The Lofty Fierce Consort

Chapter 111

Chapter 110

? There are two curtains inside and outside the Babu bed, and the outer curtain is put down like a separate space.

Luo Huaiyuan got up from the pedals and sat down on the edge of the bed.

This guy’s attitude was too calm and natural, and he kept talking to Yan Yan, and Yan Yan didn’t notice the strangeness at this time.

Luo Huaiyuan naturally said that this time he was expelled from the palace, including the reasons for it, which are indistinguishable from Yan Yan’s thoughts at the time. But he is a very good storyteller, and he tells stories that are repeated and fascinating. Yan Yan listened attentively, and she didn’t notice that this fellow was coming over a little bit.

When the abnormality was discovered, he was already extremely close to himself, and his hand was also grabbed.

“Sister Ayan, do you like the flowers I gave you?”

“What color do you prefer?”

“I think that purple rose suits you well!”

“Have you missed me lately? Will you think more than you used to?”

“I miss you every day, so I want to marry you home quickly!”

This was like a blast, sentence after sentence, so Yan Yan didn’t know how to answer for a while.

The person in front of him is very familiar, but very strange. Familiarity is because he will send flowers to people almost every day, with a small card in it, which will say some messy things, and strange because it seems that he hasn’t seen him for a long time.

He actually ate a little fatter again!

“Why are you getting fat again!” Yan Yan said in disgust in order to hide her embarrassment.

The fat face that smiled like a flower suddenly turned into a bitter melon face.

“Really? Are you really fattening?”

It looked like a mourning test, pitiful, the dimple on the left cheek was gone, the corners of his eyes did not rise, and the corners of his mouth drooped down. He covered his eyes with fat hands and pretended to cry: “You dislike me being fat. I’ve been fat since I was a kid. You don’t know why you dislike me now! The Lun family likes you so much…”


Yan Yan didn’t expect this kind of reaction from the other party, and she was a little stunned.

Luo Huaiyuan seemed to be extremely sad, rushed forward, holding Yan Yan in his arms and began to express his hurt feelings.

“Then what, I didn’t despise you…”

“You have!” a sad tone.

“Really not.”

“You have it!” Definitely, with a straightforward accusation.

“I really don’t.”

“you have!”

Luo Huaiyuan squeezed his fat face onto Yan Yan’s neck, squeezing and rubbing, complaining and humming in his mouth. His hands and feet began to become dishonest, and his hands were fat and soft. In addition, he had been tossing a few handfuls of oil secretly, but Yan Yan didn’t even notice.

It wasn’t until the smell of the cargo started to be wrong that Yan Yan happened to have caught the pigeon on her chest.

This guy’s attitude is too arrogant, and he talks about “I was disgusted by others, my heart hurts”, but his hands were touched and rubbed with excitement.

“You, you, what are you doing!”

“I didn’t do anything!” The boy let go of his hand nonchalantly, and said shamelessly: “I found your place swollen, I’ll rub it for you!”

Yan Yan’s brain exploded.

Even if she doesn’t know anything about the world, she won’t take indecent assault!

The hand reacted faster than the brain. She pulled Luo Huaiyuan’s clothes and rolled over and pressed him underneath, and then she hit him with her fist.

“You fat man, stinky rascal…”

Luo Huaiyuan screamed in mourning, begging for mercy. It seems very pitiful, if you observe carefully, you will find that this product is pretended again, and his face is full of enjoyment. In the time when he was being beaten, his fat hand was’panic-stricken’ and he inadvertently touched Yan Yan’s jade legs.

Rub it, rub it again, it’s fun.

There was too much movement inside, and Evian, who was watching the night outside, seemed to have heard something wrong, and a voice came in from outside.

“Girl, but something is going on!”

Yan Yan stopped moving, cleared her throat, and said, “It’s okay, I had a nightmare. You wake up now, you don’t need to come in.”

Evian replied vaguely, and seemed to enter his sweet sleep again.

The room was very quiet at this time.

The big bed was in a mess, the pillows fell off the floor, and the bedding and sheets were messed up.

I don’t know when the posture of the two became extremely ambiguous. Yan Yan was up, Luo Huaiyuan was down, and Yan Yan was riding on Luo Huaiyuan’s soft belly. She then reacted, moved slightly, and the cushion under her body also swayed.

Yan Yanyu’s face was flushed red, she thought about it, but was held tightly by someone, and then she turned over and was pressed underneath. She was about to break free, but her hand was pinched, and she took it to her mouth and blew nervously.

“Yanyan, does it hurt? Does your hand hurt?”

The voice was similar to murmur, it seemed to be full of endless pain and pity.

She was in an embarrassing situation, but on such an ambiguous occasion, coupled with the murmur of pain, Yan Yan’s face became even more red, and even the roots of her ears became red.

This guy continued to blow so shamelessly that it hurts, and it’s not enough to blow it, so I kissed it twice, only to nibble on it.

“What are you doing, throw it away, get up quickly—”

Unconsciously, the voice becomes coquettish like a pool of soft water.

Luo Huaiyuan naturally discovered this change.

Hey, I’m not afraid that you are just steel, as long as you get the hang of it!

One struggling to think about it, one pretending to be dead, in an extremely embarrassing posture, it was not right to rub against it.

Yan Yan’s expression on the other side was very strange, both painful and joyful, so she couldn’t help but push him.

“What’s the matter with you? Get up quickly, and then pretend to be dead and I will be angry!”

Luo Huaiyuan turned over vigorously and lay down for a while before sitting up.

“You dare to do this next time, I’m not, I’m not…”

He smiled, but said pitifully: “This time is purely an accident, Yanyan, did you hurt your hands, I have thick skin!”

The flattering leaned over and wanted to take Yan Yan’s hand to see.

Yan Yan waved him away, raising her eyebrows coldly: “What the **** are you doing in the middle of the night?”

He did it with a smile, expecting Ai Ai, “I just told you about the palace.”

“Now that’s finished, you can go!”

He looked inked, as if he didn’t want to leave.

“Men can’t come to my daughter’s boudoir, especially if you dare to visit my boudoir at night!”

“Aren’t we getting married soon, I miss you, and I’m afraid you worry about me, so I ran over to talk to you.”

Yan Yan blushed, “I’m not worried about you!”

Luo Huaiyuan smiled and muttered softly: “I know Yanyan must be worried about being her husband, it must be like this…”

When Yan Yan raised his fist, he jumped out of the bed with lightning speed, his movements were extremely agile, not at all clumsy.

“Well, Yanyan, let’s see you on the Spring Festival, I will pick you up when the time comes to enjoy the lanterns.”

After speaking, he opened a window and turned it out awkwardly. After going out, he closed the sash very considerately.

Yan Yan was about to get out of bed when she suddenly heard Evian’s footsteps.

Wearing a thin jacket, Evian walked in with a candlestick.

“Girl, are you asleep?”

“not yet.”

Evian gave a cry, heard the rustling of clothes, and listened to her suspiciously in a low voice: “Why is this window sash not bolted? The servant remembered to check it before.”

Yan Yan froze for a while and said, “Evian, you can help me make the bed.”

Leaving this sentence aside, she went to the inner clean room.

After he came out, Evian had already arranged the bed extremely neatly.

Evian was a little surprised at the extent of the chaos, but Yan Yan practiced martial arts. Maybe it was because of the manpower of martial arts. When dreaming of nightmares, he dreamed of fighting with others.

Yan Yan was still a little nervous, afraid that Evian would see the clue, but she didn’t expect the other party to find an explanation for herself.

After the Fourth Prince left, Xiao Anzi has been in a state of nervousness and anxiety.

This highness, who likes to be a demon, actually ran to spy on the girl’s boudoir at night. Even if it is the future prince and concubine, it can’t be so! It’s a pity that Xiao Anzi’s protest was too quiet, and Luo Huaiyuan automatically ignored it.

Luo Huaiyuan came in from outside with a chill, Xiao Anzi hurriedly greeted him.

“His Royal Highness, you are finally back–”

Before he finished speaking, he saw a few red marks on Luo Huaiyuan’s face, and he suddenly turned to surprise, “His Royal Highness, you were beaten. But you were arrested? My God, how can this be a good life? People can see your face, if this happens, it would really be…”

Luo Huaiyuan looked impatient, “You’re endless! I didn’t send you to sing a big show, I was a bit awkward! Your master, I am such a suffocated person, so I was arrested? You won’t read anything to me. Good experience?”

“But your face—”

“This was accidentally touched red.”

Press not to mention.

The next day Xiao Anzi cleaned up Luo Huaiyuan’s bed, but another suspicious object happened.

He is full of worries, how can this be done?

But soon he didn’t have the time to worry anymore, there were people in the palace, and four people from the palace were sent to the fourth prince.

These four palace people are all about fifteen or sixteen years old, with good looks and graceful figures. At first glance, it was not sent to do miscellaneous tasks, and the **** who brought these palace men was also extremely frank. This was arranged by the palace to teach personnel to the four princes.

There is such a rule in the palace. After the prince is in his prime, he will arrange several palace people to teach the prince. One is to allow the prince to learn the way of fortune, so that he can take care of himself and give birth to an heir as soon as possible. Secondly, to prevent the prince from being addicted to female **** because of novelty.

In his previous life, Luo Huai had been living in the palace for a long time before the feudal clan, and there were many such palace people around him, all ‘arranged in the palace’. In this life, Luo Huaiyuan had left the palace long ago and built a separate residence. The Fourth Prince’s Mansion did not report it, and there has been no movement from the other side of the palace. I did not expect to send a few palace people here at this moment.

Is it because he is about to get married soon?

Because of the experience of the previous life here, Luo Huaiyuan naturally would not interpret this behavior as good intentions. He has seen so many such sordid things under the guise of ‘rules and kindness’ to do all sorts of demons and sprites. The key is that this kind of tenderness makes you unable to detect it at all for a while, and it will be too late when you understand it.

It’s like he didn’t know until after his last life that the number of concubines and concubines after the prince’s big wedding will vary. This is the wife of the princes. But if there are a group of beautiful women around, and these women are sent here under the guise of the elders, how can they be stable in the backyard of the house.

Unexpectedly, in two completely different lives, some things will happen again!

Luo Huaiyuan didn’t show up, and asked Father Xi to accept these palace people, and then arranged to go to the most remote courtyard of the Fourth Prince’s Mansion.

One day later, in the middle of the night, he once again visited Yan Yan’s boudoir at night and told her about the incident.

“You mean the palace sent you some beautiful palace men? What is that for?”

For a while, Yan Yan could not reflect the meaning of this behavior.

Luo Huaiyuan looked at her embarrassedly, and whispered: “Then what, is to teach me about personnel.”

“Teach, guide, people, things–” Yan Yan whispered softly.

Before she could understand, Luo Huaiyuan took the initiative to surrender, “It’s the common house girl, let me use it to practice my hands, so that I won’t get married with you… uh… what…”

Yan Yan only came over when she heard the exchange of the room, but she still didn’t understand what it means to practice hands. But she also knew that it was not a good thing, and did not ask.

“Then what do you mean by this?”

Luo Huaiyuan slapped his chest, and said awe-inspiringly: “Of course I’m here to show my sincerity. Don’t worry, Sister A Yan, I will definitely not touch them. Just that little mess, what else do I need to teach…”

Yan Yan squinted at him: “You mean you have very rich experience, so you don’t need to teach at all?”

Slippery mouth struck by lightning!

Luo Huaiyuan was so startled that he coughed twice, and hurriedly said, “Yanyan, don’t get me wrong. I mean there are many books to copy about that kind of thing, and you don’t need to teach it at all.” He raised three fingers, fat His face is extremely serious, “You have to believe in my character, you are so white and flawless, I will definitely guarantee that I am innocent, and then we will study and improve together…”

As he talked, the goods began to be sloppy, not only on the lips, but also on the hands.

Yan Yan sitting on the couch was hugged by the shameless.

“What are you doing!”

“Yanyan, let me hug you. You don’t know, I think your heart hurts when you think about it. If you don’t believe me, touch it.” His fat paw grabbed the girl’s little hand and pressed it on his heart. “I miss you, I can’t sleep every night.”

A good voice, a soft voice, and a smile on his face. No one can change his face on the spot, especially the relationship between this person and himself will be unusual in the future.

“Why are you like this—”

“What’s wrong with me? This kind of behavior between husband and wife is normal! You see, I don’t allow the palace staff to teach, just to let us learn and improve together, now let’s practice this first step, and embrace it! This is the first step in the exchange of feelings between men and women, the source of love…Look at the softness in my arms, do you feel warm, caring, comfortable, and at ease when you lie in it…”

If Luo Huaiyuan is in the open-mouthed mode, it is estimated that the ten Yan Yan are not his opponents.

The environment was originally special, it was in the middle of the night, and it was in his boudoir. There was a vigil girl outside. In order to prevent people from discovering, the two of them spoke under their throats. This shameless entanglement is endless, you shake your face, people will ignore it; if you are fierce, he smiles hippie; if you push him, he gets closer.

She kept her mouth and hands, Yan Yan was swollen by what he said, and she was taken into her arms before she was relieved. Luo Huaiyuan’s embrace was extremely broad, as he said it was so soft, Yan Yan couldn’t get up to the struggle, so she was taken into her embrace.

He didn’t do anything else, just hug you. I will coax you softly when I hold it in my arms, and talk to you with each sentence. If such a person says shamelessly, it’s a bit too much, and if it’s as deep as the sea, it’s a bit awkward. All in all, Yan Yan is not Luo Huaiyuan’s opponent at all.

After Luo Huaiyuan left, Yan Yan sat on the bed and froze for a long while, Xia Fei cheeks.


Soon it came to the day of the Spring Festival.

Last year today, Yan Yan spent time with her younger brother and Shen Qi and Luo Huaiyuan. This is also the plan this year.

Shen Yiyao and Xue’s family were also preparing to go out to enjoy the lanterns this time. Yan Yan didn’t think much about it. After meeting Yan Ru, who seemed to be shy, she realized that it was not as simple as admiring lanterns.

It turned out that Xue had chosen a family for Yan Ru, and he wanted to find a chance to see him. It happened to be the opportunity of admiring the lanterns during the last Yuan Festival. Shen Yiyao got acquainted with each other, so they made an appointment with each other. On the first day of the Spring Festival, the women could have gone out, and the fact that they had their family members to follow each other, it was time to take a look, which also prevented the two juniors from marrying blindly and dumbly.

Yan Ru seemed quite nervous early in the morning, picking clothes and jewellery in the room, trying and changing. The same is true for Yan Ling. Xue’s movement is not small this time, and he is going to do the two girls in Dafang together. If you like each other and feel good, then settle down.

Since Shen Yiyao is going out, Yan Yan must be accompanied.

For this reason, she notified Luo Huaiyuan to change the itinerary from the outer city to the inner city. Anyway, the lamp market in the inner city is also extremely beautiful. Compared with the lamp market in the outer city, it is only as lively as the outside.

When it was time for the sky to wipe the darkness, the whole family went out together with them.

Naturally, these older ladies are not like the young and girls who go to the Lantern Market. Most of them set up an excellently located box in the restaurant. So today the business of the restaurants in the inner city is very good, and the good locations are all booked early. Got out.

Of course, it’s not just here, the royal lantern festival near the Meridian Gate, and the lantern sheds set up by various houses around Aoshan. The main characters in the various houses are there, but not everyone can set up lampshades there. Others with insufficient status or who don’t want to join in the excitement can only be scattered among the major restaurants. .

Shen Yiyao had booked the location long ago. Luo Huaiyuan and Shen Qi changed places temporarily. There were no more boxes at this time. The two were going to be with Shen Yiyao. After that, they also planned to go out to play.

When I arrived at the restaurant, the surroundings were already brightly lit, the lights inside were bright, and the voices were full of people.

Shen Yiyao and Xue took Yan Yan upstairs, Luo Huaiyuan and Shen Qi in the box were already waiting there.

Luo Huaiyuan, the leader here, has the highest status, but in terms of relationship, he is still a junior in the future, so everyone nodded to each other. Only Yan Ru and Yan Ling came forward to give Luo Huaiyuan a blessing.

This is the first time Yan Ru and Yan Ling have seen the so-called Four Princes. They have been known to him for a long time but have never met. This time they were somewhat surprised to see them.

Unexpectedly, the four princes were such a person, completely inconsistent with the handsome and gentle scholars in the textbooks they were reading. Then I thought, the four princes are not scholars, and the discrepancies should be. Just such a person, won’t Yan Yan be wronged after marrying?

Of course these thoughts were hidden in her heart, Yan Ling’s face did not show at all, but Yan Ru was a little surprised. From this point, we could see the difference between the two.

Xue gave Yan Ru a dark look, smiled and said a few hilarious words, covering the past.

In fact, no one noticed this. After seeing Luo Huaiyuan, Shen Yiyao was very affectionate and asked about his recent situation. From her tone, she could hear that the two were very familiar. It can be imagined that Yan Yan was accused of marrying Luo Huaiyuan, but Shen Yiyao did not There is a sense of resistance.

There are so many messages here, and only people like Xue with an exquisite heart can find the clues.

It’s no wonder that these two younger siblings have never seen words worrying about their daughter’s future marriage. It turns out that the other party has known each other a long time ago. Maybe this marriage was planned.

Naturally, Xue’s thoughts were too much, but she was a little right. These four princes were definitely not so stupid on the surface, they must have their own advantages, so that Shen Yiyao would be willing to marry his daughter. If this is not the case, just relying on the power of the town government office, there is no way to refuse.

Press not to mention.

A group of people sat down, and the restaurant brought up a variety of refreshments and fruits.

This place is very well located, just facing the lamp market, looking down from above, it is colorful and beautiful.

After sitting for a while, someone knocked on the door.

It turned out that it was Mrs. Liang from the box next door, who saw that this box was set by an acquaintance, and came over to say hello.

Mrs. Liang looks in her thirties, wearing a plain satin coat of lotus root and a purple horse-faced skirt. With a long face and fair skin, I can see that he is a gentle person. Next to her was a young girl who was fourteen or five years old, with a melon face, petite physique, and a rather shy look.

Then there was a young boy, sixteen or seventeen years old, with a green face and tall slender body, looking very gentle and handsome.

These two are Liang Qifan, the eldest son of the Liang family, and Liang Xiuhe, the daughter of the Liang family. The Liang family’s population is simple. As a five-star doctor of the Ministry of Industry, the Liang family is upright and honest, and he is a pragmatist. Although the family is in a good condition, the family has always been simple, and the people in this group are well-dressed, but they have nothing to do with luxury and wealth.

Liang Qifan was a little cautious, came in, looked up the room, and lowered his head.

After Mrs. Liang sat down, she talked with Shen Yiyao, and the two introduced each other. One son and one daughter of the Liang family came forward to meet Shen Yiyao and Xue family one by one. Yan Yan, Yan Ru and others also came up here. Meet with Mrs. Liang.

“My daughter has always been courageous. On weekdays, the door cannot go out. If I hadn’t taken her out today, she would have hidden in the boudoir and would not go out.” Madam Liang took Liang Xiuhe’s hand and laughed. Writes.

Xue said with a smile: “Every girl is like this, please be quiet. Ru’er, take your sister Xiuhe to the side to talk. It’s always more fun to talk with your daughters at home than with us old ladies.”

Yan Ru knew that he came to see him today, and that the other person also came today. At this moment, he just went shy, and how could he respond. Seeing this, Yan Ling smiled busy and took Liang Xiuhe to the place where their girls were sitting.

Yan Ru blushed and followed, Xue Shi showed a meaningful smile, and the three women all smiled at each other.

Liang Qifan was taken to the other side by Shen Qi, and Luo Huaiyuan knew that this was going to end today, and A Yan must have no time to go out with him to see the lantern. He was not easy to show up, so he encouraged Shen Qi to entertain Liang Qifan.

During this period Liang Qifan always inadvertently raised his head to look there, and Yan Ru also peeked at this side or two without mentioning it.

After talking for almost half an hour, Liang Fu took his son and daughter to leave.

“Seeing Madam Liang like this, it seems quite satisfied, what do you think?” Shen Yiyao asked after Liang’s family left.

Xue’s expression seemed to be agitated, she was a little incoherent, clutching her chest and said: “Second sibling, my chest is pounding with tension right now, let me slowly.

The door was knocked again before she recovered. Shen Yiyao glanced at Xue with a smile, and ordered the maid beside her to open the door.

This time, people from Qing’an Bo’s family came.

The Dafang couple thought about it for a long time, and the final decision was the first two.

Yan Ru has a soft personality and a simple person. The Liang family’s situation is simple, and Yan Ru is just right. And Qing An Bo’s family, although the family is in decline, but after all, it is a family with a knighthood. The second son of the three rooms is also considered advanced, and his parents have a chance, even if the Qing An Bo is gone in the future. Brand, life will certainly not be worse than others.

This marriage was discussed by Ma Quanfang, and it was quite exciting for Xue, after all, it was extremely difficult to find a good marriage with Yan Ling’s background.

If you want to be a true wife, you can only choose from the juren who have just been promoted from the poor family. This kind of marriage is just to listen to the good, and the daughter will not be able to endure hardship after marrying.

Let’s not mention when you can get ahead. A poor family married a girl from the Hou’s family, and pointed out that you were allowed to supplement him. You used the dowry to supplement the family, and waited for him to give birth to children and daughters. It’s uncertain what will happen to him in the future. It is better to find someone with a well-off family and live your life well.

The third wife in Qing’anbo’s third room could see that it was something to come. As soon as she came in, she smiled and talked with Shen Yiyao and Xue’s family. Just now, I talked to Mrs. Liang and pointed at Xue to create the atmosphere, but now it’s the other way around.

The third wife came with the eldest daughter-in-law, daughter and youngest son, and the youngest son is the protagonist of this meeting. He is neither fat nor thin, of moderate height, with a Chinese character face, and he is very calm.

The eldest daughter-in-law could see that it was not a simple matter. After seeing each other, she stepped forward and pulled Yan Yan to talk. In fact, the main object of attention was Yan Ling.

Yan Ling was not afraid or timid, and dealt with appropriately.

The three ladies who took the time to look over here are very satisfied. In their home, it’s not good if there is no wink and heart.

Not to mention, when the third lady left, her face was full of smiles. ,,?

The author has something to say:

ps: O(∩_∩)O hahaha , laugh wildly with arms akimbo.

Face to face: Xiaopang, you are too superficial, too wretched, too low-level and shameless…

Xiaopang: (Satisfied) As the saying goes, fierce girls are afraid of messing around. No matter what your heart is like iron, I am soft… (affectionate face) I am ugly, but I am gentle, indifferent on the outside, and fanatical on the inside. That means me and I… Ow…

Mian Mian: Do you use softness to overcome strength? It’s just a superficial face…

Chubby: Get out!

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