The Lofty Fierce Consort

Chapter 144

Chapter 143

? The reply from the Lord Zhen Guo arrived soon.

Just as Yan Yan thought, Lord Zhen Guo did have some unusual connections with Luo Bishi, which also dates back to when Lord Zhen Guo attacked Nanban.

Luo Bishi was a local one hundred households at that time, and Zhen Guogong was a general who was ordered to fight against the Nanban, and the status of the two was one in the sky and the other in the earth.

At that time, the people of Nanban and the Han people had been grudges for a long time, almost to the point of disparity. Luo Bishi is in a difficult situation as the local army stationed. He must always guard against radical-thinking people among the ordinary people to fan the fire and cause riots. Nanban people are martial arts, and they have the custom of wearing wild swords. Once a riot occurs, the consequences can hardly be imagined.

Luo Bishi encountered this situation several times. The most difficult one was when the Southern Barbarian rebel leader almost died on the spot. Fortunately, he was saved by the Lord Zhenguo who brought the troops.

After Zhen Guo Gong arrived in the area, he did not force him to force himself like many military commanders sent by the imperial court. Instead, he began to meticulously study the contradictions between the Nanbans and the Hans, and why the docile Nanbans continue one after another. The riots even attracted the imperial court to send troops to suppress it.

It is not wrong to say that the Nanban people and the Han people have been grudges for a long time.

As early as the first emperor, Nanban was the territory of Daxi. There was a lot of praise in the court at that time, saying that the first emperor was a master of martial arts. This ancestor was the grandfather of Emperor Xi, and the Emperor Zhenguo conquered Nanban when the ancestor reigned.

Nanban was defeated, but after the attack, the court did not issue a proper plan for the coexistence of Han and Yi. Instead, they migrated to a group of Han people like they swallowed dates, and settled on this land belonging to Nanban with the people of Nanban.

The Southern Barbarian was afraid of being beaten. When the Southern Barbarian was defeated, the corpses of the Southern Barbarian warriors could be piled as high as a mountain. For the sake of racial inheritance, even if they resented the Han Chinese for their caresses, the Nanban still assumed a docile posture.

In this way, two groups of completely different races have co-existed here for decades, and the contradictions between the two races have also secretly increased.

The Han people dislike the Nanban people, who do not understand their speech, behave vulgarly, and do not understand etiquette. The Nanban people think that the Han people are sinister and cunning, they will deceive the honest and honest Nanban people just to take advantage of that little bit. Therefore, there is a clear separation between the Han and the Nanbans, living in the same place, but they are like two completely different ethnic groups.

In particular, the Han people have a natural condescending attitude towards the Nanban people. They feel that your family is annihilated. You savages can only rely on me and other Han people to survive. In addition, the local laws are more or less biased towards the Han people. For example, the Han people beat the Nanban people and sue them to the government, and the punishment they receive is extremely light. But if the Nanban beat the Han, the punishment is too heavy to be imagined.

This further increased the arrogance of the Han people, and the Nanban people seemed humble and low, but they kept holding a fire in their hearts.

In addition, the Han people are widely accustomed to etiquette, and their cultural heritage and knowledge are very different from those of the Nanban people who live in a corner. Gradually, the Han people occupy most of the land of the Nanban people, and the Nanban people must act as enslaved people. labor.

But you can’t say that there is something wrong with the Han people. After all, they get all this by their own wisdom. There are black sheep, but most Han people can’t get rid of their contempt for the Nanbans, but they will not take the initiative to oppress them. But after all, the two clans had blood feuds, and there were secretly instigated people with unpredictable hearts, and the riot finally happened.

Seeing blood for the first time, the second and the third seemed to come for granted. After that, the court repeatedly sent troops to suppress it. The southern barbarian lived in the mountains and forests, and once the court sent troops, those rebels would flee the mountains and forests. The people of the imperial court are not familiar with the environment, and once they chase in, they will suffer a big loss. Several times to no avail, he was finally sent to Zhen Guo Gong.

The Lord Zhen Guo has stayed in Nanban for nearly five years, and has been relying on one person to carry the pressure from the court. He thoroughly studied the contradiction between Nanban and Daxi, not using suppression as a means, but focusing on ‘foxing’. Settle down the displaced people of Nanban, change the local laws, order people to teach them farming techniques, send people to educate them, and restrain the local Han people, change their attitude towards the Nanbans, and tell them that they are all Daxi’s people. The two should help each other.

This was an extremely arduous task, and fortunately, the town official finally completed it.

The Nanban people understood the techniques of farming, and the people’s life gradually became stable and prosperous. With the help of the Nanban people, the Han people can gradually deal with it in a strange and brutal environment. We must know that Nanban has a weird climate and a lot of damp ants and insects. What makes Han people’s life in Nanban most distracting is not the environment here, but a snake or insect bitten by accident, which will be miserable and even threatened with death. Including why the imperial court did not dare to enter the mountains and forests to pursue the Nanban rebels because of this.

The Nanban people were born and raised, and have long mastered a set of tricks to live here. For snakes and insects, they have the tricks passed down by their ancestors from generation to generation.

The Han and the Nanban people got along more and more harmoniously, and the Nanban rebels, who had been hiding in the mountains and daring not to show up, gradually couldn’t sit still. In fact, they were all raised by their parents, no one came out of a crack in the stone. Some rebels were for their own benefit, but they were the remnants of the former Southern Barbarian King that was left behind when the Southern Barbarian was defeated. It is more about being deceived and instigated by others, and if you really can’t make it, it will rise.

Both parents and family are living in the place, and their lives are getting better and better. These rebels are in the crowd, and they have also returned home several times. Seeing that the high officials who came this time were indeed different from the past, the parents’ expectations of persuading their wives and children gradually caused these men to shake. The only concern is that the rioting rebels are caught, and it is estimated that the end will not be very good.

It is estimated that the fire is almost there, and the town government issued a decree that all those who have been reformed and not the first offender will be pardoned.

First of all, given the cunning of the Han people, no one can believe this decree.

It wasn’t until a Nanban man was seriously ill because of his mother in his family, but there was no one to take care of him. After checking the household registration, aside from the suspicion that he was not a person in the rebel army, the government released him home.

During this period, it only went through a short period of one day, and the government did not embarrass him, only routinely inquired.

Seeing that the security went back, many people gradually couldn’t sit still. In groups of two, they surrendered to the government. The surrender was not embarrassed by the government, and was divided into land like other Nanban people, and began to work hard in order to live and work in peace.

In fact, for most people, they don’t care who will lead them. They can only ask for a place to live, three meals, and the whole family to be together.

The Lord Zhen Guo suppressed the Southern Barbarian Rebellion without a single soldier. He did say what he said. Except for a few of the chief criminals in the rebels, a civilian was not embarrassed.

More and more people in Nanban knew the name of Lord Zhen Guo. Even Nanban people who didn’t speak Chinese fluently knew that with a thumbs up, he said that he was a good official.

In this regard, Luo Bishi admired the five-body cast.

At that time, he was also an aspiring young man. He had imagined how to solve such a difficult problem if he brought his troops to suppress this place countless times. In the final analysis, the common people are not wrong, but the differences in the concepts of the two ethnic groups and language barriers, coupled with the environment makes this.

Luo Bishi tried to break his mind, and found it difficult.

If there is no suppression, the imperial court will explain that the already chaotic Nanban will be even more chaotic. If it is suppressed, it will be so painful that these Nanbarians, who are already soaked in bitter water, will only force the mermaid to die and break the net. He did not expect that the Lord Zhen Guo, who has always been known for his iron hand, would actually use this gentle and drizzle method. By ‘fu’ on behalf of the town, many things that the local parents and officials had not done were accomplished.

Luo Bishi was still young at the time and was full of enthusiasm. He immediately took off the official uniforms of a hundred households and came to serve as the town official, saying that he would be willing to be a guard.

But how could the Lord Zhen Guo accept a court order officer as his own guard? That would place the court and the sage, and although the education of the Nanbarians had achieved initial results, the Lord Zhen Guo could not stay here forever. One more person here who has a benevolent heart for the next will add a strength to the Hanization of Nanban.

This was the friendship between Luo Bishi and Zhen Guo Gong, saying that the grace of saving lives was too much. After all, the reason Zhen Guo Gong saved Luo Bishi was also because of the crisis.

The two have only met this once.

For Luo Bishi, what Zhen Guogong did is always in his heart and affects his future policy of dealing with people. After Zhen Guogong left Nanban, he didn’t really remember Luo Bishi. It was only when he gradually showed his sharp edge in the future that he remembered the passionate young soldier a few years ago.

Later, I saw him coming step by step, although there was no connection between the two, Zhen Guogong was also very pleased.

In the letter from Zhen Guogong, only the previous connection between the two was pointed out, and the others did not say much. What is left is Luo Huaiyuan’s evolution based on what happened that year and some clues afterwards.

Let him describe the cause and effect of this incident, that is, the old man Zhen Guogong inadvertently gained a fan in his early years, and this little fan has idolized him for many years, and now he can be upgraded to a fan.

Of course, all this is only Luo Huaiyuan’s own guess, and who is right and wrong has to be verified.

After several encounters, Luo Huaiyuan almost figured out the routine of Luo Bishi. It is impossible to support him by pointing to him, but given the influence of Zhen Guo Gong and his elders, he would not make Luo Huaiyuan more embarrassed.

In other words, you can do whatever you want, as long as you don’t get out of the way, Luo Bishi can open one eye and close the other.

What Luo Huaiyuan asked for was just this. He didn’t expect to get Luo Bishi’s troops over. With this few 40,000 people, he was able to fight from the local to the center.

You must know that in this kind of place, getting into that position is not as easy as you imagined. You not only have to have military and financial resources, but you also have to occupy the right time and place, and you have to be indispensable, and you have to have righteousness and orthodoxy. If not, the spitting stars of those literati alone will be enough to drown you. As for those who sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, naturally they won’t save the effort of ‘the King’s side’ and will take turns to practice with you.

The reason why King Jin was able to ascend to the throne was only because he became a good lady. Luo Huaiyuan didn’t have a good mother, so he could only squat honestly, watching the movement and poking a pole in secret.

Fortunately, it’s still too early to be true. ?

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