The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 17

Jiang Wu’s expression was helpless, but there was a smile in his eyes: “Okay, I can’t hear what you have done, but I don’t need it for half a point. This is after all the business you got, and I’ll help out with energy. Two eights, you two are two. “

“How can twenty-eight be successful, and you will definitely have to use your car by then. Your Daqing mule is not labor? Daqing, you see, Jiang Wuge said you are not labor, and even your rations should be deducted.”

This mule called Daqing shook his head and sniffed his nose. The meaning seemed to be that he dared to deduct my rations, so I passively let him carry it.

Zhaoer laughed and pointed at Daqing: “Look, even Daqing protested.”

Jiang Wu glanced sideways at the girl who smiled arrogantly, his eyes gleaming strangely. Fortunately, Daqing also recognized that the road was docile, otherwise he appointed three people in a car into the ditch beside the road.

Xue Tingyan behind saw this scene, his face black as the bottom of the pot.

He was both annoyed and choked, and he forgot Jiang Wu.

In that dream, Jiang Wu has been coveting children.

Jiang Wu was two years older than Zhao’er, but he never married. If Zhao Er was not his child’s daughter-in-law’s identity, it is estimated that Jiang’s family had already come to the house to raise relatives.

Even so, Jiang Wu had never given up, and once even found him in front of him, and told him that he wanted to marry a child, so that he should not be so selfish and let him move freely. He also said that he would work with Zhao’er to study with him and treat him as his brother, so he knew about it.

He was shocked and annoyed. At the same time, he remembered that Zhao’er had been reluctant to become a parent. He mistakenly thought that Zhao’er had a private relationship with Jiang Wu, so he forced her to marry her by the order of his parents. Only then did he blame her.

This incident has always been a scar between the two people, even though I never mentioned it later, but there was a diaphragm. After that, he was busy with his career, and Zhao’er was busy doing business. The two met for a long time. Even if they met, they seldom talked again.

The man in his dream had thought after Zhao Er died. If he hadn’t been so despicable at that time, by his parents’ orders, he wouldn’t die if he recruited him.

But this kind of thought is like a dragonfly, just passing in a flash. At this time, it is despicable to be in his bones. Even if he is not the Xue Tingyan in his dream, he never thought of letting go.

She should have belonged to him. When he seemed to understand something, someone always pointed at her and said, this is his future daughter-in-law, right?

“Brother Jiang Wu, you still have to look at some roads, this road is not smooth, don’t take us all into the ditch.”

Xue Tingyan’s voice successfully interrupted Jiang Wu and Zhao’er’s laughter, as if a very uninteresting person suddenly appeared, and the already warm atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

Zhaoergan laughed twice: “Look at me, I just told you about buying and selling, and I forgot that you are still catching the car. Fortunately, Daqing is smart, otherwise he will fall.”

Daqing shouted, very satisfied.

Jiang Wu glanced back subconsciously, just in front of the young boy’s dark eyes. These eyes gave him some inexplicable guilty conscience, and soon he was straightened up.

He knew that Xue’s dogs didn’t like to recruit children, and he knew that at first, the couple in the second house of Xue’s family had recruited children to be their daughters, not a child-in-law. Tong Yang’s daughter-in-law is only passed on from village to village, plus the death of the second house of Xue’s family, it became true.

Not only that, he also knew that Zhao’er only looked at each other as his brother, and did not mean to get married.

The teenager is undoubtedly thin, although he is handsome, but still a bit young on the face. Such a teenager gave the strong and powerful Jiang Wu an inexplicable sense of condescension. He smiled heartily and didn’t care: “Do not be afraid of the dog, your brother Jiang Wu can go back every day with your eyes closed.”

Xue Tingyan didn’t speak, lowering his head with his lips closed.

Seeing this, Zhaoer immediately realized that the name “Dog” made the little man uncomfortable. But to face Jiang Wu, she couldn’t put a cold face on her face, but only laughed and said, “Brother Jiang Wu, I tell you that the dog has a name, called Ting Yan, Xue Tingyan.”

“This name is elegant.”

“Yeah, so don’t call it a dog in the future, it’s strange to hear.”

During the talk, the car had reached Yuqing Village.

Jiang Wu stopped at the end of the village by inertia, and Zhaoer and Xue Tingwan got out of the car.

“When will the trade be done? You say it, I will pick you up when it’s time.”

“Aren’t you going to be busy in town, and those clothes have to be packed up, and when I’m ready, I’ll go to your house to give you a letter.”

Zhaoer also thought that it would be two days before Xue Tingyan and Xue Juncai competed, and she would have to wait for this to happen before she could think about doing business.


Once things were settled, they said goodbye to each other.

Jiang Wu drove home in a car, and Zhaoer went to home with Xue Tingyan.

Along the way, Xue Tingyan didn’t speak, but just walked silently.

Zhaoer glanced at him: “Why? It seems a bit unhappy. Did Jiang Jiangwu just call you angry? He didn’t know that you are famous. I told him that he wouldn’t do it again. So called. “

He resisted the vinegar in his heart and muttered, “How do you know him so well?”

“You said Brother Jiang Wu, we didn’t know when I was a kid. You forgot Heizi or his dog came back from a cub. Brother Jiang Wu is very nice and helped me a lot.”

Xue Tingyan did not speak and stopped.

Zhaoer walked forward for a while, only to find that he didn’t keep up.

She came back a few steps back and asked in doubt: “What the **** are you doing?”

He held his breath: “Don’t forget, you are a man.”

Zhaoer was stunned for a moment, and then smiled at him. But he only laughed and said nothing, which made Xue Tingyan angry and annoyed.

Don’t think about it, she certainly didn’t think about anything good.

Seeing his white face flushed with anger, he was busy and said, “Okay, don’t be angry, I know I have a man.”

With a teasing taste in her voice, she knew she was coaxing herself, and he jumped suddenly in his heart.

With the experience in his dream, Xue Tingyan knew that this was not a time for trouble, and besides, there was a Jiang Wuhu staring next to him. He didn’t want to repeat those experiences in his dream.

He could n’t help but reiterate: “I ’m doing it for you too, lest it be seen by the people in the village.” He did n’t dare to see her, but stared at the ground beside him. Distracted.

Seeing him confess to himself like an adult, with a fair face and a slightly childish face, he wanted to rub his head somehow.

She did the same, and said, “Well, you are right, I listen to you.”

He was even more angry, and there was a feeling of weakness and discouragement in his heart.

Why does she always treat herself as a child!

Early the next morning, Zhaoer and Xue Tingyan went out.

When Dongliju just opened the door, Xue Tingyan went to the clean room yesterday to continue reading, but Zhaoer went to the courtyard behind the shop.

She discussed with boss Chen and borrowed this place to clean up her clothes. Zhao Er had seen those clothes before, they were all old clothes. Since she wanted to make money, it was impossible to sell things badly, so she came here mainly to do this job today.

She borrowed the bamboo mats used for drying books in the shop, and poured out the large bag of clothes. They were sorted by men and women first, and then they were divided into several piles according to texture and thickness. The place.

If the hole was broken, she sewed it with the needle and thread she brought. The needlework of Zhao’er is not bad. Whatever embroidery is not good, there is nothing wrong with sewing and making clothes.

She finally cleaned up a bunch of them, looked at the sun outside, and went to the well in the courtyard to fetch water. There are wheels on the well, and it is very convenient to fetch water. Zhaoer fetched a pot of water, soaked the clothes in a large wooden tub, and rubbed it with soapy water.

After washing and rinsing, the rice soup in the kitchen is also cooked.

Although they do n’t cook in the shop, Mr. Chen always needs a place to boil water and make tea, so the shop also opened the fire, and Zhaoer borrowed the stove to cook a large pot of rice soup.

She brought out the boiled rice soup, poured it into a wooden basin, and added some water to it. Fang poured all the washed clothes in, stirring it with a stick.

Stir well, put half a cup of tea, pick up the clothes from the tub, rinse again with water.

This is the so-called pulp-washed clothes. The washed clothes are sticky, as long as they don’t fade, they look like new ones. Some exquisite people will also iron the iron, but because of the lack of that condition, Zhaoer does not intend to do so.

During this time, Mr. Chen came in and saw Zhao’er busy with the heat, pointing at the clothes in the yard and laughing, “You are good, treat me as my own place, which was originally a place of elegance, now let You made it look like a washing room. “

Nowadays, there are places like pulp washing rooms, and some people do n’t want to wash their clothes at home, they will send them to the washing room. The price is not expensive and it saves time and effort.

Knowing that boss Chen was joking with himself, Zhaoer also joked: “Until Chen Shu said that, he opened up a new idea for me. When I don’t have a business, I will go to buy a pulp washing room. Uncle Chen brought the clothes and I will not charge you to wash them. “

“Your girl, what a business man.” Boss Chen shook his head and smiled, and went back to the front.

The house where Xue Tingyan copied the book was in this courtyard, and the big window was right next to the courtyard, so every word and deed of Zhao’er was in his eyes.

He can usually be unconcerned. He is better today, he always sees her intentionally or unintentionally.

Seeing her rushing back and forth in the yard, seeing her particularly angry face in the sun, and seeing the sweat beads on her forehead, she had no thought of copying books, and only two pages were copied in the morning.

Boss Chen walked in and looked at him, and followed his gaze to Zhao’er: “It’s a blessing for your kid to have such a woman in the booth.”

Xue Tingyan did not speak.

Boss Chen said again: “Yes, where did you go to school?”

“All four books have been completed, but they only read, not understand.”

“Only reading can’t understand, can’t do it, since I have entered the university, when I started to study the Ming Scripture. However, in the kind of rural village school, many school teachers know nothing about themselves, and they can’t teach anything. You can read more when you are fine Looking at books such as “Four Books Chapters” and “Zhu Zi Ji Zhu”, although it can’t make you fully understand the scriptures, but it is somewhat helpful. The most important thing is to find a good school, and there is a good gentleman to guide you. “Boss Chen pointed out.

After a pause, he said again: “I heard Zhao’er said I wanted to send you to Qinghe Academy. Instead of spending a lot of money on that kind of place, I suggest you go to Qingyuan Academy.”

“Qingyuan Academy?” Xue Ting stunned.

Boss Chen thought he did n’t know, or was blinded by illusions like the rumors heard by those lay people, saying: “This Qingyuan School is one of the oldest in Huyang Township. It used to be famous throughout Xia County. Half of our county ’s county tests each year are from the Qingyuan Academy, and there are no longer a handful of talents in the exam. It ’s just that the Qinghe Academy has risen up in the past few years.

Boss Chen’s voice was low, seeming to sigh infinitely, and suddenly turned high, very angry: “The world is full of fame and fortune, and easy to be confused by illusions, but I don’t know that the Qinghe Academy is a method of speculation. Aspiring to be a relative of Hu county magistrate, he became inflamed and attached to him. The imperial court allocated the county to support the local social and village schools, and both of them flowed into Qinghe Academy.

“And the owner of the Qingyuan Academy is upright and unwilling to be with it. In addition, the Qingyuan Academy has a lot of preferential treatment for the children of the Hanmen. Without this silver subsidy, it can only encourage support. The county hosting the county test Ling Du looked at Qinghe Academy differently, and even the schoolchildren who wanted to enter the school flocked there. The trade-offs have only changed, and the name of Qingyuan Academy has gradually declined in recent years. “

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