The Little Wolf Dog Keeps Getting the Money

Chapter 117

Chapter 117: Arrived in Xizhao City

Wenjia speeded up. A few minutes later, I saw a truck on a slope, and a dozen zombies surrounded the truck and shouted.

In this scene, there may be people living in the car, otherwise the zombies would not react that much.

Qin Chi took out the gun, and Wen Jia moved closer to the zombies no matter what the zombies were wiped out.

A scent of blood rushed over his face, which was disgusting. Qin Chi tried to open the door of the truck, but the door was deformed and jammed and he could only split it with an axe.

There were more than a dozen people in the car, all of whom belonged to the Xie family. Mu Zi rushed over to identify them with fear, but did not see the Xie Yuze brothers.

One person still had a sigh of relief, but both legs were exposed out of the car window and were torn off by the zombies alive, even if the first aid was of no avail.

He didn’t want to die, he opened his eyes wide and stared at Qin Chi and the others, like a fish falling on the beach, on the verge of exhaustion, and his eyes began to turn white.

Qin Chi didn’t feel that he had the power to control his life and death, but right now this person was living more painful.

He took out the gun at the man, and the man seemed to understand what he meant, a drop of blood and tears fell in his muddy eyes, and then he closed his eyes and waited for death to come.

Qin Chi squeezed the trigger, a gunshot banged, shocking countless birds.

Wen Jia also carefully checked the conditions of the other people in the car, and confirmed that there were no survivors, and then sent them on the road one by one.

Lao Yuan carried the submachine gun and walked around the truck twice. “By the way, there are a lot of vehicles coming and going on this road. I didn’t see the zombies attacking people who left the base to collect supplies on a large scale. How could a small car be chased like this?”

Qin Chi was also feeling puzzled, and after hearing this, he deliberately checked the truck carefully. Sure enough, there was a **** severed hand on the bottom of the truck.

“Old Yuan, Brother Wen, come and see.”

The two leaned quickly, and both saw the severed hand.

“Good fellow, cruel enough.” Old Yuan sighed.

Zombies are extremely sensitive to the smell of blood, and this little hand is enough to attract all the surrounding zombies. It’s no wonder that the Xie family was so “unlucky” that they were besieged by so many zombies, and there was no place to bury them.

Seeing that the car was in a closed state when it overturned and the people inside could not get out, it should be because the two groups of people had a disagreement. Before the car accident, the other group had already left.

Lao Yuan checked the footprints of the scene and determined the location of the group of people fleeing, and then asked Qin Chi to take out two cross-country motorcycles and called Wen Jia and Ba Ping to chase them. The rest of the people stayed in the RV.

Although Mu Zi was also worried, she knew that it would be of no avail to go, so she had to return to the car.

It was very late again when they came back with the Xie Yuze brothers who had passed out in a coma.

The two were covered in blood, but fortunately, there were no wounds caused by zombies.

After everything was settled, Qin Chi told Zhang Zhi and Mu Zi about what they had seen.

“When we went, we met them being besieged by zombies, and Xie Yuzhao would be knocked out and Xie Yuze was protecting him.”

At that time, the situation was very critical. Except for these two people, all the others died.

Those who walked with them included the Omega and his husband, the oldest old man, and Xie Dad and Xiongzi’s family.

This big family also died very tragically. Omega was broken, and the bear child’s head was sunk in his chest. It was terrible. Only Xie Yuze carried Xie Yuzhao to climb to the tree with difficulty, and then waited for the rescue of the four old Yuan.

Zhang Zhi checked that Xie Yuzhao was injured in the back of his head, probably due to the fainting caused by being hit by a heavy object. Xie Yuze was mentally strained to the extreme. After learning that he was rescued, he relaxed and fainted. Neither of them was serious. hinder.

Afterwards, Qin Chi and Wen Jia returned to the cab and continued to drive to the Xizhao base, leaving the rest to take care of the two brothers.

When he was asleep, Xie Yuze had been having nightmares, shouting “Don’t”, “Let him go”, “Don’t bite him” and other scattered words, which shows how much psychological shock the previous events have caused him.

Muzi felt sorry for the idol. He twisted a towel to wipe his face next to him, and fed a little water from time to time to keep his lips moisturized. On the other side, Qiao An was taking care of Xie Yunzhao.

In the current situation, we can only take them to the Xizhao base first.

After a few more hours, Xie Yuze finally woke up, and was surprised to learn that it was Lao Yuan and the others who saved him.

However, when he heard that everyone else was dead, and only his brother was left, he took an obvious sorrow and didn’t speak for a long while.

Zhang Zhi brought the chicken soup that had been stewed in Baping, and Xie Yuze drank a bowl. After he stabilized his spirit, he would tell everyone about their experience.

“The truck is too small to seat more than 20 people. It is very crowded and slow. Therefore, the Alphas, headed by Wushu and his family, rely on their physical strength, and use their grandfather with their father, the pregnant cousin, and the youngest. A few of my cousins hurried off. My brother and I were reluctant to bear with my father, so I had to follow along.”

Mu Zi was shocked, “Can it be like this?”

Xie Yuze looked at his sleeping brother on the bed next to him, and said with a wry smile, “Is there any way, they are so many and they all agree to avoid the burden of old, weak, sick and disabled. Don’t look at the cousin who is aggressive towards us, but in front of other people. She didn’t dare to put a fart. Especially my aunt, she was so strong by nature, she said one thing, and she was the one who asked to drive grandpa away.”

“If your aunt is the Alpha woman, then she is already dead.” Old Yuan came over with a teacup and said lightly.

Xie Yuze was taken aback, then wiped his face, “When we were driven out of the car, the aunts and them were still alive. Could it be that the car was attacked by zombies?”

“Yes, someone tied a severed arm at the rear of the car, probably before you left the team, someone who could not understand your behavior did it.”

Xie Yuze stopped speaking, as if he was not surprised by this result.

Also, the Xie family has never been able to constrain, and has offended many people. It is only reasonable for others to take the opportunity to let them die.

Fortunately, he and his brother survived.

After a long time, the car drove to the edge of Xizhao City, and Xie Yunzhao finally woke up. After learning that the whole family only left him and his brother alive, he was also inexplicably sad.

They don’t care about the rest, only father and grandfather are the lingering pain in the hearts of the two brothers.

“I was knocked unconscious by my cousin. At that time, a zombie came after him. In order to save my life, my cousin wanted to kill me who was closest to him and fight for time to escape.” Thinking of the scene at the time, Xie Yuzhao didn’t expect that, himself. His cousin would be so cruel.

Xie Yuze continued, “My brother was knocked out at the time, and my dad and I couldn’t escape with him, so we had to climb up the tree. But who knows that my cousin is still not satisfied and asked my cousin to drag me and my brother down to feed the zombies, my dad he……”

Mu Zi asked, “Uncle agreed?”

Zhang Zhi rubbed Muzi’s head and motioned him not to speak.

Xie Yuzhao smiled so much that tears came out, “My dad was such a persuaded person, and he didn’t know what’s wrong. He suddenly went crazy and rushed to the tree next to him and dragged his sister-in-law’s feet, dragged him down the tree, and pushed him forward. In the zombies.”

When Mu Zi and others heard it, they all took a breath.

In front of his relatives, Dad Xie has always been a cowardly and unintentional person, and any junior can step on him. In the face of bullying by his relatives, he never gets angry. He feels that as long as he lives so humble, he can get the approval of his brothers and sisters and become a real family with those people.

However, at the last moment of his life, he was still angry because his children were hurt, and the people who usually bullied them were buried with him.

At that time, Omega was dragged to the ground, and his husband hurried over to save people, but Xie’s father dragged his feet to death, and was bitten to death by zombies.

At that meeting, Xie Yuzhao had not completely fainted, and he was confused. He only remembered that in a rain of blood, his father seemed to be relieved and smiled as if he was relieved.

This obsession with his family is a shackle, a bondage, and he can finally be freed before his death.

After witnessing the whole process, Xie Yuze held his head and his shoulders trembled slightly. Xie Yuzhao’s expression was sad, and he did not want to recall the situation at that time.

In any case, since people are dead, don’t remember anymore. The survivors have to look forward to move towards the future.

No one in the carriage spoke, only the two brothers cried faintly.

In the living room, Qiao Ann holds the baby and sits by the window to enjoy the rain.

Outside the car was a familiar and unfamiliar scenery. He knew that the car had reached the edge of Xizhao City.

He has lived here for more than 20 years, and there has never been a day like this, both yearning and worrying. He wanted to see her husband as soon as possible, but he was afraid of hearing bad news, and the last hope would disappear without a trace.

The baby in his arms seemed to sense that this was the homeland of his parents, dancing and laughing in Qiao’an’s arms.

“Baby, this is the place where your father and dad grew up and met. You see, there used to be a suburban park there. There were so many flowers in spring and summer. If nothing like this happens, wait for you to grow up. , Father and Dad can also take you to see the lotus…” Thinking of the little bit of getting along with her husband before, Qiao An felt very uncomfortable. He hugged his son tightly, and his mouth was tight.

It’s finally Xizhao City, but is that person really alive? If an accident has already happened in Kaesong, then…

Zhang Zhi walked into the living room and saw Qiao An’s head down, his body trembling slightly.

“Xiao Qiao, don’t worry first, no matter what happens, you will know the result when you go to the Xizhao base.” Pressing Qiao An’s shoulder, Zhang Zhi whispered, “No matter what happens in the end, as long as you are willing to go with us, We won’t leave you behind, understand?”

Qiao An gritted his teeth to prevent himself from crying, then nodded solemnly.

He understands what Zhang Zhi meant. Even if his husband is no longer relying on him, these people will not leave him because he has no use value.

“Brother Zhi, if I can meet you, I really don’t know what to say, really…”

Without these people, he and his son might not even have their bodies.

“Don’t talk about that, close the windows, it’s raining and blowing outside, beware of colds.”

Qiao Anyiyan closed the window and wrapped his son in a blanket.

The more you go to Xizhao City, the more you can see how deeply the cities in the south are affected by the floods.

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