The Lord is Addicted in Infrastructure

Chapter 177

Chapter 176

Imperial Palace.

The attendants and servants were anxious, and the remaining knights guarded the outside of the study, and in the study were three Warner, Ken and Lennar standing.

Warner’s hands were back at this moment, and his gaze looked down at a giant painting hanging in the middle of the wall.

To be precise, this is a map.

A map about the continuous expansion of the Saint Airo Empire since the past, representing the empire’s past glory.

“Big Brother…”

Lennar couldn’t help taking a step forward, the corners of her eyes were red, and her lips were tight: “We, shall we stay here and wait for Desinia to attack? No…”

She couldn’t say the word “escape”.

Why did things become like this? !

It seemed that the empire was heading for destruction in an instant.

Obviously not long ago, eldest brother Warner and Shami…are both Shamiel. If it weren’t for her to escape, so many things wouldn’t happen afterwards…

Thinking of this, Lennar couldn’t help but feel a bit resentful towards Samuel.

But when I thought about Xia Zuoyi, his face immediately showed a sad look. The beautiful fantasy of the past seemed to be shattered at this moment.

Perhaps, after the battle from the Desinian Territory and the Saint Airo Empire, Lennar no longer had any hope.

Warner turned around and said, “Now that the empire has been besieged in all directions by Desinia, escape? We can’t escape anywhere.”

Step by step is wrong, step by step is wrong.

It was not that he lost to Xia Zoe, but that the Saint Airo Empire was gradually declining… From the moment the Black Death epidemic began, although it was not an overnight dump, there was too little time left for him…

He tried to save, but in the end it was still too late.

The empire is like being trapped in an urn, and even the Holy See is on the side of Desinia…The Pope had planned to build a second holy church in Desinia.

No, when the empire is destroyed, the holy church in the royal city will no longer exist.

And the New Holy Church in Wissas will be the only one.


Warner couldn’t help but close his eyes, maybe the Pope had a large part of the plan in this war…

“I chose to go to war with Desinia because I was too big.”

“No, brother, no one thought that Asa Derek would break the contract openly. Doesn’t he even lose his reputation?!” Ken clenched his fist.

The king of the Biya country fooled them all!

Asa Derek not only broke the contract, but also joined Cavendish to cut off the empire from the middle to support the cavalry on the border, and in turn encircled and suppressed the empire’s territory.

If this were not the case, the Saint Airo Empire would not lose out so quickly, and finally was forced to defend only and fell into a disadvantage…

Now, it is about to lose to Desinia.

The victorious side is inclined from the beginning…

Ken was not reconciled, for Warner, and for the Empire, but what can he do if he is not reconciled, now Desinia is outside the royal city, and they have nowhere to escape.

The nobles are not only useless at this time, they are also a drag.

Not only would they not give advice to Warner, but they were also anxious after the imperial cavalry’s infantry defeat and retreat, which made Warner even more irritable.

Had it not been for the Desinian cavalry team to besiege the royal city first, I am afraid these nobles would have abandoned the city and fled or surrendered.

But it is not too late to surrender.


Xia Zoe finally met Warner, Ken and Lenal in the palace.

He said: “I thought you would leave the palace.”

Warner: “It’s not necessary.”

You will be caught again wherever you escape, so it is better not to escape.

“I didn’t expect that the empire would end in my hands…”

Warner paused and said: “I didn’t expect that the person who would end the Saint Airo Empire would be you, Lord Desinia.”

“Why?” Xia Zoe asked.

Warner Bing’s blue eyes looked at him deeply and said, “You don’t look like a very ambitious person.”

“I don’t see in you the idea of ​​wanting to invade other countries or territories, but you have this strength…”

“Even the Pope is helping you.”

Speaking of this, Warner now looked at Saigalote with extremely deep eyes: “We have known each other since childhood, you never see anything in your eyes, you don’t care…”

“But now, I pay so much attention to Desinia. I didn’t expect this, Augsig.”

“Or you have already seen the decline of the empire, and re-established the Holy Church in Wesas in advance, intending to re-establish the supremacy…”

This is undoubtedly a provocation between Xia Zoe and the Pope.

After all, no one in power wants the Holy See to be higher than himself. In the past in the Saint Airo Empire, theocratic power was much higher than the royal power.

The rights held by the Pope are not restricted.

Xia Zoe heard the words, and his expression remained unchanged.

Saigalot chuckled and said in a low voice, “Neither did I expect that one day I would have a person in my heart.”

“The Holy Church was built in Wissas just to get closer to him.”

Xia Zoe’s eyelashes trembled and her ears were red.

Warner, Ken, and Lenal couldn’t help but their eyes widened and their expressions changed.

What did they hear? !

What exactly do these words of the Pope mean… Is he to Desinia…

Warner suddenly looked at Grand Duke Orville, Archibald and others standing behind Xia Zoe. The expressions on their faces remained the same as before.

It seemed that I hadn’t heard the words of the Pope just now, or it was just that Warner had misheard or understood them wrong.

But Warner looked at Saigalote’s expression again, and he was sure that he had not misunderstood the meaning.

The pope… actually has a special affection for Desinia? !

Warner couldn’t help laughing: “Augsger, as the pope, you have blatantly violated the rules of the Holy See and abandoned the God of Creation…”

“If this matter is known to the clergy of cardinals and archbishops, do you think they will support you as the pope?!”

“What’s more, if everyone knows this matter, you guys…”

Warner can almost imagine how the world will scold them, and everyone around them will feel extremely ashamed.

Saigalote narrowed his golden eyes slightly, and said calmly: “They can only accept and agree.”

“Gales, do you think someone will really be able to remove me from the pope’s position?”

Warner pursed his lips slowly.

Saigalote: “The rules of the Holy See can be changed, Gales, I hope you can live to see that day comes.”

“At that time, everyone will bless us.”

When Xia Zuoy heard this, the tips of her ears turned red.

Warner, Ken, and Lennar were finally imprisoned for a while, and later discussed how to deal with them.

The nobles of the Saint Airo Empire were also put in custody. They couldn’t escape where, and didn’t dare to escape, so they stayed at home honestly.

The St. Airo Empire was destroyed once, and all places became part of the Territory of Desinia.

Among them, the most disturbing is probably the civilians and slaves of the empire.

But soon, their anxiety was appeased.

It doesn’t matter if the person above is changed, just have a good life.

The existence of new crops finally slowly circulated into the interior of the empire, from a small number of people knowing to everyone knowing…

For the people, the most important thing is to be able to fill their stomachs, wear warm clothes, and shelter from the wind and rain.

Now, the Saint Airo Empire is facing a crisis of food shortage, and the arrival of new crops can be said to be a solution to the urgent need.

While Xia Zoe was slowly rectifying the empire, Fernandi led the black and white cavalry and finally returned from the blockade. Two people, Blarri and Samuel, came to the Imperial City together.

Of course, Fernandi also brought Xia Zoe as an excuse in exchange for the female panther.

This is a black panther with a toned body and very smooth lines.

It has slightly rounded ear tips, golden eyes, and a long powerful tail. It moves gracefully between walking, like a proud and confident queen.

Blarri said that this is the bravest female leopard in the Kadi tribe, named Afra.

Although the temper is good, the fight is so fierce that even Saatchi dare not provoke him.

“Afrah has just grown up and hasn’t found a suitable panther, mainly because she doesn’t like it…” Blarri muttered, “Anyone who dared to come up was bitten away.”

Xia Zoe: “Has Saqi been bitten?”

Blarri: “That’s not true, because after being driven away by Afra once, Saatchi never tried to get close again. If it persisted, it might have returned home with the beauty.”

It seemed that Blarri was quite regretful.

After all, the female black panther, Afra, is the most outstanding existence in the Khadi tribe.

Afrah’s wildness is untamable.

It’s not like Saatchi who has been to many places with Blarri, knowing that he can’t run around and hurt people at will, because Afrah is out for the first time, so it seems a little restless and anxious, and his temper is much bad.

So, Blarri had no choice but to put Afra into the room for the time being, and no one was allowed in or out except him and the people of the Kadi tribe.

When Xia Zoe passed by with Brown Sugar, Blarri guarded the door and said, it’s better to let Brown Sugar go in alone.

Saatchi was right next to Blarri, and at this moment, it flung its tail lightly and paced in front of Brown Sugar, and groaned several times under Xia Zoe’s gaze.

After he stopped, Brown Sugar turned and left.

Xia Zuoy quickly hugged its big head with eyes quickly: “Brown Sugar, why are you leaving? Go in and take a look, OK?”

Resistant emotions are bad!


Brown Sugar shook his head from side to side to figure it out, but it didn’t take much effort and couldn’t get rid of it. It finally stopped and licked the hand holding Shazoe’s head, expressing compromise.

“Really good.” Xia Zuoy kissed Brown Sugar.

After Brown Sugar entered, Xia Zoe and Blarri stood at the door, heard the room calm for a while, and then suddenly remembered the sound of crackling and smashing things.

The voice lasted for a while, and finally calmed down again.

Xia Zuoyi asked: “Would you like to go in and take a look?”

Blarri nodded.

Xia Zoe stepped forward, slowly opened the door to a gap, and then looked into the room with his probe——

I saw brown sugar lying on the window sill with a long tail, while the ground was in chaos and mess, and a black panther was lying on the ground among the mess, but he was panting, his golden eyes were sharp and staring. Started to lick the black sugar from his paws.

Saatchi also had a head emerging from Shazoe’s legs, his golden eyes almost identical to brown sugar narrowed, and his tail flung up leisurely.

The author has something to say: two more, good night

Saqi: Big brother, brother, let me tell you, there is a %#…%¥# in it.

Brown Sugar: Not interested, turn around and leave. jpg.

Xia Xia: Go in.

Brown Sugar: Compromise.jpg, but there is nothing that cannot be solved in a fight.

Saatchi: Wow, Afrah was beaten hahahahaha.

Brown Sugar: Not my first hand.

Afra: It’s all owed!

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