The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 34 Qiongqi

Although bluish blood continued to flow out, such injuries did not seem to have much impact on the monster.

It tilted its head, without roaring or expression, and pulled itself out bit by bit. Its body is still "growing", the scales on its body are forming and hardening little by little, its claws are becoming longer and sharper, and it is becoming stronger every moment.

But unfortunately, the owner of the euphorbia followed closely behind. The distance of dozens of feet was reduced to one step under Jing Ziwang's feet. He stepped on it with one foot and cut off its tough and hard neck with a swing of the iron sword.

This ghost's body stiffened, its growth stopped, and its skin darkened little by little.

Jing Ziwang retracted his feet and stood there looking down at the corpse, silent.

Pei Ye arrived just then. He lowered his head and saw the monster being killed for the first time.

But when his eyes fell on it, Pei Ye stood there like Jing Ziwang, unable to say a word.

——This headless corpse, which seemed to have stepped out of a ghost story, was hung with a tattered and blood-stained cloth, which was exactly the one Meng Jiao wore at noon.

"Is this your friend?" Jing Ziwang turned to look at him.

Pei Ye nodded slowly with a heavy expression.

Meng Jiao was kidnapped by a demon tiger, how could he turn into such a monster? What is the relationship between Yaohu and Zhushijiao?

Suddenly his eyes narrowed, and the light cocoon in his belly was pointing so clearly and so close!

He immediately drew his sword and cut open the corpse's abdomen.

Looking down, I saw that the internal organs inside were being "digested" rapidly. Half of them had become muscles wrapped in blue scales and were flowing to the limbs. Some of the original parts of the liver, internal organs, spleen, and stomach still remained.

This strange sight made Pei Ye forget what he was going to do for a moment. He organized his thoughts and was about to judge the location when his eyes suddenly shrank.

As the organs squirmed, they vaguely formed the prototype of a face!

Before his body could react, a powerful yet gentle force was already pushing from his side. Pei Ye flew up into the air and saw the face made up of organs that quickly became clear and three-dimensional. It was so huge that it almost burst the chest and abdomen of the corpse.

No, it really broke through the chest and abdomen and came out!

The organs turned into normal flesh and blood and even bones, hair grew from them, and a pair of magnificent golden vertical pupils opened.

A huge and colorful tiger head.

Meng Jiao's corpse turned into flowing flesh and blood, expanded and reorganized behind it, and condensed into a huge tiger body.

Pei Ye had no time to think about why such a tiger, which was bigger than a thatched cottage, could shrink into its belly, because the tiger's target was precise and clear, it was Jing Ziwang standing in front of him!

With its powerful and strange abilities, and the cunning and cruel nature of its beast, Pei Ye deeply understood what evil was at this moment.

When it met Meng Jiao, its group had not arrived yet, but it had already left Meng Jiao without food, using it as a springboard to attack and kill Jing Ziwang.

——Huang Er is basically a bait it deliberately releases to attract higher quality and more delicious prey!

It was unknown whether Jing Ziwang had expected the twists and turns, but in short, he was not deterred by the wonderful sight in front of him.

This grandmaster is just fifty this year. He rose from a white-clothed soldier to a fifth-grade captain, guarding 300 soldiers and hunting down all the lawbreakers in the state. He has seen so much in the first half of his life.

He never learned how to hide his secrets as a high-ranking official in a state. He always showed his mood and anger when talking, so he was often criticized secretly. But the good news is that his angry courage has not faded at the same time. No matter what situation he is in or what opponent he faces, Jing Ziwang never flinches.

It's the same today.

After the meridian tree is formed, push open the barrier between heaven and earth, and ascend to the Xuanmen. The cultivator will come into contact with the energy that permeates the sky and the earth. Martial arts practitioners call it Xuan Qi, and warlocks call it spiritual energy.

With such words, it seems as if the warlock was ahead of the martial artist from the beginning. In fact, it is not the case. The two just start from different starting points and then end up at the same end.

A martial artist first looks at the qualifications of the Meridian Tree, and then breaks through the seeds, eight lives, until he steps into the Xuanmen and masters the spiritual energy; if a warlock wants to get started, he must have the talent to sense the spiritual energy of the world, so those who can take this path are even rarer. After absorbing the spiritual power, it relies on the spiritual power to cleanse the body, and then generates the meridian tree.

This is because the meridian tree, in addition to being able to generate and store true energy, is also a lever that leverages the spiritual energy between heaven and earth. If a warlock does not have a complete meridian tree, he will lose a major boost from the aura of luck.

Warriors need bones, while warlocks need inspiration. In this way, cultivators can choose a path based on their own qualifications - of course, the vast majority of people do not have both qualifications.

In addition, after a warrior masters spiritual energy, it does not mean that he will turn into a warlock. His abilities are still limited to what he has learned and practiced in the first half of his life. Each sect's inheritance also has a mysterious scripture for controlling spiritual energy; similarly, after the warlock's meridian tree is formed, he often He also has no energy to learn the magical functions of Zhenqi, let alone understand the magical principles of martial arts in the Xuan Jing, so he can only continue to study the spiritual scriptures.

Speaking back to the present, Jing Ziwang has no sect background. He relies entirely on the imperial court for his martial arts. He was awarded the "Biuan Shangshi" after entering Xuanmen at the beginning of the year.

This Mysterious Scripture is named after the Great Immortal Shou Biyan who guarded Nanya a hundred years ago. It is ranked 29th in the Mysterious Scripture Department of the "Lingxuan Dadian". People who are not straight and upright cannot learn it. It is the Tang Dynasty One of the seven classics that a military officer can choose after entering the Xuan Dynasty.

Jing Ziwang had only been studying for a short period of time and had not yet understood the mystery, but when he took action, Pei Ye suddenly understood why he did not change his face when faced with the strange scene of a tiger in his belly.

If a person masters such power, many things will no longer be scary.

The tiger's paw was pressed against his fist, and the frost suddenly bloomed. In an instant, the fruits and vegetables, water stains, ground, and even the thatched cottage next to him were all covered with a layer of black and blue frost for several feet.

Pei Ye picked up the little girl next to her who had just escaped from the claws, and jumped back, narrowly avoiding the frost cover.

There were frost marks on the corners of the clothes that were lagging behind, and they stood stiffly in the air. When Pei Ye touched it even slightly, the pieces broke into pieces.

Jing Ziwang's brows were covered with frost. Under such extreme cold, the power of "Biuan Wounded World" still exploded without any damage, instantly clearing everything around him.

The fruit and vegetable buckets and baskets turned into powder, the thatched house was torn apart and flew several feet away, and even the land was bulldozed, turning into a clean and flat area of ​​several feet.

And this was just the aftermath. Even greater power exploded in the tiger's body. The flesh and blood almost exploded. The newly formed body was scattered again, and the shapeless mass of flesh and blood flew into the air like a cannonball.

Jing Ziwang dodged and was already chasing after him, but his second punch failed because the mass of flesh and blood suddenly gave birth to two wings and flew up into the sky.

There is no ability to control the air in the Nascent Realm. Although Jing Ziwang can rely on the burst of true energy to chase through the air, it will inevitably be hindered. Facing such a powerful enemy, Jing Ziwang does not dare to put himself in a sluggish situation.

He fell to the ground, and the tiger in the sky finally returned to its original body.

It is indeed a "demon" tiger. Not only is it more than twice the size of an ordinary tiger, but it also has two sharp, dagger-like curved black horns on its head, eyes like snakes, a hooked blade on its tail, and a pair of huge wings that span three feet.

Pei Ye has seen this image before. According to the Book of Mountains and Seas, it is ferocious in nature, loves to eat people, punishes good and promotes evil, is unfaithful and unbelieving, and is a completely evil beast.

It's called Qiongqi.

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