The live broadcast brings goods, and the whole network sells like crazy

Chapter 184 Chapter 184: Come to Negotiate

Chapter 184 Chapter 184: Come to Negotiate
The next day.

Early in the morning.

Su Yi hasn't woken up yet.

Party Secretary Su Jianmin took the initiative to come to the door with three people.

The village head of Wuzhuang and the representatives of the two growers were obviously doing it for the unsalable citrus in the village.


They all pinned their hopes on Su Yi.

After all, ordinary people definitely cannot sell so many fruits.

As a big internet celebrity, Su Yi can help relieve some of the pressure through live streaming.


"This is Wu Bin, the village head of Wuzhuang, and representatives of two growers in the village."

When seeing everyone.

Party secretary Su Jianmin still gave a brief introduction to Su Yi.

It can be regarded as a bridge for both parties!

Su Yi nodded.

The Wu Bin in front of him is a little bit fatter in the Mediterranean, and his first impression is that kind of old fritters who are very good at things.

However, in places like rural villages, if you want to become a village cadre, you must have your own strengths.

Convince people with virtue.

Or to intimidate people.

No matter how bad it is, he is also a slick person.

After all, you have to have something that makes people listen to you and convince you, otherwise how can you get along well in the poor village?
"Brother Thirteen!"

"It's really troublesome this time~"

"On behalf of all the fruit farmers in the village, I thank you for lending a helping hand, otherwise everyone really doesn't know what to do"

"It's so hard to be a farmer these days!"

Wu Lin opened his mouth to thank and complain.

One brother on the left and another brother~

The country's sophistication and sophistication are also used to perfection.

You know, Su Yi hasn't agreed yet!

Right now, they are just asking Party Secretary Su Jianmin to invite them over to discuss specific cooperation.


Su Yi shook his head.

Wu Bin's actions are not too cold.

The way people in the village talk and do things is very different from that in big cities outside.

It can even be said to be two worlds!
"Wu Bin."

"I have told Shisan about your situation before, and the specific cooperation needs to be finalized in detail."

Su Jianmin said again.

It was obvious that Su Yi didn't like Wu Bin's social communication methods very much.

He himself knew very well that Wu Bin was the kind of smooth-faced person, and he liked to flatter and thick-skinned in village committee meetings!

"Brother Thirteen has the final say!"

“Our whole village will definitely cooperate fully”


"As long as it can be sold at a lower price, it's fine, or it will be ruined after the Chinese New Year."

The three of Wu Bin expressed their opinion immediately.

In fact, they don't know if Su Yi can help sell it.

A dead horse is a living horse doctor!
The other party is also a big internet celebrity.

A few days ago, I helped Elephant sell instant noodles for nearly 2 million yuan.

Otherwise, he would not take the initiative to ask for it.

"Then I'll tell you what I think."

"When the time comes, we will start a live broadcast to help bring the goods to the village, but you will be responsible for the delivery of the order, and I will not participate in the after-sales link of the delivery."

Su Yi said directly.

This live broadcast is mainly to help Guomin.

So he himself is too lazy to buy all of them back and then sell them.

It takes too much energy in the middle!
Just help bring the goods.

As for the picking, packaging and delivery, they are all handled by them, otherwise millions of catties of citrus will wear him down.

"What's the price?"

"In addition, express delivery also requires costs."

Wu Bin asked directly.

After all, it is still a question of cost.

After all, he himself has [-] to [-] acres of citrus, and the output is over [-] catties.

Otherwise, how could you be so caring.

There are still relatively few grassroots village cadres who are dedicated to their responsibilities like Su Jianmin. Many people become village cadres for personal gain.

"Naturally, the more favorable the price, the easier it is to sell!"

"Discuss and decide for yourself."

"In addition, courier cooperation can be found in the town, or I can help introduce one here."

Su Yi explained the problem clearly.

Anyway, the price is still very transparent.

They are willing to price and sell as much as they want!
bear the corresponding costs.

Don't get involved.


"It doesn't matter whether the price is guaranteed or lost, as long as it can be sold as soon as possible."

"That's right!"

"Who knew the market would be so bad this year."

As for Su Yi's words.

The three of them didn't have much opinion.

As long as it can be sold as soon as possible at the moment, thank God.

How dare you think about making more money.

Fruit growers are small sailboats in the tide of the market, and a slight fluctuation will be greatly involved.


"Then the live broadcast fee on your side"

Wu Bin asked tentatively.

Even if he is in the countryside, he knows that it is not cheap to invite Internet celebrity anchors to bring a lot of goods.

Especially a big internet celebrity like Su Yi!
Or who will help you for no reason?

"Forget about the cost for now."

"Everyone can't make much money this time, and it won't be enough for the cost by then"

Su Yi shook his head.

Now his pit fee is very high.

Even commissions for goods will take up a large percentage of sales.

In this way, it is not helping farmers!
Instead, it is exploited and squeezed~

It doesn't matter if you charge less.

Taking one million and hundreds of thousands is nothing but a fraction to him now.

It might as well earn a good reputation when you are more generous.

Don't look at the millions of catties of citrus!
In fact, it didn't cost much to sell.

Farm products are cheap!



"You have to charge as much as you want!"



Su Yi's atmospheric manipulation surprised everyone.

How can anyone in the world be willing to work for nothing?
Hard work without earning a dime?
Wu Bin and the others were a little unbelievable!


"At that time, I will go directly to the orchard to broadcast live for a day or two."

"As for how much we can sell, there is no guarantee!"

Su Yi waved his hand.

I just plan to earn a rebate in my heart.

These citrus are the output of the whole village, and there is not much money evenly distributed.

If he takes 500 million pit fees.

Then draw another thirty or forty points.

It would be better for the fruit growers to just rot these fruits in the ground.

Profits are exploited too much!

Originally, selling fruit online didn’t make much money.

If there is no advantage in supply and express delivery, eight out of ten will lose money.

He would be very happy if he could earn 50 million yuan instead of the previous one.

Now three or five hundred doesn't mean much!
It's meaningless to help farmers become strippers~
"Okay! Ok!"

"At that time, you can directly arrange for us, and everyone will absolutely cooperate with you."

"That's right!"


Su Yi took the absolute initiative in this negotiation.

The first choice is that the other party wants something from him!

Second, he doesn't get paid~
That person naturally did not dare to ask him anything.


Naturally, Su Yi could clearly feel the change in their attitudes.

Humans are real creatures!

It is also normal to be humble when there are benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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