The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 23: (two)

Because of these conflicts at home, it is better to divide the family early. ”

Upon hearing this, Zhaoer stopped pulling Xue Ting immediately, and stood honestly behind him listening.

Grandpa Xue was just about to say something, and was interrupted by Xue Tingyan: “Your grandpa, after listening to me, there are indeed sayings in the village that parents are not separated. At this time, outsiders will inevitably make jokes. You can only separate but not Living separately, each house manages each house, and the rest is as usual. ”

“Who is going to plant the land in that family, you plant it?” Xue Qingshan looked at him with a sneer.

Xue Tingyan smiled slightly, Cheng Cheng was in the chest: “I can grow it myself, or just go out. It can also be planted by the grandfather and the three uncles and four uncles as before, and the people who don’t work hard give food or money. No one will suffer at any price. ”

“Then do you still want to go to the town school? Separated, who offered you school?”

This matter can’t scare Xue Tingyan, he said lightly: “Since they are all separated, each has a natural destiny, and no one can complain!”

“Your kid is a set, but I don’t agree!” Xue Qingshan yelled, showing his true nature.

He never imagined that he had intended to put pressure on Mr. Xue to let him find a way to send him to school, and he would become a farce.

Xue Qingshan has self-knowledge. He never went to the ground when he was a kid. Not to mention the Yangs. He is a family of women and men. His son still has to study, and who will work in the house? Besides, he also thought about the money earned by the fourth son as a salesman, and the dead money produced on the ground alone would not be enough for the cost of a large house.

Xue Tingyan’s statement made Zhou’s and Sun’s eyes bright. Before, they only thought of selling big houses if they wanted to sell land.

Zhou’s thinking is that he will be able to be his own in the future. Sun’s thinking is to rely on men to sell goods. The family planted a few more acres of land, and the money they earned was spent on their own. That day should not be too beautiful.

Sun gave a slap and said, “The Gouzi method is good. This method is all-encompassing, and no one can say anything.”

“Sen third and fourth, do you think so?”

In the same way, Grandpa Xue has asked a second time.

His old eyes tightly pressed the two sons below, as long as Xue Qingbai and Xue Qinghuai nodded, the two women would not be able to turn the waves.

“Father!” Zhou looked at Xue Qingbai.

“Brother Huai! We are already our own, but when we want to send hairy eggs to school, we will send him wherever he goes.”

Both men were struggling.

For a long time, Xue Qinghuai wiped his face and took a step forward: “I think this method is also good.”

“Third, what about you?” Master Xue’s men consciously tightened the pot. The pot was very hot, but he didn’t feel it.

Xue Qingbai didn’t dare to lift his head, and said with a mosquito: “If you don’t, just listen to the **** son.”

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