The Longest Shortbus / Warhammer 40k

Chapter 9

After dealing with the Plague Orgyn, the storage area was temporarily cleared out of the plague-ridden traitors to humanity. And with that temporary peace, we won with blood and violence, I set upon the grand task. 

To ascend into a minature Traveler, or a bearer of true Light.

Weeks of materials I created with literal tons of materials translated into Glimmer which was then put into the 3D printers to make complicated machinery parts which were then pulled by Barg to this area.

In this ritual that was a twisting mockery of both the higher sciences and magic, I needed to basically form a star of pure light. With no attributes to taint it. Only the purest of light would form the star of light which would then form my core being.

I did this ritual as precisely as I could with Barg helping by moving the heavier machinery that even I, in my Crysis Suit and having taken a Super Soldier Serum still couldn't move due to its extremely dense material weight.

"Now... To become even more than what I am currently." I spoke as I realized that taking the Super Soldier Serum was... Definitely the right choice as doing the mental math again, I very much doubted my mortal normal body could withstand this ritual and not be mutated in some way.

Barghest stomped over towards me and made a noise as she looked at the much smaller incubation pod that would certainly only fit me even though it was taking up dozens of meters of space with all the machinery going into the pod. "Hmm. I won't be able to fit into that one Boss?" 

I gave Barghest a good pat on the elbow as I said consolingly. "My dear, you will need an entirely different pod, and honestly... We will probably need an even bigger warehouse to build an incubation pod that can give you the same enhancements, I will have"

Barghest was huge plain and simple. In that same vein she could naturally house a much larger inner star than I could in this ritual but to get to that level and be remotely safe there would need to be a lot more machines to dilute and stagger the pure light filling her form.

But with no more Atoma rejects coming to harass us for now, probably out of the fear of Barghest the 'Blood Angel' being in the area. I was able to spend the next couple of hours finishing the project and with a loud thrumming noise the energy cores came to life and I stepped into the incubation pod and as soon as the needles went into my chest, wrists, and legs to pump the concentrated light essence into my body.

I basically clocked out like a little bitch... I don't know about anyone else but when a cage of literally dozens of needles slam home into your body and start pumping you with the happy juices to make your body numb I could just feel my brain going 'nope I am done.'


In the atmosphere above the planet of Atoma Prime, the great warship named the Morningstar was hovering above the world's largest Hive City Tertium. And within the great warship, many a whisper was traveling through it.

As word of Space Marine reinforcements had graced their ears, Lord Inquisitor Grendel, grim-faced stood with his arms behind his back as he stared into the darkness of space and towards the massive Hive City in thought.

'A lone space marine on this heresy touched planet... Are they on a specific mission? Should I attempt to gain their aid... And more importantly.' 

Grendel frowned as one thing became more and more obvious. If there were loyalist Space Marines here involved in this mess... That meant that it was possible that there could be traitor Astartes here as well. And the presence of the Great Unclean One's ilk would explain how quickly the population of Poxwalkers are blooming within the underhives.

Destroying Atoma Prime in an Extermanatus was off the table completely, the Imperium would bleed a billion lives for this planet as it was the creation hub of Atoma pattern Leeman Russ tanks that were shipped to a million battlefields across the galaxy. Not to mention how this planet was still within Segmentum Solar.

Losing such a planet within the core of the Imperium's control would be a mighty loss indeed.

"Lord Inquisitor Grendel, our scouts have picked up traces of the Blood Angel space marine. It is seemingly armed with plasma weaponry and some kind of enhanced Power Hammer from the battle damage your initiates have concluded with Hadron-Omega agreeing with the conclusion." One of the Inquisitors Vox call workers announced, and Grendel raised a hand to his jaw as he considered that information.

"Wait... What if that lone Astartes is just a be damned Blood Raven chapter Space Marine who is here to 'acquire' more technology and war gear?" Grendel muttered and his sense of unease grew as a pit formed in his stomach at the thought that came out verbally.

The Blood Ravens were famous around the galaxy for many things. The same great honor that their forebears in the Blood Angels had, their willingness to fight to the bitter end... But somehow they had developed this terrible habit of 'stumbling' upon other warband's war gear and making off with it.

Finally, Grendel took a deep breath and ordered out. "Tell my initiates to make contact if they can and pass the Space Marine our Vox Channel codes... I wish to speak with them."

And in unison, a dozen voices chanted out. "For the Emperor!" 



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