The Longest Shortbus / Warhammer 40k

Chapter 21

The installation of the printers went off without issue and I was busy with two plans right now. 'First was the manufacture of two dozen Zeta radiator tubes to make more super soldiers. Secondly is to have a couple of different standard load-outs for the super soldiers I create.' I mused as I began working on my plans.

First was the armor the super soldiers were going to wear. Could I make armor that would be a match for Halo's Mjolnir armor or even the Custode's golden Auramite armor... Yes, I certainly could but the resources needed for such a thing were beyond the pale in terms of Glimmer's cost to create those elements. To say nothing of the computer systems embedded in higher-tier armor suits.

So in the name of a middle ground, I went down the tech tree to more simple but highly effective armor. The power armored of the early Fallout Series used microfusion cores and not the bigger bulkier fusion cores the later games used.

While wearing Power Armor made out of Saturnite no laser-based weapons could hurt them realistically. Its ability to isolate and carry high temperatures would allow it to burn away any Nurgle disease with its red-hot outer armor while keeping its occupant safe and cool. Hell if I had Saturnite's specs right, it was likely that a shot from a plasma gun if it hit on the thickest part of the chest could be survived for a super soldier.

Such armor I could mass produce with my printers making more printers and I could print out and make about fifty sets of the armor within a few days if my math was right.

But beyond the armor itself, i would be switching guardsmen Las-guns for Fallout Plasma Rifles that would have a lot more heat and kick to them, and for heavy engagements, they would have the Fallout Plasma Caster, and for emplacements or demonic entities a Spartan Laser should make short work of anything that isn't an actual demon of Nurgle.

'My presence here in this world has already brought about the ripples of fate in changing things. I cannot rely on the thought that Nurgle may decide to equally send a detachment of Chaos Space Marines in the Death Guard and their warbands. Or a Chaos Space Marine warband thats more on the Chaos Undivided side of things.' I mused with a frown.

I brushed a hand through my blond hair and then exhaled as I took in my singular oversized printer that was working to make Zeta Tubes that would perform the procedure to make the guardsmen into Super Soldiers. 

"Jake, it is time for mid-day prayer," Adelieth spoke softly and I blinked hearing that before I nodded as I got up from my chair with a small humming noise as I walked over to her as she kneeled down with her hands on her knees while I sat down cross-legged in front of her.

"Jake... May we use your blessed rosary as well?" She asked with a flush entering her cheeks and I raised an eyebrow before I flexed my body making my Crysis's suits developing Ai... Not that they knew my suit had its own growing Ai growing within it. Open my suit so my blessed rosary flopped off from where it was placed against my skin.

Her eyes locked onto the rosary and I gently took it off from my neck so our hands could come together around the charred holy cross that had a skull embedded in the center of it.

Knowing of the Empero's divinity and my inability to truly craft potent manners of mystical protection without actual mystical ingredients that couldn't be made out of Glimmer I did the best I could in making this rosary which literally did have a connection to the Emperor with the ritual I did well away from Barghest's eyes.

Adelith took a deep breath and then began chanting an Adeptus Soritas version of the holy prayer to the emperor while I dutifully kept my eyes closed and fed my holy flames of Sol to my burnt cross but my flames didn't burn Adelieth as her voice choked up and stuttered as her prayer was heard by a shard of the Emperor in the Warp. 

"Blessed Emperor, our shield and our sword, Grant us thy strength of heart, we implore thee, O Lord. In the heart of battle, may our faith never waver, As we purge the heretic and the foul traitor.

Embrace us with thy holy fire and burn away the filth, Emperor divine, In thy name, may our righteousness shine. Grant us the zeal to smite the enemies of the Throne, And to defend thy realm, unyielding as the throne you sit upon.

Guide our steps, O Emperor, in the darkest night, Illuminate our path with thy radiant light. In thy name, we march forth, undaunted and brave, To cleanse the galaxy of sin, to thy glory.

In the Emperor's name, we take up arms and fight, For the Imperium, for purity, with all our might. In thy service we stand, Ever vigilant, ever ready, at thy command to die in thy name.

Emperor protect us, now and forevermore, In thy name, we shall triumph, as we swore. By the faith of the Sisterhood and our fellow man, we shall never falter, For we are thy holy sons and daughters." 

After a moment we both spoke out in unison. "Amen." 

But her hands were still tightly around the Rosary with her icy blue eyes opening up with a hazy look in her eyes before she visibly swallowed and said slowly. "I felt his eyes upon me... With your mirror of his punishing flames pushing me from behind I was looked upon by his grace."

Adelith inhaled with a deep shudder wracking her form. "It was... Just rapturous!"

I gave a wry smile as I realized that the ardent... Fanatical faith was tainting and filling my Rosary so it would likely become an actual magical artifact soon with the amount of fanatical worship she and Barghest regularly poured into it. 

'Should I make a bunch of Rosary's and then when they get filled with enough faith I take all the Rosary's and tack them onto a mech to be a walking holy Blank to demons and tainted individuals?' I thought as Adelith gave me a look before she bit her lower lip and said. "Please excuse me... I have much to think about now." 

And before I could react Adelith all but ran away making my face twitch as I wondered what was up with her. But then it hit me that she was probably confused as hell about how to treat me. 

Does she venerate me on the same level as a Primarch with the obvious 'favor' I had with the Custodian guard I had along with my conjuration of the 'Emperor's Flames' Or does she instead hold me to some other standard?



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