The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 30

The pile of sharp two large bowls of dishes was not finished in the end.

None of them were from wealthy backgrounds, especially Li Datian, who was used to frugality, washed the rice bowls, put the leftovers back, and said that three people can still have a meal at night. Mao Badou was terribly abandoned, and he thought about the dull dinner without saying much.

When returning to the number house, Chen Jian was still reading, and Xue Tingyan remembered that he had not seen him in the dining room before. Because it is not familiar, it is not easy to ask anything.

The three went to the water room to wash their hands and wash their noodles, and then returned to the house to take a nap.

Almost half an hour after he slept, Chen Jian was still reading.

Since then, Xue Tingyan has some understanding of this person, no matter how hard it is, it is true. Maybe it’s a bad family?

Somehow, he thought of himself once in a dream.

In the afternoon, all students were summoned to the lecture hall.

The lecture hall is very large, divided into two rooms, one on the left and one on the right, with windows on three sides, and the side without windows is the podium.

There are no tables and chairs in the hall, they all sit on the floor, and each has a short case. Because there are large windows on three sides, the light is very good, giving people a sense of clarity.

There are more than 20 students in Class B, accounting for nearly 70% of all students in Qingyuan Academy. The other ten or so students do n’t have to think about it. They are naturally in Class A, just next door.

At the podium stood a famous man in his fifties, with a thin figure and gray hair, who looked very serious. And the words were concise, and he only said that he would lead each book, and the person left.

It is the two students who are responsible for distributing the books. It still looks like an old student. It seems to be familiar with many people.

Xue Tingyan asked Mao Badou and Li Datian to find out that the original Qingyuan Academy also issued books, and they were all published in full, one in each of the four books, and another set of four chapters and sentences. It’s just that you can’t take it back. When the library closes at the end of the year, the books must be returned to the school.

They are all brought in by the old students in the museum, because they were used last year, and they are still owned by each. When it was the turn of the new students, there were only some old and dilapidated, and no one could pick them. Xue Tingyan was at the end of the team.

Both Mao Badou and Li Datian took the lead. At the first sight, the book divided by Xue Tingyan was so broken that some pages were even dropped. Mao Badou couldn’t help but bluntly said: “Is there any other, can you change it?”

The student responsible for issuing books shook his head unselfishly: “It is not the first day to come to the school, there is no change, only these.”

Mao Badou glared at each other: “He Ming, you should not have an old complaint with me, then you will distribute this set of books to the court, you ca n’t publish private enemies. ! “

“The Communist Party’s private enmity?” The student named He Ming went down the sleeves and repeated with a smile. Although he tried his best to show a look of disdain, he still showed some contempt. “As for the communique to hostile to you? You have been in school for three years and have not yet been admitted to the armour. I am hostile to you, ha ha!”

Although the students next to them all held a classmate’s friendship and laughed, but some people couldn’t help but snorted, and Mao Badou’s fat face immediately turned red.

“I He Ming is a man, but I can always stand up to the pick. The book in the box already has a master, and the master is him!”

With He Ming’s words, everyone’s eyes shifted to Chen Jian who had been standing behind silently.

He was dressed in gray short brown with patches on it. The complexion is pale and the figure is thin, which at first glance is really unremarkable. It is not only inconspicuous, but even a little buried, because his clothes look gray and sudden, as if they have not been washed, and he always does not look up at people, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

Seeing everyone looking at themselves, Chen Jian looked up at a loss.

I saw that his facial features were extremely ordinary, and they belonged to the kind that could not be found in the crowd, but it was a pair of Danfeng eyes that were very bright.

“Chen Jian is an old man, so he must be close to him first. This is the rule in our school. Don’t you forget it?”

Upon hearing this, everyone understood that there were indeed such unwritten rules in the school.

Because the Qingyuan School is gradually declining, every year it only needs to collect students to repair all the expenses of the whole school. The owner was also compassionate to the unfamiliar students, and he was reluctant to charge a high beam repair, so that the school was very poor.

In the heyday of the Qingyuan Academy, the books issued to students were all printed in the open engraving workshop. Today, there is no such condition, and most of them are transcripts. Even so, these books are very old after being used year after year.

So many students, when there are always uneven points, then a convention has been formed. The new book first tightens the students who enter the first class, and then the second class. The old students can use the new ones, and the new students should use the old ones.

Chen Jian has always been an object of exclusion in the school. I will not mention the specific reasons for the time being. He has never been within the scope of this old student and has always used the oldest and oldest books. I don’t know how he got into He Ming’s eyes this time, but he was even raised.

But thinking about what Mao Badou said, there seems to be traces. Maybe it’s really a private feud? However, this kind of private enmity in the communique can make people unreasonable.

Mao Badou had always been fighting for justice, and wanted to distinguish him from He Ming, but Xue Tingyan pulled him: “Forget it, it’s better to have a book, you really don’t have to fight for it.”

He packed the set of books in a book bag and pulled Mao Badou away. Li Datian followed.

It wasn’t until he went out that Mao Badou only said: “Ting Yan, you are pulling me to do something, he is clearly a private enemy of the communique. Because he has a quarrel with me, he retaliated against you, and pulled Chen Jian out again, trying to make We fight in the house. “

“You know, you still need to argue with him. Besides, this is the rule, it is not reasonable to argue with him.”

“But Chen Jian has always used the oldest and oldest books!”

“Why never? No one should ever!” Xue Tingyan smiled lightly on his face, but there seemed to be a little excitement in the ups and downs of words.

Xue Tingyan remembered his dream. When he first entered the Qinghe Academy, he was always the object of being bullied by others.

At that time, in order to send him to school, Zhaoer spent all the silver in his hand. Naturally, there was no excess silver to make clothes and book bags for him. Without these things that decorate the facade, Fang Rukan will be staring. Because there was no money, at first he dared to eat steamed buns and rice in the school. He didn’t dare to ask for one, so there were more people who looked down on him.

Not only because he is poor, but because Xue Jun entered school before him, there is a group of fellow classmates. The fact that he has a child-raising daughter-in-law is known. His infidelity and filial piety fainted his grandfather and grandmother, and he was also known. Everyone spurned him, despised him, and even the poor became his original sin.

Although in the end, because the business of recruiting children is getting better and better, he is no longer short of silver flowers, and because of his hard work and hard work, his academics are slowly becoming more advanced, but this situation of being excluded from others No change until he left Qinghe Academy.

Xue Tingyan couldn’t help but step in. Since he saw Chen Jian, he couldn’t help but look away. Only then did he discover why he would pay attention to the other party, because Chen Jian at this time was very similar to the one he had in his dream.

The same gloom, silence, and even low self-esteem.

“You don’t know …” Mao Badou was about to say something. Suddenly, Yu Guang saw Chen Jian coming from behind with a stack of books in his eyes. He immediately stopped his voice.

Chen Jian still hung his head halfway, but couldn’t help but glance at Xue Tingyan as he passed by.

Xue Tingyan’s eyes met each other, but the other side quickly turned his head, and with the broken hair beside his temples, a red scar hidden under the other’s jaw entered his eyes.

The location of the scar is very clever, and it is not visible from the front. It is difficult to see if it is covered with hair from the side door. The chance to see it is very coincidental.

Xue Tingyan stunned slightly, his eyes immediately startled.

He remembered someone.

A man who once appeared in his dream. At that time, he was in a great change, and he entered Beijing from the border town, when it was the lowest point. But the other party is the top champion in the world. Not only that, but the other party is Xu Shoufu’s son-in-law.

That Xu Shoufu and his teacher were deadly opposed, at that time he knew that the two would meet sooner or later.

In the end, it really matched.

And this man is still one of the biggest enemies in his first half of life.

But that person was not Chen Jian, but Chen Huanzhi.

Xue Tingyan remembered that at the time in the dream, someone in the middle of the court joked that the two were actually from the same country, but he never listened to his ears. Killed.

Chen Jian and Chen Huanzhi are actually him!

“… Ting Yan, you don’t know what he did!”

Xue Tingyan was immersed in his thoughts, only to hear the last sentence, subconsciously asked: “What did he do?”

Mao Badou stomped his foot: “Well, I did n’t want the Taoist to be long or short, and it ’s not good to say anything outside. It ’s not good to talk outside. Last year, there were three of me in this house, and another one. I did n’t come to the school this year. Datian and I, the one called Wang Qi, were not wealthy at home, but they were still honest. But he was poor and often owed Shuxiu and rice in the school. Let ’s just say that the three of us lost some food tickets a few times, but we did n’t pay attention to them at that time. The food tickets that Datian just changed were placed in the cupboard, but inexplicably missing a few. . “

Needless to say, this thief is naturally Chen Jian. Anyway, Mao Badou means that.

“I was looking for his theory at the time, but Datian said that this crime was too much. The owner has always attached great importance to the morality of the middle school students. If this happens, he must be pushed out of the school. He was already in a poor family. It ’s not easy to come to school here. In addition, after we secretly observed, he did n’t regain his pretense, so all three of us endured it, and we never talked to it again. ”

Xue Tingyan suddenly said: “How can you be sure that he took it?”

“Not him, who else?”

There is nothing wrong with Mao Badou’s logic. Among the four, Chen Jian’s family is the poorest, and often owes Shuxiu and rice grains, but he is not in groups and often goes alone, not who else he can have.

“Don’t you find that you didn’t see him in the dining room at noon? He only eats two meals a day, and he doesn’t eat it at noon.” Mao Badou said again.

Xue Tingyan tweeted: “Anyway, I think it should not be him.”


“Feel it.”

It really feels, probably there is the inexplicable sympathy that once happened in the dream?

Mao Badou could not persuade him, and when someone saw this, he would naturally not continue this topic.

The three returned to the number house, and Chen Jian was actually reading at his desk.

They didn’t talk to each other, they all kept their heads down and sorted out the books they had divided. These are all going to be used tomorrow, so there is no room for error.

“I’m used to that set of books. If you are too old, I’ll exchange it with you.” A very strange and hoarse voice suddenly sounded, that actually Chen Jian said.

He looked at Xue Tingyan seriously, as if it was not a fake.

Xue Tingyan is sorting out the set of books. Although this book is broken and old, many of the pages have fallen off, and it is very reluctant to be caught in the book, but he is very happy.

Because there are many notes densely written in this book, there are new and old handwriting, and it is clearly left by the previous master. Xue Tingyan looked at it by the way, and found something unique. You have to know that Chen Jian is the champion, even if it was Xue Tingyan at that time, but only won the second place in the 21st place.

“No, I think this book is very good.”

Xue Tingyan didn’t have the consciousness of capturing love, and he felt that Chen Jian could write both once and naturally. And now he is learning four books for beginners. Although he used the vacancy of copying books, he understood the memory of his dreams, and he still missed a lot.

Chen Jian stopped talking and stopped talking, and then looked down at his book.

Soon it was time for dinner, the schedule of this school was very regular, it was considered sunrise and sunset. So before it gets dark, it’s time for dinner.

Supper is made of noodles, soba noodles and sorghum noodles, and there are also some buns of miscellaneous grain noodles, which are also hungry for students in the middle of the night.

This time, Chen Jian also went to the dining room, but after a meal, he found a corner to sit down and eat. During this period, he didn’t talk to anyone.

After the meal went back to the number house, he still stood still, and a priest called Xue Tingyan’s name at the door.

“Someone gave you something, or the one who gave you the lock this morning.”

Xue Tingyan took the basket of eggs, Mao Badou smiled ambiguously, and said, “Yoyo, your little fiancee is here again and will give you eggs.”

“Okay, don’t make trouble.”

Xue Tingyan carried the small basket into the number house, and Mao Badou followed behind to make trouble to eat the eggs sent by the little fiancee.

The noodles and steamed buns for supper were just left at noon, and there wasn’t even any meat stars in them. Mao Badou was already greedy, but he couldn’t eat a little stir fry at this time. At this time, when he saw eggs, it was a joke, and it was really greedy.

Xue Tingyan was not stingy and asked, “Yes, just how to eat.”

“Then you don’t care.”

Xue Tingyan picked up ten for him, Mao Badou went out with his clothes in his clothes, and said in his mouth that Dao Ming could still be served with porridge.

Soon after he came back, Xue Tingyan realized that he actually got the water room and let the shabu help cook.

Eggs soaked in well water have a cool shell, but they feel hot when pinched in their hands. Although Mao Badou did not regard himself as an outsider, he was not greedy. He only took one of them and gave the rest to Xue Tingyan.

Xue Tingyan gave Li Datian one, took one by himself, and was about to put it in the cupboard. He suddenly thought of something, and took out another one. He came to Chen Jian, who was reading by the oil lamp, and handed it to him.

The eggs in white are powdery, and they look smooth and smooth under the dim yellow light, with a charming luster.

Chen Jian reached out unconsciously.

By the time he responded, the other party had turned around and left.

Perhaps because Chen Jian said that he would exchange a book with Xue Tingyan, Mao Badou and Li Datian didn’t say anything.

The room was very quiet, and Chen Jian didn’t say anything, just dropped his head and continued to read the book.

But still holding the egg in his hand.

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