The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 13

Since Xue Tingyan made up his mind to copy books, Zhaoer had no reason to object.

However, she even made a big wish to earn a lot of money in the future, and no longer let him worry about a book, not to mention here.

After Zhaoer helped him to lay out the paper, he went to find the suitable needle thread and planned to bind it after he finished writing.

Xue Tingyan smiled a little, but didn’t say anything. He wrote the pen carefully on the paper.

He intends to copy all the books he recites, because he found a problem. Since he dreamed of that, ‘Xue Tingyan’ has affected him more and more, including his own memory.

Especially all the books he has learned since he started studying. He had read the memory of that dream before. He had memories of some bibliographies in elementary schools and even universities, but the memories were extremely vague. Many of the more detailed things were forgotten.

He thought about the next reason and felt that ‘he’ seemed to be very disgusted with the memory of that period of hard study, so he always adopted an evasive attitude. In addition, the Xue Tingyan in the dream has lived for more than seventy years. Since he entered the examination, he has been addicted to official battles, but he is not attentive to his own knowledge.

After a few years, his memory is more of the ups and downs of the officialdom, the forces of the parties in the party, the speculation of the people’s hearts, rather than the original nature of a reader.

Seriously, ‘Xue Tingyan’ is not a real scholar, he is just a politician.

But it is clear that he does not need these things now, as if the young child possesses a treasure blade, he knows the meaning of these things for his future. But now all the children need is just a piece of clothing, or just food and clothing.

But these memories have begun to affect his own memories. He does n’t want to forget what he has learned. What he has to do now is to consolidate the memories, and to unite with Xue Tingyan ’s cognition and understanding of many things in advance.

The best way to integrate is to copy books.

Obviously, this yellow bamboo paper is very inferior in quality, and the writing strength should not be too light, even if the ink is uneven, and it will faint, but Xue Tingyan is like nothing, written on it like a cloud. The writing on it is full and mellow, and it is particularly magnificent.

Zhaoer held his breath and dared not speak out. His eyes fell on Xue Tingyan, who was in a diligent writing, and suddenly there was an illusion that the little man had grown up.

Xue Tingyan quickly wrote a picture, he was about to take it away to dry, Zhaoer took it quickly, and spread it carefully on the Kang. Her eyes were attracted by the words. She couldn’t tell how beautiful she felt, and she felt like a painting.

During this period, Xue Tingyan wrote another.

In this way, Xue Tingyan wrote, hiring children to dry, and the kang was covered with paper in a little while.

A three-character book can’t pass a thousand words, and Xue Tingyan quickly finished it.

He put down the pen, took a deep breath, and moved his wrist a few times. He hadn’t written words in such a high density for a long time, which was a challenge to his wrist strength.

“Actually, I can copy books to subsidize the family.” He suddenly said.

He had been thinking about this for a long time. In his dream, he only read books. He really did ‘not listen to things outside the window, and only read the books of the sages.’

The once ‘he’ was helpless and emotional about this situation, but he was more than capable and lacked strength. In addition, Zhao’er was indeed capable, and he had talents that no one else had above the business, and everything was small and small He was worried about the money, so he stopped thinking about it.

Turning around, he realized that ‘he’ was more concerned about this matter than he had imagined. Now that he can spare one or two dollars to support his family, why not give it a try.

How can a big husband be supported by a woman, only if he shelters her from the wind and rain. He didn’t understand at this time in the dream, but fortunately he understood now.

“Making money by copying books?” Zhaoer shook his head again and again: “How can that work, and it hurts and hurts my eyes.”

“How can you say it so exaggerated, you can see that I didn’t copy it in a while.” He organized all the pages into a stack and took it to Zhaoer to let her bind.

“Copying books can make money and read books, why not do it. I remember that there are bookshops in town that will find some poor scholars to help copy books and sell them. You will go to town tomorrow and give this book The shop owner saw that if it was feasible, he would help me pick up a job and try again. “

Speaking of which, he paused for a moment: “Well, I will go with you, and we will go to town together tomorrow.”

“Is this really possible?” Whenever a little man is involved, Zhao’er always suffers from hesitation.

“Something doesn’t work.”

The matter was settled. The next morning, the two got up early and did not even have breakfast at home, so they went out.

Yuqing Village is located in the next small village of Huyang Township. In fact, Huyang Township is also called Huyang Township, which is just named after the town. There are dozens of such villages under Huyang Town, and Yuqing Village is one of the larger villages.

From Yuqing Village to the town, if you walk, you need an hour. If you take a bullock cart or a mule cart, it will be faster. Every day, there are cars from the village below to the town. The bullock cart is slow and the price is low. Mule cars are expensive, and one person gets four essays, but the speed is not comparable to that of a bullock cart.

Going out of Yuqing Village, I walked to a fork in the road and went west for a while. Zhao’er and Xue Tingyan stopped and stood under the big tree by the road waiting for the bus.

Although the clothes of the two were simple, they were all neat and tidy, especially the children, even wearing a man’s clothes.

“It turns out that you have to walk from the vegetable field behind every time you go out, just to change the clothes?”

Zhaoer nodded, feeling a little guilty. But after she made the decision, she was already prepared for the worst. Fortunately, Xue Tingyan saw only a trace of surprise, but did not show much disgust.

“It’s more convenient to go out like this. You can’t recognize me as a girl’s house by this.”

Xue Tingyan pursed the corner of her mouth and glanced at her.

The young boy in front of him was so handsome, from a man’s point of view, it was slightly thinner, but he really couldn’t see the sign of his daughter’s family. After careful observation, he discovered that Zhao Er had thickened his eyebrows, and he didn’t know how to make it on his chest, but it became flat.

It seems that the little man’s eyes stayed too long on his chest, Zhao Er explained: “This is too inconvenient, so I wrapped it in cloth.”

She said very disapprovingly, as if to say what we ate at noon, but Xue Tingyan felt a violent feeling.

He recalled that dream, the pair in front of Zhaoer’s chest were very rich, he suddenly felt a sense of fear that she would be squashed, and could not help saying: “Will not be squashed?”

Zhaoer was a little surprised, but she didn’t think about it so much, she said: “When it’s squashed, it’s squashed. It’s useless anyway.”

As she was saying, she saw a mule car not far away, and she beckoned over there. Naturally, she did not find Xue Tingyan’s expression very strange.

Seeing that he was riding a mule instead of a bullock cart, Xue Tingyan was somewhat surprised. He only knew that this mule cart was more expensive than a bullock cart. Zhaoer gave the car money and pulled him into the car: “This car is faster and will arrive in a moment.” In fact, Zhaoer is afraid that he will not be able to bear the bumps of the bullock cart when he is seriously ill.

The middle-aged man who drove the car smiled and said: “Little brother has insight, this car is not only fast, but also stable, but it is not comparable to a bullock cart. By the way, is this your brother?”

Xue Tingyan, known as his younger brother, turned black.

It’s no wonder that he is the younger brother of Zhao’er, and he is also dressed as a man. He is obviously thinner than Zhao’er and he is also half-headed.

Zhaoer froze for a moment and nodded with a smile: “Yeah, it’s my brother.”

In between, the middle-aged man had already driven the mule car forward.

This car is indeed much faster than a bullock cart, and it does not bumpy when running. The car will stop one or two people across the road. This special extended car can seat twelve people. The roof of the car is specially customized, and some less heavy things can be placed on it.

By the way, the biggest advantage of riding this mule is that there is a compartment to block dust, and you do n’t have to find a place to clean up yourself when you are in town.

“When I have money later, I will buy this car too.” Zhaoer couldn’t help saying to Xue Tingwan, and finally showed a little childishness.

“Will you rush?”

She froze for a while before saying: “I won’t rush, I can learn.”

The problem is that you did everything, even if you drove the car yourself, what did the man have to do? Xue Tingyan thought silently in his heart, and immediately thought that in a dream, he as a man seemed really useless.

It seems that he will learn to catch the car in the future. Xue Tingyan decided in secret.

After the mule was full of people, it finally stopped stopping halfway.

After more than a quarter of an hour, the city walls of Huyang Town can be seen from afar.

The mule car stopped not far from the city gate, and all the people on the car got out of the car, and Zhaoer took Xue Tingyan to the town.

This Huyang town is big or small, and most of them used to go to Dongshi. The most popular groceries were in Dongshi, but this time they mainly went to bookstores and went to Nanshi.

The former dynasty puts more emphasis on civility and military power. This kind of folk customs did not die out after the war in the late dynasty. On the contrary, the reason why the great emperor Taizu’s emperor was in power was a fan of the civil servant groups in the former dynasty. Is popular.

Ordinary people who are ignorant can say the last sentence. Everything is inferior and only reading is high, which can be seen.

Even if it is a small place like Huyang Town, any family with extra money in the family will send their children to private school for two years. It is best to be able to test a merit, but a few words cannot be tested, and the workmanship is cheaper.

This folk custom has caused quite a few bookstores and bookstores in the town. Like Nanshi, there is a street full of pen, ink, paper and inkstones, and there are other supporting facilities, all of which are doing business as a reader.

Although Zhaoer is not a student, she bought Xue Tingyan several times of bamboo paper, so she is familiar with the place. However, she didn’t lead Xue Tingyan to go immediately, but went to a place with a lot of food stalls, found a noodle stall, and planned to go for breakfast.

“This morning’s meal is the most important. In order to hurry, we have even delayed breakfast. The knife sharpener cuts the woodworker, and we have enough to eat.”

The boss of Zhaoerguan noodle stall asked for two bowls of pieces.

This slice is unique to Pingyang Prefecture. It is made of buckwheat noodles and sorghum noodles. It is black and red in color. It is topped with tofu fungus mushrooms. The fragrance is overflowing, which makes the saliva out of the population.

“The slices of this family are particularly delicious, you try it.”

Xue Tingyan tasted it and it was delicious.

Not to mention the craftsmanship, at least the weight is large, and the material is also enough. Unlike the meals prepared by the Xue family, you ca n’t put salt in the oil shed, and it tastes bland and tasteless.

However, the price is also expensive. Xue Tingyan finished a large bowl of grabbed slices. He gave Bawen money when recruiting children, and said that this bowl of grabbed slices was four articles. .

“Delicious?” Zhaoer still asked him when he was heading to Nanshi.

“It’s just a little expensive.”

For Xue Tingyan, it is really expensive. He has no pockets when he is young. The only chance he can get a little money in his hand is the lucky money given by Mr. Xue every year.

In his dream, these few pennies were really inappropriate, but these two strange ideas were mixed together, and Xue Tingyan felt very strange.

“What’s expensive, not expensive. You don’t come to town often, and you come back, and you will naturally take you to a meal.”

It’s really a good meal, don’t look at the errands account will not change the color, in fact, when she came to the town by herself, she was hungry and bought a bun at most.

She has never been reluctant to herself, always thinking about saving more, but she is very willing to Xue Tingyan, it is regarded as incapable. So whenever he thinks about everything in his dream, Xue Tingyan can’t believe it, and he will be a man who kills his wife.

“When I make money by copying books, I will take you to eat every day.” He couldn’t help it.

The sun had come out, and the pale golden sunlight was shining on the juvenile still slightly young face. The white face was like the finest white jade, and there were fine hairs on it. Slightly pale lips, and at this time squeezed lightly, can see that the teenager is a little uncomfortable. The eyes did not dare to look at her directly, but looked aside.

Zhao’er’s smile grew bigger and bigger, and he couldn’t help reaching out and rubbing his head: “silly dog, you can make a few money by copying a book, how can you come to eat that every day.” The expression looked spoiled.

The voice was silenced in his dark pupil, and Zhaoer reflected what he said and did.

She was a little guilty, and it was weird. She had never been afraid of a little man before. But since he got well this time, she would occasionally be afraid of him.

It must be her illusion!

She withdrew her hand, and looked left and right. Suddenly her eyes lit up and said, “Look, here you are.” As she said, she first entered the bookstore.

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