The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 345 Talking about yesterday today

The stone wall is indeed a place that needs to be seen. Although the other three sides of the entire temple are not carved, they are smooth and smooth. Only the side behind the stone seat is rough and almost in a natural state.

Wudong returned the sword to its sheath, pressed his hand on it, and closed his eyes: "It's empty."

"The Broken Dragon Stone." Sui Zaihua said, "It's the same as where we are."

Wudong looked back and saw that there was no other way in or out of the hall. The obvious feeling of dampness and coldness when entering the hall came from the huge boulder hanging above.

The Chongyan Deep Lake is indeed a prison that most Xuanmen masters are unable to break.

This Broken Dragon Hall was designed in two sections. The deep section has already been used, which is the fallen stone wall in front of it.

"Can you open it?" Sui Zaihua stood next to the body and looked at it.

Wudong took out a small ring as sharp as a saw, and pressed it into the stone wall with force. Immediately, there was a sharp sound that made people's teeth hurt. After a while, stone chips in a radius of ten feet fell, but the sound became lower, and gradually Go deeper.

"If you investigate too many cases, you have to guard against all kinds of plots."

Wudong let it move forward, and when he turned around, Sui Zaihua had already taken off the two faces. It turned out to be two faces he had never seen before. He pressed them everywhere, but there was no trace of disguise.

The old man spread two scenes on the ground: "[Sun] and [Liu]."

"What does it mean?" Wudong came over, "I didn't find many useful things about Huansilou in the case file. I thought you might know something?"

"Because it is a specious inference that I have made over the years. It has no basis and has not been recorded yet." Sui Zaihua said softly, "I think Shao Long's death in the building should be a drama of the Three Kingdoms."

"There are four people in the upper level, the opera master [Sima], and below him [Sun] [Liu] and [Cao], a total of four scenes." Sui Zaihua continued, "Here, they sent two absolute controls. "

"." Wudong was silent for a moment, "I found out in Fucheng that Qiao Changyue had a secret meeting with the head shopkeeper Jin Yuzhai. However, according to Fucheng records, after this secret meeting, there was no transaction between the Supervisor of the Department of Equipment and Jin Yuzhai. Changes, the number of heart amulets all match."

"So I think," he looked at Sui Zaihua, "what they were talking about was who to sell to after Jin Yuzhai took the Xinpo."

Sui Zaihua nodded.

"The Xinpo business is the most important pillar of Jin Yuzhai. Qiao Changyue used this to force them to sell the Xinpo they got to Huansilou. That's why I came to check Jin Yuzhai's accounts."

"But I always thought it was Jin Yuzhai who was half pushing and half colluding with Huanshenglou." Wudong lightly tapped the scabbard twice.

Sui Zaihua nodded slightly, understanding what he meant.

Wudong did ask Sui Zaihua to form a light and dark cooperation with him, but he didn't really want to take this step. Because Jin Yuzhai was forced and then controlled to become the puppet of the Happy Death Tower, which was a very weird thing.

Qiao Changyue's position as Supervisor of the Department of Artifacts did control Xinpo's access, but the Shaolong Mansion Office was open, and the Immortal Terrace was only two streets away.

Jin Yuzhai is not an old man who has nowhere to redress his grievances after being kidnapped by two strong men.

If Qiao Changyue's first sentence was to threaten Jin Yuzhai to sell Xinpo to Huansilou, then the big shopkeeper's second sentence would be overjoyed and threaten him to increase Jin Yuzhai's Xinba quota every year, otherwise he would collude with Huansilou. The matter will be placed on the case of Xianrentai.

Therefore, Wudong thought that this was only possible because Huansilou also offered conditions that Hua Wanquan could not refuse, using coercion and inducement.

However, Jin Yuzhai was actually completely controlled.

This may mean that the one who buys the amulet is not a shadowy power like Huansilou, but an equally upright and upright authority.

Jin Yuzhai was unable to recover from such coercion from two parties. Maybe it didn't even realize that it was doing business with Huansilou.

So now that Wudong has arrived here, he is faced with this situation.

"Their desire to prevent us from getting closer to the truth seems to be even greater than completing their own plan." Wudong frowned and looked at the two corpses on the ground, "Even if I die, Xianrentai will know the shadow behind it in half a month .Is it necessary to pay such a price?”

"That's right." Sui Zaihua said softly, "They are working very, very hard to hide, both in terms of whereabouts and level. When I was in Bowang, I agreed that Huansilou had a high limit on the 'soul-stealing and sword-stealing' matter. It’s ‘stuck’, because in the whole thing, we haven’t seen any of the four scenes.”

"However, the first time we met later, it was the actor." Wudong said hoarsely.

"'Thespian'. That's exactly what I want to say." Sui Zaihua paused, "What you meet may not necessarily be the dramatist."

Wu Dong narrowed his eyes: "What do you mean?"

"This is about the name 'Quzhu'." Sui Zaihua looked at the stone wall, where the unknown magic weapon was still being drilled and cut, "You know that I know Huanshenglou better, but their Liangzi and I also The cause of the intersection, which is not inherent in nature, is Qu Zhu.”

"The first time I met him, he looked like he was unfamiliar with the place he was in. He wore commoner clothes, a poor knife, and had straw sandals with a floppy head. He squatted under the eaves of Bowangzhou Yamen on a rainy day and coughed, like a down-and-out guest. .”

That was Bowang City twenty-seven years ago. As soon as the summer rains continued, the entire state government office became nervous and busy.

Twenty-five-year-old Sui Zaihua was the youngest official in Xiangzhou. Zhuyue Lake was seriously flooded, and the governor Yu Chaocai invited him from a neighboring state to assist in the management. When a group of people walked out of the Yamen holding umbrellas, Sui Zaihua saw Yu Chaocai's shoulder. The young man was leaning against the steps of the road.

He came up and said that he could help design a mysterious formation to stabilize Zhuyue Lake. A group of officials didn't even give him a cold look. Yu Chaocai stopped and asked a few questions, and ordered his entourage to give him some food and clothing to warm him up.

Sui Zaihua had seen this kind of person. He read too many stories about celebrities and was conceited. He didn't even have the patience to keep his feet on the ground. He only dreamed of soaring into the sky.

Zhuoyue Lake cannot be controlled by Xuanzhen, he knows that.

No matter whether Xuan Zhen can do it or not, at least Bowang can't do it.

That year, Sui Zaihua and Judge Bowang worked together to calm down the lake, but the young man somehow managed to win the favor of the governor and was able to become a minor official in the state government.

Sui Zaihua's official career in Xiangzhou was not smooth. His superiors were jealous of his talents, and the helpless Sui Zaihua could not see the future. After helping to consolidate Zhuyue Lake for four consecutive years, Yu Chaocai sent a letter to the government to transfer him to Bowang.

This was a very important care that the young Sui Zaihua received in his official career. Although it was not a gift of knowledge, it was also a move of love.

It was only in this year that the rootless young man he saw at that time had also emerged in the officialdom. Sui Zaihua was surprised to find that the ruthless sharpness had been reduced a lot. When he met him in the state government, he actually took the initiative to She greeted him with a smile, showing no trace of the aloofness she felt at that time.

Due to their different positions, the two people did not have much interaction with each other. However, as young and promising people in the same officialdom, and both were promoted by Yu Chaocai, it was inevitable that the two would become familiar with each other, so they maintained a subtle relationship of neither closeness nor alienation. in relationship.

"It was during that time that I knew that his talent for array weapons was really good." Sui Zaihua said softly, "I also know some array weapons. In the past few years, this may have served as my stepping stone many times. But Far from being called a 'talent'."

At that time, Qu Zhu was like an unsheathed sword in Bowang officialdom. Sui Zaihua looked at his astonishing sharpness and at the same time his astonishing clumsiness.

The intricate officialdom is never so simple, it is a sensitive cobweb, and when it is involved, it becomes a whirlpool. Qu Zhu goes straight forward with his sharp blade. Sometimes he accomplishes achievements that make people jaw-dropping, but soon he is at a loss. He fell to the ground and suffered a bloody head. Fortunately, it was difficult for a person tall enough to drown in the small pond of Bowang. Fortunately, Yu Chaocai was an upright governor.

So this young man who seemed to know nothing about officialdom was always able to stand up again. He gradually understood many vague rules and saw the invisible threads behind people's backs. Sui Zaihua was surprised to see once. He didn't know what they were. When things were blocked, he stood in front of the door of an old magistrate's court with a gift in hand. As soon as the door was opened, he showed a beautiful smile and bent his waist slightly.

The most profound encounter Sui Zaihua remembers was when Xia Yu brought wine to him again the next year to talk about Xuan Zhen's lake management. Sui Zaihua explained to him in great detail why such a method could only be used in Shenjing, Shenjing, and other places. In a big city like Taiyuan, the night was full of wine and rain, and the two chatted for a long time.

"Brother Zai Hua doesn't have any background?"

"An only son from a poor family."

"People like us" may be some drunkards. The man leaned on the railing and looked at the messy lake in the rain. "How can we get to high places?"

"How high does Brother Qu want to go?"


"Master Yu is already very tall." Luan Zhu jumped over the railing and wet his robe. Sui Zaihua raised his glass and drank, "Go up further."

He smiled: ".The Eight Immortals Crossed the Sea."

"Hahahahahaha." Qu Zhu laughed, "Brother Sui, do you also want to go that high?"

"." Sui Zaihua lowered his head and said with a smile, "It depends on the circumstances."

"I'm going up there." Qu Zhu said softly, looking up at the heavy rain falling in the abyss, his side face expressionless under his wet hair, "The formations and swords at high places can only be seen by standing at high places. .”

He poured a glass of wine into the night sky and chanted loudly: "In ancient times, people with lofty ideals should be poor first and worry later! In life, hit the stream!"

It took a long time for Sui Zaihua to realize that this was the ink pen Yu Chaicai had used during the day.

He was not surprised. The relationship between the man and Yu Chaocai was indeed as close as an uncle and nephew. When he was at his lowest, it was Yu Chaocai who gave him a way out. In the unfamiliar officialdom, this elder was almost his beacon. The childless Yu Chaocai really liked this young man. I heard that he often left him to rest at home at night, and the two of them talked while listening to the sound of rain.

In those years, Yu Chaocai was also the leading person with a bright future in local officialdom.

He is upright, tenacious and has a clear eye. Located in a remote state, he has never been striving for advancement, but has made down-to-earth political achievements here that attract the attention of the city. As early as three years ago, Mr. Yu's remarks about being promoted had already appeared in the compliments he received during the meeting.

Now it's finally here.

And almost at once, an official document came out, "Promoting Yu Chaocai, the governor of Bowang, to the position of Shaoqing of Gongtai and Supervisor of the Department of Arms, and he will take office immediately."

This was the third year that Sui Zaihua came to Bowang City, and it was also the seventh year that Qu Zhu came to Bowang City. Yu Chaocai had already written documents for the two of them, and he wanted to take his two close descendants with him.

One month before departure, Qu Zhu temporarily said goodbye to the two of them.

"What's the matter?"

"I'll go back to the west first. Today is the death anniversary of my master."

At this time, Sui Zaihua knew that he was from a sect.

"During those days, I felt that he had some strange interactions. Once I saw him standing with an outsider, talking about the 'Westward Journey'." Sui Zaihua paused, turned his head and looked at the stone wall. The cutting voice stopped, "It's a pity that I didn't pay much attention - let's take a look at this first."

Wudong nodded, and the two stood up. They pressed their withered palms against the stone wall. As soon as the mysterious energy was released, the orange petal-shaped stone collapsed, revealing the space inside.

Wudong, who stepped in first, raised his eyebrows slightly and walked in without stopping.

Sui Zaihua followed behind and looked up. There was nothing in the palace except for a withered skeleton lying in the corner. The unsheathed sword fell to the ground without any trace of rust.


Kongtong Mountain.

Pei Ye opened his eyes and frowned. He raised his hand to rub his forehead, feeling a throbbing pain clenching his brain.

"I've been too busy these days." Black Cat pressed the back of his neck and handed him some coolness, "You don't have enough rest, so sleep more. You'll be fine when you wake up tomorrow."

"It's not the time." Pei Ye said angrily, "What he went through during the period when he returned to Hushan Jianmen was very important. I just told you about Xingci."

"Jianlou, Daliang, and Shichen correspond to the seven constellations of Kui, Lou, Wei, Pleiades, Bi, Xi, and Shen in the twenty-eight constellations. They are in the dividing line and cover the west of the earth." The black cat said softly, "And it is called [Buried Star" Tomb]. We have said before that the starry sky has been a symbol of destiny and orthodoxy since ancient times. I remember you said that Qu Zhoufu once said that we should wait for the master of the West Courtyard to come and take it all away."

"Yes." Pei Ye stood up and splashed cold water on his face. He picked up the jade pendant and looked into the eyes again.

The familiar landscape of lakes and mountains.

Seven years have passed. At dusk, the crows returned to their nests, and the figure walked into the valley from the darkness again.

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