The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 138

Zhaoer subconsciously wanted to chase the past, but Honger in her arms cried.

She could only watch the anxiety of Xue Tingyan disappearing into the crowd while anxiously, while Mao Badou and Li Datian hurried to follow up and did not forget to coax her son.

Mao Badou and Li Datian soon caught up, leaving three women looking worriedly at the vast sea of ​​people.

The three of them walked back, and as soon as they left Chongwenmen, they met two people who made them unexpected.

It was Mao Ruyu and Hong’s mother and daughter.

After asking, I realized that I had recruited them and sent a letter to Shanxi. The first is to ask Ambassador for New Year, and the second is that there is not enough manpower. Zhaoer wants Gao Sheng or Xue Qinghuai to come over to help.

Unexpectedly, the two of the Mao family have been thinking about how well their son and daughter-in-law have been in Beijing, plus what the Dow said before, Hongs also listened. Anyway, there is a grocery store in the family. The two have only one child and one daughter. Now that the daughter is married, naturally where the son is and where the two are.

No, after the New Year, the shop was closed and packed up in Beijing.

Zhou Chen and Mao Ruyu naturally didn’t worry about their father and mother going on the road by themselves, so they personally sent them to Beijing. In addition, Gao Sheng also came, and also took Kuroko and two smart boys in the village.

Zhou Chen arrived at Jing’er Hutong. I heard that they released the list today, and Xue Tingyan and they all went out, and they found it all the way. Who ever wanted to enter Chongwenmen before Heizi suddenly ran towards the crowd. The group was anxious that Heizi was gone, and they saw Mao Badou and Li Datian.

After asking the situation clearly, Gao Sheng took people and Mao Badou to catch up with them. Zhou Chen feared that something was wrong with them and he followed.

Seeing the helper, Zhaoer’s heart immediately relaxed.

Although she also knows that if there is really anything, they will not be able to help anything when they are elevated in the capital, but the crowd is always reassuring.

Not to mention here, they returned to Jing’er Hutong, and they quickly caught up with Xue Tingyan with the other hair.

“Ting Yan! What are you doing in a hurry?”

Xue Tingyan’s head was hot for a moment, so he left alone. I thought about it when I walked out. I was afraid that they would have to worry about recruiting children, but he did n’t have time to wait for others. He could only get things done and then go back. Now that I saw Mao Badou catching up, Gao Sheng and they also came. He did not delay to greet several people one by one, and said that he had something to do, and the pace under his feet did not stop.

“It’s not just about looking for someone, I thought you were going to make a big noise at the Ritual Department.” After listening to Xue Tingyan’s words, Mao Badou relaxed.

Xue Tingyan smiled: “I don’t want to die anymore. Well, Badou, you take the ascended son and they go back first. This trip should not be too crowded.”

“Let you go alone, I don’t worry.”

Zhou Chen said aloud: “Well, you go back first, and I will be with Ting Yan.”

Zhou Chen knows how to do a lot of punches and kicks, and he often uses darts. The emergency and even the skill are much stronger than Mao Badou.

“That line, Brother Zhou, you will go with me.”

Seeing this, Mao Badou didn’t say anything, so they brought Gao Sheng back and went back.

Xue Tingyan and Zhou Chen came all the way to the champion building.

At this time, the top champion was busy, and only the people who had the good news came one after another. The front door was full of people who came to see the lively people. The two entered the crowd through the crowd, and the restaurant was more lively than outside. Three red-faced taximen stood in the middle of the lobby, surrounded by many people, probably the one who had won the Jinshi this time.

Xue Tingyan did not stay, but went to the place where he stayed.

There are also people coming and going behind, and there are residents coming in and going out from time to time, so the two are not conspicuous. As soon as I stepped into the yard, I saw someone walking with his head down, but the direction of his walk was at the back door.

Xue Tingyan pulled Zhou Chen to stop and kept seeing the man go away, the two talents followed.

Wang Xiu walked all the way, and not far behind was full of vocals.

He didn’t go to see it, and he walked forward in infinite loneliness.

Naturally he was lost, but he knew better that his current situation was not so good. Now he can only do things that haven’t fermented yet.

He arrived soon, and the black door was still closed as before. He did not dare to walk through the front door, but went to the back door.

After knocking a few times, someone opened the door, he talked to the man a few words, and was put in.

The place where Wang Xiu had been to once before was taken. It was also in this place that he suffered the greatest insult in his life and trampled on his dignity. But the form is stronger than people, he does not complain about anything, just complain that he should not go to that kind of place, and he is so obsessed with his mind that he has no way to bet against others.

When you wake up, everything is too late, and you can only let it be at your disposal.

Fortunately, it was only once, and he could come back in three years’ time. Thinking this way, Wang Xiu felt more comfortable.

The spacious and luxurious room, all furnishings are extremely luxurious. There was a recliner in the middle. From Wang Xiu’s perspective, I could only see the people in the recliner wearing soft towels, but I couldn’t see each other’s appearance.

“I have done what you asked me to do, and now it’s what you said before you fulfilled.” Wang Xiu was agitated and his eyes flickered.

The other party laughed.

It was just an extremely short laugh, but Wang Xiu heard a bit of ridicule, a little contempt, a little bit condescending. His face flushed immediately, and he was about to say something. Then he walked in from outside, with a tray in his hand, and came to him.

There was a stack of silver tickets on the tray. Wang Xiu’s eyes lit up and he grabbed the silver tickets.

The person in the recliner still didn’t speak, he said in a hurry: “Since it’s clear, I will go first.”

Wang Xiu thought that it would not be too smooth for him to leave. In fact, if there is still money in his hand, Wang Xiu would not dare to come here. He never thought that he would go out all the way, but nobody stopped him.

The black paint door closed behind him, as quiet as ever.

With a sigh of relief, Wang Xiu touched the silver ticket in his arms, and his steps were brisk. He walked out of the alley, came to the bustling street, and suddenly came face to face with an acquaintance.

“Brother Wang.”

Suddenly, Wang Xiu arched his hand: “Brother Cao.”

“Where’s Brother Wang?” The voice was not over yet, and the other party smiled clearly: “I’m also planning to go, Brother Wang, let’s go together?”

“No, I am not……”

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the other party, “Don’t stop pretending to do it, brother. I see you for a few days and I’m thinking of you. You didn’t know that I was lucky yesterday. Kill the Quartet and kill the dealer with no blood. Not only did you win back all the money you lost before, but you also won a thousand or two, even if you do n’t want to go, it ’s noon. How about I ask you to drink?

This brother Cao had a smile on his face, and he was pulling and asking. Wang Xiu couldn’t get away, and he could only go with this person.

Seeing this, Xue Tingyan sighed silently, and Zhou Chen followed again.

The two men went to a restaurant for dinner and filled a table full of dishes, and they could see that this brother Cao was not a stingy person. And it doesn’t seem to know Wang Xiu’s identity, because Xue Tingyan saw that he didn’t mention today’s announcement.

The two drank the wine and left the restaurant. Xue Tingyan and the two could only keep up. Until they saw the two enter a casino, Xue Tingyan understood why Wang Xiu had fallen into such a situation.

Xue Tingyan and Zhou Chen entered the gambling house and waited from the afternoon to the evening. Fortunately, there were people coming and going in the gambling house, but they did not attract attention. They also pretended to be a gambler during the game, Xue Tingyan also won a little more than ten or two silver, other times naturally used to stare at Wang Xiu.

Xue Tingyan watched Wang Xiu as if he was crazy, and kept drawing silver tickets from his arms, from days to gambling to night, and from days to gambling until late at night. It was thrown out of the door by the thugs in the casino.

Wang Xiu collapsed on the cold ground.

In the early days of March, it was still a bit cold. His elbow was so painful that he couldn’t get up for a while.

There was a confusion in his mind, and he couldn’t believe that he had fallen to this point, how could he be dizzy and come to this place again. As for Brother Cao or something, he was thrown behind his head long ago, and his heart was full of despair.

I didn’t know how long he had been lying, until he was shuddered for so many times that he couldn’t stand up. Only then did I find two people standing not far away.

“Wang Xiu.”

“You, are you?”

After each trial, the Ritual Department will post the undergraduate ink.

This is a consistent rule.

Especially as the ink of the undergraduate association, it will not be missed.

In front of the gate of Shuntian Gongyuan, there were many people around, but there were far fewer people than when they were listed.

Hui Yuan Wu Wenxuan’s in front of Wei Mo, the most people standing.

Wu Wenxuan’s name was widely known after his release.

Huiyuan went to the temple to try, and even if it was not good, it was also a prince who had passed on the nails. Entering the Hanlin Academy is the dream of all the readers in the world. Now that this person has easily achieved it, it is naturally enviable.

Since it is Huiyuan, it is natural to have a corresponding article that can be easily obtained. No, there are many people who come to Huiyuan.

Xue Tingyan also came.

He read the ‘Wu Wenxuan ’s test paper’ almost word-for-word and could n’t tell what was in his heart.

The reason for this is that, firstly, no one in the world is more familiar with this test paper than him, and secondly because of Wu Wenxuan.

This test paper was written by him, but now it is put under the name of Wu Wenxuan.

He thought that there must be indignation in his heart, but he did not expect to be more calm than he thought.

“Ting, Ting Yan, this is not your article. I remember you …” Mao Badou was so surprised that he didn’t rationalize his words. Xue Tingyan stepped over and covered his mouth, and shook his head at him.

The three found a place where no one was around. Mao Badou finished the following words: “I remember asking you the first question. You have said the problem and repeated it again. What the **** is going on? “

Mao Badou’s memory is amazing, which is the main reason why he has never been interested in reading before. The reason why he and Li Datian were able to move in the middle was inseparable from Lin Miao’s teaching and Xue Tingyan’s instructions to suit local conditions, so Xue Tingyan knew this very well.

Knowing not to hide, Xue Tingyan nodded bitterly.

Mao Badou only spoke for a while: “They are so bold. Not only did they buy Wang Xiu, they deliberately failed, but they dared to steal the dragon and turn the phoenix!” He paced back and forth anxiously, at first glance a little nervous. In fact, the mood of Mao Badou Li Datian can understand that his heart is no less scared than Mao Badou.

Before Xue Tingyan and Zhou Chen brought back a person, other people did not know, but Mao Badou and Li Datian recognized this as one of the five famous talents, Fujian Wang Xiu.

After Xue Tingyan brought the people back, he told them what was inside.

It turned out that Xue Tingyan went to the place where the surname was gambling and saw the clue. This is also the main reason why he went to Zhuangyuan Building for several days before. At that time, he suspected that Wang Xiu had intentionally broken his left arm.

As for why Wang Xiu is like this, it is just to find a proper reason for himself, so as to make himself fall into place for granted.

Obviously came to the exam, but he tried hard to make himself fail the exam, why?

The world is full of profits, and the world is full of profits, as is Wang Xiu, but his reasons are more complicated.

Originally, Wang Xiu was reluctant to say, but Xue Tingyan’s three words and two words made him look bloodless and terrified. Afterwards, it will naturally reveal what is in it one by one.

It turned out that Wang Xiu was also ambitious this time, but unfortunately he made a mistake during this time. When he was in contact with people, he accidentally became addicted to gambling. He obviously lost a lot of money and told himself not to go anymore, but he couldn’t control himself. The details will not be described for the time being. In short, Wang Xiu owes a lot of money to the casino.

The casino asked him to urge the debt, but he really couldn’t make it, and he threatened to explode what he owed to the gambling debt. Wang Xiu’s reputation is naturally unwilling to ruin his reputation, and the imminent examination is imminent.

Just when he had nowhere to go, someone approached him, and it was the dealer behind the surname.

The man let him deliberately test, and the other party not only paid off all his gambling debts, but also gave him a large sum of money. In desperation, he could only promise to come down.

After the test will end, he went to see the list, he really was on the list. After the last bit of luck, he began to plan for the future. He was afraid that he would be scolded by the wrong bet, and he was afraid that something would happen. Silver, they came to get money.

After that, they all knew Xue Tingyan.

But what is the relationship between Xue Tingyan’s Luodi and Wang Xiu, and even the dealer behind that?

If Wang Xiu can understand, after all, there are a lot of people who press Wang Xiu, so that the dealer will spit out such a large sum of money, he naturally refuses to buy Wang Xiu and intend to eat black.

But obviously no one pressed Xue Tingyan, they knew about Mao Badou.

The specific reason Xue Tingyan did not want to elaborate. They only knew it when they said it, so only today can we see what happened at Weimo.

“How did they do it? The guards in the tribute courtyard are strict, and the exam papers are confusing with their names. Why did they steal your papers from dragon to phoenix? And, why do they do this, and what are the benefits?” Nowhere.

But he can’t figure it out, it doesn’t mean Xue Tingyan doesn’t understand.

In that dream, ‘he’ had a lot of knowledge, and he had never seen anything before. At least he has to do it. He has no less than five ways to steal the test paper from dragon to phoenix, which is not known.

As for why those people spend so much time on Zhouzhang, they should all be on the name ‘Wu Wenxuan’.

If he was right in his dreams, this Wu Wenxuan was Wu Qian’s son and also Wu Ge’s old nephew.

Wu Jiazi’s heirs are thin, and in the older generation of Wu Ge, only he and Wu Qian brothers. But the boss of Wu Ge was doing bad things and suffered retribution. There were countless wives and concubines but only one daughter.

Wu Qian’s situation is similar to him, but Wu Qian’s daughters are many, so Wu Wenxuan is such an only son.

Wu Qian always wanted to pass on Wu Wenxuan to Wu Gelao to make him TIU, but Wu Gelao was not very willing, because Wu Wenxuan was a dude who knew nothing about fighting cockroaches. Wu Ge old self-proclaimed his name, how could he be willing to pass on such a son, it is unknown that everything from the Wu family will be given to Wu Wenxuan.

But Wu Qian never stopped thinking about it.

And he can only be considered unlucky, just like Wu Wenxuan, who also governs the Spring and Autumn Period, he will be innocently affected.

Between thoughts, countless thoughts crossed Xue Tingyan’s mind.

He breathed a sigh of relief and said: “We won’t say this for now, let’s go to Suncheon Mansion to check my exam paper.”

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