The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 3

Because Xue Gouzi suddenly fainted, the Xue family turned back.

To this end, the third uncle Xue Qingbai also borrowed a bullock cart from the uncle’s house and invited the doctor to come back from the town. The doctor came to check the pulse, Xue Gouzi did not have any symptoms, and the previous disease was almost cured. Although it is a little weak now, but as long as it will be raised slowly.

As for the headache, it’s because even the doctor can’t say why.

After sending the doctor away, his grandmother Zhao’s face fell on the spot.

In her fifties, her gray hair was neatly organized behind her head. Rong Chang’s face, his eyelids collapsed a little, and his face became a triangular eye when he pulled it, and it looked particularly unacceptable.

Instead of talking to the Zhaos, the Suns said: “Zhao’er, it’s not the four aunts who say you, you girl likes to make a fuss. Could it be that you deliberately toss us all, even if you are not happy …”

Before she finished speaking, she was taken by the man Xue Qinghuai.

“Okay, just say a few words. Zhaoer is not ignorant. Besides, the dog is already ill. It’s better to find a doctor to see it. The family can rest assured.”

“I don’t say much, I don’t say anything …”

“You said …”

The couple talked while going out while pulling. Aunt Yang’s smiled to Zhao’er before she said to her mother-in-law: “Mother, let’s go too, let the dogs rest well.”

Zhao glanced at the dog on the kang, snorted, and turned away. From her posture alone, she was not angry.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The Xue family can’t be called a wealthy family. Asking a doctor to come back from the town, let’s say that they have to pay a hundred or two hundred dollars. How many times can the Xue family be tossed? ! In particular, Dr. Fang Cai ’s remarks confirmed Zhao ’s guess that Xue Gouzi was deliberately pretending to be sick, and she was surprised when she was happy.

Let the Zhaos see that the two little boys in the second room are deliberately tossing their family members, but since the eldest daughter-in-law has come forward to persuade, the Zhaos will naturally not say more.

In general, the three daughter-in-laws of the Xue family now have the heart of the Yang family who is most appreciated by the Zhao family. The identity of the boss is unusual. The Zhao family is also willing to give the daughter-in-law some face.

After Zhao and Yang left, only the third uncle Xue Qingbai and the third aunt Zhou were left in the house. These two couples are not talking much, and they didn’t stay too much. Zhaoer thought about the uncle Fang Caisan’s busy in and out and worked hard, sending them out with a smile.

When he turned his head back, he saw that Xue Gouzi seemed to have lost his mind and was lying on the kang with his eyes open, his eyes stunned.

She didn’t think about it too much. She came to Kang and touched his head: “Dog, don’t think about it. They don’t believe you are sick or have a headache. Your sister believes in you. You should take good care of your illness. “

Xue Gouzi glanced at her, her mouth dry, and her throat tightened: “Zhaoer …”

“Why? Is it uncomfortable?”

Feeling this pair of hands that are not delicate but very warm, touched his head and face, Xue Gouzi had a sense of reality and happiness that he had never had before.

She did not die, nor did he die.

Although he did not like what she did in the weekdays, and even hated her as her child-law, he never thought of letting her die, how could he be the one who killed his wife and son.

But Xue Gouzi was still very worried, because the dream was too real, after a dream of more than seventy years, as if he had also experienced that life. When the dream woke up, the sea and the turmoil were afraid to look back.

“Stroke …”


“Stroke …”


“Stroke …”

A stream of heat suddenly flowed out of the dry eyes, unconsciously.

This can scare Zhao’er, and he can’t even think about how the little man would never call her like this, let alone approach him, hugged his head in his arms, and asked him anxiously Too.

Seeing him not speaking, he just buried in his arms and cried. Zhaoer couldn’t help but misunderstand whether it was just those people who made him think again. Let Zhaoer look at it. The little man has a lot of thoughts and never speaks out, otherwise he will not get this serious illness.

She patted him on the back, holding him in her arms like he was when he was a child, and calmed down: “Do not be afraid of dogs, even if they don’t send you to read, your sister will send you, and your sister will sell you iron go with.”

Xue Gouzi was recovering from a serious illness, and experienced such a thing. After dinner, he drank some gruel and fell asleep.

Zhaoer covered him with a quilt before he sorted out the basket he had just brought back.

The back basket is filled with things like needles and cloth heads. This is the rags that Zhao Er bought in the embroidery workshop in the town. The reason why he did this business was because he used to recruit children to carry the well-made purses for the women in the village and sell them in the embroidery workshop.

There are no adults in the second room. Although the family is in charge of eating, in the end, the pen, ink, paper and ink used by Xue Gouzi to study, and the two of them usually have clothes and bedding and some bits and pieces, etc., all of which require money.

I want to pay more money from Zhao’s family than Dengtian, and although Uncle Xue Qingshan is destined to treat his nephew like a biological child, he can only see that the children in the big room are shining on the mouth, Xue Juncai never These things are missing ink, ink, paper and ink. In contrast, the little man was as thin as a bamboo pole, and a bald pen still picked up Xue Qingshan’s unused ones.

Zhaoer has always been a strong one. She was reluctant to grieve the little man, so she had to hollow her mind and find money everywhere. There was no opportunity to make money in the country, so she looked around the town, and as long as she could do it without capital, she would try to do it.

In the past few years, she has worked to collect vegetables from the village and sell them in the town. She has taken jobs from the embroidery workshop and assigned them to women with good craftsmanship in the village.

Now that the business has been done several times, Zhaoer’s mouth is sweet and thick, and the owner of Xiufang can’t rely on her to grind, so she sells her rags in bags. She took it back and sorted it out, and then let the women in the village help to make a purse or something. She could make a lot of money by changing hands in the embroidery workshop. It’s much better to earn a penny from a few wallets than just collecting the wallets made by others.

If it was n’t for making some money in this business, this time Xue Gouzi was seriously ill and did n’t know when it would be better. Zhao ’s had n’t given money to take medicine. The latter medicines were all recruited by him. I had to hide it, I was afraid to tell the Xue family and others.

Thinking of these, Zhaoer’s mouth twitched tightly.

Her hands and feet were always neat, and when she picked some usable cloth heads, she didn’t toss anymore. I chose to spread it cleanly on the square table and took scissors to cut these odd-shaped cloth heads into a uniform shape.

This is based on how much fabric is needed by Zhao Er herself to make a purse. No more, no less, she wo n’t take out these rags for people to see.

It ’s not easy for a countryman to earn a penny, and if someone knows it, he will be robbed of it by designating it in a few days.

Zhaoer also wanted to make money for the little man to go to town to study, let her see Xue Jun to go, and her little man could go too. It’s always a two-handed preparation to recruit children. She has a few big houses in her mind that won’t let that kind of good thing fall on the little man’s head.

It is better to ask for others than to rely on oneself, but to rely on oneself instead of relying on mountains and water.

When I was seven years old, I had to be exchanged for money by my grandmother and grandfather.

Zhaoer finished the work in his hand and saw that the little man was sleeping soundly, and it was dark outside, and then he wrapped the finished cloth in things and hurriedly took it out.

In the evening, the village of Yuqing was exceptionally peaceful, and the light silver moonlight fell on the village path. Although it was still unclear to the road, it was never dark.

Zhaoer came all the way and was not surprised by the dog.

This is not the ability of ordinary people, to know that this place in the countryside, almost every household has a dog. The dog is particularly alert at night, but when someone walks through the door, it barks. Even a petty thief came to the door and was surprised by the dog.

Zhaoer also walked a lot at night before he developed this ability.

Of course, it is also related to the sunspots following her legs.

Heizi is a country dog, but he is bigger than ordinary dogs. There are not many dogs in Yuqing Village who can beat Heizi, but because of the presence of heizi, he dare to walk alone at night.

It was amazing that she went to a family’s house all the way, and the other party knew she would come at this time and left her the door. As soon as she entered the door, the dog from this family rushed over, and before reaching the front, a black shadow flew over and threw the other party to the ground. The dog was immediately terrified and stopped barking.

Zhao’er was on the sidelines: “No long memory!”

At this time, a person came out of the house and smiled as he stepped forward: “This black guy is here to bully our family fortune again, and Zhaoer hurry in and sit down.”

“Sister Osmanthus, I won’t go in, and I’ll rush back.”

Zhaoer handed over the things in hand to the person who came, took some things from the other side, wrapped them in cloth, and went to the next household.

Zhaoer went to five households.

She was anxious to make money, but there were few women with good needlework in the village, and the people she was looking for had to be tight-mouthed, or the money had not yet been earned, but the village was known by the people who advertised it. Fart money.

The reason why she said this was that she had collected vegetables from the village and sold them in the town. She was preached by people who did not open the door, causing her to be pointed out all day long. She was not afraid of being directed, but these things finally reached the ears of the little man, and some villagers teased him about the matter, which caused a lot of contradictions between her and the little man. After that, she could not receive any dishes in the village, even if someone sold her, it was still expensive.

In the end, she could only go to other villages to collect vegetables. It wasn’t the effort that was spent. Since then, she has been remembered. If you want to make money, you have to make it secretly.

When Zhaoer came home, Xue Gouzi on Kang was still asleep.

She went to get some water to wash her face and wipe her hands before getting on the kang. This kang in the second room, she used to sleep with Xue Gouzi when she was young.

Heizi slept under the kang, and then recruited the child into the house. It slipped in with his feet and chose a place to lie down. It seems that the dog’s eyes have been closed, but in fact both ears are standing upright, moving from time to time.

Before Zhaoerlin lay down, he deceived him and looked at the little man, and then touched his forehead before he fell asleep.

Compared with the second room because there are so few people, there are only two rooms and one kang, the treatment of the big room is obviously much better. The three East Chambers occupied the big room. At this time, Yang was talking to Xue Qingshan in the East Room.

Yang’s recounted the day’s things today, and Xue Qingshan frowned immediately after listening.

When he was not at home in the daytime, he naturally did not know what happened at home. Nowadays, some decent people will invite Xiucai to preside over weddings and funerals, but where can villagers afford Xiucai, and some will invite children to come together.

Why are all readers, not ordinary people.

Today, Xue Qingshan was invited by a family in a nearby village to do a happy event. There is no need to say anything casually. After eating and drinking, you can still get a happy money.

However, the people in the country are poor, and the happy money will not be too much.

Xue Qingshan likes this kind of work most. At this time, he will arbitrarily publish the articles for the school children to recite, and then go out for a whole day, and no one will say anything. What he likes is not only to have money to take, but also this time when he is most proud of it.

Sitting in the position of the guest of honor, the men who came to eat the wedding wine were all proud to talk to him.

He is a childlike master!

Of course, if you can take the child away, it would be better to replace it with a talented master, Xue Qingshan would like to dream. But over the years, more or less self-knowledge, can not help but pin his hopes on his son.

Unfortunately, some people are blocking this path now.

Xue Qingshan drank a lot of wine, and his fat white face was red, and he also sighed in his heart, and then he scolded: “What kind of moth is this puppet making? It really gave him some color to start a dye shop ! “

Yang’s sighed quietly: “Who told you to agree with the second child so easily, but now we have not lost our talent in riding a tiger.”

“In the original situation, the younger man seemed honest, and he had to put his brother on his deathbed. If I knew that he was playing with such attention, I must find a way to block his mouth, but so many people On the scene, the second child was in trouble because of me. If I didn’t even agree to this, how could I stand in front of others? “

Of course Yang knows this truth, but in the end it is difficult to calm down, just for that **** promise, the big house has always tied his hands and feet, and her son wants to go to the library to study, and he has to hide and beg the other side to raise his hand.

She was an arrogant person, naturally more and more annoyed, with flashes in her eyes, but a sneer on her face: “Because he suddenly fell ill in such a scene, my dad was planning to make the decision for us, and he could only bear it. But he has been ill these days, and there is such a mess again today, the mother is already annoyed. Before that, I asked the eldest daughter-in-law to tell the mother that the dog should not be pretending to be ill. sick.”

Xue Qingshan’s eyes lit up: “It’s better to be so, I’ll go and talk to my father and mother to let them implement this matter.” He hugged Yang’s shoulder with a smile, said: “It’s still my wife’s clever , I have prepared my back early. “

Yang sneered at him, and the two of them rested together for a night without words.

The author has something to say: strokes: dogs, sister’s dogs.

Xue puppy: QAQ mother egg, you said that my psychological shadow area, I can like her in my younger life? !


Open a new round of gratification, this chapter is also 100 red envelopes. In addition, ask for a collection and put it in a recent reading. Jinjiang lost it all at once. I’m going to cry.

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