The Lone SF Transmigrator in the Otherworld Forum

Chapter 61: Selena (1)


Succubus Queen Selena found it difficult to regain her composure.

"No, why me of all people..."

Her residence had just finished being renovated.

And forcibly at that.

Gone were the classical portraits and chandeliers, replaced by cold metal alloy walls and complex machinery of unknown purpose that now greeted her.


But the thing was, she couldn't really complain because... it was comfortable. Too comfortable, in fact, which was the problem.


A hologram window appeared before her eyes.

In the hologram window, her succubus maid had a dumbfounded expression.

When she pressed a button on the hologram…


The door opened automatically, revealing the maid.


As she looked at the maid, the surrounding lighting adjusted naturally, reducing eye strain.

"Lady Selena! What on earth is this...?"


It was understandable for the maid to be surprised, given that her castle had been completely transformed overnight. After all, her blue giant fortress, befitting her status as a Demon Realm Legion Commander, had been replaced by a massive metal fortress overnight.

What was there to say?

That the Oradge had completely overhauled her residence?

Even she couldn't believe it despite seeing it with her own eyes.

Metal creatures(?) with four legs suddenly dropped from mid-air with a Thud- and immediately started working.

At first, she was startled and about to attack, but…

[A message has arrived from the Administrator.]

-Just leave them be. They're sent to provide minimal safety and support for what I mentioned earlier.


[A message has arrived from the Administrator.]

-By the way, they're expensive, so work hard to pay them off.

N-No, wait.

I don't think I ever asked for these, though...?

Of course, she couldn't possibly argue.

"Th-Thank you!"

That was all she could say.

She could only watch as the workers sent by the Oradge emitted flashing lights while measuring the surroundings, then proceeded to utterly demolish her beautiful ancient castle with a rumble.

"Ah, aah!"

Of course, she had already sent her subordinates and maids outside the castle.

It was good that she did.

If they had seen such monstrous things easily destroying the castle despite all the magic circles cast on it, they might have fainted in shock.

Even she couldn't demolish it so easily. After all, the ore used in the castle's construction were all rare metal known for their hardness, and they had even been imbued with magic.

Crack- Boom- Rumble-

After the silver quadrupedal workers moved, only empty space remained.

Workers stronger than a Demon Realm Legion Commander...

This absolutely cannot be shown to anyone.

At any rate, after the frenzied destruction ended, they began absorbing the debris and quickly constructing a fortress.

What kind of technology is this? Is what I'm seeing even real?

Watching the building expand at an incredible speed made her mind go blank.

But the surprise was short-lived.

Crack- Rumble-boom-

"My beautiful blue giant..."

Her elegant and beautiful ancient castle disappeared, replaced overnight by a fortress that emphasized only practicality.

The design is too...

In the Demon Realm at least, there were no such buildings. So, this must be the Oradge's taste.

Of course, once completed, it had its own charm.

It wasn't in the form of an ordinary castle or fortress. In the center stood a long cylindrical tower, surrounded by huge, flat oval structures.

It was fortunate that the castle walls remained, or it would have been too conspicuous.

Though it's still quite eye-catching even now...

She sighed and fiddled with the hologram window. A blue hologram window subtly different from the community.

She could inspect and direct everything in every corner of the castle(?) from where she sat. If needed, she could even summon all sorts of amenities before her.


When she pressed a button, the weather for a year appeared on the screen.

Not the past year, but the coming year.

Somehow, she felt like it wouldn't be wrong at all.

Sky View?


When she pressed the button, she could see the entire view of her domain from the sky.


When she pressed her finger and zoomed in, she could even observe a resident of the domain scratching his belly with a frown.

This is insane.

What kind of technology is this?

Even magic couldn't be this precise and perfect.

No, it's not even comparable from the start.


While she was scanning her domain like such, she observed a young girl from her domain being chased by a demonic beast.

When she pressed a red button.


A red beam of light struck down from the sky, incinerating the demonic beast without a trace.

The girl who had fallen down gaped at the sight, then turned her head to look for whoever had helped her.

Right when Selena pressed another button...

"Be careful when hunting demonic beasts from now on."

As if her voice was transmitted immediately, the girl started bowing repeatedly towards the direction of her castle(?), startled.

Ah... Somehow this feels like déjà vu...

Right. This must have been exactly how I reacted when the Oradge spoke to me.

That thought crossed her mind.

-Th-Thank you! Lady Selena! Thank you for saving my life!

And just like that, the inspection of her entire domain was completed in an instant.

What was even more terrifying was that the hologram had functions to record and collect her actions and process them automatically.

It's dizzying.

What kind of impossible technology is this?

What kind of civilization can easily accomplish such impossible feats?

It's beyond imagination.

With this technology and fortress, even a child could easily manage a domain.

She felt somewhat deflated.

She lay on the bed, staring at the softly lit ceiling.

That moment still wouldn't leave her mind.

['Cosmic Emperor' has donated 1,000,000,000P.]

-Use this much for urgent matters for now, I'll provide more later.

One, ten, hundred, thousand, million... O-One billion?

The Oradge had handed over 1 billion Points as if giving out pocket money.

As she had invested everything she earned into the 'Dream World', it was her first time handling such a large sum.

"Good heavens..."

The Oradge said she could use it privately anytime besides for research and investment purposes.

B-But I absolutely can't just spend it recklessly.

After all, how tactless would it be to do everything, just because I was allowed to?

I should use it sparingly, while reading the room.

At any rate, for a small-scale operation like hers, this was an unimaginable, enormous investment.

Moreover, all sorts of measuring instruments and research facilities were brought in.

They seemed to be devices for analyzing and researching her, who handled the 'Dream World'. Of course, he said he would share the research results when they came out.

"It’s being done with too much sincerity..."

To the point of being unsettling.

Creating and nurturing the 'Dream World' was instinctual due to her nature as a Succubus Queen, but it was also a small hobby and source of happiness.

But with such serious support being offered, it was inevitable that she felt pressured.

-I'll support you. In return, you should expand and develop this 'Dream World' as much as possible.


-You're gathering Karma for that too, right? I'll handle that support. Don't worry about Points.

Of course, she should be happy about receiving such large-scale investment. She was also given permission to do anything as long as she didn't damage the Dimensional Passages.

She even received a magnificent fortress more formidable than a Demon King's castle as a gift.


When was the world ever that simple?

It was natural that if you receive something, you must give something in return. The saying that excessive luck can turn into misfortune didn't come from nowhere, after all.

And with such full-scale support... Wouldn't she absolutely need to produce some results?

If she failed to produce results, she might just die.

-What? You failed? Die.

-What? You want more time? Disappear.

-What? You want to rest a bit? Graviton Bomb.

All sorts of imaginary scenarios hammered into her head.

Shake shake-

"I don't know exactly what he wants, but let's just do as he says for now."

She made a tearful face but didn't give up.


ㄴ(I'mThePirateKing): If you need my help, just say the word ok

ㄴ(BlacknessOfDarkness): !!

Honestly, it could actually be called quite touching.

Ande it was also a great comfort.

Her ally and hidden card that she could use against the terrifying Oradge!

Both were equally terrifying beings, though.

Right. Let's just play both sides.

That's the only way to survive.

Selena never realized until the end that the two were the same person.


Rex, the 2nd Legion Commander of the Demon Realm.

A large man with four horns on his head entered the Succubus Queen's domain.

"The atmosphere here is truly off."

For demons, survival of the fittest and the strong ruling over the weak should only be natural.

But coming here always irritated him with its soft atmosphere.

"I must endure."


Usually, a demon's domain followed the owner's habits. As such, the unpleasant weak atmosphere here must all be because of that woman.

His snake-like eyes narrowed vertically.

"Why on earth did Father put such a woman in the position of Legion Commander?"

What a waste of a position.

Even in terms of strength, she was the weakest among the four Legion Commanders.

"She is not qualified. Not qualified at all."

As he passed by, the crowd parted to either side.

Seeing the demons prostrate themselves with their heads down, trembling, improved his mood a little.

There was no being who could stand in his way, as he was the direct descendant of the Demon King and the 2nd Legion Commander.

"I heard that originally, the Succubus domain was a city of pleasure and entertainment..."

But what is this?

What on earth was that woman doing as a Legion Commander? After all, the demons were raising livestock, tilling fields, and sweating.

"Hoo. Patience. I must be patient."

His veins bulged just from seeing the behavior of these worthless commoners, as he was particularly impatient even among the Legion Commanders.

His eyes fell on the tall blue castle walls.

The corners of his mouth curved up.

Might as well receive some hospitality and tribute while I'm here.

To him, who came with the purpose of fulfilling his selfish desires, Succubus Queen Selena was a delicious prey.

Although direct hospitality might be impossible since the Succubus Queen must maintain her purity, her underlings should be no problem.


As he entered through the castle gates, a four-legged metal golem greeted him.

Moreover, the metal golem was busy moving back and forth in front of him, seemingly not even paying attention to his arrival.

What the hell is this now?


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