The Lord is Addicted in Infrastructure

Chapter 142

Chapter 141

After the suffering caused by the Black Death epidemic was over, all regions began to resume economic exchanges.

Sales of commercial products that had to be stopped before have also restarted, including the distribution of newspapers.

The newspapers of the Thorns Chamber of Commerce have successfully stationed in the Saint Airo Empire, and it is too late even if the king of the Empire wants to repent.

What’s more, this is the Prince Warner’s personal request for the newspaper to be opened in the Royal City, and the construction has been completed in advance.

The matter about the collusion between the mayor of Quincesi and the robbers and the murder of the people was published in the newspaper shortly before Shazoi returned to Palshan.

Then, it was widely distributed everywhere.

The news of the blockade spread instantly.

The newspapers were written by some of the victims themselves and detailed oral narrations.

——An objective narrative of the whole matter, which also implicitly mentions that the Quincesi incident has something to do with the Saint Airo Empire.

As for the discovery of minerals, I will first vaguely summarize the past.

The key point is how the Desinian lord dealt with these mayors and officials who colluded with the robbers and persecuted the people-with a tough hand, executed on the spot in full accordance with the laws enacted in the territory, and would never tolerate them.

The significance of this newspaper being sold everywhere is to deter some people who are also cautious.

Many people are talking about what happened in Quincesi.

Especially afterwards-the black and white cavalry troops occupied several territories on the border of the Saint Airo Empire like a broken bamboo, which gave people a lot of talk.

The battle between the Territory of Desinia and the Empire of Saint Iro was also written in a section of the newspaper.

Win or lose is clear.

After the newspaper was gradually distributed in the Saint Airo Empire, the king, who was already frustrated, immediately became angry.

He even wanted to suppress the newspapers of the Thorns Chamber of Commerce and forcibly shut down the newspapers built in the King City.

But it was stopped by the prince Warner.

As a result, the establishment and existence of newspapers were originally the result of the royal family’s acquiescence.

Turning the face to deny people now will only make the outside world think that the imperial royal family has little belly and no room for people.

——The defeat in the war can be said to be entirely the responsibility of the king, due to the king’s decision-making mistakes.

Secondly, it’s just like the good conditions Warner and Xia Zoe talked about.

In fact, a large part of the content that can be issued by this newspaper opened in the Imperial City is controlled by Warner-it is up to Warner to decide whether this newspaper will eventually circulate in the territory of the Saint Airo Empire.

But the king did not know this.

The residence of the prince.

The second prince Ken came here with a newspaper.

He was sitting in a chair while Warner leaned against the window and looked out quietly.

After a while, Ken first said: “Brother, this newspaper has been distributed all over the empire, what do you plan to do next?”

Ken also knows a little about Warner’s actions.

Especially in the newspapers, he understood that Warner was deliberately creating public opinion.

Warner turned his head, his ice-blue eyes seemed to be frosted, but they seemed to disappear under the sun, like an illusion.

He said: “If I want to do something to Kashu…Ken, will you feel soft?”

This sentence instantly caused Ken to fall into silence. He had expected Warner’s meaning.

“I won’t be soft-hearted, brother.”

“I will always stand behind you, but what do you want to… deal with Khaxiu?”

Warner: “If he knows enough, I can guarantee that he can still enjoy everything that the royal family enjoys.”

“But if…”

You don’t need to say all the rest, Ken also understands.

He asked: “Brother, Khaxu is not afraid, even now most of the royal family members will be on your side…”

“It is the father that we need to consider carefully.”

“He is still a king now, and he has power in his hands that can surpass you… If you want to fight against him, are you really sure?”

Ken knew that the publication of the newspaper was only the first step for Warner to shake the king’s prestige.

——When the king’s decision-making mistakes directly lead to the reduction of the territory and people’s lives are uneasy, then his throne will gradually cease to be consolidated.

But Ken didn’t know what Warner would plan afterwards.

Compared to the king, Ken hoped that his eldest brother Warner would soon inherit the throne.

This way he doesn’t have to worry about whether the Saint Airo Empire will eventually end in the hands of the king.

But Ken was also afraid that Warner’s integrity would affect his next decisions.

He didn’t want Warner to be soft-hearted to the king.

After all, when the king was a child in Warner, he has been loving and careful to train him to become the crown prince of the entire Saint Airo Empire…

Although today’s king is a little confused, he still looks at his great brother Warner very much.

“Brother, I understand that you are sure to win the support of the royal family. What I am asking is… Will you show mercy to your father?”

Ken said with a serious expression: “Have you really decided to take the throne while your father is still alive?”

He hasn’t been taken seriously since he was a child, and he didn’t have too deep feelings for the king or his brother Khasho.

The only two of his relatives are his elder brother Warner and his younger sister Renner.

Ken cares about Warner.

If there is a choice, then there will be no relentlessness in the middle, and there will be no chance for them to repent.

Warner walked to Ken’s side and pressed his shoulder with a little force between his fingers: “I’m sure I want to ascend the throne.”

“And for the father…”

“My kindness depends on his behavior. I will definitely win the throne. Anyone who becomes a stumbling block to my throne will be kicked away one by one.”

Ken was relieved after hearing this.

He said: “Brother, I will help you.”


Xia Zoe did not know the turmoil that was about to take place in the Saint Airo Empire.

He is now talking with Archibald about the merchant ship going to Ami through the harbour of Weissas for business transactions.

Archibald meant that the original road leading to the southernmost side was firmly controlled by the Saint Airo Empire, the tariffs were severe, and the price of the goods doubled.

Now that there is sea transportation here in Chazoi, it is natural to abandon the route of the Saint Airo Empire.

If the goods are not restricted, he plans to build a branch of the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce in Ami.

Archibald asked Xia Zoe how he planned to collect taxes from the harbor.

—— Whether the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce and the Thorns Chamber of Commerce are cooperating in business, and whether the price can be appropriately lowered.

“I just helped you, little Zoe.” Archibald said with his head supported.

Xia Zuoyi: “Of course there is no problem opening a branch of the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce in Amine.”

“In fact, I intend to promote Aya’s economic recovery and development as soon as possible. With the help of Nagabi, this matter will undoubtedly go smoother…”

“But have you ever thought about joining the North-South trade?”

Archibald heard the words seriously and said: “How to say?”

Xia Zoe: “Some ordinary things in the north are rarely seen or even not seen in the south, and some things in the south are the same for the north.”

“If the North-South trade swaps, a lot of profits can be made from it.”

Seeing Archibald’s interest, Xia Zuoy continued and said, “I plan to first establish a fleet dedicated to North-South trade.”

“There are not only merchant ships from the Thorns Chamber of Commerce in this fleet, but other chambers of commerce and even some individual merchants can join in.”

“Archie, what do you think?”

Xia Zuoyi bent his eyebrows and said: “Would you like to join?”

Archibald smiled and said, “Do you want to grab the trade route of the Saint Airo Empire?”

“How can it be said to be robbing.”

“After all, the distance from the Saint Airo Empire to Ami is closer. If some people think that the sea route is farther, they can naturally choose to start from the Saint Airo Empire route.”

Anyway, he would always come to Ami to do business, and it made no difference to Xia Zuoyi.

He just gave one more choice to allow more people to flow in the Desinian territory and promote economic development.

In addition, the current territory is still a land that far exceeds the distribution of population.

He needs to attract more talents to settle in Desinian territory.

And it’s not just North-South trade.

Ami needs to build, one is the infrastructure in the city, and the other is the first improvement of facilities and related systems for Ami’s seaport.

He can hand over work such as cement paving and building houses to foreign caravans through outsourcing, so that they can find ways to hire more artisans and labor.

And these people must have come from outside the Desinian territory.

——As long as there is population movement, people will settle down.

Archibald said at this time: “But maritime transportation is no greater than the river, the risk is greater at sea.”

“How do you want to attract many businessmen and make them give up the route of the Saint Ailuo Empire to Ami, and come for sea transportation?”

Xia Zuoyi touched his chin in thought, and suddenly said, “Do you think the killer whale is cute?”

The **** and white fish?

Archibald nodded.

Xia Zuoyi said: “What do you think of killer whales as mascots of luck on the sea? They are symbols of luck on the sea, and they are the gospel bestowed by the God of Creation.”

“Is it just that?” Archibald frowned slightly.

He felt that this was not enough to attract foreign merchants to reach Ami through the seaport of Visas.

Xia Zuoyi: “What if I add another message.”

“Archie, Samuel was followed by killer whales on the way to explore the New World on the Ridewind.”

“And the reason why they went smoothly along the way without encountering danger to find the New World is also because of the protection of this group of killer whales.”

“These are the things Samuel mentioned to me after he came back.”

Xia Zoe didn’t blush at all when he said these words, after all, there are objective facts.

He said: “If this news is published in the newspaper for publicity, do you think it will succeed in attracting some people?”

He wants to establish an image for the killer whale.

But before that, he needs to further improve the law on killer whales-it is forbidden to kill whales at sea. If found, he will be expelled from the territory at least, and he will be punished with death.

Archibald: “If such news is published in the newspaper, it will definitely attract a group of businessmen.”

Samuel’s story and reputation at sea will surely attract most people’s attention.

Xia Zoe thought, so in what form should this matter appear in the newspaper?

——The text narrative is too monotonous, and just adding illustrations is not enough to express.


Five days later, when Ganna Kozmo arrived in Desinian territory, a cartoon published in the newspaper was released.

The name of the comic is “The Adventures of Samuel Fern at Sea”.

For this reason, Xia Zuoyi specially hired the painter who drew illustrations for the series of stories about the gods, and put forward some requirements for him to pay attention to-such as the format of the picture and the image of the characters.

After that, he went to Samuel again, told him about this, let him get along with the painter more, and described some details.

Then, let the painter make appropriate changes.

Xia Zuoyi asked Samuel to describe what he saw and heard when he went to sea to explore the New World and landed on the New World in the form of words.

-Get rid of the gold, and write more about clothing, customs, and eating habits that are different from those on the Western Continent.

Xia Zuoyi said to Samuel: “For example, what kind of clothes and accessories would those people wear?”

“When you finish writing this…well, it’s called Fern’s Travels, this book will definitely be printed and circulated, and the Chamber of Commerce will also make it based on the clothes and accessories described in the book.”

“…Add new tricks to the clothes sold.”

“Samr, your contribution is great, and I will give you the reward you deserve.”

Facing the temptation of Xia Zoe’s “candy”, Samuel Fern agreed and went to write Fern’s travel notes with great interest.

Not long after he waited, he saw the cartoon published in the newspaper-the whole piece of cute black and white big fish.


What about him?

The author has something to say: Xia Xia: Don’t be sad. Although the protagonist of the comic is not you, the protagonist in Fern’s Travels is.

Samuel: This is not the same as saying…

Xia Xia: But you are also in the comics.

Samuel: But I am a supporting role…

The protagonist of “Samuel Vern’s Adventures at Sea”: Killer whale dumpling, friendship starring: Samuel Vernxiaxia whispered: I can’t figure out how this name attracts readers.

Glutinous Rice Balls:

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