The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 259

The fifth day of the first month, also known as the break five.

After this day, all the shops on the street opened.

The sound of firecrackers can be heard from time to time, and there are more pedestrians on the road, all the clothes are new, the face is smiling, and the joy of New Year is overflowing.

Located at the corner of the street, there was a very small stall.

The main body of the stall is a small cart, which is made of bamboo poles on the shelf, and there are some colanders, purses, etc. The most are all kinds of flowers.

Two little ladles were placed behind the stall, with two children sitting on it. One big point is a male baby boy with a big head, and the small one is a girl baby. They are white and clean. Although they are wearing thick cotton-padded jackets, they do not conceal their appearance.

There are also several stalls for food in front of the street. The stall owner is doing business while not forgetting to watch the two children. When I saw the big boy, I knew that I was looking at my sister, and I knew that someone had come to the booth and asked them what they needed to buy. They couldn’t help but smile.

The children of the poor are already in charge of their own lives. It’s just that this Shijia man is not a thing. He clinks poorly, and returns as a concubine. He fights in the house every day, but he doesn’t know how to take up the duties of being a husband and father.

The owner of the wonton stall was distressed when he saw it, and asked, “Sincere boy is hungry. Uncle will give you a bowl of wontons. You and your sister will eat it first.”

The boy named Cheng Cheng looked over and said, “No, uncle, my mother has already bought breakfast for me and Xiao Tao’er.”

The proprietress who sold big cakes whispered to the man: “It’s a sin, you said that the Shijia man thought about it. He broke all the pots and pans during the Chinese New Year. This family even has problems eating.”

Her man is making pancakes in front of the pan and distracted her: “You don’t need to worry about it. If you smash it, you will smash it. You won’t have to eat it.”

“The poor are the children and the Shi family. Those two short-lived, who will worry about them.”

“Let me say that the Shi family is not stupid, anyway, I didn’t point to the family who can eat hot food, and it’s smashed when it’s smashed. It’s also lest the Shi family man fills the mouth raised by the little woman all day long when she asks for money. , But the two children couldn’t take a bite. Now, with so much lightness, the mother and child are eating out, and after eating, they go home and the two in the family care about them. “

“Also, it is sin.”

“The New Year’s Eve, sigh something, and give this cake to two small ones.

The proprietress was busy getting the hot cake and stuffing it to the two children. The two children do n’t want it, but she is still plugged in. She came back and said that the two children of the Shi family taught well, and they did n’t care what people wanted.

After a while, the wonton stall also sent bowls of wontons, and the two brothers and sisters ate in large bowls.

When Chen Xiulan returned with the steaming bun, he saw such a scene.

“Mother.” Cheng Cheng said a little anxiously.

“Eat, eat. The mother will give people money, and people don’t owe us, how can you always eat.”

Putting the buns, Chen Xiulan took the copper plate and paid to the two stalls next to it. The two stall owners did not want to say that they were for the children.

She was really embarrassed, turned her head back to her stall and took two flowers, and it was supposed to be the money.

When Chen Xiulan came back to eat the buns, Xiao Taoer wiped her mouth and said, “Mum, wonton soup is delicious.”

“Good drink mother will buy it for you tomorrow.”

“If you don’t buy it, wontons are too expensive, and your mother won’t let others eat them in vain. I won’t be able to sell a few flowers this day. We just eat buns. The buns are delicious.” Cheng said

Xiao Taoer also busy said: “Then won’t eat wonton.”

Looking at the two sensible children, Chen Xiulan’s eyes rolled in the mist, but still did not flow down.

She was afraid to scare two children.

“When the mother makes more money, she goes out to rent a house to live. When we move out and leave that place, neither of you will have to follow the mother in the winter to set up a stall.”

Shi Zhiyou quarreled with the woman and took off two children. After Cheng Cheng was beaten once, Chen Xiulan no longer left the two children alone at home.

“But can he let us move out?” He naturally refers to Shi Zhiyou.

Chen Xiulian said with a smile: “I definitely can.”

She secretly made up her mind, and when the money in her hand was enough, she quietly took the two children away.

By noon, there was no business, and when everyone saw the booth closed, Chen Xiulan also took it home.

After going back, the house was cold, and the kitchen was cold.

Today, there is only one big iron pot left in the house. She burned some hot water, and after scrubbing the two children, the mother and son returned to the house, hiding in the house, eating buns with hot water.

While eating, Shi Zhiyou broke in from the door.

“Well, you guys, stealing food from my back!”

In fact, this is no secret, but Shi Zhiyou will not take care of these things when he is full. But he had been hungry for a whole day, and naturally his eyes were hungry.

Making big fuss is to pave the way for robbing buns.

There were only four steamed buns. He was snatched by him. Chen Xiulan was useless to cry. He ate two, and the rest took back the main room.

Don’t look at him arguing with the outside room, the quarrel is noisy, and the food will not forget the other party. It is also because the other party is not like Chen Xiulan honestly. If he does n’t eat, he will call Shi Zhiyou useless, and he will make trouble with Shi Zhiyou. It is probably the only way that a woman can control him.

Chen Xiulan wiped her tears and got up from Kang, saying, “Mother will buy you again.”

“Mother, I’m going too.”

Although Jiancheng did not speak, but his eyes were horrified. Chen Xiulan knew that the two children were afraid and nodded.

The mother and son squeezed a little and quietly exited the door, the main room was quiet and silent.

The three went out together, and Chen Xiulan turned to close the door. Before turning back, he heard Cheng Cheng yelling at his uncle.


Chen Xiulan looked at the Sven man opposite with disbelief. Two cars were parked not far from here. Xu and Xue Tingyan and Zhao’er were standing there.

“Go back with me.”

Some of Chen Xiulan wanted to cry and some wanted to laugh, and finally couldn’t say a thousand words.

She lowered her head and rubbed her clothes corner: “Brother, I still don’t go anymore. Actually, I’m doing quite well.”

Chen Xiulan’s life is good, how could Chen Jian not know. Xu and Zhao’er talked about this before. When the two men came back from the palace, they came to see Chen Xiulan together. Naturally, she saw the hard work of her stall with two children and saw many of her changes.

In fact, the original intention was to let Chen Xiulan completely die for Shi Zhiyou. She wanted to see if she could come out. Fortunately, she was in desperation, and she was just a mother.

“Go home with Big Brother.”

At this time, Xu’s and Zhao’er and others also came over. Xu’s smile to Chen Xiulan, he stepped forward and hugged the sincere boy, Xiao Taoer asked Zhao’er to hug him.

“Brother, I …”

“Go away, and wait to go back for lunch,” Xu said.

“Sister-in-law, recruit sister … Sister, I’m sorry you …”

Zhao’er smiled unintentionally: “Okay, I can care about you. If I care about you, I won’t be here now. Go away, Ajian and your sister-in-law care about you every day. Both of them are not stable during the Chinese New Year. “

Just as a group of people got into the car, the closed courtyard door opened from the inside, but Shi Zhiyou heard the movement and ran out.

“Xiu Lan, Xiu Lan …”

Two entourages came up to stop him, and Chen Xiulan’s indifferent face appeared in the carriage window, and Chen Jian’s cold eyes.

“Let him write his wife’s letter.”

Then the carriage went away.

The two entourages were forced to come up with the enrollment held by Zhao’er, and were either sold as slaves or wrote a wife’s letter. I believe Shi Zhiyou would do this multiple choice question.

Of course, it is not only these who are waiting for him, but also sent to Beijing for repatriation.

In his hometown, he had no fields, no relatives, no relatives, and no skill. He could only live a poor life, and soon died in a cold winter.

However, this is a later story.

After Xue Tingyan left that time, Yin Zhan knew that if he did not handle well this time, the Yin family would be sad in the future. Since there was no way to get around, he simply tore the matter out of the court.

He had to talk about the ins and outs of the matter, only to save the fact that Xue Tingyan came to the door, and asked the Jiacheng Emperor for sin. In this case, it was naturally impossible for Jiacheng Emperor to cure his sins, but he reprimanded the man who secretly attacked the ghost.

Since then, things have gone down.

The Yin family is no longer among the heavy ministers, and the first official who fell to the New Deal has retained the name of “the last resort, the last resort” among the Shilin.

At the same time, it fell well in front of Jiacheng Emperor.

Therefore, no veteran who can stand between the two dynasties is a simple character.

It doesn’t matter if the Yin family’s affairs were caused by someone deliberately making trouble, at least this incident is a good start.

After the implementation of the New Deal in Henan, some families of officials were inevitably bear the brunt.

In view of what happened to Yin Zhan, he was afraid of being taken as a gun, so he naturally learned that the Yin family used the pretext of ‘the court’s order, as the people of Dachang, they dare not dare not follow it’, made a guise and followed the court New Deal.

Therefore, the implementation of the New Deal in Henan was very smooth, and there were few obstacles.

Following the trend, the New Deal spread from Henan to northern provinces such as Shanxi, Shandong, and Shaanxi.

With Xue Tingyan’s preparations to announce in advance, it was a triumph. Although privately, there were people scolding, but the court did not give everyone preferential treatment, but it reduced the amount of exemption.

There are various examples of the former dynasty. Is it true that the former ministers can do it? It will not be your turn. Are you still a clean official? So it can only beat teeth and swallow blood.

Everything is going in the good direction.

The time entered June, it was the hot summer day, and Chaotang was also lively like boiling oil.

This is because this year is the year of the big exam, and the country test in August of Xin Younian is about to begin. At this time, it was time for the court to send Beijing officials to the local proctors.

The various ministries and departments are all in a hustle and bustle. Officials who sent invigilation exams outside Beijing are not rated, but are required to participate in trial examinations. Anyone who is a serious jinshi, Hanlin, Liubu, Kedao, and Guozijian can all participate in the one-off trial.

Most of the trial candidates are the same examiner or deputy examiner. Most of the same examiners were selected from local officials. Since the beginning of a major fraud case ten years ago, the court was more cautious about this. Not enough to be selected by local officials.

As for the official examiners, they are generally selected from six ministers, cabinet bachelors, and senior officials in the Beijing Academy of Science and Technology. Only those with insufficient number will be selected from the trial.

However, regardless of whether he can be the master or deputy, this kind of errands made the public officials rush, and therefore the ministries and departments must have some open fights, of course, this has nothing to do with Xue Tingyan.

According to his qualifications, in fact, this time it should be within the range of trial and error, the starting point is the examiner of a province. It is a pity that when the time comes, the New Deal is at a crucial point, and he can’t spare his time.

Chen Jian had a good chance, but this time it happened.

By the way, there is Lin Miao.

But Lin Miao meant that this time he wouldn’t join in the excitement, and he was afraid that he and Chen Jian would both leave Beijing. Xue Tingyan was alone in the middle of Beijing.

But Xue Tingyan’s meaning is just the opposite. Although Lin Miao has entered the cabinet, it is the bottom of existence. Being an examiner is a good opportunity to accumulate resources, and you must not lose your money.

After Xue Tingyan’s persuasion, Lin Miao also changed his mind, but whether he could be elected at that time, it still depends on whether Jia Chengdi is willing to give him a chance.

It took a full month of trial and error to select the elected officials. However, there was no publicity about where they were appointed.

On July 15th, Lin Miao suddenly recruited Xue Tingyan and Chen Jian to Linfu.

It turned out that this time Jiacheng Emperor planned to send Lin Miao as the examiner, but only hinted at one or two. The reason why Lin Miao called the two was that they ordered Beijing-China affairs after leaving Beijing, and the second came to be a breath in advance, so that they would not be mentally prepared.

And Chen Jian is also within the scope of the election this time, that is to say, both of them must leave Beijing, and there is only one Xue Tingyan left in Beijing.

In this regard, Xue Tingwan didn’t care, and only said that the two would leave Beijing with confidence.

Although now the New Deal has entered a key place-Jiangnan area. However, there is only Jiangnan in the entire Dachang. Presumably those people will not resist the stubborn resistance. Besides, there is the Jiacheng Emperor.

Emperor Jiacheng was more attentive than himself.

Afterwards, the three discussed the matter for a second or two, and then went home.

July 18th was the day when the court announced the examiners of the provinces.

All the officials who will be selected for trial will bring their own luggage to the afternoon gate and listen to the announcement.

The examiner listened to the announcement the next day, and the cabinet issued the selected person. When he heard the announcement, he knew the location of the exam.

All officials must set off immediately after receiving the decree. They are not allowed to bring their family members, say goodbye to their relatives and friends, and must not bring too many entourages. Arriving in the province where the difference is made, the prosecutor will welcome you into the mansion immediately, and you will not be allowed to meet local officials until you enter the tribute courtyard.

In this way, Jiacheng’s 21-year college entrance examination finally began in full swing in various places.

At the same time, the township entrance examination of Shuntian Gongyuan is also on the way.

This time the Xue family has two people to refer to, it is Xue Yaohong and Wang Wei.

Before the two successfully got the name of a student, and studied in Guozijian for another year, they were quite confident in their hearts and wanted to try their hands on the next court.

In this regard, Xue Tingyan is not against it.

Can you take the exam well? In fact, not only the knowledge, but also the reaction and experience of the exam. These things cannot be taught and can only be practiced on your own.

If you fail to pass the exam, you should accumulate experience, anyway, the two are still young.

Zhao Di and Shen Ping are not in Beijing, and Wang Wei is usually in charge of Zhao Er. This time the two children came off together, and Zhaoer started to get busy again. In addition to arranging food and drink for the two, to make up their brains before the exam, they were also busy packing the luggage for the two.

This township test is different from the others. One test takes many days. The two children have not suffered hardships, and they are only 14 or 5 years old. She will inevitably be worried.

This kind of worry continued until the opening of the Shuntian Gongyuan exam and sending the two children into the tribute courtyard.

At the end of the first game, Zhaoer personally waited at the gate of Gongyuan.

Sure enough, the two children had never suffered hard, and they came out of the tribute courtyard with pale faces and vain steps.

After asking, I realized that the two were hungry.

It is also Xue Yaohong and Wang Wei who lived a prosperous life as a child. Although the two are diligent and studious, and Wen Qian is polite, they are also real four-body indifferent.

Not to mention cooking, it didn’t even burn.

Based on these, Zhao’er prepared special dry food for the two before they entered the tribute home.

It’s a pity that the weather is too hot, you can still eat on the first day, the second day is already bad. The two can only take out the small pot in the bag to cook the porridge. Fortunately, before the move, they brought the pot and rice to them just in case.

The problem is that the two won’t cook, and it’s easy to burn the fire, but it’s half-cooked, and there’s a pot that directly cooks. That is to say, in the next two days, the two of them relied on eating some boiled half-cooked porridge, which was boiled from the pickles. No wonder they would look like this.

After returning to Xue House, I first refreshed.

After the grooming was finished, Zhaoer had ordered people to prepare food for eating. They were all good, and there was not much oil and water. The two of them did not eat oil for many days, lest the oil and the meat suddenly change, causing diarrhea.

Xue Tingyan returned from the Hube and learned of all this, and ridiculously shared with the two youngsters his own experience in the early years.

I heard that my dad (uncle) was in the tribute courtyard, cooking porridge and cooking eggs and eating cakes and meat. The two teenagers were envious, and secretly sent out cruelty. After the test, they must learn to cook.

The two have foreseen that the exam was not good this time, it is really hungry and unbearable, and there is no intention to do the question.

The next day, the two entered the tribute college entrance examination for the second time, and the children were idle again.

But at this moment, the court had something wrong, and it was not a small matter.

Candidates at the Suzhou Tribute College have taken the exam.

Historically, township examinations around the country have been tested first, followed by provinces.

The time was not specifically arranged, but the Shuntian Gongyuan was in Beijing, and the examiners were admitted directly. Other localities also need to have an examiner to the local time, so it will be several days late.

But it is generally not too late, that is, the appearance of the three or five days.

As a result, Suncheon has already passed the exam, and Suzhou has not yet taken the exam.

On the day of the exam, Suzhou Gongyuan was cautious, but unfortunately the candidates refused to enter after going to the exam room, but sat quietly in front of the Gongyuan gate.

This matter attracted the attention of local officials in Suzhou. After the persuasion was invalid, the news was immediately delivered to the Beijing teachers at an expedited speed of 800 li.

Upon receiving the news, the Manchu Dynasty was in an uproar, and Emperor Jiacheng quickly summoned the officials to discuss the matter in the Qianqing Palace.

In the Qianqing Palace, Emperor Jiacheng looked ashen, sitting high on a dragon chair.

Under it stood more than twenty officials, all of them in a crimson-colored robe, all high officials and ministers.

“Zheng Yunjie, what are you talking about?”

Zheng Yunjie, who has been promoted to the Imperial Court of the Metropolitan Government, told the story about it.

In fact, the cause of the matter is very complicated. It is actually related to the New Deal, and it also has something to do with the Secretary of Civil Affairs.

At the beginning, the ritual supervision of the ritual supervisors took part in the process of levying business tax and set the pilot in Suzhou.

Suzhou has always been prosperous and prosperous. When the coastal area had not yet opened in Fu, the imperial court’s annual taxation came from Jiangnan. Among them, Su Song and the two places accounted for nearly 70% of the entire Jiangnan.

Therefore, the wealth of Suzhou is known all over the world.

The Si Li Supervisory Committee used this place as a pilot, clearly showing that it wanted to do big things and make a great contribution, so that people would not be eunuchs in advance, and they all felt that they were castration slaves.

The idea is very good, but unfortunately the situation in Suzhou is too complicated, and this is also related to the employment.

It happened to Zheng Ancheng’s son, an **** named Li Jinzhong.

This Li Jinzhong is in front of Zheng Ancheng, but the first-class figure with a face has helped Zheng Ancheng do many things over the years.

Several dry sons of Zheng Ancheng were sent to Beijing, except that Li Jinzhong had been staying by his side to serve because it was Li Jinzhong who would come and understand.

The increase of commercial tax this time is the top priority. If Zheng Ancheng is unable to do so, he can only send a confidant and choose Li Jinzhong. Li Jinzhong shot his chest straight in front of Zheng Ancheng, swearing a poison and never letting the godfather down.

In fact, Li Jinzhong is indeed loyal. The problem is that he is too loyal.

After arriving in Jiangnan, he did not go anywhere, so he went to Shanghai first and saw Shunxi who was guarding the shipping company in Shanghai. The two urged them to talk for a few days, and Li Jinzhong finally had a charter in his heart.

In Li Jinzhong’s heart, he thought Suzhou was rich. After talking with Shunxi, he felt that Suzhou was rich.

If he managed to levy the business tax levy in Suzhou, he would do a great job.

It’s a pity that this person forgot one thing. He was preconceived and felt that Suzhou was rich and was rushing to raise taxes. This errand was doomed from the beginning.

Li Jinzhong arrived in Suzhou with great ambitions, but encountered an extremely awkward situation.

The magistrate was too lazy to take care of him. He went to see others, but they also saw him, but he didn’t even reach out for the increase in business tax. The only way is not to be in his position and not to pursue his own political affairs. Besides, the matter of commercial tax is cumbersome, and others don’t understand it. Naturally, they dare not mix it up.

Li Jinzhong was repeatedly met with cold shoulders and suffered a blind eye.

It was at this time that he introduced a group of local helpers through the introduction of people. Under the idea of ​​this group of people, he started his own tax increase.

He first set up a tax office in the local area, and at the same time gave the name of the tax officer to the people he brought from Beijing. At the same time, he let these helpers participate in it and began to set up a tax tariff card in Suzhou.

Suzhou’s textile industry is the most prosperous, and Li Jinzhong has not forgotten this.

He ordered people to count all the local weavers and weavers, stipulated a charter for each loom to charge two dollars for tax and silver, and also stipulated that one satin, three tax silver, one yarn and two tax. The satin weaved must be printed by the tax officer after paying the tax before it can be sold.

At the same time, a tax card is set up at the city gate. Anyone who enters or exits the city gate must pay taxes as long as it is related to business.

For a time, people’s grievances were boiling, and many weavers had shut down due to heavy taxes.

History has been strangely overlapped here. If Li Jinzhong read the history books well, when he knew that during the Wanli period in the former dynasty, an **** named Sun Long also did almost the same thing as him, so it caused a riot in Suzhou, also known as the weaver. Change.

It is a pity that he did not know that he was happy that he was collecting more commercial taxes for the court. Especially Suzhou is rich. Many of them are in the world he has never seen in the palace. Under the guidance of those attending, he has been drunk and dreamed, and he has spent a lot of money. He does not know that Huang Quan Road has been spread under his feet.

The cause of the riot was that an attendant of the taxation office took people to weave households to collect taxes. They did not ask for money. They saw that the wife of the head of the household was beautiful and did not play with the other party for a while.

The head of the household was unbearably humiliated and immediately fought with these people.

These helpers were nothing more than a group of savages and rogues. Because of their familiarity with local affairs, Li Jinzhong was rampant in Suzhou City these days. He had long forgotten who he was, and he was so bold when he saw that the head of the household was about to beat him.

It’s a pity that it didn’t matter, and killed people.

These people were a little panicked when they saw that they had killed them. They wanted to escape on the spot, but they were caught by the wife of the head of the household. At this time, all the neighbors who heard the noise came out.

Most of these neighborhoods are weavers. In order to maintain their livelihood, the locals in Suzhou have to set up one or two looms at home, and they can change their satin to silver for a year. They can also raise a family and have a little surplus. So there are many people engaged in this business, almost every household has a loom, and every household is a weaver.

Weavers hated the tax officials, and when they saw the people killed, they fought with them.

There were many hands, and weavers killed two and wounded a few.

Seeing to provoke a lawsuit for life, these weavers simply did not do anything endlessly, summoned a large number of weavers and weavers in the city, and went to the tax office to smash them together. Tax cards were impacted everywhere, killing several tax officials, and the culprit Li Jinzhong was also killed.

The riot took place a few days before the township test. After the incident, local officials came forward and arrested several people who took trouble with the weavers, and found out the matter and reported it to the court.

It’s just that local officials are not efficient, and when this performance is sent to Beijing, it is the day of the Suzhou Gongyuan Examination. Immediately afterwards, the academician of Suzhou Gong Gong took part in the exam, and the two parts were sent to the capital.

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