The Lord is Addicted in Infrastructure

Chapter 24

Chapter 23

The weather just entering spring is a bit erratic.

The sun was shining warmly for a few days and then suddenly cooled down, and a chilly sea breeze blew into the castle, filling it with a chill.

Toby was greedy for the cold a few days ago, so he changed the thick clothes he had wrapped around him, and walked around the castle with only a thin coat.

In addition, he went to bed at night and kicked the quilt, and he caught a cold accidentally.

Sneezing, runny nose…

One day passed, and a slight cough developed on the second day.

On the Western Continent, where medicine is retrogressive and treatment methods are primitive and barbaric, colds and fevers are already a serious disease.

I remembered that Xia Zoe Desinia was unconscious because of a fever.

Not only the servants in the castle are helpless, even the doctors in the city or from outside dare not diagnose him easily.

The reason is-they have no way to cure such diseases.

Even once the treatment is started, the unique treatment methods such as bloodletting, blood sucking, and enema in this era are very likely to make people’s illness more serious and tortured.

By that time, it would be the easiest way for patients to die directly.

And if the object of the doctors treatment is noble lords such as earls and marquis.

Their responsibilities and risks will be greater.

What is the final body of the nobility, the result of the doctors will be.

If he is put to death, he will be compensated for his life.

Therefore, on the Western Continent, there is no way to become a doctor without a certain amount of courage and courage.

Although the profession of physicians will be respected, there are still very few people who become physicians, and even a few with a little reputation.

It can be said that the number of physicians in the entire Jadayate Kingdom will not exceed double digits.

This shows the status quo of the physician industry.

And the most important thing is that no one thinks that the treatment methods of fumigation, burning, and cutting of limbs by doctors are brutal and biased. Not only does it have no therapeutic effect, but it will lead to accelerated death of patients.

People will only think that such medical treatments are extremely correct and blameless.

This is the perception of this era.

You are dead, it is your own bad luck, not to blame on the doctor.

But nobles have privileges.

If a nobleman dies because of his condition that has not been cured, some doctors are going to be put to death. If you are lucky, they may stay in prison until they are old.

Civilians or slaves who want to treat illnesses generally cannot afford medicine.

Some doctors did not bother to treat slaves.

Therefore, what civilians and slaves can do is to pray to the **** of creation, confess to the gods, bleed themselves, practice hard work, and exercise their will.

In layman’s terms, it’s just to get past.

Maybe it will be better in a few days.

Toby also intends to go through it after he noticed that he was sneezing and runny nose.

But perhaps it was caused by the cold and humid environment by the sea. Instead of getting better, his cold began to extend to the trend of getting worse.

When Toby coughed for the first time, Gibran was already anxious.

Gibran was worried and perturbed.

He was angry that he hadn’t stopped Toby when he changed his thick clothes before, so that he fell ill one night.

“What to do and what to do… Let’s go and ask the Lord Earl to find a doctor to come and show you, Toby, is it uncomfortable? Is there fever?”

Toby shook his head: “Brother, I’m not uncomfortable, but my nose is a little blocked… or don’t bother Master Earl.”

He is actually very uncomfortable, his throat is itchy, and he always wants to cough.

And the whole body is a little soft, and there is no strength.

But Toby didn’t dare to say it, he was afraid…

Gibran naturally did not believe his words.

Just by looking at Toby’s red and abnormal face, he knew that his condition was definitely not as easy as he said.

Gibran immediately fended off the arm that Toby was trying to stop, and forcibly stroked his forehead, carefully feeling the temperature under his hand…

After a while.

The expression on Gibran’s face couldn’t help changing.


Toby raised his head uneasily.

Gibran bit his lip, hesitated and finally made up his mind: “Let’s go, let’s go to Lord Earl, Toby, my brother will definitely not let you go.”

He took Toby to Sha Zoe’s study.

“Toby is sick?!”

Xia Zuoyi was a little surprised: “No wonder I didn’t see him all day yesterday.”

In the castle, sick servants cannot appear in front of the nobles, so as not to spread the disease to the nobles.

Servants who are unwell or look different but still appear will be regarded as disrespect for the nobles and will be punished.

After all, nobles don’t care about the life and death of their servants.

Especially for “serious illnesses” like coughing and fever, people are sometimes even isolated in the room and are not allowed to walk around until they get better.

But generally speaking, such “treatment methods” will only make the patient wait in the room to die.

Therefore, when Gibran discovered that Toby had some cough and fever, he appeared so panicked.

He was afraid that his younger brother would not be able to make it through.

Now Toby didn’t enter the house either, but waited outside.

Gibran lowered his head and said: “Yes, Lord Earl, Toby is a little uncomfortable. He drank some **** water yesterday, but it still didn’t work…”

Some symptoms of illness will take the method of boiling **** as a medicine to treat the disease.

Gibran: “Lord Earl, I beg you to send someone to find a doctor to treat my brother. I only have my younger brother…please, Lord Earl.”

As he said, he knelt on the ground.

Xia Zoe hurriedly waved to let Udit help him up.

“You don’t need to kneel on me. It is not troublesome to find a doctor, but are you sure that Toby’s disease will get better after the doctor is found?”

The doctor invited the castle, Toby’s disease may, no, it is sure to become more serious.

Isn’t this harmful?

Gibran was not sure about Xia Zoe’s words.

He wanted to find an example of a successful cure, but after thinking about it, he found that there was no…

But if you don’t pin your hopes to the doctor…who can you pin it to?

Xia Zuoy said: “Bring in Toby and show me.”

Kahlil Gibran suddenly raised his head: “No, Lord Earl, Toby is still ill and might…”

Udit frowned slightly, but also a little disapproved.

Xia Zuoyi waved his hand: “Don’t worry, it’s nothing.”

He insisted again and again, and the two had to agree to let Toby come in.

After the door was opened.

Toby stood there dauntingly, not daring to come over, and whispered: “Master Earl, I can’t go there…”

He sniffed while talking, and coughed twice because of itchy throat.

After that, he lowered his head even more anxiously.

Xia Zuoy felt helpless, for them, and for the medical level of this era.

Colds and coughs are equivalent to terminal illness, which makes people so timid and jealous.

“Come here, Toby.”

Xia Zoe reached out to him: “It’s okay, don’t be afraid.”

Toby finally walked over.

Xia Zoe touched his forehead and asked him to stick out his tongue to take a look. Then he asked, “Does it have a headache or dizziness? Is my throat simply itchy or swollen? Is there any physical discomfort?”

“You have to tell me honestly, no concealment is allowed.”

Stern little eyes are watching you jg.

Toby: “My head is a little dizzy, my throat is just itchy but not swollen, my nose is not ventilated, and my body has no strength…”

Xia Zoe nodded secretly.

Not too serious.

He said to Gibran: “The physician may not be able to cure Toby.”

“But my recent research on herbal medicine has yielded some results, which can be made into a medicine for treating runny nose and cough.”

“You believe me, I can cure Toby.”

Xia Zoe had deliberately released the news that he was addicted to alchemy and wanted to study various plants.

If someone unearths rare plants, they can come to the castle in exchange for money, which is still valid until now.

Because of this, Xia Zuoy actually collected a lot of precious herbs, and he ordered people to plant the easy-to-live herbs in the castle a long time ago, and he planted some herbs that need to be carefully cultivated.

Now, whether it is herbal medicine or ointment research, there have indeed been satisfactory results.

But on the Western Continent, people’s understanding of existing medical methods and methods is undoubtedly a deep-rooted idea, and it is not easy to change it.

Some people even prefer to believe that prayers and confession to the God of Creation are more useful.

For example, if you are lucky enough to get a bottle of holy water, it will be easier to get better than finding a doctor.

Although Xia Zuoyi researched some results.

But once, he didn’t have the talent for mass production.

Second, even if you want to promote herbal medicines and ointments, you need to find a suitable opportunity.

Otherwise, at first, people were afraid that they could not believe that only a few doses of medicine could cure the disease.

Gibran had not had time to speak.

Toby said with full nasal voice: “I trust Lord Earl!”

Gibran also nodded at this time: “Yes, Lord Earl, I also trust you.”

Xia Zoe took two potions in the alchemy laboratory.

He instructed Gibran to feed Toby for a period of time after lunch, drink another potion before going to bed at night, cover the quilt, and keep the doors and windows from opening.

Gibran nodded and obeyed, doing them one by one, sleeping with Toby in the same bed to watch him at night.

Early the next morning.

Toby’s surprise voice suddenly sounded in the room.

“Brother! Brother, get up and look at me, my nose is not blocked! I am not dizzy…”

He yelled in disbelief, while pushing Gibran’s shoulder.

Gibran didn’t sleep deeply, and he quickly opened his eyes and immediately sat up soberly: “Is Toby, your illness is cured?!”

Toby: “Except for a runny nose and a slightly uncomfortable throat, I feel better everywhere!”

Gibran could also tell.

Toby was still rustling yesterday, but he looks very good today.

He couldn’t help but exclaimed: “The potion given by Lord Earl must have worked!”

Toby nodded, his eyes sparkling and said, “Master Earl is so amazing.”

The two immediately got up and went to report the incident to Xia Zoe.


Xia Zoe had anticipated this.

People in this era have not developed drug resistance due to long-term use of western medicine or abuse of hormones. It is inevitable that the effect will be fast.

“Drink three more potions today, and I still have to come tomorrow, I want to see the condition.”

Toby said uneasyly, “No, I don’t need it anymore, Lord Earl.”

“This kind of medicine is too precious, it is not worth wasting on me, I can totally do it by myself…”

Xia Zoe interrupted him: “Toby, the potion is made for people to drink. There is no waste, let alone that it is not worth it.”

“You are worth it, Udit and Gibran are worth it, and Kelly is worth it. All the servants in the castle, their lives are very important and worthy.”

“You can drink this kind of medicine.”

Although it is impossible to achieve equality for all on the Western Continent.

But he wants in the future, everyone’s life can be regarded as one thing, and no longer die innocently because of some small diseases and absurd treatments.

Toby couldn’t hold back, he cried out with a wow: “My husband, Lord Earl, you are so kind.”

Kelly couldn’t help standing behind holding an apron and wiping her tears: “Oh my God, how come Lord Earl is so well-behaved and sensible.”

The faces of Udit and Gibran also couldn’t help showing emotions.

The briquettes and snowballs were lying in the middle of the blanket, scratching and playing with each other, but they jumped up with Toby’s voice, then tilted their heads and looked at him suspiciously.

Xia Zoe: “…”

It’s not that it’s not that it’s not that it’s a big deal, look at you one by one…………

Xia Zuoyi was embarrassed and even Jiojio was with him.

When Toby’s illness gradually recovered, a boat traveling on the Volri stopped at the port of Nilamo.

This ship attracted the attention of many people, only because the emblem carved on the hull was the logo of the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce, the largest chamber of commerce in the Anas Empire.

The boat plank lay on the shore.

A team of knights with feathers on their heads stepped off the ship first, and then stood on both sides of the harbor with their swords, their solemn and majestic aura could not help causing the civilians or slaves around them to leave.

Immediately afterwards, two more people walked off the board of the ship in tandem.

The person walking in front is a teenager who is only a teenager, with a handsome face, a long stature and a tall posture.

He has dazzling blond hair, which rises and falls slightly with the river breeze, as if gleaming with fragments of light. His eyes are emerald-like rich green, and they are like water flowing on the bottom of the lake, deep and charming.

Followed by a man in his thirties, he got off the boat and said, “Master Boris, do you want to find a place to rest first, your body…”

The boy named Boris Abel seemed a little uncomfortable. He frowned, his mouth closed tightly, and he waved his hand and said: “No…cough, this disease is not a big deal, let’s deal with it first.”

The man was worried but could not dissuade him, so he had to say: “So, according to your opinion, shall we first contact Bass Ridges? Or should we set off to Wess?”

Boris Abel raised his eyebrows, and his expression immediately became vivid: “Since the method of drying salt in the sea water was made by Desinia, the rose salt produced in his territory robbed us of the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce in Jadayat and even Many of the businesses in Gaynor have made Nagabi salt almost no market.”

“This account, I naturally have to make a good calculation with him first.”

“As for the deal with Buss Ridges, don’t worry.”

“Yes, Master Boris.”

Vincent said again: “But I heard that Desinia is only seven years old. Do you want to bully the younger?”

Boris Abel: “…I just bullied him, who is not a child yet.”

Vincent nodded silently.

Yes, you are a big “child” about one meter tall.

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