The Lone SF Transmigrator in the Otherworld Forum

Chapter 59: Secret Assembly (2)

-(I'mThePirateKing): The Oradge is the root of all evil!!






ㄴThis guy's got his head on straight!

ㄴGood! I like it! You're the newbie from now on!

-(I'mThePirateKing): Let's overthrow the Oradge!!

ㄴHuh? What?

ㄴUh, um?


ㄴOverthrow! Overthrow!

ㄴTh-That's a bit...


ㄴIsn't that going a bit too far?

They hesitated at the word "overthrow."

How could they be so cowardly! Of course, he had dealt with a few malicious users who ignored his warnings and messed with Dimensional Passages, but still…

Hmm. Is this what it means to reap what I have sown?

But it seemed to have passed over well enough. The atmosphere that had drastically plummeted due to Lich King Raymond's sharp words had revived a little.

Karlstein broke out in a cold sweat thinking about the earlier atmosphere.

ㄴIt's not... wrong, I guess.

ㄴShould I say it's embarrassing if it's embarrassing?

Feeling down....


ㄴI'm sad!

ㄴSniff sniff.

ㄴIt is too in line with the harsh truth to refute....



The ships of the secret society members had been sunk by the Lich King's truth bombs.

Wait, why are you guys suddenly engaging in self-reflection?

Don't do that! Guys! Why is it suddenly an atmosphere of repentance!

Please act out a bit more wildly.

In the end, the atmosphere only revived after he shouted strongly about overthrowing the Oradge and rained 500P, enough to order two chickens through the Donation System.



ㄴ(I'mThePirateKing): Alright! Then let's begin.

ㄴHuh? But who are you?

ㄴHow did you get in here?

ㄴSomeone must have recommended him.

ㄴDon't tell me you got in by chance?

Of course, there were some who had well-found doubts. Every time that happened, Karlstein had to shout about overthrowing the Oradge and launch a gift offensive using the Donation System.

ㄴ(I'mThePirateKing): Is that important?! Everyone shout!! Overthrow the Oradge!! Long live chicken!

ㄴO-Overthrow the Oradge!


ㄴResist dictatorship!

ㄴLong live chicken! Long live cola!


ㄴStop the Oradge's tyranny!

Somehow they were all poor, seeing as how they quickly crumbled in the face of the chicken offensive.

ㄴAh...! How can it taste like this!

ㄴSniff sniff. It's my first time. Eating something this delicious.

ㄴI've only been able to watch while sucking my fingers until now....

ㄴIt's ecstasy.

ㄴMm! T-Training is important, but eating is important too!

ㄴTh-That's right! Eating is training too!

ㄴThis black water! How can it be so sweet and refreshing!


You don't even have 200P? You guys were that short on Points?

It's not even that expensive, though?

He had doubts, but figured they must have their circumstances.

ㄴ(I'mThePirateKing): Room Manager! I don't know what it is, but let's start anyway!

ㄴ(BlacknessOfDarkness): Ahem. Well... Your identity will be revealed soon enough.

ㄴNothing can escape Sir Darkness’s eyes from there, after all!

ㄴChicken... Now that I've tasted it once, I could eat ten chickens there!

ㄴIs it finally starting?

Ooh! It seems like there really is something going on.

Karlstein nodded as he saw the users showing excitement at Darkness's words to begin.

ㄴ(BlacknessOfDarkness): We will now begin entering the 'Dream World' which we had to suspend due to the Oradge's tyranny.

ㄴOh! Has the problem been solved?

ㄴ(BlacknessOfDarkness): That's right. To avoid the Oradge's eyes, we've recruited some of our kind from other worlds.

ㄴOh! As expected of Sir Darkness!

Hm? I don't recall specifically banning anything, though? Other than punishing a few malicious users who messed with the community's transmission channels?

ㄴI've been waiting!

ㄴI'm looking forward to it.

ㄴLet's start quickly. I want to meet her soon.

ㄴI... I want to see my parents quickly too!

Anyway, since they said they're starting, I’m sure I’ll find out soon enough.

And so the secret assembly began.

ㄴ(BlacknessOfDarkness): Everyone, please lower your mental barriers as you did before. You must not resist. Your cooperation is necessary to enter the 'Dream World'.

ㄴYes! I've been diligently saving up Points!

ㄴThat's right! I've been saving up hard, even holding back on things I wanted to eat!

ㄴMy heart's pounding.


Guys, what's this? Tell me too! Don't just talk among yourselves!

ㄴ(BlacknessOfDarkness): As for Pirate King, who just joined us, you just need to follow what I say. I'll take care of the rest.


ㄴ(BlacknessOfDarkness): I will send the invitation. Everyone, please focus and maintain a calm state of mind. I will personally guide you to the 'Dream World' where anything is possible and where you can meet precious people you've lost.

What, what? This is getting all serious! It’s happening right away?

ㄴ(BlacknessOfDarkness): Then I'll see you there, everyone.



ㄴQuickly quickly!

ㄴ(BlacknessOfDarkness): Night has fallen.



ㄴ(BlacknessOfDarkness): Please close your eyes.

Let's just do as instructed for now.

Karlstein closed his eyes.


As instructed, he broke down the barriers of the mind.

An open mind willing to accept anything!


Hmm. They're not trying to scam me, are they?

Just as he was thinking 'I don't feel anything at all', after a boring stretch of time, he began to feel something thread-like from the connection linked to the community. Something carefully approached him.

Something that approached by feeling around and bypassing the connection network as much as possible.

Oh! I don't know what it is, but come quickly!

A single invisible, intangible thread wavered, almost reaching him before finally touching him.

Is it finally starting?!


Dream Demon.

Or a mysterious race also called the Dreamfolk.

Generally known as Incubi for male bodies and Succubi for female bodies, the Dreamfolk were high-ranking demons who interfered with others' dreams and used all sorts of tricks.

Among such Dreamfolk, there was a Succubus Queen who deserved to be called 'Queen' without question: Selena.

Above her jet-black hair tinged with a faint light, a pair of blue horns curved, and on her shoulder blades, two pairs of membrane wings were neatly folded, displaying dignity.

Succubus Queen.

As befitting the modifier 'Queen' attached to her race name, she was fundamentally different from ordinary Dream Demons. Unlike low-ranking Dream Demons who barely survived by sucking others' life force, she possessed the power to create and manipulate the 'Dream World'.

At some point, Selena's blue eyes opened gently and curved beautifully.


This moment when 'Karma' gathers from users connected to the Dream World was always accompanied by excitement.

The sensation of her world, which she created herself, becoming more solid and coming to life.

It was truly addictive.

Was it perhaps due to the users gathered from various worlds within the community? The energy extracted from them was very effective in maintaining and cultivating her 'Dream World'. Incomparably so.

Of course, receiving compensation was a matter discussed in advance with the customers. As it involved interfering with others' dreams, the other party's consent and cooperation were necessary.

Granting them the dreams they desire, and receiving Karma in return.

Wasn’t it a win-win for both parties?

To be honest, in the past, she didn't even know exactly what kind of energy she was receiving, but now she knows that it is 'Karma'.

After the Community Administrator refined the Karma Point system, the efficiency of extracting energy from users increased dramatically.

Just what on earth did he do and how?

It was beyond comprehension.

However, recently, as community updates progressed, the places to spend Karma Points increased like mushrooms after rain, making it difficult to gather customers easily.

Even existing customers are about to leave!

Moreover, the 'Dream World' had its own complex conditions, so she couldn't accept just anyone as a customer. The 'Dream World' was like a delicate work of art.

Still, if it is a matter of just adding one more person...

It was something she could do easily even with her eyes closed.

She began inviting users one by one through the passage connected to the community, unfolding the Dream World.

They would enter the 'Dream World', meet the people they want to meet, see what they want to see, do what they want to do, and spend happy times.

Good, good.

As she had been diligently researching while using the community, things progressed smoothly. Except for the last newbie, she had connected with everyone at least once before, so there was less of a burden.

"Now... Newbie. Where are you?"

She slowly searched for the path, feeling around the passage connected to the community with her power.

In the midst of this, she recalled a recent memory.


A memory so terrifying it made her body tremble involuntarily.

Previously, she had accidentally touched the wrong passage and incurred the Administrator's wrath, almost entering eternal sleep.

I only realized that what was connected to the community was a Dimensional Passage after reading the notice.

The Administrator was knowledgeable in many ways and also dangerous.

Because of this, she had to rack her brains researching ways to use the passages without getting caught by the Administrator, gathering 8 other Dream Demons from within the community.

Fufu. As expected, unlike last time, there's no reaction.

It was fortunate. It seemed he hadn't noticed.

Last time, when she accidentally touched the wrong passage, a terrifying explosive(?) was delivered, blowing away her entire dwelling...

Ah! Is it here?

She was able to find the passage connected to the newbie called Pirate King. It took quite a lot of mental power just to get this far.

A passage that seemed stronger and wider than other passages.

Still, if I connect just this once, it should be easier from next time.

It was right when she thought that.

When she finally made contact with the newbie following the connected passage…



Her mind, as if her entire soul was being pulled out, was sucked somewhere.


In the pitch-black darkness where nothing could be seen.

She came to her senses and felt around with her hands.

"Wh-Where is this?"

What entered her vision as she regained consciousness was a massive, enormous eye.

An eye so large it was impossible to gauge its size, covering the entire sky, was floating in the air.


"Keu, keuuk!"

Her mind is crumbling.

Her soul is being torn apart.


I can't stay here!

I mustn't look at that!

A chilling sensation that felt like her very existence would scatter just by looking at it overwhelmed her.


Right in the midst of her struggle, her body refusing to listen to her commands…

The massive eye filling the entire sky began to move.

Oh! Good heavens!

A terrible sensation that crushed the soul with just its existence!

If that gaze turns this way, I might be crushed along with my soul.

Clack clack-

Her teeth chattered, making a sound.

"Keu, keueoek!"

Right as her eyes rolled back showing the whites and foam began to leak from her mouth…



The connection with that impossible existence was suddenly cut off.


Black, dead blood suddenly gushed from her mouth as she returned to reality.

"T-That’s insane!"

What did I just see?

Her entire body trembled like an aspen leaf.

That, that newbie.

He is absolutely not an ordinary being.

This is insane.

Blood flowed from her eyes as blood vessels burst.

Just that brief contact was almost enough to lead her to death.

Wh-What on earth did I touch?

She could not even begin to fathom what it was.


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