The Little Wolf Dog Keeps Getting the Money

Chapter 65

Chapter 65: Century United

Ba Ping was still not satisfied, but he could understand Qin Chi’s explanation.

“Then you come back early, Pug promises to get you a big meal!”

“Thank you Pug, I want to eat cola chicken wings!” Mu Zi was excited in an instant.

“Then you have to get Coke back first.”

It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. Chicken wings are available. How can I make Coke chicken wings without Coke?

Muzi kept Coke in mind, thinking that he would have to get a few bottles of Coke when he went to the convenience store.

Qin Chi took Zhang Zhi’s storage box and went to the garage, took out the RV and hid it, saving a lot of space.

Having these two space storage boxes is really convenient, I don’t know how much, but at the same time, they should also pay attention not to reveal this secret, otherwise they will inevitably lead to death.

After everyone was ready, Zhang Zhi drove the car, and the other four people also got into the car and set off amidst Baping’s orders.

As the car passed by the bungalow where Zhang’s family was located, Qin Chi looked up and saw a tall figure by the window on the second floor.

It’s Brother Tiger.

“Let’s go. If the Zhang family makes trouble in the past, it’s okay for Pug to be alone?”

Old Yuan laughed loudly, “Xiao Qin, you are too underestimating Ba Ping. If that fat man slaps him ruthlessly, there won’t be enough people to fight him.”

Mu Zi nodded, “Pug chopping a person’s head is the same as cutting cabbage. Don’t be blinded by his naive appearance!”

Both Zhang Zhi and Wen Jia laughed, and the atmosphere in the car was joyous.

The car quickly drove out of Qingxing District, and then a few streets around to reach Baohe District.

Looking at the bleak scene outside, Qin Chi was deeply moved.

He was in this city when he went to university, and many years have passed.

Except for Qingxing District, which is especially cared for by the gathering of wealthy people, there are zombies wandering almost everywhere in other areas, but the number is less than Luocheng, and the neighborhood is not like Luocheng, due to various disasters such as zombies and earthquakes and heavy rains. , Almost turned into a ruin.

The situation in Letan City is much better, but it is not much optimistic. It is said that the army is currently intensively encircling the zombies in the urban area, and wants to clean up the most serious areas.

Think about the reason why the military dare not use heavy firepower because there are still living people waiting for rescue in the urban area. They can’t throw an atom bomb down and dispose of the living people with the zombies.

But because of this, the zombie virus cannot be controlled, and the whole country and the whole world will fall into great despair.

Zhang Zhi drove the car to an empty road with few people and no zombies, and he caught a glimpse of a group of five people smashing the door of a shop.

“Someone, like us, came out together to collect supplies.”

Qin Chi also saw the group of people, “At this time, there are not many zombies, and traveling together is the best choice.”

Hiding at home, sitting on the mountain in the morning and evening, it is better to prepare more food and department stores now, and there is a possibility of escape.

The five people in the group should be Alpha, aged between 30 and 50, with great energy and energy. As long as they are not particularly looking for death to provoke the zombies and are not attacked by the zombies, there will be basically no accidents in this relatively safe area. .

There are very few zombies in the Baohe District. People mostly gather in buildings and dare not go out and shake them around. Qin Chi can see human figures from the buildings on both sides of the street.

Most of these people are businessmen from other places, and there is nowhere to go after the zombies appear, so they can only squeeze in the shops and wait for rescue.

Seeing a vehicle passing by, those people suddenly appeared like a life-saving straw beside the drowned person, waving desperately on the side of the glass door for rescue, but Zhang Zhi ignored him and drove to the destination.

There are too many people here, they can’t save them at all, and there are many adults who are weak and physically agile, and they can work together to find a way out instead of staying in a safe place and begging for help from others.

Zhang Zhi is going to take a few people to the Century United Supermarket in Baohe District. The place is rich in materials and is in a relatively densely populated area. There are not many people who dare to go there alone. The materials in the warehouse should be kept relatively complete.

They brought machetes and baseball bats, hid their guns, and wore hooded jackets. They were tightly wrapped from head to toe. It was not a big problem to go to the mall.

As the car drove a section of the road, there were actually many organized teams nearby, looting for supplies. It’s just that many of them have no vision. They don’t want to put food and medicine. They have to go to the gold shop to grab diamonds, jade, gold and silver gems. Qin Chi wants to laugh when he sees it.

These things are valuable before the end of the world, and after the end of the world, it is a pile of broken stones. Probably these people are too naive and optimistic, thinking that Letan City can be rebuilt soon, the disaster will pass, and then they will be able to make a fortune.

It’s a pity that the word “end of the world” has long been turned into a sickle of death, staring at all human beings in this world.

Seeing that everyone else was robbing jewelry, Mu Zi couldn’t sit still, “Old Yuan, don’t we make shiny things to wear?” Think about that heavy gold chain, put on Dora style?

Old Yuan slapped him on the back of his head, “You short-sighted silly boy, how good is it to get more grain, oil, rice and noodles than those things?”

“Yes, if the world continues to be so chaotic, productivity plummets, and all major industries are paralyzed. If you just take a bag of instant noodles, you may be able to exchange it for a gem the size of a pigeon egg.”

Qin Chi wasn’t talking about rhetoric, after all, in his previous life, he had heard a lot of such things.

Nothing is as important as a full meal.

Mu Zi was lying by the window, and seeing those people laughing and carrying away bags of jewellery, his eyes were red with envy.

He turned his head and took Lao Yuan’s arm to act like a baby, “Lao Yuan, just a few pairs of diamond rings? Let’s find a daughter-in-law in the future. When we propose marriage, we must have a sense of ritual, right?”

Old Yuan couldn’t help him, “Okay, just a few pairs of rings, and others. Those things are useless if you want to come. You will throw them away in the future.”

Muzi cheered, and immediately acted.

Zhang Zhi looked in the rearview mirror, “Muzi, it’s coming to the joint soon, don’t run around.”

Mu Zi had opened the car door, half of her body was hanging outside the car, one hand buckled the roof, and the other hand pressed the hat on her head.

“Brother Zhi, you go to the supermarket first, I will come later.”


Before Zhang Zhihua could say it, he watched Mu Zi loose his hands and fell back from the speeding car. The young man’s slender body rolled in the dust for a few laps before he got up to pat the dust and went to the street. The gold shop on the edge.

Zhang Zhi stepped on the brake when he jumped off the car, but when he turned his head, he was gone.

“Xiao Zhang, leave him alone, he’s always like this. Later, I will find that we are looking for us by positioning. If we can’t find it, we just go home.” Old Yuan, who has become accustomed, motioned to him to continue forward.

Knowing that this group of people are much better than ordinary people, Zhang Zhi felt worried and drove to the supermarket first.

At eight o’clock in the morning, the sun was high, and the temperature outside the car was comparable to the hottest one or two o’clock in the afternoon in summer. The leaves on the roadside seemed to be hot and smoke.

In this kind of weather, a little exercise is sweaty, and the relative zombies seem to be affected by the hot weather, and their actions are slower than in a cloudy day.

A few yellow-haired youths riding motorcycles surrounded an old zombie, whistling and poking the zombie’s head with a shovel. After playing enough, they banged the zombie’s head a few times.

This kind of people don’t know whether to call them “brave and fearless” or reckless and ignorant. They know too little about zombies, thinking that nothing will happen if they don’t get bitten, but when the virus evolves, they will regret it.

After bypassing the gangsters, Zhang Zhi drove the car into the underground parking lot of the supermarket. Several people got off the car quickly. After making sure that there was no one around, they put the car into the space, and then rushed into the supermarket.

As Zhang Zhi guessed, there are many zombies in this supermarket, and standing in the parking lot can hear the howls of zombies coming from inside.

Probably when the first zombie broke into here, there were a lot of people shopping, and they were infected one after another, all wandering in the supermarket.

Old Yuan started with Wen Jia and rushed forward holding the axe. Qin Chi led Zhang Zhi behind, and both of them were holding machetes.

The three bodies were gnawed in half, and the security guards dragging their intestines walked staggeringly. Old Yuan and Wenjia in front of him raised their hands and chopped off their heads. Qin Chi stopped and rummaged in the heads of the zombies, but he didn’t see them. Something he was looking for.

“Koike?” Zhang Zhi looked back.

“It’s okay.” Qin Chi quickly followed.

The four quickly entered the first floor of the supermarket and were blocked by a few zombies at the entrance.

This should be a family of four, a typical parent with a child, one of whom is about one year old lying in the stroller, his eyes are blue-gray and muddy.

Lao Yuan and Wen Jia left and right, split the heads of the zombies who were leaning towards them, and they cooperated very tacitly. Qin Chi raised the knife in his hand and cut off the neck of the eight-year-old boy zombie, and then pierced it through the Heavenly Spirit cover with his backhand.

The zombie crashed to the ground, Qin Chi looked at the machete in his hand and shook the minced meat residue on his head.

A machete is not as hard as an axe, especially this kind of ordinary blade, which is scrapped after three or four cuts.

Zhang Zhi closed his eyes, just thinking about ending the pain of the baby zombies in the stroller, but Qin Chi took a step ahead of him and cut off his fragile neck with a broken blade.

The little head rolled out like a ball, stopped beside his parents and brother, completely motionless.

Zhang Zhi retracted his gaze and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Qin Chi saw through his mind, rubbed the back of his head, and said seriously: “Brother Zhi, I am here.”

If Zhang Zhi doesn’t do anything, he can do it.

Zhang Zhi glanced at him blankly, and murmured, “Sorry, sorry…”

Next time, it will never happen again.

Both Lao Yuan and Wen Jia had already gone far. When they looked back and saw that they were still standing where they were, Lao Yuan yelled, “Can you two change to a safe place and then I can do it? Let’s keep up!”

The two smiled at each other and walked up quickly.

There are many zombies on the first floor, and there are walking corpses wandering in front of almost every shelf. At a glance, there are at least dozens of them.

Several people pressed the one-piece caps tightly to cover various places that might be caught, and then went to deal with the surrounding zombies.

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