The Longest Shortbus / Warhammer 40k

Chapter 3

'The adventures of Jake the shoulder shota continued in a grand affair as it truly... Dear gods the thought was utterly cringe as fuck.' I thought with my lips twitching as Barg happily carried me on her shoulders at a quickly waddling jog.

It's like riding on the shoulders of a fat kid with Down syndrome, yet still having all the strength of a dozen Strongmen and the stamina of a couple of world athletes. And dear gods Barg was wholesome as she happily told me about her previous job as a 'Porta' or in normal words a porter who helped load and carry stuff.

She made it out to sound like she had the honor of literally carrying the God-Emperor's very own ammunition into battle but in reality, she was just moving supplies for the richer people on the spire who had gotten supplies they didn't want other people knowing about.

"Now little un, you's gots to stay close." She said firmly and I raised an eyebrow and asked.

"Are there heretics or something in there?" I asked with some concern as I shifted my gun to get ready.

But Barg kinda blanked there for a second before shaking her head fiercely. "No!" She said sharply. "No stinky rot things in there! Just really big rats that sometimes bite little uns!" 

I couldn't help but snicker at how utterly serious she looked so I patted her on the arm and assured her that I trusted her to smash any rats that got close by.

Barg then lifted the several beams of metal that were covering the huge garage door that could allow a semi-truck to narrowly drive into it, and then with a grunt of effort from the huge woman she lifted the large folding metal door with a clatter of the metal slabs folding together. As she pushed them up until the stack of metal folds stuck to a magnet at the top of the door's roof.

I turned on the light of the Suros as it was rather dark in the large room and as I turned it on I heard a screech before the sounds of what sounded like claws frantically scratching across the ground endlessly as whatever was in there ran at the light entering.

'Oh hell nah... If there is fucking Skaven in here, I am going full Warcrimes mode and blowing up this planet.' I thought with a shiver at the thought of the Ratmen of Warhammer Fantasy somehow being here.

"Come on! We gots to get you some foods!" Barg said lifting me up effortlessly by my backpack and carrying me quickly across the amphitheater of the large storage room that was clearly of higher quality then the previous outside area I was in previously.

As the previous area was mostly a dark steel flooring that was clearly rusted in many areas. But in here the ground was a sorta semi-smooth concrete and the pillars holding up this large storage sector had some actual Gothic style decoration in spikes and skulls that screamed the 40k vibe.

"So where is the food?" I asked and Barg quickly replied.

"In da freeza! It's in a hidy place so other little uns couldn't steal the wiggy little uns food!" She told me happily and then sounded a bit sad about how the 'wig' wearing little uns died trying to drag everything out of here last time due to running into the rebels but thankfully their battle was in another sector of the storage area.

And her words actually hit home as the storage area was... Fucking empty, to say the least so her words reminded me that the rebels likely already cleaned this area out and it was only the hidden areas that likely escaped their attention.

A couple of minutes later Barg reached the 'hidden' area and my eye twitched at how it was hidden. A minature cargo crate was pushed against the wall and Barg happily said. "The num nums are behind the crate Haha!"

She quickly started moving the crate to the side with a howling screech of metal scratching across the concrete and after a moment a freezer door was in front of us with a number pad in front of us and then Barg froze as she looked between me and the number pad locking the thick metal door of the fucking freezer.

"Uhm... Do you know the secret passcode?" She asked unsurely and I just fucking face palmed.

A thump rang out in the distance followed by more thumping noise and I looked to the side along with Barg and my face went pale.

Shambling bodies. Pox Walkers, were basically zombies of humans who were so infected with the Chaos God Nurgles blight that their forms mutated and their minds became dull things that allowed them to only follow the directions of those who had kept their minds under the plague god's blessings.

But in a Hive World, even shambling slow-moving corpses were a danger... As there were too damned many people in such a small area!

"Oooh nasty rottys, we leave little un?" Barg asked with some concern and in response I quickly climbed atop the cargo crate we moved so I could see the tide of Pox Walkers were only a couple dozen thick so there was maybe a good couple hundred of them at most.

"No Barg! Smash them!" I ordered as I braced myself on my knee with Suros humming to life as I began shooting the slow-firing assault rifle.

The Suros Regime was the truest definition of beauty in a futuristic rifle, as mounted atop its HUD was a holo sight that synched up with its internal computer and its systems could register enemies and as I was shooting the gun would make micro-adjustments to help my aim in compensating for recoil and other things with the slow firing automatic rifle.

A single bullet was fired every half-second giving me ample time to land upper body and head shots into the Pox Walkers that collapsed under the impact of the power rounds. And Barg... She took out her large steal beam that she had put into my cart and was using it to great effect just making slow methodical side swipes that smashed the Pox Walkers so hard that I saw limbs be torn off and even heads explode by the impact of the metal beam she was using as a baseball bat.

Half a minute into the engagement I reloaded quickly and resumed firing but as I continued firing I heard the hissing noise of Las-fire in the distance in between my own gunfire along with Barg's grunts of effort.

'Shit, we don't know if they are Guard or rebels... It's time to bug out, maybe try to see if any of the street food vendors Barg mentioned might have any hidden food.' I thought as I yelled out. "We gotta go, Barg, that could be the Guard who will shoot us on sight... Or the heretics!" I said jumping down from my perch on the cargo crate and thankfully my Vibranium body glove actually seemed to absorb some of the impacts from jumping onto the ground.



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