The Lone SF Transmigrator in the Otherworld Forum

Chapter 64: Trade (2)

Galactic Divine Cult.

Feeling frustrated with her training progress, Virdel briefly left the training hall.

In the midst of this.

-Cult Leader! The Murim Alliance Leader has secretly visited!

-What should we do?

-Should we prepare the armed forces?


Murim Alliance Leader? Who? Is there still someone left to kill?


She could barely recall the memory.

She headed towards the main hall where the reception room was located.

As she descended from the training hall located on a high snowy mountain, a different scenery from before greeted her.

Whoosh- Click-

Warriors of the Divine Cult flying around on flat metal plates.

At a glimpse of the training grounds, sparring with lightsabers was in full swing, while on the other side, shooting practice was underway.

Pshew- Pshew-

Pshew- Pshew-


Is this… right?

I'm not sure.

She had only released a bit of the Oradge's support to the Divine Cult.

"It shouldn't matter."

He must have bestowed it for this purpose.

The Galactic Divine Cult was growing vigorously.

Should it be seen as mass-producing... mechanized infantry units of the future?

Murim people seemed to be suitable talents(?) for rough handling.

In truth, she didn't know what she was doing either. She had only realized that she had no talent for managing forces.

She was just running things smoothly with the Oradge's support. She had already entrusted most of the management of the Galactic Divine Cult to the Vice Cult Leader.

-Chuwuung! I am Zhuge Hyun, who will build the great Galactic Divine Cult in service of the Cult Leader!

Ah... This guy was also recommended by Namgung Jin, right?

Actually, when she was considering just scrapping everything due to doubts about expanding her influence, he was the talent Namgung Jin recommended to use however she wished.

He was said to have been driven out of his family due to false accusations...

A guy who uncannily sensed what she wanted, even if she didn’t say it, and took on all the troublesome tasks, expanding the Galactic Divine Cult.

She didn't particularly expect loyalty, but she kept him around as he seemed unlikely to betray her, at the very least.

Well... Even if he does betray me, it's a problem that can be dealt with when the time comes.

When she arrived at the reception room, Namgung Jin, wearing a splendid metal armor, stood up abruptly. Perhaps due to the armor's characteristics, a halo shimmered faintly.

He must have tried to tone it down, though.

"You have arrived! I, Namgung Jin, pay my respects to the great Moderator!"


Virdel, accustomed to Namgung Jin's fussing, simply nodded and sat on the sofa.

"U-Umm. What's your business?"

"Haha! I came to pay my respects to Noonim, and I also have something to report separately."

Knowing that she disliked formalities and preferred directness, Namgung Jin immediately brought up his business.

"It seems the government has started to act suspicious again."

"I thought you said you would handle that yourself."

"I know. Of course."

The government had shown wariness towards the rapid expansion of the Galactic Divine Cult.

However, this was expected, and Namgung Jin had been diverting the government's unnecessary attention elsewhere by outwardly acting out a hostile relationship between the Orthodox Faction and the Galactic Divine Cult.

But it seemed even that had its limits.

"Couldn't we just sweep them all away?"

Namgung Jin flinched at Virdel's emotionless remark.


This person before me was someone who would really do it if she said so...!

When Namgung Jin reflected on himself, he didn't have any grand beliefs about upholding justice or practicing righteous virtue and chivalry.

B-But still, that's a bit...

It wasn't that he was opposing her. He just thought that if there were other methods he could try, it was only human to at least look for them.

"Haha... Aren't they all potential talents who will eventually join under the Galactic Divine Cult? I'll step forward and try to handle that part. I absolutely won't trouble you, Noonim."


"I've only come today to give a report, so please trust me!"


Only then could Namgung Jin feel relieved at her response.

Keuhh. Today, he was able to protect Jianghu.

Of course, the ever so sharp Namgung Jin didn't outwardly show this and only bid farewell confidently.

"I shall visit again when news comes in!"

"There's no need to do that..."

Namgung Jin tried not to show even a hint of negligence when dealing with her.

He had vaguely realized it. That for her, he had not yet entered the category of ‘one of my people’.

To her, he was probably just slightly better than a roadside pebble.

This was true even though he occasionally visited to receive advice on martial arts.

"Then I shall visit again, Noonim!"

Someday, she shall open her heart to him!

Of course, it was inevitable that his own self-preservation was more precious than the principles of Jianghu.


"What's wrong, Noonim?"

"...It's nothing."

After sending off the puzzled Namgung Jin before he left, Virdel returned to the training hall.

[What's going on?]

[Where is this?!!]

[Kyaaaak! My essence... it's being extracted!!]

Virdel didn't say a word despite the noisy voice buzzing in her ears. She just moved silently.

After all, it wasn't her who was in a hurry, but rather the voice.

Only after returning to the Cult Leader's exclusive training hall did Virdel open her mouth.

"What are you?"


The voice of the woman residing in the armor was filled with bewilderment at Virdel's heartless and cold response.

Usually... in situations like this, wouldn't one be surprised or curious? Even if not afraid... they would at least show some interest.

However, the mechanical voice, unlike that of a human, conveyed extreme indifference and coldness.

[I-I am a member of the Great Sephiroth.]


[But it seems there was a problem when I settled here, and I can't remember much else.]


[It seems to be because of this armor, is there any way to...?]

"Why are you asking me that?"


There was no way she would have an answer to that.

The woman was at a loss for words at the response that was even colder than expected.

[I can sense a familiar energy from you! You can probably feel it too, right?]


[It seems our connection is not just any ordinary acquaintance!]

"So you're saying you're useless."


I see.

So this girl is that type of personality?

The woman could somewhat grasp the girl's essence.

Although the woman didn't know how she ended up in this situation, it was clear that to escape this situation, she needed to gain the girl's cooperation.

[N-No! That's not it!]

The girl seemed to categorize people based on their usefulness. If that was the case, there was only one answer.

[I can interpret the characters on the stele you've been staring at!]

It was a matter of proving her usefulness.

The woman had cleverly noticed that the girl couldn't properly read the characters on the stele.


It was certainly a different reaction from before.

The woman felt joy at the girl's response.

But the joy was short-lived.

Virdel silently stared at the stele, then picked up her sword and began training.

At this, the woman sensed her failure.


She really seems like she wouldn't bleed even if pricked with a needle.

The woman's mind raced.

What should I do... What should I do... What should I do?

It's not like I can live trapped in this armor forever.

Drastic measures are needed.

First, provide information to build trust!

[This is definitely a script used by members of Sephiroth. Perhaps you could call it a Divine Script? And it's absolutely impossible to interpret just by looking at it!]


How about that? Doesn't it pique your interest?

But still, there was no response.


In the end, the woman had to reveal more information before she could open a dialogue.

[This is... definitely left by the clan. However... it doesn't seem to have been someone with particularly outstanding abilities. Or perhaps... even if not from the clan, did they devise a method to use it? In the end, they failed though. Fufu.]


When there was a reaction from Virdel, the woman smiled in victory.


[Yes. In the end, if you're not from the clan, you can't read it or learn it, so isn't that a failure?]

A voice filled with mockery and pride.


[You seem interested in that too, so how about it?]

"What do you mean?"

[Won't you make a trade with me?]

"A trade?"

[Yes. Fufufu. We'll be beneficial to each other.]


Whoosh- Whoosh-

Virdel started swinging her sword again.

The woman was dumbfounded.

Back to square one, it seems.

[Eek! I don't know what's wrong, but I'm sorry!]


Is she some kind of ghost who died after being unable to train?! What is wrong with her?!

A girl who closes her eyes and ears and swings her sword as soon as her interest wanes slightly.

Whoosh- Whoosh-

The sound of the iron sword being swung was enough to give one neurosis.



[Forced Ether Synthesis Progress 0.03% -> 0.04%]


[Kyaaaaaaaaak! It's being extracted!!]

The essence that could be called her core and origin was being forcibly extracted into the armor.

[S-Stop it!!]

[Kyaaaaaaak! H-Help me!!]

Obviously, the pain couldn't possibly be small.

The pain of one's very existence being torn apart.

Only then did Virdel stab the iron sword she was holding into the ground.

"A trade..."

[Huff, huff, huff.]

"A trade is a term that applies only to equal parties."

Whoosh- Whoosh-

After that, Virdel remained silent. However, Virdel's intention was clear.

A trade?

Are you even worthy of being a trade partner right now?

Do you think you can get away with such a half-hearted attitude?


The girl wasn't just indifferent.

She clearly knew her superiority.

Ah, ah...

The woman realized.

The opponent was not a greenhorn who could be easily deceived.

This wasn't a situation that could be dealt with by just talking.

In the woman's perception, she saw a small blue flame burning in one corner.


The woman realized once again that she needed to give up a lot to obtain the 《Fruit》.


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