The Lord is Addicted in Infrastructure

Chapter 126

Chapter 125

This sudden disease has a name, called the Black Death.

Because the skin will bleed extensively, show ecchymosis, and necrosis. After the person dies, the corpse will be purple-black, death-like and terrifying and scary.

-After the name of the disease “Black Death” was announced by the Alchemy Tower, it seemed very “appropriate”.

In addition to announcing the name of the disease, the Alchemy Tower also clarified that the reason why the Black Death occurred was related to rats.

This is a very dangerous plague.

The main route of disease transmission is the bite of rat and flea.

In this way, when the bacteria enter the human body, they will spread the infection from person to person again through saliva, sputum, pus from injured skin, etc.

Maybe if you don’t pay attention, you will get the disease in the process of contact with the sick person.

The incubation period of the Black Death is one to six days.

If there is not enough medicine to provide treatment and care for the sick, the sick will die within two days after contracting the Black Death.

The pamphlets distributed by churches in various places include the cure for the Black Death.

-First of all, in the case of a diagnosis of illness, close isolation and immediate treatment with existing drugs to reduce the harm of the disease.

Because of the serious complications, the patient needs to keep the heat supply, have enough water supplement, rest and so on.

Although the booklet is very detailed and specific, whether it is about the knowledge of protection or the method of immediate treatment, the existing drugs are simply not enough to completely cure the black death.

The medicine is not symptomatic.

Existing drugs can only drag the painful body of the sick person and make the moment of death come a little later.

However, the sickle that took away life was still hanging on the side of the neck, and it could be swung down at any time, splashing blood.

This terrible disease appeared in Aami, and then spread to various places.

At the very beginning, the terrible aspects of the Black Death had not yet been fully revealed.

From the initial disapproval to the present, everyone is in danger-countries block territories and prohibit foreigners from entering.

The land checkpoint sent knights to guard closely, with great swords and spears aimed at all outsiders trying to enter the territory.

The trebuchet was also drawn from the port.

One by one, huge and hard stones would be thrown towards the sailing ships on the river. They would rather sink them than would allow foreign ships to approach the port.

As for now.

Because of the timely response to the disease, immediate isolation and elimination of rats, fleas, garbage, etc., the spread of the Black Death in the Territory of Desinia, the Territory of Akiyoli, and the Kingdom of Anas is not fast.

-The quarantine area is established first.

All patients with symptoms are quarantined in, and even those who do not want to enter will be forcibly taken away by knights with increased patrols and tightly wrapped packages, and no resistance is allowed.

The surrounding area of ​​the isolation area is tied with red ropes, one by one, to separate the area, and marks will be made on the ground.

And some nearby residents dare not stay here again.

Even if they are homeless, they are afraid of being so close to death.

Fortunately, because of the need to establish a quarantine zone, a lot of labor is needed.

What’s more, some families have become fragmented because of the advent of the Black Death, and many people have had extremely difficult lives because of this…

The Desinian lord proposed to set up a rescue point in various places to help civilians or slaves in difficult lives.

-Homeless civilians or slaves can receive one meal a day, exchange their assigned labor for money, etc…

The Akiyoli Territory and the Kingdom of Anas followed the Desinian Territory to implement policies.

Usually, when there is a new decision to deal with the disease in the Desinian territory, the other two parties in the alliance will immediately follow and implement it.

Under such powerful and rapid measures, the severity and spread of the epidemic have been temporarily controlled to a certain extent.

Although, countless people still die in pain every day…

Compared with the situation of the tripartite alliance, the situation of the Saint Airo Empire is terrible.

First, the empire was the closest to the country of Aami, and because of the king’s decision-making mistakes and delays, he failed to make correct judgments in time to deal with the disease…

This has led to chaos even though the empire is strong-there are pains and deaths everywhere, and people are infected every day.

Even walking down the street, someone would fall to the ground suddenly.

There will be fires burning in or outside the city every day, and thick black smoke will rise up, tainting the sky…

Jack is thirteen years old, one year short of adulthood.

His home is in the Imperial City. There are parents and two younger brothers. A family of five sets up a stall in the Imperial City and sells rye bread to maintain a living and food and clothing.

Although it is harder to get up and early in the morning and greedy the dark, the family is very happy.

Of course, this was before the Black Death appeared.

Now, Jack’s mother died at the beginning of the outbreak because he failed to survive the Black Death, and his father was taken away by the patrolling knights and put him in a quarantine area, forbidden to visit by outsiders.

He and his two younger brothers were lucky but unfortunate.

They were not infected with the Black Death, nor did they show any related symptoms.

But after my father left, the stall at home couldn’t support it. Without money, there was no way to fill my stomach…

And if he doesn’t want a solution, he can no longer pay money to the quarantine area to guarantee his father’s supply of medicine…

The imperial quarantine zone was built outside the royal city, and corpses were thrown out every day.

Jack was frightened all the time.

He took a task of burning the corpse, wrapping himself in an airtight, especially the palms, cheeks and other exposed parts.

He and some people dragged the corpses with the thorns, and dragged these dead and horrible people to one place and burned them together.

Every time, Jack would force himself to observe their figures and faces. He was afraid that one day he would see his father in these corpses.

The flame rose, the surrounding heat increased, and the steaming Jack couldn’t help sweating.

But he still didn’t tear off a shred of fabric.

After the piles of flames burned out, leaving a place of ashes, a knight came and placed a small amount of money on the ground not far away, and the copper coins were scattered.

After the knight left, Jack quickly ran forward, and ran away quickly after taking his share of money.

He has suffered and never wants to fall behind.

The Black Death brings not only illness and death, but also disorder and chaos.

—No one cares about how difficult your life is… Malice is magnified, the crime rate in the king’s city increases, some people steal property, some people enter the house to plunder, moral corruption…

Some people have left each other because of illness.

Some people who are ill have been given up after entering the quarantine area.

Because medicines and so on are not provided free of charge, after all,

If the loss is too great, it will not be able to continue.

Before, the Desinian lord took the lead, and the price of the medicine dropped again and again.

But even so, some poor people still cannot afford the continuous use of medicine.

Once the medicine is cut off, the sick will be on the verge of death in less than a day. Most people who enter the quarantine area will not be far from death if they don’t have money to buy medicines.

Of course, not all the sick will enter the quarantine area.

Some families who do not want to give up their families will be automatically isolated.

The house where they live will be surrounded by red ropes by patrolling knights, and a large letter P will be circled with red paint on the walls.

In this way, no one else will approach without knowing it.

Jack’s father entered the quarantine area voluntarily.

He told Jack to leave him alone and take care of his two younger brothers at ease, but Jack had no choice but to leave. There was some savings in the family before, but it has already been used up.

The inside of the city was very desolate, with the doors of every house closed, and people rarely seen shaking on the street.

Jack ran home panting all the way.

The door of his house had been nailed to death, only a half-meter-high gap was obscured by a wooden board. Jack knocked on the door and whispered—

The two younger brothers heard the sound and moved the wooden plank away and let him get into the house. Their bodies were thin, their faces were sallow, and the gurgling noises in their stomachs rang several times…

As usual, Jack asked if they had gone out, if there were any strangers knocking on the door, and so on. He told the two brothers to stay away from him and stay away.

There is often a basin of clean water next to the door.

Jack took off the tightly wrapped cloth, washing his palms carefully, and listening to the answers from the two younger brothers.

They did not go out, and no strangers came to knock on the door…

After a while, the older brother asked in a low voice: “Brother, how is Dad?”

Jack’s face remained as usual: “Dad is fine, he will come out of the quarantine area when the disease passes.”

But how could the Black Death pass so easily.

The two younger brothers felt relieved after hearing this.

Before he was restricted from leaving the house, the little brother had heard the chatting of the patrol knights he passed by. He said, “The Desinian territory is safer than the empire.”

“Brother, why don’t we go to Desinian territory?”

He was too young to understand the horror of the Black Death, nor did he know that the entry of outsiders was restricted in various places.

Jack heard that a ship that wanted to approach the Kingdom of Anas was nearly sunk recently.

The people on the boat even jumped into the water to swim to the port, but were forced to return to the boat by the spear that stabbed down mercilessly from the shore…

Jack drained the sewage, thinking distraught about the total news that he heard in the past few days-that the kingdom of Aami is close to the state of extinction.

It is said that the Black Death has taken away two-thirds of the population of Aya.

The Territory of Desinia can be regarded as the safest place outside of the country of Choboville.

In addition, it is the Akiyori Territory and the Kingdom of Anas…These places can be called safe, all due to the Desinian lord.

The Desinian lord had already sent a letter to the Saint Airo Empire in the first place to guard against diseases and prevent them in advance.

But it did not get the attention of His Majesty the King.

Now almost everyone in the royal city is cursing the king, spitting in the direction of the palace brazenly, Jack has also cursed a lot.

Because the Holy Church responded promptly, distributed protective pamphlets, etc., to convey the protection of the God of Creation to everyone, and now it has become the spiritual sustenance for people to overcome the Black Death.

Jack prayed to the God of Creation, but he also prayed to the Desinian Lord.

The reason why the Holy See has done so quickly in various places is also due to the accurate judgment of the Desinian lord.

Jack had heard no less than ten people praying to the Desinian lord as they burned their bodies.

-The creation **** is far away, and the devil is coming to the world.

He thought, if the God of Creation is very busy, he hopes that the Desinian lord can bless his father and brothers.

The empire is full of despair and nightmares that have spread because of the Black Death.

Three days later, Jack looked stupidly at the place where many corpses were piled up.

There, his father…and the boy who burned the body with him a few days ago…

He moved forward with his stiff legs.

When the flame came into contact with the kerosene sprinkled on the cloth, it jumped upwards, clusters of flames climbed along the corpse…Finally, the fierce flame stabbed Jack’s eyes, causing him to stagger back two steps. Fell to the ground.

However, the nightmare is not over yet.

The youngest brother fainted because of lack of water and hunger… The other brother was also as thin as a walking skeleton.

Although Jack’s body is not much better.

The clothes he wore before can now be wrapped two more times…

—If you don’t go to see the devil after committing suicide

Jack thought silently.

Jack let the eldest brother stay at home to take care of the youngest brother, and then ran out of the house holding the remaining five copper coins. There was a fire in his heart, that is, grabbing…

When he ran to the main road of Blow, Jack suddenly stopped and stared at the strangely dressed and a little scary people.

They were all dressed in tightly wrapped black robes, and the fabric seemed to have been soaked in some liquid, glowing with a faint luster.

He wears a wide domed hat on his head.

The eyes under the brim of the hat are covered with transparent glass, and the face is a black mask shaped like a bird’s beak…

They carried a big box with their white-gloved hands…

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