The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 232

Zhaoer was packing up at home, and received the news that Xue Tingyan had a purpose to rescue Beijing.

She had no time to say anything, so she quickly packed up her suitcase, from clothing to herbs.

In fact, as early as on the road, Zhaoer knew that Xue Tingyan would not be able to bear it, and indeed he did not hold back. It’s a pity that she can’t do anything. She can only take the children to match him at home.

Xue Tingyan’s move into and out of Beijing surprised many people who followed him in Beijing.

What followed was the decree issued above, which named Xue Tingyan as a disaster relief mission and coordinated relief work in Henan and other places. He had a temporary decision-making power, but he did not go to court.

Along with it were five hundred Jin Yiwei, and three thousand troops of the Beijing camp.

In such a big situation, your majesty is going to make a big move, shaking for a while, and countless letters flew to all parts of the country.

In fact, Xue Tingyan was really doing a lot of work. He had ordered Taicang to prepare ten thousand stone grains just after he left Beijing and had not arrived in Tongzhou.

The Dachang Dynasty has more than 800 granaries across the country, and is divided into Jingcang, Shuicikang, and local Changping. As early as the Jin Dynasty, Tongzhou was the gathering place for grain and grain. The Grand Canal went from south to north, and Tongzhou was the end point. After the capital was moved to Beijing from the Ming Dynasty, in order to store the grain, many grain silos were built in Beijing and Tongzhou, which were collectively known as Jingtong Ercang and Taicang.

It can be said that there is no food anywhere in the world, but Taicang alone cannot lose food.

This is also the main reason why the price of food outside the country has continued to rise, but the impact on the capital has not been so great, because Taicang is supporting it.

After receiving the news, the grain officer in Taicang doubted his eyes.

To move Taicang’s grain, the imperial court had already been killed.

However, there is a large seal of disaster relief missions on the document, and he can not tolerate his unbelief, and with the document, there are Jin Yiwei people. He can only order people to adjust the grain on one side, and at the same time he quickly sends a letter to Beijing.

It’s a pity that I didn’t happen to be in a hurry. By the time the capital was closed, the gate had already been closed and I could only stay outside for a night.

The other grain officer was pressed to raise food overnight and waited until the next morning, Xue Tingyan and his party left with the grain truck. The order over the capital had not yet arrived, and the grain officer could only watch the large amount of grain being escorted away .

The news was revealed in the early dynasty, and Manchu was in an uproar.

There is no doubt about the importance of Taicang.

There are millions of people in this capital city, as well as so many officials and princes, the food consumed every day is an alarming amount.

Both Huguang and Jiangnan are in arrears, and they are too busy to care for themselves. How can there be grain transported to Beijing and also be in charge of disaster relief in nearby places. Without these two supplies, the capital would eat nothing, or it would run out of food in a few days.

Xue Tingyan was so brave that he dared to take advantage of Taicang’s food.

For a time, officials who impeached him like Jiang Zhi crucian carp.

The group was excited, filled with indignation, and hoped that it would be best to drag him back on the spot.

After the following was finished, Emperor Jiacheng on the dragon chair sneered: “Even if he took away 10,000 stones, there are still millions of stones in Taicang. Are you Aiqing afraid that there is no food available in Beijing? The victims are hungry as well? It ’s important to know that if you want to be in good health, you are hungry and cold. You are hungry or hungry, so that you do n’t have to spend money to buy Narushi ginseng Yangrong pills. “

After finishing talking, Emperor Jiacheng walked away, and the **** in charge of Zhaoyi shouted back.

The following was silent, and then dispersed.

Although the dispersal has gone, but it has not stopped, many ministers have taken a break. This time the tone has changed. Instead of holding the saying that there is no food in the capital, it is afraid that someone will follow suit and the court will be uneasy.

These folds were kept by Jiacheng Emperor.

At the other end, Xue Tingyan’s difficult journey has just begun.

The victims also communicated with each other. At first glance, the brigade sent the court to rescue the disaster. The carts of food are more valuable than the Jinshan in the eyes of the victims, all swarming with green light.

This trip together with Xue Tingyan went to the disaster relief, in addition to a township envoy of Jinyiwei, and a deputy general of Beijing Daying, the two were called Ji Chunde and Wang Lianghua.

Seeing this situation, Wang Lianghua was busy letting the soldiers and soldiers disperse the victims, even using force.

Who ever thought about it was stopped by Xue Tingyan.

“This disaster relief mainly focused on the people and letting people release grain.”

“grown ups.”

“Giving porridge on the spot and letting people tell them that we went to disaster relief this time, as long as we follow the rules and do not cause trouble, follow us and no one will starve to death.”

No one could understand what Xue Tingyan wanted to do, but he made a speech before leaving Beijing. Everything was based on the opinions of Master Xue, and Wang Lianghua could only arrange it.

There was no camping, just cooking on the barricade stove, it was also noon, and the soldiers and soldiers ate together.

The food is very simple, only gruel, there are soldiers to protest below, but Wang Lianghua has let people go down and say that everyone eats the same food.

You eat gruel, and the adults above are gruel, as do the victims.

Are you a soldier and a pawn, older than the adults above?

The soldiers could only swallow complaints and ate a bowl of gruel that could count the grains of rice.

After eating, besides shaking, you can hear the sound of water in your belly, and you are not hungry at all.

But turning his head to look at the victims, it was obviously a gruel, but it seemed that he had eaten some delicious dishes.

Many people are reluctant to eat, either by holding the elderly or children first, or by eating one bite at a time.

In a flash, it seemed to understand what.

After resting for two quarters, continue on the road.

During this period, disaster victims rushed in and out, and the ranks grew larger and larger, and more and more people knew that there were officials and lords congee. Not only one meal, but three meals a day.

So in this way, a large number of refugees and victims gradually moved away from the vicinity of the capital, actually went south along with Xue Tingyan all the way.

All the prefectures and counties along the road were staring at the movement here, and they were relieved to see that the brigade was far away.

When the news was handed back to the capital, Emperor Jiacheng sneered again: “Every corpse meal, there is no way for you to evacuate the victims, and you have a lot of worries about opening warehouses and grains. Holding the royal family’s salaries every year, you can’t help the royal government. ! “

No one can impeach Xue Tingyan at this time. Although others ask for food, the key is to do things.

All this is simple to say, but it is actually very difficult.

Disaster victims can be dealt with not only to control their stomachs and to starve to death, but also to prevent various diseases. Fortunately, after so many years, the imperial court still had some regulations on the prevention and treatment of epidemics.

In addition, although there is no food, but there are medicinal materials, Xue Tingyan deliberately took charge of a dozen vehicles of medicinal materials when he left Beijing.

He ordered the soldiers and soldiers to pay attention to the prevention and treatment of epidemics. All the water that everyone drinks must be boiled, they cannot drown anywhere, they must be dealt with in time, they should be buried on the spot, they should not pollute the water at will, and the offenders will be expelled.

But no victims dare to commit crimes.

And every day when he was cooking, he let people burn the medicine soup and distribute it, let everyone drink a bowl. There has been no epidemic in the team, which is considered a great fortune.

But at the same time, there is also a serious problem, that is, there is not much food. It seems that there are a lot of 10,000 stone grains, let alone the 3,500 soldiers. The number of victims has reached nearly 10,000, but it is just a lot of money.

Every day is three meals, two thin meals, and one dry meal, and everyone starts to lose weight. Even Xue Tingyan raised some meat, and began to lose weight to the extent visible to the naked eye.

In the evening of that day, the team made a meal and drove a carriage from a distance.

The carriage was stopped at the periphery. It was heard that it was a person from Master Xue’s family, and the soldiers were released.

It ’s Zhao Zhi.

He was alone, bringing some clothes and a food container.

He also told Xue Tingyan that his wife followed, and followed not far behind, and accompanied by a group of Xuefu guards.

Xue Ting was anxious and asked Zhao Zhi to go back and say, let Zhaoer hurry back.

Zhao Zhi came again the next day, and still brought the food. Although it was simple, it was better than that gruel. At the same time, there is also a reply from Zhao’er. She came out to inspect the business in Beizhili, and did not follow it deliberately.

Xue Tingyan wanted to push her back, but she knew she was stubborn. If she made up her mind, it would be useless for anyone to say. Even if the surface promises, what to do in the background or what to do can only be acquiesced.

But soon Xue Tingyan had no time to manage these, because he arrived at Baoding.

This Baoding Mansion is a great mansion, an important town for archers and guards, and a gateway to the capital. After leaving Baoding, he officially left Beizhili.

There are many large households and wealthy merchants in Baoding. Before that, Xue Tingyan led a large team and crossed the city without entering. This time, he changed the regulations so that after the large team camped outside the city, he brought the men of Jin Yiwei into the city.

When these people entered Baoding, some people stared all the way, so Baoding had already taken precautions.

However, Xue Tingyan only brought Jinyiwei’s people into the city. The people in Jingying did not bring them, nor did the victims bring them. Naturally, no one dared to stop them.

But I was puzzled, what on earth did this person want to do? They want food, but they have no food.

They soon knew what Xue Tingyan wanted to do.

When Xue Tingyan arrived at the Baoding Prefecture, he found Chen Maolong, the governor of the prefecture, and asked him who was the largest grain merchant and big household here.

Chen Maolong hesitated to say nothing, but also couldn’t figure out what the sent-in adults wanted to do,

Xue Tingyan sneered that if the disaster relief event was delayed, the court would not spare him first. Others stood by the side of the decree that “can be decided temporarily, not to play the court”, not to mention those who were staring at Jin Yiwei.

Chen Maolong had no choice but to report two names, and Xue Tingyan was also happy, letting him call the two to speak in the name of the prefect.

Soon, these two big households were found.

Jin Yiwei’s men carried two boxes of silver in and threw them in front of them.

“The official is in charge of the imperial court, and his majesty’s will is to provide relief to Beijing. In order to avoid being accused of oppressing the people by the imperial court, the official does not owe you credit, so according to the market price of the past two years, how much food can be exchanged for these silvers Organize. “


The two were shocked, but they dared not say anything. They could only look at Chen Maolong with straight eyes.

This Chen Maolong is a local parent officer, and he has to deal with these big households. He usually does not benefit from the other party, so he will naturally help to speak.

“Seniors are sent to owe a lot of money nowadays, and there are many places hit by disasters. The food in Baoding is also very low. Although the two of them are well-known locals, they don’t grow food. grain.”

Xue Tingyan sneered and looked at each other with cold eyes: “In what identity does Master Chen speak for the two?”

“This–” Chen Maolong didn’t expect Xue Tingyan to ask this question.

“If you are an official, you can shut up. If you are two relatives and friends, you’ll have to deal with it.” Xue Tingyan said with a smile, but no one thought he was laughing.

Only a fool can tell an outsider that he has benefited from a big household and shielded the other from the wind and rain. Chen Maolong quickly said that it was a misunderstanding.

“Since it’s a misunderstanding, that’s better. Master Chen, I’m not afraid to tell you the truth. Taicang’s grain, I don’t want to fight this official gown, I only want 10,000 stone grain. Now the victims are evacuated and relief The errands of the people are all on my own. The official is overwhelmed, but he has to do it. Simply this errand is smashed, and your majesty will want my head. You said that before I lost my head, I casually cut a few people. Will my head give birth to one more head and make people cut more times? “

This was too much to say. At first glance, I didn’t understand the meaning at all. But after careful consideration, you can understand the threat inside.

Xue Tingyan was in danger and was suffering from the lack of food. Obviously, this errand is not easy to handle. Does this person intend to break the jar?

But you left me unhappy, and I also made you unhappy, just to see if you are not upset first, or if I drop my head first, and I have a few more heads to drop.

Hu San, who was holding the imperial edict, took another step forward, Xue Tingyan looked there lightly, and then smiled at Chen Maolong, said: “Now there are tens of thousands of victims outside, and the officer originally planned to take them all the way It ’s a pity that the clever women ca n’t cook without rice, and if they do n’t have rice grains, they wo n’t follow the official, and the official will not know. ”

This is another threat.

In fact, these victims could go to the vicinity of the capital, is it not that the local officials of these prefectures along the road deliberately did so.

The safety of the local people’s livelihood is related to performance appraisal, and the performance appraisal is related to the promotion of officials. These victims are like chestnuts in the fire, and they can’t be touched. If they stay in the local area, they will inevitably become chaotic if they stay for a long time.

The imperial court will not control whether these people are local people or not, as long as you are under chaos under your rule, it is your responsibility. Therefore, once local residents are heard to be attacked, the local officials are far away. Seeing the trace, the city gate was closed, no matter if you cried, it would not open.

If they are not open, they will all go to the capital.

These are the questions that the officials below knew, but never said, and Xue Tingyan took this threat at this time.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t give food, then I don’t care about the victims. When the time comes, there will be trouble, but it is your business in Baoding.

The cold sweat on Chen Maolong’s forehead really wished he could throw out this assignment.

But only to think about it, he stared at the big people below.

The two big households were usually second to none in Baoding. Now they kneel here and no one calls them. The two officials fight each other and they are implicated.

But they were killed, and they did not dare to say that sending the adults was a blackmail.

I looked at the two boxes of silver, and if it was correct, it was twenty thousand two silver. These silvers can’t actually buy many meters. Which one of them did not save several grains in their hands.

Chen Maolong apparently had a decision, with a threat in his eyes, he was still saying a word-it was to send the **** of plague.

The two big households looked at each other, and they could only serve as gods of plague.

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