The Lofty Fierce Consort

Chapter 41

Chapter 40

?At that time, Emperor Xi was afraid of the centralization of power by the commanding generals, so he distributed the power to the Five Army Capital Governor’s House and the Ministry of War.

The five-armed capital governor has the power to command troops but not the power to dispatch troops, and the Ministry of War has the power to dispatch troops but not the power to command troops. The five-army governor’s mansion and the Ministry of War are not mutually controlled, and everything is only under the emperor’s orders.

Those who are officials naturally have to appreciate that the emperor is afraid of centralization and collusion between the two. Even if it is to make the emperor feel at ease, he must maintain a good distance. It stands to reason that the Lord Zhenguo should have never interacted with Shangshu of the Ministry of War. On the face of it, they did not interact with each other, but this did not hinder the private friendship between the two.

Back then, at the time of the first emperor, when the government of Zhenguo ruled the army, now Miao Jie, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, is a vanguard officer under him. Although Miao Jie has risen steadily afterwards, this does not erase the original sentiment. Therefore, although the two of them always disagree with each other and quarrel in court, they still have an unspoken sentiment in private.

Therefore, in order to clean up Yan Ting, Zhen Guogong borrowed the hand of Shangshu from the Ministry of War.

On this day, the two of them walked on the palace road that left the palace.

The distance between them is a little bit, and it does not hinder the communication between the two.

“Your son-in-law is back?” With gray hair and beards, a thin body, and a complete old man’s appearance, he was dressed in a crimson embroidered celestial crane tonic dress, holding the jade fluorene in one hand, looking forward, and in his mouth. Said.

The Lord Zhen Guo also wore a scarlet robe, embroidered Qilin tonic on the front and back of his chest, he gave a faint hum without turning his head.

The Bingbu Shangshu was very curious, and couldn’t help but lean closer, “You cheated your son-in-law, are you afraid that your daughter-in-law knows?”

Lord Zhenguo stared at him and did not speak.

“Well, well, I know you have always been domineering, but I am just curious about why you want to clean up your son-in-law, and you are so cheating!”

“You need to take care of it! Take care less!”

Shangshu of the Ministry of War was a bit wronged. He did the transfer of Yan Ting to the border, and he did it if he transferred him back. How could it become a leisurely mind now.

This dead old man has been for decades, he still has a bear temper!

He is also a temperamental person, staring and humming: “Don’t come to me next time if you have anything to do, you won’t be rewarded with kindness!”

Duke Zhen Guo stared over, he must be angry, with thick eyebrows, and a terrifying aura. He was afraid of ordinary people. But the Ministry of War Shangshu has fought with him for decades, how can he be afraid of him.

The two stared at each other, their eyes facing each other big and small.

Not far behind on the palace road, a group of civil and military officials gathered together and whispered.

“Look, you see, Lord Zhen Guo quarreled with Shang Shu of the Ministry of War again.”

“It’s not the first day that the two of them quarreled. They quarreled just now before your majesty!”

“Yes, finish the quarrel in front of your majesty, come out and continue to quarrel. Do you think the two of them will fight?”

“Probably not, this is still in the palace.”

An older person said: “It’s not that I haven’t played in the palace! Then there was a year…”

The man began to talk about ancient times.

Although the eyes of Lord Zhen Guo are bigger than those of the Ministry of War, there is a saying called “little eyes condenses light”. After losing, he slowed down and snorted: “Housework.”

Well, this is also an explanation.

Young and old, this military official book is majestic in front of people, and majestic at home, so it can only show some other looks in front of this old friend.

People will encounter all kinds of things throughout their lives. For people like them, outside affairs are never a problem, and only family affairs can make them a little headache.

Thinking of the incompetent young son in the family, Bingbu Shangshu felt the toothache and said: “Well, don’t take it too seriously, just suffocate if something happens. Your son-in-law seems to beg Chen Shilang to come, and Chen Shilang said before me. , I ignored him. I was thinking at the time, shouldn’t he ask for your old man?”

There seemed to be sarcasm on the face of Zhen Guo, and then disappeared.

The Bingbu Shangshu continued to babble, “You old fellow is not an individual, do you want people to come to you? Interesting, play like this…”

Lord Zhen Guo ignored him, patted him on the shoulder, and walked away. He was strong, and his thin body was shaken by him, and he almost didn’t fall. A group of people over there looked nervously at this side for fear that the two would fight, and here the Ministry of War Shangshu was slanderous, Nima, I thought it was back then, I am old now, and I can’t help you, a reckless man, to take a photo.

After that, he jumped up with a vigorous posture that was not suitable for his age, and pointed to the back of the town’s father and said, “You old man, wait for me!”

Everyone wiped sweat, but fortunately, there was no fight! These two are very old, and they are so ‘naughty’!


Yan Zhi was not in the house. When he was found by the servants of the house, he was drinking with his friends outside, getting drunk.

The next person said that there was something in the house and the old lady asked him to go back, but he didn’t dare to delay, so he came back numbly.

He was slightly drunk and his brain was still a little confused. When he entered the Rong’an Hall and saw the old lady’s gloomy face, he suddenly felt aroused, and all the drunkenness disappeared.

He had a bit of hatred in his heart that he should go back to the room to clean up and come again, so that his aunt would not be unhappy with the smell of the alcohol, but smiled on his face and greeted him respectfully, and then greeted Yan Ting on the side. .

“Mother, I don’t know what’s the matter with finding a son?” Yan Zhi asked, standing beside the old lady. This distance can be regarded as a very close distance, and Yan Zhi’s attitude has always been like this.

He is very close to the old lady, so close to him as if he is the biological son of the old lady, but he also knows the etiquette very well, and he never feels jealous because of the difference in treatment between himself and the second and third.

This measure is very difficult to handle. As of today, Yan Zhi has done a good job, even if he looks from the outside as a dude who has nothing to do all day long.

The old lady’s gloomy face softened a bit after seeing this, and she suddenly thought about the important matter of her son. After all, Yan Ting was more important to her, so she got the upper hand in anger.

“Who is making fun of you with a smiley face, you unfilial son, tell me honestly, have you been making trouble outside recently!?”

Yan Zhi subconsciously thought that his auntie’s anger was a joke, but when he looked at the look, he immediately stirred up again, his body reacted faster than his brain, and he knelt down at the feet of the old lady.

He cried and said aggrieved: “Mother, what’s wrong with this? Where do I start!”

“Niang” and “Mother” are both terms with the same meaning, but Niang is much closer than mother. Yan Zhi was raised by the old lady right after she was born, and she was called’mother’ since he could speak. After several decades of calling, even if he became old and sensible in the future, everyone else who was also a concubine was called a mother, but he did not change his tune.

Regarding him, the old lady neither agreed nor disagreed. She just called for decades. The other concubine, Laohou, died and separated, but the concubine named Niang stayed in front of him. After all, it was the first son raised, even if it was not his own. After raising the first son, she was worried about the offspring and gave birth to two sons in a row. It is false to say that she has no feelings.

“You have been hanging around outside all day long, making friends with friends and dogs. I never told you about you. This time you told me honestly, did you cause something outside?”

Yan Zhi was a little bit angry, since childhood, you have never cared about eating, drinking, and having fun, or even indulged. How close is this to sell? ! Following him, he thought about the rare anger of the old lady, and Yan Ting who was sitting beside him was startled.

“My son didn’t cause trouble outside, mother you believe me!”

The old lady’s eyes were puzzled, Yan Ting’s face remained blank.


“Really not, since my son grew up, when did he tell a lie in front of your mother. You have to believe in your son!” Yan Zhi’s expression was serious, with a little grievance in his expression, and he only sweared to the sky with three fingers.

The old lady knows Yan Zhi better. Although she is a little slick on weekdays, she is really filial. Dafang has no other income on weekdays, and only relies on the monthly rules in the house. Unlike the second and third child, one has a knighthood and the other has her subsidy. There are also many dowries for daughters-in-law.

Aunt Pei saw someone order food, although she did not directly instruct her, but she also acquiesced in it. After all, although Dafang lives in the mansion, he is not his biological person after all. The old lady will not and will not allow Dafang to be treated the same as his two sons.

Even so, Yan Zhi was separated from each other, and his hand was a little wider, and he also sent something to honor her. Things are not valuable, but what is important is the mind. You have to know that even if the second and third are her own sons, they have never lived like this. Of course it is not that they are not filial, but that they can’t think of coming here.

The second child bears a heavy responsibility, and the third child is a boring gourd. Although the boss is not his own, but with the day by day, the stone heart will be covered with heat.

The old lady looked a little embarrassed. She glanced at Yan Ting and said, “It’s not that my mother didn’t believe you, but something happened at home. What’s wrong with you outside the past two years, and who you have met? Let me tell you one by one. ”

Yan Zhi likes to pretend to be a fool, and that depends on the time. Of course, this is not the time to pretend to be a fool. He has always been a bachelor, so he said what he had done in the past few years.

This Yan Zhi’s status is not high, and the status of the eldest son of the Hou Mansion can only be handed over to people who are similar to his status. On weekdays, in addition to being almost masturbated, the other ones who have leisure time are drinking tea and drinking with a group of friends, spending a lot of time and drinking, and occasionally betting on a small amount of money. Play a prestige.

Yan Zhi also confessed that he even said the private matter of packing an outside room. It can be said that the matter is fine and he dare not conceal it.

While he was talking, only a scream was heard from outside, and Xue rushed in with a thunderous force.

“Wow, Yan Zhi, you wolf-hearted, you dare to go outside and raise your room!”

It turned out that the old lady asked Yan Zhi to speak, and the servants found the courtyard of the big house, who knew that Yan Zhi was not in the house. At that time, the Xue family had a heart, and when she heard that the next person had come to tell the uncle that he had gone to Rong’antang, she would also come. After coming, I was about to let the maid go in, and I heard Yan Zhi’s voice in the corridor.

This was unbelievable, and regardless of the rules, he broke in directly, pounced on Yan Zhi and started fighting.

Yan Zhi didn’t react, so Xue was rushed to his body and scratched twice, and when he touched his cheek, he knew that the color was hanging on his head. He also ignored the presence of his aunt and brother, so he slapped Xue with his backhand.

Xue was knocked to the ground by a slap, but Xue was also pungent, crying louder in his mouth, reluctantly went up and beat him, one by one with no conscience.

All this happened in an instant, and when the old lady reacted, the two had already scrambled together. She was so angry that she patted the short couple on Arhat’s bed, “Everyone is dead, so please go up and pull away.”

The maids outside the door immediately rushed in and took the Xue family away.

Xue cried and threw his nose and tears down at the old lady’s feet, and howled, “Mother, you have to give me the shot, Yan Zhi’s heart and liver were eaten by dogs. , He actually kept the outer room outside…”

Yan Zhi stood by, rubbing his face and cursing the shrew. ?

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