The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 119

Xue Tingyan stood for a long time under Gongming, until some villagers saw him coming.

“How is Lord Xue standing here? But what’s wrong with this flag?” It is the person of the family, but now whether it is the family or the surname, everyone who sees Xue Tingyan is called Master Xue.

It seems that since he beat him up, it is not Xue Tingyan or Xue Gouzi.

Seriously, the person in front of him should be called Uncle.

There are too many people in the clan, sometimes Xue Tingyan can’t tell who is who, but I still remember, he said: “Uncle, what’s your name, I used to run in the village with bare **** and egg, you haven’t seen it before . “

The middle-aged man scratched his head and smiled, “That’s not called the old man, what’s it? The patriarch said, the middle man is the old man, so we can’t mess up with the name.”

“Tingzi Gouzi will do, what is your name?”

“Then I am still called Tingzi, how can I still call you the nickname, the old man can not be called a dog. By the way, this flag is no problem? The patriarch let us stare at it, but where there is some paint. Anything else must be reported to him immediately. “

“No, no problem, I just look at it. Uncle, I’ll go back first, turn around and talk.”

“Hey, hey.” The man looked at Xue Tingyan with a smile, and then said to himself: “Let me say that the patriarch is too serious, and he is called Master Xue, wrong, it is the court, and it is not so true. . “

Xue Tingyan slowly walked all the way to the village. Fortunately, it was half afternoon, and there was no one on the dirt road in the village. When he passed the door of the Xue patriarch’s house, he suddenly stopped and looked at the Xue family ancestral hall not far away.

At that time, he spent a few days in the village, and the clan people were so afraid of him in this way, but he was disdainful.

He actually hates these people. He has always blamed the frustration of his fate in this place. It is not here, he does not have to work hard. It is not these people. He will not suffer all that, not all this, he will not die.

So there was a decent smile on his face, but his heart was full of disgust. So the clan hoped for blessing, he took it for granted …

“Tingzi, how do you stand here, but come to your cousin, come in quickly.”

Xue Jinquan, the eldest son of Patriarch Xue.

According to seniority, Xue Tingyan called his uncle.

Xue Tingyan called Uncle Sheng, and went in. Before he walked to the hall, Patriarch Xue walked out.

“Why did you come at this time? But what did the cousin tell you before? Are you ready? Actually, don’t feel guilty. The cousin has inquired about it. This is what all the elders elsewhere have done. Let’s give them Benefits, they naturally have to give us benefits for mutual benefit. “

“Dad, let’s go inside and talk.”

“Bring my tea.” Patriarch Xue ordered.

The patriarch Xue had a jar of tea, and he was usually reluctant to drink it, so there were noble guests in the family, so that the family would make it. Now Xue Tingyan can be regarded as a noble person. Without the treatment of others, the patriarch Xue will be welcome to go out without him.

The two entered the house and sat down. Xue Tingyan sat on the right side of the upper head.

Patriarch Xue continued the previous topic: “Although you are filial piety now, you have to use money everywhere, and wait for the filial piety to go to Beijing to take the exam, to communicate on weekdays, where do you not need money? Your child is too young, what good things come to your door He even hesitated, but we are in compliance with the law. “

“Don, I am not, I am …” Xue Tingyan paused before saying, “I just don’t think it’s easy for the big guy.”

“It’s not easy for anyone, it’s not easy for you, it’s easy for someone to come out for a person? But now you are also older, and it is a master of the person. This is the idea of ​​the grandfather. The rest is up to you.”

Xue Tingyan looked at Patriarch Xue and somehow remembered Grandpa Xue.

He burst into a grin and said, “Don, don’t you think it’s okay? If they put the land in, we’ll collect it. It’s okay to pay me a rent. Forty percent is too high, and it’s two percent. I do n’t want to, just take it out and set up a village school in our village. Please ask two more gentlemen. If there are children in the village or nearby villages who want to study, just read it here. I do n’t need to give us anything to repair, just for the benefit. Hometown. “

“This–” Patriarch Xue pondered for a while.

After a while, he sighed and said, “You are a kind-hearted child. Well, the cousin didn’t say much. You can think about it. This is a lot of money, and it will be useful in the future.”

“My grandfather, I think about it.” Xue Tingdan shyly said, “Again, my family does not lack this, but the big guys are very lacking.”

“Yes, since you said that, let’s do it.”

After discussing the details with the Patriarch Xue, Xue Tingyan went back.

Going back to the house, Zhaoer no longer sewed clothes, but crooked on the Kang and rubbed his waist.

Xue Tingyan walked over and reached out to knead her: “I told you to lie down and don’t sit for a long time. You must not listen, your waist hurts.”

Zhaoer lifted him a look: “It’s just to be a clothes, where is so spoiled.”

After six months of playing, Zhao’er always suffers from back pain.

Back pain after sitting for a long time and pain after lying down for a long time, especially when lying down, you have to slowly get up every time, just like a thorn in your bones. Aunt Gao all said that this was because the child was older and pressed down, and it would be fine when they were born.

Zhaoer crooked there and asked Xue Tingyan to rub his waist.

“What’s wrong? Why don’t you speak?”


“I don’t think you are right, where did you go for a walk?”

Xue Tingyan smiled: “I went to the village and went to Tang’s house.”

“Did Lord Tang ask you to do it? That’s an old fox. Don’t be sold by him. Give him back some money.”

“Your cousin is as bad as you said?”

Zhaoer changed her posture: “It’s not bad, maybe it’s a patriarch. It’s different from what we thought. Anyway, I think the cousin’s work is a bit inexplicable, and I can’t say it.”

Xue Tingyan understood what she meant, nothing more than saying that the patriarch Xue is too utilitarian, and may be the head of the clan. The patriarch Xue’s work is always based on the ‘big right’. For example, between Xue Juncai and him at the beginning, for example, seeing that he has potential, he has been helping him to suppress his family, and for example, the widow Xue has caused so much trouble just to be serious.

When dealing with such people, most people will feel uneasy. Since he can give up others for the benefit now, he will be able to give up you for the bigger picture in the future. Of course, there is no way out, just keep it so that he must rely on your advantage.

“Recently in the village and in several nearby villages, some village democrats have come to the door to donate their family land.”

Zhaoer changed his posture again: “I said, why did you think of telling me this thing today. Did the cousin give you some bad ideas, and your conscience is upset?”

This was really heart-warming. In fact, Xue Tingyan didn’t take it seriously in his mind before. He took the initiative, and it was not reasonable for others to offer. But it is not without hesitation in my heart that the later things will happen.

Zhaoerban was lying there, comfortably lying on a soft pillow: “I didn’t tell you before, but don’t do this kind of thing, everyone is not easy.”

“I pushed it.” After that, he said again: “This is a huge sum of money. Every year our family can earn a lot of money, but I pushed it. In fact, it is not a push. It just refused to give them. I pay the rent. “

“If you refuse, you will refuse.”

“It would have been possible to earn some money for the family, and in the future our family will be considered a landlord.”

“Our family does not lack this right now, it will take you to do the bad things that have lost conscience for the sake of money.”

Xue Tingyan didn’t know when to stop his hand, but went to surround her behind her and buried her face in her neck: “In this way, I have nothing to do again, I am a man at home, it should be I support my family. “

“It turns out that you are entangled, just for this? Who’s the breadwinner of our family is not the same.”

“Where can be the same, I should support you.” He said vaguely in his mouth, and his nose was so angry that she itched it, so she reached out and pushed him, but couldn’t push it away.

Zhaoer smiled and said, “You have been raised by me for so many years. Is it a little late to care about this?”

Hey, really.

So he is hypocritical?

It’s just that the grandfathers have let a woman’s family raise it, it seems that this is not the case.

In the past, Xue Tingyan just felt that he should study the merits of Guangzong Yaozu. When he had merits, there would be money. Afterwards, he would be able to spend his life at home. Now that he has achieved fame, he has become a master of the people, but he finds that he still has no money, and he still wants Zhaoer to keep him.

Xue Tingyan didn’t speak, just buried in her neck and didn’t move. Zhaoer saw him like this, and turned around to pick up his face, but he didn’t let Zhaoer look at it. The two pulled back and forth for a while before Zhaoer successfully saw his face.

His face was okay, as if he cared about it.

Zhaoer was serious now: “Why did you count down this time?”

Xue Tingyan sighed: “In the past, I always thought about merit and credit, but now I don’t think that’s the case.”

“You’ve done it. If you have money with conscience, don’t worry about those money. Besides, you are just an exalted person now, and you can’t be considered a meritorious person. You will give me honestly at home before you enter the exam Raised, “Zhaoer patted his head.

Xue Tingyan grabbed her hand: “I’m older now, don’t pat my head.”

“Just shoot.” Zhaoer grinned, and went again. Xue Tingyan grabbed her hand again, this time instead of putting it down, she put a bite in her mouth.

“His, it hurts,” Zhaoer said breathing.

“Where does it hurt?”

He hurried to see it, but Zhao Er didn’t show it to him. Finally, he avoided it. He laughed and said that he lied to him.

At that time Xue Tingyan didn’t say anything, and turned his head to figure it out.

Suddenly, I realized that even if I had a reputation, even if I became a big official, these big officials would have no money unless I went to greed.

It turned out that silver is so important that for the first time Xue Tingyan had a real feeling.

To this end, he wondered where to get the silver.

After pondering for a few days, Xue Tingyan took a piece of paper to recruit children.

“this is?”


These two prescriptions were written by Xue Tingyan for a long time. In that dream, Xue Tingyan didn’t have any hobbies. The pure-hearted person was not like a living person. He was the only one who liked to collect various recipes.

He once collected a whole box of recipes. Whoever has something to ask for a door, it is better to give money. A few times, the people who gave birth to Qiqiao Linglong were able to see it. Asking people to do things naturally suits their preferences. The better and rarer the prescription, the more Xue Shoufu likes it.

But some people have secretly observed it privately, only to see Xue Shoufu collecting recipes, but never see him use them to open stores. There is not even a store that hangs someone else’s name. Many people are very puzzled about what Xue Shoufu is doing to collect prescriptions.

Only Xue Tingyan knew that he was collecting subconsciously. Because someone once said that if she had a prescription, it would be very easy to start a business.

In that box of recipes, he often fiddled with two. One is paper cubes and the other is vinegar cubes. The paper square is because the paper made with this square is white and smooth, the texture is fine, the ink is not dizzy, and it emits a light fragrance. The most important thing is that it will not be worm-eaten.

The paper is called rue paper, but the following people know his happy book, and specially came to honor. To know that books are the most afraid of worms, some readers have tried their best to prevent the books from being worms, but this kind of rutin paper can solve this problem well.

Not only does it have a texture that is not weaker than that of superior rice paper, but it also prevents worms. This is the owner of a paper workshop, and it has been developed for decades. But when it came to a terrible event, in the end he could only offer a recipe that was not yet available and changed his life.

As for the source of the vinegar recipe, he can’t remember it anymore. The reason why he often fiddles with it is that it’s nothing wrong with eating vinegar.

Xue Tingyan remembered for a long time, he only remembered these two complete prescriptions. If he knew that the prescriptions could be exchanged for silver, he would definitely read them carefully and then remember a few more.

“Where did you get the recipe?”

“It appears in the book.”

“Can this be made of paper? Can it be made of vinegar?” Zhao’er always believed a little.

Then Xue Tingyan led her to do it.

Not to mention that vinegar, Xue Tingyan in the dream once made rut paper by himself, so the general steps are understood, it depends on the specific operation. The materials were selected from Huguang ’s Pupi and Xuanzhou ’s Tan Tan, all of which were obtained from boss Dongliju Chen. Afterwards, various materials are poured into water to prepare, then hammered to remove the hard objects, made with lime water slurry, and then the materials are cooked and washed.

To wash the material three times, the next two are boiled and washed with grass and gray water, and finally pounded into a pulp with carambola vine water, and the rutin herb pulp that Xue Tingyan found, can be copied. The paper-made curtains are made of bamboo hair as thin as hair, and the large curtains are lifted during copying. Finally, the paper is covered with the curtain and pressed. After it is formed, it is dried.

During the time when other people didn’t understand, Xue Tingyan had done it himself many times.

It was only after Zhao Er discovered that he would actually do this. There are different ways. Xue Tingwan explained it in the college.

After the paper was made, it was more than ten days later.

On this day, boss Chen also came. He had long heard that Xue Tingyan was going to make paper at home, but he didn’t care. It can be seen that all the materials he wants are well-understood by insiders, and he is inevitably curious. It just happened today, thinking that I heard that Zhaoer’s hilltop view was good, so I took a car to see it.

When he arrived, it was exactly when the paper was made.

In order to dry these papers, Zhaoer specially moved the kang out. The paper has been baked for a day and night. The temperature has been specially adjusted. If the temperature of the kang is too high, the paper will be browned and curled.

Xue Tingyan unveiled the next one with his own hands, holding it in his hands and watching it. Just as boss Chen came in, he asked him to come forward to see it.

“Uncle Chen, what do you think of this paper?”

Boss Chen took it, squeezed it, kneaded it in his hands, and even tore a corner to see: “White and flexible, the surface is smooth and delicate, and it looks good on the surface. But the paper also needs to see how well it receives ink.

Xue Tingyan led him to test ink.

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