The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 6

Xue Gouzi’s voice was very soft and light, and it seemed that the wind would dissipate when it blew.

Xue Cuiping violently shook his head and quickly shook his head: “It’s not your uncle who asked me to come, it’s me, I thought …”

The next words were interrupted by Xue Gouzi again.

He showed a shy smile and seemed to breathe a sigh of relief: “It’s not that Uncle asked you to come. Aunt, you almost scared me to death. I thought Uncle only hurts Juncai and doesn’t hurt me. Uncle said most It hurts me. “

Since then, Xue Cuiping’s words could not be spoken any longer, and he had to hurriedly say a few unexplained words, and then lifted the door curtain to go out.

The room was very quiet, the eyes of the young boy on the Kang darkened, and there was a trace of ageless vicissitudes.

Looking at such a little man, Zhao’er didn’t dare to step forward. After a while, I came over and sat on the kang edge, hesitantly said, “Dog, are you okay?”

Looking at the other person’s worried face, Xue Gouzi smiled: “I’m fine.”

Zhaoer squeezed his mouth tightly and touched his head: “You believe in sister, one day we won’t ask for anyone.”

Xue Cuiping left without eating lunch, and took a bag of wheat seeds that Zhao gave her.

No one knew what she said to Zhao, and Zhao told her again. All in all, when eating lunch at noon, Zhao’s and Yang’s faces are not good-looking, so that Sun’s and Zhou’s are cautious.

Zhao Erke had never looked at it. After the rice was put on the table, she took two bowls to hold the rice first, and then served the dishes. Lunch is not rich, it is millet rice, and the dishes are boring white radish and radish, as well as some pickles. There are also meats, all of which are big fat, and a small dish is placed in front of the men.

Men have to work on the ground to eat meat to be strong.

Zhaoer didn’t want to eat meat either. The meat burned by Zhou’s was white and greasy. She put some hot dishes and pickles in the bowl as before, but not many, but Zhao suddenly fell into the chopsticks.

“It’s just a little bit of dishes, the two of you can eat these? The hungry ghost reborn or what?”

These words are very hurtful and face-slapping, but those with some self-esteem can’t stand it, but they can get used to it. This is the case with the Zhao family. Whoever makes her unsatisfactory, she can go back in nausea in various ways.

She was not annoyed. She continued to pick up the dishes. Originally, she planned to pick only those, because Zhao’s words, she deliberately put two more chopsticks.

“There is no way for the milk, the dog has to support himself, and he has no good supplements. The food always has to be full.” Then, she suddenly turned her head and said to Zhou: “Auntie, wash the vegetables next time You call me to choose a dish, and our family is not a family that is too poor to eat, but there are people who study at home, and a childish old man. Although she is very careful in her daily life, she is not a person who does not let people eat. “

Speaking of referring to Sang and cursing Huai, she confessed that she would not lose to her, especially she held her breath.

Sure enough, Zhao’s was immediately annoyed: “The rich people can’t stand you eating Haisai so much. You can’t work every day, and you can eat more than anyone else. If you are a stupid girl like you, if it’s not our family, I was pushed out long ago. “

Zhaoer immediately put his smile away: “Grandma, you’re wrong when you say that. I came home at the age of seven, but I haven’t done anything in or out? When my father died, I wore a filial piety, I When the mother died, I waited for half a year in front of the bed day and night. I was the daughter-in-law of the second room, and I gave it to the second old man.

“But grandma, don’t dismiss me as my granddaughter-in-law’s multi-mouth, eat a few things, people are divided into three or sixty-nine. Some people eat spicy and spicy, the oil on their mouths don’t know to wipe it, change it to others I ate some rotten Bai Song and became a big eater. I have a dozen chickens in this family, and I have n’t seen too many eggs. Taoer and I are feeding each day, and we do n’t know where the eggs are. Dog disease After one game, I have eaten an egg now. Do n’t let me raise this chicken next time. I ca n’t eat it anyway. Whoever eats it will raise it. ”

This makes it difficult for everyone’s face to look. Among them, the big house mother and child are the most beautiful, red and white, just like a dyeing workshop.

I stole my mouth without rubbing it with oil. The Zhao’s is picking, but not to the oldest son’s grandson, and the younger son and his younger son are naturally covered. The seven-year-old Caizi’s face was violent, and he seemed to want to say something, but he was pulled by Yang’s.

The four-room hairy eggs are still small, and the mouth is greedy. When I heard the eggs, I couldn’t help it. I shouted to the Suns: “Mother, I want to eat eggs, I want to eat eggs …”

In the quiet hall, I heard the children’s sharp crying, which made my head hurt.

Sun was so upset that he cried and couldn’t help but slap it and said: “What trouble, what eggs to eat, how can there be eggs for you to eat!”

To put it bluntly, who doesn’t complain, but has been enduring.

Mao Egg slapped and cried louder. Zhao’s feelings of anger and anxiety turned to him. When he saw this, he suddenly shifted his goal: “Sun, you still have a good time. You beat my grandson.”

The Suns have always been afraid of the Zhaos, and immediately smiled awkwardly, “Mother, don’t you want to eat eggs, don’t you have any eggs for him?” There is a mumbling out of the latter sentence, saying that the eyes are subconscious The house mother and son looked away.

Grandpa Xue has always been indifferent to the affairs of his daughter-in-law, and at this moment, he couldn’t help it.

He blacked his face and patted the table: “Noisy, what’s the matter!” The square table was photographed with the legs swaying straight, and the dishes jumped up and down with a crisp sound.

Zhaoer did not pretend to be dead, and grieved at him: “Grandpa, this is not that Granny dislikes me and Gouzi for eating Hess.”

She put the bowl and pestle on the table and cried with her face covered: “I just ate some sore throat rice, and even a little bit of You Xingzi disappeared, so I called Hu Chi Haisai and brought it out to someone. Look, everyone will laugh to death when they see it. If Grandma really despise me and the dog, why not give us a separate room, we will never eat at home and drink again. “

Hearing the word ‘Family Breaking’, Grandpa Xue subconsciously twitched, screaming: “Whoever divides, no one is allowed to mention the breakup!” Seemingly feeling too harsh, he slowed down the tone: “Your grandma is in trouble because of your aunt’s family, so you will be angry with you, but you are a junior, how can you talk back to your elders.”

He turned his head and scolded Zhao again: “Every day you say you don’t remember long. You lived your whole life and lived in a dog’s belly. What are those eggs stored there for? What stinks are you reluctant to eat! It ’s time to fry and add a dish for everyone. “

In this way, Master Xue’s words succeeded in making everyone’s mouth shut.

Zhao’er’s eyes flickered. She said that she wanted to separate her family. It wasn’t fake. But unfortunately, she was stillborn at the first exit. But also, how could Mr. Xue allow the two bedrooms to separate, and it became a family to bully the two children. Besides, Mr. Xue also wanted to twist the whole family into a rope so that he could provide another show for the Xue family.

Pressing these and not mentioning it, although it was a quarrel, the Xue family had a whole family.

Zhou cooked a large pot of eggs and left a bowl for Zhao’er.

This move is a bit intriguing. You should know that the wife of the third lady is usually very reticent. She belongs to the old ox in the Xue family, and rarely speaks to the two children in the second room on weekdays.

However, Zhaoer didn’t think much about it. Everyone had their own thoughts, and she couldn’t control anyone’s thoughts. Don’t make her anxious.

She returned to the house carrying the food, and when she entered the door, she smiled at Xue Gouzi: “Dog, look, there will be eggs at noon.”

Looking at the bright smile on the girl’s face, Xue Gouzi had a complex flash in his eyes.

Although he was in the house, there was no movement in the main room.

This is the case with Zhao’er, which is sloppy and spicy, and never cares what other people think. Once he cares a lot, and always feels that she is embarrassing to herself, helping herself, repeatedly failing to persuade him, and because of something else, she hides her disgust.

He didn’t know that he was hypocritical and inferior and he was stupid, but it was a pity that when he understood it, it was too late.

“In order to eat an egg, you quarrel with Granny.”

Speaking of words, he only realized that he hadn’t changed the awkward mode of speaking before, she would have misunderstood. Sure enough, a dark color flashed on Zhaoer’s face, and then he smiled and said, “He can eat only Xue Jun, and my dog ​​can also eat. Come and eat, and make up, you will soon be better off.”

Look, she is like this, always take him as a child, and bite a bit of ‘my dog’, in fact, he is no longer a child. The young man ’s mentality was sensitive, and ‘he’ did n’t like all this, but he did n’t know how to express it, so he slowly grew into aversion to disgust and subconsciousness.

Xue Gouzi didn’t know why he thought about this. He just felt that he had become very strange now. He seemed to have become two people, one was Xue Gouzi and the other was Xue Tingyan. And whenever he encountered something about recruiting children, a voice murmured in his mind, as if telling him the real thoughts deep in his heart.

Between his thoughts, something was feeding his mouth, and he looked down at it, a crispy, soft and soft egg.

“Auntie San’s egg was well fried. The dog took a big bite and ate tall and strong.”

As soon as this word was spoken, Zhaoer regretted it.

This is also the case where the little man is so obedient, she could not help but enter the scene when the little man was still young when she coaxed him to eat. She used to coax dogs when she was a child, but suddenly she didn’t know when she started to resist her, and she hated her most.

When she felt uneasy in her heart, she smiled and tried to take back the spoon she had handed.

Suddenly, he came together, took a big bite, and ate a spoonful of rice.

“Really delicious.”

Looking at him chewing on the food with his eyes closed, Zhaoer smiled suddenly: “Delicious, eat more. Later, my sister will work hard to make money and scramble eggs for dogs every day.”

After that, she secretly glanced at Xue Gouzi from under her eyelids. Seeing that he didn’t show any displeasure, he couldn’t help but feel relieved.

In fact, Zhao’er said this deliberately. The little man has always hated her running around the most and still learned to do business with people. For this matter, the two were unhappy many times, but she could not always go out to make money because he was not happy.

She wanted to be rich, she wanted to have money for the little man to study, and not to compete with this group of people for a black eye. She thought a lot, and all of this required his support. After all, he was a family, and now two of them are left in the second room.

But Zhaoer thought about it too. Even if he objected, she would do it.

Of course not against the best.

In this case, she couldn’t help but say a few more words: “We just talked to grandma about the separation and was blocked by the grandfather.” Seeing what the little man wanted to say, she interrupted: “You listen to my sister Having said that, I did n’t want to talk to you too much about things. I always thought you were young and I did n’t want to disturb you in studying. But what happened today, my sister can see that you have your own ideas.

“At home, if we can fight, we should fight. It should have been ours. We can’t just give it to others so unclearly and innocently. Even if we want to let it, we have to give a clear word, and we don’t have to bully people like this! I ’m not afraid of it. My sister has recently found a business to buy and sell, and she can also put together the money that sent you to study. Having said so much, in fact, it ’s just to let you relax and do n’t be afraid. . People are not the only way. We have a lot of ways to go. It ’s a fool ’s job to do things with ourselves. “

In fact, Zhao Er wanted to talk to Xue Gouzi long ago, but she also knew that the little man was a thoughtful man, afraid that he would think more. But who ever thought he still thought more, and even worried about a disease. Today such a good opportunity, she simply made it clear.

Xue Gouzi looked at her.

This was not the case in his dream, because of his sudden outbreak, the Xue family was in chaos, and everyone in the family rebuked him, saying that he was not sensible, not thinking about his family, saying that he was not filial, and stunned Grandma. In order to protect him, Zhaoer quarreled with the Xue family, and finally even alarmed the patriarch.

Zhaoer disrespected his elders and made a speech. He was beaten in public in the Xue family ancestral hall with five whips, and he was particularly effective. And this matter was also suppressed by the patriarch. He didn’t even have the ability to resist, so he was robbed of his own things.

Later, Xue Juncai went to the school in the town and was proud. The second room was completely disgusted by the family because of this incident, especially the big room was a stalk, and the life at the Xue family was not good.

No one at home helped them talk, and no one in the village directed at them. He couldn’t even go to the private school because his uncle said that he was terrible and could not teach him. He also said that he had beaten his aunt. He didn’t want to find anything to trouble his family.

At that time he was only fourteen. Even if he knew that some people were not good people, he could not understand the maliciousness. Perhaps it is understandable, but the inferior root of human nature makes him subconsciously push the responsibility out. He blamed Zhao’er on all his dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction, and even fate.

Even if he knew that he was wrong and blamed her later, he knew that he was wrong, but the misunderstanding was too deep. The two were moving away, and he had no face to explain it to her.

The author has something to say: King Chu: Don’t be afraid of Xiao Jiu’er, the sky is falling and this king will support you.

Qi Xuan: Mingyue Jiaojiao, you poke out a hole in the sky, and the Lord will support you.

Cousin: Yao’er sister, this day is yours, you can poke around, and you won’t pay if you poke through.

Little tits: Lun’s family is a good baby, not stabbing.

Zhao’er: Sister’s dog, don’t be afraid even if the sky is falling, there is also a sister to bear with you.

Xue Tingyan: I’m strongly urged to change the scum surface, not to change my future.

Slag noodles: Do you still have an outline? Do you have an outline?

Xue Tingyan: QAQ, I have nothing to say. “A dog eats a big bite and eats tall and strong” is enough to bring me back pia.


I didn’t want to explain too much, because this article and “Xi Zi” are two completely independent articles, which I said in the first chapter, and there are some changes in many of them. But there is still a little fairy tangled about how Xue Tingyan in the play.

First of all, Xue Tingyan in the play did not die, and later he was reconciled with his son. Xue Tingyan in this book is dead. Since Xue Tingyan in the play was able to reconcile with Wang Mingsheng later, it shows that the so-called wife-killing and child-killing have other secrets.

Also, how Xue Tingyan in the drama scumbags hypocritical villains and the like is not a good person. He was able to stand for three dynasties, and he brought a group of civil servants, various parties to fight against the emperor, and ruled out dissidents. Only afterwards did he have an official residence. All got stuck, he couldn’t be a good person. But he is not a bad guy, and he has done many things that contribute to the society, otherwise his reputation outside will not be so good.

(As for someone who thinks that he is an honest civil servant leader, hehe must be your illusion. But if you can climb to the position of the first assistant and participate in the party battle, there is no pure and flawless. Especially the background of the Dachang Dynasty The setting is that the Ming and Qing people did not enter the gate. The small civil service groups, the Jiangnan merchants small group, and the small family groups around the world jointly elected the most powerful and brave Dachang Taizu ascended the throne at the time. Pros and cons, so the civil service system can refer to the Donglin Party, but it is the Donglin Party after many crackdowns)

Some things about Xue Tingyan’s last life will be interspersed to tell everyone, don’t worry. And the framework of this world background will slowly unfold with the advancement of Xue Tingyan.

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