The Lord is Addicted in Infrastructure

Chapter 122

Chapter 121

Ami country.

This is a poor and barren country.

Even in the city, you can’t see the slightest prosperity and excitement-the houses are low and the environment is humid. When walking on the road, the nose smells full of manure or corruption, and almost every corner is covered with dirt.

Rats, fleas, bugs, etc. crawled around in the mess.

Some places even ignore people’s passing, boldly and boldly show their existence in the sun…

But people are obviously accustomed to this, turning a blind eye to it. Only when these rats and insects are about to climb on the back of their feet will they kick and beat them angrily.

There was a snowfall in Desinia Territory, but here it rained a few times in a row for three days.

Today is finally clearing up.

The sun hangs high in the sky, the muddy ground is gradually drying, and the smell of dung or rotten smell that was slightly suppressed by the rain and cement began to spread…

On the dirty streets, except for the vendors and people walking in a hurry.

There are also many people with ragged clothes and thin faces lying on the side of the road, or leaning against the stained wall with gray and haggard faces…

They have not even shy away from dirt, just asking for a place to rest.

Even if you are surrounded by mice, bugs, etc…In the face of hard life, pain, and disease, this is no longer something worthy of attention.

Wright Green led a few servants through the chaotic and dirty streets to a similarly messy port.

After they waited here for a while, they finally saw the arrival of a fleet of ships on the turbulent river-the ships kept approaching, and finally stopped at the edge of the port, the crew put down the springboard…

Wright Green pulled down the black cloth around half of his face, revealing a handsome but slightly vicissitudes of face.

He said to the messenger who got off the ship: “Has the medicine been bought?”

Yodon, the messenger of the Kingdom of Ami and also the subordinate of Prince Nittaya, said with joy: “I bought it, I bought it!”

“Not only did the plant medicine be bought at the lowest price, the Desinian lord also gifted us a newly-researched new medicine, and…”

Before he finished speaking, there was a loud eagle in the sky.

Snow-white and huge shadows swiftly passed across the hull and even the ground.

Immediately, an extremely handsome eagle landed on the side of the ship, and the sharp claws grabbed two pits from the hard wood, and a pair of beautiful blue-gold eyes looked at Wright.

Suddenly there were shouts of exclamation from the surroundings, and people working in the port or waiting in the port looked over in amazement.

Even the boatmen who have witnessed many such scenes along the way can’t help but cast their eyes on the huge and beautiful birds again at this moment.

After the initial panic, it has long since turned into admiration.

Wright looked surprised, this is not…

He couldn’t help but look at the messenger Yoton, and asked: “Why did the eagle of the Desinian lord follow you to come to the kingdom of Ami?”

Yoton then said what Shazoe had told him before.

He explained, and then sighed: “The Lord of Desinia has a very good heart. I was able to buy back the plant potions at a low price thanks to the generosity and generosity of the Lord.”

“Right, before leaving…”

Yoton said that he told the Desinian lord about Wright Green in Aami.

Wright was taken aback, then nodded and said that it doesn’t matter.

He is no longer a king, he has no honorable status, and now he is just a knight wandering around.

The boatmen kept moving down the boxes full of plant medicines or the latest medicines on the ship, and then the servants and attendants neatly stepped into the truck they found after they were counted, and the ropes were **** in circles…

Finally, after the completion of the complete move.

Wright and Yodon began to leave the port and head towards the city. The van driven by the horses was driven by the servants and followed.

“How is Prince Nittaya?”

Yoton remembered that he had left Aami for so long, and he didn’t know what was going on in the king’s city.

—The decision to go to Desinian territory to buy plant medicine was proposed by Prince Nittaya to the king. The king did not pay attention to it, but people in the same camp as the prince wanted to stop or oppose it.

It is not easy for Yodon to lead the knights and servants.

Wright: “He has been taking medicine for this period of time, and his condition has improved a little bit, but others…”

The situation is not optimistic.

There are two princes in Ami, the first prince Quintat and the second prince Nittaya.

The two princes are half-parents.

After the death of the prince’s mother, the king married another queen, and the second prince Nittaya was born to the current queen.

Therefore, the relationship between the two princes of Ami is not close.

Not long ago, the queen died of illness.

The second prince Nittaya was overwhelmed and fell ill.

There is medicine in the palace.

However, the second prince’s illness has not yet been completely cured, and several members of the royal family have also become ill. Among them is an uncle who is close to the second prince Nittaya.

The potion was over-consumed.

Even if the attendants were ordered to buy back medicines from outside, the sick people still did not get better. During this period, several attendants also suffered from coughing, chest pain and other symptoms…

But because they didn’t have the money and the ability to buy medicines, these attendants died in the palace shortly afterwards, and their bodies were later thrown outside the city.

At this time, even the king had a hint of illness.

So the king was scared.

On the advice of the elder prince Quintat, he did not allow the sick to stay in the palace, and at the same time used the king’s power to collect a lot of medicines and control them in his own hands, even some prestigious doctors would not let go.

Wright traveled to Ami’s country before and occasionally made friends with the second prince Nittaya. Seeing that he was not only seriously ill, but also suppressed by the prince Quintat, he started to help.

There are only small chambers of commerce in the city of Ami.

These chambers of commerce purchased and delivered goods from the empire to Aya for sale, and the price more than doubled.

The second prince Nittaya’s condition has never been better.

And he needed to drink medicine to maintain his health, but the king ignored it, and the prince kept suppressing it. The plant medicine could hardly reach the hands of the second prince.

Therefore, Wright suggested that his subordinates go directly to the Desinian territory to buy.

After all, the empire knew that they were from the kingdom of Aami, and would also increase the price of the medicine. It would be better to go farther.

Nittaya agreed and sent his subordinate Yodon to Desinian territory.

But Nittaya had some concerns, so Yoton didn’t tell the truth when he asked the Desinian lord why he wanted to buy botanicals.

Probably because of the cold weather, people in the city started to have fever and illness.

Wright hadn’t noticed much before.

But after Jotun left Aami and went to the Desinian territory to buy plant potions, the number of sick people in the city gradually increased…

Most of them are people living in poverty.

Some people don’t even have a place to live and can only curl up in slums or everywhere. Therefore, Wright can often see these people on the side of the road when he goes out…

Wright had walked down the street and observed it from a distance.

He found that the symptoms of these people’s illnesses were not much different from the symptoms of the royal family members after they got sick-fever and cough, or swelling in some places, subcutaneous congestion, difficulty breathing, severe chest pain, etc…

Wright was surprised and doubtful, and some thoughts flashed by, but he couldn’t catch it.

And during the period when Yodon was away, a member of the royal family died of illness…

After that, people began to die in the city, but they were all poor civilians or slaves. Then, their bodies were dragged away and thrown outside the city. No one cared about their lives.

Wright is always a little uneasy about this.

So he made a suggestion-I hope that the second prince Nittaya will not go out recently, stay at home, and it is best to reduce contact with others.

The purpose of his suggestion is to avoid conflicts with the prince, causing unnecessary trouble and inducing more suppression.

The second is that Nittaya’s body is indeed not getting better, and she needs to stay at home and rest assured.

Nittaya accepted Wright’s suggestion and never left the residence before Yoton returned.

Yodon went to see the second prince with Wright.

Nittaya is a thin young man.

Recently, because of his illness, his face was haggard, his face revealed an unhealthy flush, and there was a swelling on the side of the neck under the right ear, and the pain that came from him made people frown at any time.

And the room was full of the bitter taste of medicine.

Yodon handed the pamphlet he had with him to the second prince, and then explained the greetings of the Desinian lord and his request for reply.

Nittaya was not handsome but with doubts on her delicate face, he asked, “That eagle…cough cough, is it outside?”

His voice was hoarse and unpleasant, and his speech was a bit hard to breathe.

Yoton nodded, and then worried: “Prince, I brought back a lot of potions.”

“This Desinian lord is very generous, and he also gave us the latest researched medicine. The booklet has the usage. Would you like to take it first…”

Nittaya nodded, and then looked carefully at the booklet in his hand.

His gaze is focused on a line of words—’A disease in which multiple people have the same symptoms is an infectious disease. It is best to treat them in isolation and pay attention to hygiene and cleaning… Please wear protection when you go out, and do not come in contact with other people. Clothing etc…’

In the back, there are burning dead bodies, cleaning the streets, paying attention to hygiene…

If you usually see this text, Nittaya will definitely not care, or even disagree.

But he couldn’t help but stunned at this moment, even his heartbeat speeded up slightly… because he always felt that this passage was reflecting the scene in the city of Ami at this time.

“Your Highness? Your Highness… Nittaya.”

Wright yelled a few times when he saw him in a daze, and finally walked closer and put a hand on Nittaya’s shoulder, and said in a low tone: “What’s the matter with you?”

Nittaya returned to his senses: “No… nothing.”

“Yorton, take a pen and paper… Come over, I want to write to the Desinian lord myself.”

Yodon: “Yes, Your Highness.”

Not long after the letter is written.

Wright took the letter and walked out the door.

After waiting for a while, he saw the big snow-white bird with only a few light cyan patterns falling on the low wall in the courtyard, and then he held out a paw to face Wright.

Wright knows, after rolling the letter, he put it into the cylinder tied to the claws of the Youth League: “Okay.”

The Youth League then spread its wings and flew away.

Nitaia wanted to follow the instructions in this booklet.

He reported something worthy of attention to the king, but the king disagreed.

After Nittaya was ridiculed by the prince Quintat, he was ridiculing and doing nothing wrong…

The elder prince snatched the booklet and tore it up with his strength, and then warned Nittaya not to intervene in the affairs of the king city at will. This should not be managed by him.

Nittaya was sick, and he was helpless, so he could only restrain and order his own people.

What he didn’t know was that the prince Quintat had already sent another fleet into the Saint Airo Empire to buy a batch of plant potions.

This ship was parked in the port of the Empire, but it was the first to throw four or five dead bodies from the cabin… After the corpses, many mice that escaped from the ship landed in the Empire…

Xia Zuoyi soon received a letter from the Youth League.

However, at this time, the disease backlog that has continued in the Aami kingdom finally broke out, and many people fell ill almost overnight.

The disease spread rapidly after the initial accumulation, and everyone did not react quickly.

-In the royal city of the Kingdom of Ami, people began to die continuously, and the corpses looked terrifying. Everyone was in danger but did not realize the problem.

Xia Zoe just received the letter at this moment.

He didn’t know the situation of Ami Kingdom after the Youth League flew away.

However, he was almost able to confirm that the country of Aami was probably the origin of the epidemic through some of the disease descriptions in the letter by the second prince Nittaya.

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