning up the traitors is not easy. This dark line has been buried for more than 20 years. Many people are brothers and sisters who face each other day and night, but they have to kill each other.

Until it was completely resolved, Chu Zhi was fifteen years old, and he was depressed. Whether it was to find out the undercover identities of the people around him, or to execute them personally, it made him feel very uncomfortable.

During that time, although he continued to practice swordsmanship as usual, his mind was not as focused as before.

Some of the undercover agents who were caught were senior brothers who had taught him to practice swordsmanship, and even some of his father’s direct disciples. They escaped from the master’s class at the villa together, and the senior brothers secretly took two to be slaughtered when the kitchen was empty. The chickens, take them to open a small stove in the back mountain.

The former friendship between teachers and sects is like a joke at this time.

Even the few drowning incidents in Houshan were also done by them, just because those children listened to things they shouldn’t, they would be punished.

The villa has been lying in ambush for more than 20 years. In the past life, they had no warning. Even if they had been on guard, they could not have imagined that there were so many hidden undercover agents, even the brothers who used to be very good to them. With so many people inside, it is not surprising that Lingwu Villa was bloodbathed.

It’s not just Chu Zhi’s sullen heart, there is no sense of laughter up and down the villa, and everyone’s expression is heavy.

The martial arts field no longer had the lively laughter of the past. When the disciples in the villa were practicing swordsmanship, many people were a little absent-minded, and the swords did not have the momentum to move forward.

The sword in his hand once competed with those senior brothers and was stained with each other’s blood.

They never thought that when they really performed the martial arts they had learned, the swords were pointed at the brothers and sisters who used to be with each other day and night.

Even if he was angry and unwilling to ask hysterically, he could only get the other side’s fluttering “Draw your sword, let senior brother see your swordsmanship”.

It seems that the friendships in the past were all easily exposed on this day, and disappeared in an instant.

Chu Zhi did not explain these details to Luo Ci, but only mentioned them lightly in the letter.

It’s just that after he sent the letter, he didn’t receive a reply as often as before. For a full month and a half, he didn’t receive a letter from the capital.

Chu Zhi, who was originally depressed because of the cleanup of the traitors, became more and more annoyed because he couldn’t wait for a reply.

For the past month and a half, he has been practicing swordsmanship in the courtyard every day. In the past, every move was very powerful, but now Jianjian has a murderous aura, as if he is venting his anger at someone who has a bad heart.

He looked forward to the arrival of the letter every day, and he was about to take root in the unique post station of the villa, but there was no, it just didn’t.

Later, Chu Zhi gave up waiting for the letter and wanted to adjust his state and focus on practicing swords.

On that day, he was urging the new disciples to practice basic skills in the martial arts field. His beautiful and unusual face was covered with frost, his slender eyes were cold, and he looked very serious.

The new disciples were afraid of him, and completed the task tremblingly, for fear that this senior brother would punish them.

No one in the martial arts field dared to talk to each other, and they all tried to maintain a standard posture, for fear of being pointed out by Senior Brother Chu Zhi.

Until a young man in a disciple’s uniform ran over, out of breath, and shouted, “Senior Brother Chu Zhi, your letter!”

Then they saw that the frost on Brother Chu Zhi’s face had completely faded, and his expression had eased a lot. Although there was still some restraint on his face, the pace couldn’t help speeding up.

He took the letter and thanked the disciple who delivered the letter, then turned around and said softly to the new disciple in the martial arts field, “The rest will be taken over by other senior brothers.”

Chu Zhi resisted the urge to open the letter immediately, and only slowly opened the letter after returning to the room.

Different from the letters that were relatively flat to the touch before, this time the envelope containing the letters was a little uneven.

He took out the letter carefully, for fear of breaking it, and the letter fell out with another item. It was a small treasure bag. The embroiderer looked fairly smooth, and there were no particularly crappy stitches.

One and a half months, plus the small bag, the embroidery will not be too bad.

Chu Zhi’s eyes suddenly softened, and he slowly opened the bag, which contained a good luck charm.

Then he took the letter and read it word for word, not letting go of every word. If he didn’t know it, he might have thought he was reading it as reading comprehension.

There is a sentence in the letter, “This is the good luck charm I asked for in the hands of Master Hongming a few days ago. Good luck can make people happy. Brother, I will give you all the happiness.”

Chu Zhi’s slender hand gently squeezed the good luck charm, his eyelashes were lowered, and the previous dissatisfaction was dissipated in an instant.

Is it because he saw that he was in a low mood, so he had this lucky charm?

He even embroidered the bag himself.

He silently put the good luck charm back into the bag, carefully put the bag in the place where it is not easy to fall out, and then picked up the pen and began to write a reply.

In the winter of this year, Chu Zhi informed the husband and wife of the owner of the village, and then rushed to the capital on a horse with a suitcase on his back.

The closer we got to the capital, the colder the weather became, and snow fell in many places along the way.

With the feeling of wanting to see her, he drove all night in the wind and snow.

The snow is already a little heavy, and as far as the line of sight can be seen, there is nothing but white snow, snowflakes fall on the body, and the coolness spreads through the front of the clothes to the back.

But he didn’t feel cold, and the thought of wanting to see her took over his entire brain.

On the day we arrived in the capital, it was the day before the Lantern Festival. The capital was filled with red lanterns. The fiery red and the snow white complemented each other, forming a unique beauty of the year.

When he arrived in the capital, his horse riding slowed down. He followed the map that had been drawn for a long time, and ran towards the Huai’an Prince’s Mansion.

Arriving at the gate of the Huai’an Prince’s Mansion, Chu Zhi was covered in snow and snow, and looked a little embarrassed. He rolled over and dismounted, and said to the guard at the gate, “I’m from Lingwu Mountain Villa.”

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