The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 55

Seeing this scene, many candidates were hit hard.

They had the same thoughts as Mr. Meng before. It can be seen that Mr. Meng nodded and knew that the other party’s paper must have been finished, and that the noodles were clean and tidy.

Immediately, many people started to get anxious, or they wrote hard books, or looked at the hourglass repeatedly, and I will not list them here.

Suddenly, a whisper was heard, it seemed that a candidate had written the wrong question due to his confusion. He looked at the paper rolls as blank as a chicken.

The quarter test does not provide draft paper, and students are not allowed to bring their own. That is to say, no matter whether it is good or not, there is such a paper in the vertical and horizontal directions. When the judges evaluated the papers, the rules were extremely strict, and there were altered ink spots. And there is so little space left in the Scripture Question, there are more than two mistakes and omissions, so this question does not need to be written.

Because there is no time to fill.

A total of fifty questions, at most, one mistake is allowed, and even more than two questions, even if the test is not bad, will not be due to Grade A. It is obvious that this person is so wrong that he is so miserable.

Some people have wondered why just a group of students who haven’t even had a child’s test, why the assessment system is so strict. In fact, Qingyuan Academy is also interested in cultivating students to control the volume of paper and examination time.

Once you take the exam room, the test paper is absolutely not allowed to have ink spots and alterations. Even if your essay is done well, the surface of the paper is not neat and tidy, it is also an unacceptable end. But now it’s just a test of the scriptures and Mo Yi, which can’t be finished by rote memorization, and waiting for the essay entirely by yourself, no more time is enough.

Because of this whisper, many students’ minds were affected, some of them deliberately slowed down, and others became more cautious. In fact, not only the students’ skills in the Jingyi, but also the mind are tested in the examination room.

If we say that the only unaffected student, apart from a few students who have passed the exam for many times, they are probably only Mao Badou.

These days, whenever they are tired of endorsement, they will ask each other questions to simulate the quiz. On the same subject, Xue Tingyan always does faster and better than people. They have long been accustomed to his demon.

So when they saw Xue Tingyan first out of the examination room, the three were not surprised. Mao Badou secretly laughed and scolded. Li Datian shook his head, but Chen Jian buried his head, and took his test paper more seriously.

In a quarterly exam, several people were happy and some were sad, but no matter what, they would only see the real chapter after the review.

The rules are generally published the next day, and will be posted on the post outside the lecture hall. Most of them are concerned about their achievements, and today’s school is extremely quiet. In fact, by this time, many people already knew their grades, because after the exam, many students went back to get the book comparison.

These literal test questions can be easily compared. Even if there are some mistakes, there are very few, and the approximate results can be estimated.

Li Chao was particularly proud. During lunch, he deliberately walked past Xue Tingyan and others with several students who were good to him.

Between the talks, the spirit was in full swing, just as if he was about to enter the armor.

They are just teenagers, sometimes if not necessary, Xue Tingyan really does not want to worry about these classmates. It can be seen that this person looks quite a bit unbearable. Even if Li Chao can enter A, how can he be sure that Mao Badou cannot enter A? To know that they bet on whether Mao Badou can enter the armor.

And Mao Badou has always been a suffocation. After the exam, he pulled the three men back to the number house and boasted that they would be able to enter the armor this time.

He didn’t need to turn over the books to know, because today’s exam questions were not copied by him or written by several people during the exam, so Mao Badou was in the chest.

But he lost, and when he was out of the trumpet, he pretended to be downcast. It was no wonder that Li Chao would behave like this. It is also expected that Mao Badou would lose steadily.

There was little gossip, and soon the next day, when going to the early class, some students looked at the outside from time to time. The early classes are for the students to organize their own books. Mr. Meng did not come. It is estimated that he would make the list when he appeared.

So eagerly looking forward, seeing Mr. Meng coming from afar, there was a sudden commotion in the lecture hall.

A shao was holding a piece of red paper and posted it on the pillar. Mr. Meng walked in and glanced underneath. During this time I stayed somewhere for a moment, because no one noticed it.

Seeming to understand the students’ mood, he stroked his beard and said: “Let’s go check it out.”

The student sitting by the door ran out immediately, which was faster than the rabbit. This act was like opening the floodgate, and all the students went out, and he chuckled at Mr. Meng while running out, and seemed to know that he was a little miserable.

There was a circle of people around the front of the Red List, and there was such a big place for the Communist Party. Only those who stood in the front could see clearly. The people in the back could only see the back of the head even if they raised their toes.

“This time six people have entered the armour.” Some people exclaimed.

The reason for this reaction is also due to the rules of Qingyuan Academy. This entry does not refer to the exam grade A, but the students who can be promoted to the first class in nails.

Grade A is not difficult. Generally, those who have spent two years in middle school can get a grade A. It is rare that they also occupy the top position in grade A. This monopoly is broad in meaning. It can refer to the best among the top scores, or it can mean that the gentleman feels that his skill in the Jingyi has already entered the first class and started to make an article.

Not to mention the latter, the former must be a good test paper, and the noodles can only reach the top grade.

By convention, at most one or two people can enter the first quarter exam, and no more than three people. I never expected that there will be six people this time.

Because of this sentence, the people around me subconsciously squeezed forward.

For a time, when you stepped on my foot, he bumped my head into the ears. The student standing at the front has to work hard to stabilize. Not being crushed on the pillar, the people at the front shouted: “Don’t squeeze, don’t squeeze, I will report it to you.”

“Xue Tingyan, Chen Jian, Li Datian, Li Chao, Zhou Quan, Mao Badou.”

Everyone was in an uproar, not to mention Li Chao and Zhou Quan, Xue Tingyan and four others were in the same house, and three of them were old students who had never won the first class. Everyone in the number one is in armour.

Before the reaction was reached, there were two yafus who came over with the rolls and paste.

“All give up, give way.”

This is to post the papers of the students who have entered the class A for other students to observe. One is to prevent suspected private gains, and the other is to let other students observe and review where they are inferior.

The students around them immediately gave way, and after the post was posted, Fang rushed up again.

These students who have entered the class A do have something extraordinary, and there is nothing wrong with it. The roll surface is clean and tidy as if it was engraved. And all the words are written well, it looks very pleasing.

After looking at each other clearly, some students sighed in silence, and some silently said nothing. At this time, someone’s voice sounded: “This is the hairy scroll. When did his writing be so good, I am afraid it was written by someone else.”

In addition to studying the four books and the five classics, the students in the school are also indispensable to practice good first-hand words. Because the word is the face of a person, and the word is like a person’s face.

Therefore, students usually compare each other ’s words. Mao Badou ’s words are not unread, nor do they mean that they are ugly, but they are not as good as they are. Many of his previous papers have been read, saying that he is dirty, and there are several ink handprints printed on it on several occasions, which have been specifically named by Mr. Meng.

Did Zhuang Xiongxiu really write this word?

There is also this scroll, it should not be stained with ink, it is best to print a few more ink handprints to be his style? !

The person speaking was Li Chao, and the joy of joining the armor failed to eliminate his shock and disbelief.

Mao Badou entered A, that is to say he lost the bet and must lose to the opponent by five or two silver. You have to know that the monthly expenses for him at home are only a few hundred liters. Where can he get these five or two dollars?

“Li Chao, if you lose, you lose. There is no need to frame people with nonsense. Yesterday everyone was there, and Mao Badou was there. Who will you write for him?”


“And you are deaf and blind for Mr. Meng? Is it someone who writes for him, and the old man will not see it!” Li Datian continued with two sentences, blocking Li Chao with a red face.

A number of students beside them also said: “That is, willing to gamble and lose, there is no need to climb anything else.”

Mao Badou shook his legs and looked at Li Chao’s red and white face with pride. He was just about to say something. Suddenly Xue Tingyan said, “OK, go in.”

The four were brought together, and the other students remembered that Mr. Meng was still inside, and all went back to the lecture hall.

“Don’t be proud and complacent, but you can’t be discouraged if you don’t. The six of you will go to Class A. Wang Er waits for you to study hard and get credit soon.”

A few people were all welcoming Shen Ju: “Thank you, Mr., for your teachings for many days.”

Mr. Meng nodded his head with a smile, and several people went back to their own bills, packed up their things, and left the lecture hall.

Not to mention here, Zhaoer sent Xue Tingyan away, and couldn’t wait to go to the hill that he bought.

Now that the hillside is now privately owned, it is natural to build a boundary stone. Zhao Er walked to one place and trampled the soil around the boundary stone.

The boundary stone was just erected, and it was said to be the boundary stone. In fact, it was a large stone marked with red paint, and the surrounding soil was still soft, so it was natural to step on it.

She took sunspots and made two rounds around the hill before going back excitedly.

Along the way, the head of the mountain was all laid out.

Zhaoer intends to divide the above into three parts, partly planting fruit trees, partly for raising chickens, and the rest for growing vegetables. There are springs on the top of the mountain, and there is no shortage of water, which is why Zhao Er first chose this place.

Now, the first thing to do is to put a fence around, so as to prevent the adults and children in the village from entering, or to pick up the vegetables and be taken away. The above is definitely to build a house, but now Zhaoer has no money in his hands and can only put it aside for the time being.

If you want to do it, Zhaoer tells Gao Sheng when he goes back, and asks him to help find a few people in the village to build a fence. Things are ready-made. The thorns that were cut from the mountain before can be used as a fence. If it is not enough, you can get more bamboo. The other thing is that the vegetables have to be planted. The vegetable grows fast. Now that the weather is suitable, it will not take long to pick it up and sell it.

This kind of dish also needs people, grow their own vegetable plots, and the women at home will do it casually. But if you want to grow vegetables in such a big place, you have to hire people.

Zhaoer and Gao Sheng had discussed it, and Gao Sheng took the matter. Anyway, he was also angry at home. He might as well set up a grass hut and live on the hillside.

But people still have to ask, after all, Gao Sheng is mainly busy outside now, so this kind of dish can only help take the hand.

Who is it?

Gao Sheng recommended a young student named Liu Sheng who grew up with him.

This Liu family is also a family of surnames in Yuqing Village, and the family is not as good as the Gao family, and Liu Sheng is honest and ca n’t do the work of delivering food and dealing with people. Gao Sheng has been worried about how to help him, this is not There will be work done.

It is the best of both worlds to help you grow vegetables without delaying things in your own field.

Zhaoer also thought of a person, the third uncle Xue Qingbai.

Xue Qingbai is honest and honest. He works hard and works hard. He gives him the responsibility of growing vegetables. Zhao’er is not worried about anything going wrong. Especially the second room has been doing business with the fourth room. It is always bad to leave the third room aside. Recently, Zhou has always looked at himself with words, and he also has a lot of thoughts, so it is complete.

After the agreement, Zhaoer went to Xue Qingbai.

Talking to him about things, Xue Qingbai did not refuse, but agreed.

Because at the initial stage, Zhaoer couldn’t afford to pay him much money. The tentative plan is to earn one or two dollars a month. In the future, it will be increased according to the situation, and Zhao’er is to give Xue Qingbai all the work on this hill, then Liu Sheng is also under his control.

Then for several days, Gao Sheng and others were busy delivering food outside, and Zhaoer stayed to help watch the fence and vegetables.

When the fence is laid, the vegetables are almost ready. Because of the lack of manpower, Zhaoer also went to work in the field for a few days, so when Xue Tingyan came back from school and did not see Zhaoer at home, he still heard the Sun said that he knew that Zhaoer was on the mountain.

He put the book bag and the debris he brought back into the house, and closed the door and went up the mountain.

Today, the hill is really different. At the foot of the mountain is surrounded by a fence with a height of one person. Xue Tingyan walked in along a gap, and saw that the **** was blocked into blocks along the road. The fields were neat and tidy. dish.

Walking along the path all the way, I heard vocals from afar.

Xue Tingyan went further, and saw a few people around an open space.

Xue Qingbai, Zhou Shi, Gao Sheng, Jiang Wu, Zhao’er are all there, and there are a few later generations in the village. Everyone is smiling at the house with thatched roof of the soil embryo wall.

Zhao’er said: “Shengzi, I didn’t find that your craft of building a house was so good, so I could live in one day.”

The house is not big, only one room, but it is surprising enough to build the house in one day. First of all, this soil embryo is not easy to get. You need to stir the chopped thatch embryo with good yellow mud. The soil embryo must be dried and sun dried, and then put mud on it and wipe it with mud to dry it. Several times, the soil embryo can be used.

After sticking the glutinous rice pulp into the soil embryo wall, you will have to put mud on it in the future. Gao Sheng also bought soil embryos in Guancun Village so that he could build the house so quickly.

Gao Sheng laughed: “This is not a lot of helpers, everyone has given helpers. Hadron, don’t leave at night, I’ll go to the village to get some vegetables later, and we will fire here at night.”

There is an elderly woman next to him saying, “You really want to get out of this child, how did you open fire here?”

“Do n’t worry about it, mother, I bought the iron pan. I ’ll get some vegetables in the village later. As for the rice noodles, I ’ll take the money and let the people buy some. I will go to the town when Minger All pots and pans will be purchased. “

The thin woman shook her head, but she smiled and wiped tears.

Zhaoer quickly persuaded: “Are you on such a good day, Aunt Gao, what are you sad about? Now that you have a house for your son, save two years of money and build a big house. When you get married, you will have a wife.”

“Good, Aunt Gao is not sad.” Aunt Gao wiped her tears and smiled.

At this time, Zhou suddenly said: “The court is back?”

Everyone looked behind them, and they saw that a teenager was coming slowly.

It was sunset and sunset, and the sky was full of colorful clouds. The light of red light shone on his green robe, and another breeze blew, and the corners of the robe and the sleeves of the robe flicked gently, adding a scent of dust. In particular, the young man looks handsome, and the eyebrows are full of leisure. At first glance, everyone can’t help but be stunned.

“The court is getting better and better.” It was Zhou’s sigh.

The sigh broke the silence, and a few quick steps came forward, and ran to the young man, with his face full of annoyance: “I have forgotten you to rest tomorrow, how come you came back?”

“In a bullock cart.”

“The bullock cart is slow and upturned, tired? Didn’t say how to run up the mountain after taking a break at home.”

The girl circled around the boy and said that she was not caring and considerate, especially the worried look on the girl’s face, which seemed to be a little wife worried about her own little man.

Jiang Wu’s eyes immediately dimmed and said: “I blame me, I also forgot this stubble, I forgot to talk to your sister, you should go to the town to pick you up.” He has a high voice, and he is not taboo in his words. However, everyone knows the relationship between Xue Jiang and the two.

Only Xue Tingyan heard the provocation faintly. He looked down and looked at Zhao’er with a smile: “Zhao’er, let me tell you a good thing.”

“What a good thing?”

“I’m in armour.”

“Really?” Seeing him nodded, the joy on Zhaoer’s face overflowed. She turned around in the same place: “Oh, this is really a good thing, our court is stronger than others, this has just entered I entered A within a few days. “

Others don’t know the rules of Qingyuan Academy like Zhao’er, but when she sees her like this, she knows that it’s a great event and a good thing, and they come forward to congratulate him.

Zhao’er said: “Okay, don’t go back today. Let’s fire here. We should give a congratulation to Ting’er Shengzi. What other dishes does Shengzi buy? Yes, the meat was bought yesterday, not to mention the rice noodles. After a while you go to the village to borrow two tables and borrow some tableware and stools. My aunt and I will cook. “

“This time I may have a chance to try the skills of recruiting my sister.” A few later generations said, borrowing tables and chairs and chopsticks. Zhaoer also went back to get the rice noodles and meat.

With so many people joining hands, everything soon stopped.

Because the stove hadn’t had time to build, Gao Sheng set up a soil stove at the door and used it first. Everyone sat there talking together, and here, Zhaoer, Aunt Gao, and Zhou were busy.

The chicken is stewed in the pot, it has been braised for a while. Zhaoer lifted the lid of the pot, and white smoke with fragrance flew out. Although the people sitting there were still talking, their eyes looked here intentionally or unintentionally, and some even swallowed.

“It’s said that Zhao’er has good craftsmanship, and we haven’t eaten it yet.”

Of these young generations, only Gao Sheng has tasted this blessing.

Gao Sheng laughed: “You can try it later.”

Here, Zhaoer scoops a small piece of chicken with a spoon, twists it with his hand, blows it, and feeds it into Xue Ting’s mouth: “Are you ready?”

In fact, it is a long-term habit to use the skill of recruiting children to taste. I used to eat big pot rice at Xue’s house, because it was for Xue Qingshan to study, and the food at home was not good, so Zhao took the meat and eggs and other meat dishes very closely.

Every time she recruits children to cook, she does this just to let Xue Tingwan eat another bite of meat, and no one else can say anything.

The two here feed and feed, but they don’t feel anything. The people over there didn’t think so, and a somewhat fat younger generation sighed: “Uncle I Tingyan and Sister Zhao’s relationship are really good!”

This later generation also had the surname Xue. He was born to Xue Tingyan’s nephew by seniority, so he was obviously two years older than Xue Tingyan and he was also called Uncle Xue Tingyan.

Someone laughed and joked with him: “It’s still called Zhao’er sister, it’s the aunt called Zhao’er, all his life is confused by you kid. Change Minger to call it like your father, your father must beat your boy. . “

“Isn’t it a marriage yet?” Xue Hu said wrongly.

“If you don’t get married, you’ll be aunt. Next year, you’ll be honest and call your aunt. I’ll ask Zhao’er to give you a big red envelope.”

Gao Sheng’s apparent expression was to tease Xue Hu, and everyone could not help laughing, but Jiang Wu was a little silent. Gao Sheng glanced at him and sighed in his heart.

Looking there again, the sky was already dark, and the flames inside the stove were dazzling. The teenager was talking, the girl smiled, and the two whispered, smiling at each other.

Unlike others, Gao Sheng played small and grew up with a lot of partners, so he knew more than others.

Zhao’er is a well-known village flower in Yuqing Village’s later generations. He looks good, has a good personality and is diligent. Although it was a little difficult and spicy, Zhao Er was right and wrong, she didn’t mess with her, she always smiled. So she acted deviously, but she was very popular in the village, and the young and old liked her.

Gao Sheng, those who grew up together and made small ones, eight out of ten are interested in recruiting children, but they are all deliberately unintentional. They all know that sister Zhao Er has already been set by someone. Dare to insert.

The villagers all have this kind of recognition. Tong Yang’s daughter-in-law is the wife of someone else’s family. Thinking of someone else’s daughter-in-law, it is necessary to make people scold the backbone, and Gao Sheng also knew that Jiang Wuge was interested in recruiting her sister.

They all grew up together, and Gao Sheng didn’t dare to say anything, but once this was broken, let’s not say that it was difficult to deal with it, and he could not be a friend with Jiang Wu. He only hoped that Jiang Wu could figure it out by himself.

For example him.

“Okay, let’s eat. You guys, don’t sit down and serve the dishes.” Zhao’er tapped the iron pan with a large frying spoon and turned his head.

This ‘you’ refers to the later generations, and the monkey cubs all smiled, and they all got together.

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