The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 43 Second Kill

Hei Chi and Hei Chi put aside their words and came to this familiar venue again.

Pei Ye, who had already experienced it, stepped in first this time. When he looked up, he saw that the beads on the top became deeper and larger.

Watching the other party enter from the other side, the liquid in his body surged again, obviously even more surging this time. Pei Ye suddenly had a strange idea - if he cut his blood vessels at this time, would what flow out be blue? blood?

There was no more time for him to think about it. The two people facing each other were "armed" in an instant and rushed towards each other angrily.

In order to live for one more hour and to inherit the noble seed, both of them had to kill the opponent in front of them.

The opponent's unusually long hands and feet came into play at this time. He stood on all fours, like a spider or a flea. His movement trajectory was completely different from that of a person on two legs. His hands could be used as feet, and his feet could also be used as hands, which made Pei Ye quite uncomfortable.

After receiving a "kick" from his arm, Pei Ye opened the Quail Head without hesitation.

This was his special ability to move around in danger. Although it was extremely precious and should be saved for later, there was no need to think about it in the future if he died this time.

With Quail's generous support, the opponent's movements were dismantled step by step. This ability from the Tianguan Quail Bird is as powerful as ever. Not to mention that it has the advantage of being in the same realm. Pei Ye even doubts that it can support a cross-border kill like Qisheng vs. Eight Lives.

It's a pity that Pei Ye has been facing outrageous opponents these days, making him look dim since he came out of the wine cellar.

Faced with such an evenly matched battle, it showed the ease of a cook trying to unwind an ox. After getting a little familiar with the opponent's behavior and habits, Pei Ye moved to pass the opponent's offensive and crushed his tibia with a precise and ruthless kick. .

Spiders with broken limbs and fleas with missing legs. Facing opponents who have suffered such injuries, victory will come naturally.

Pei Ye couldn't help but sigh as he watched the tentacles protruding from his belly feasting on the opponent's belly again.

Quail's Head is really easy to use, the only drawback is that it doesn't last long.

After the third level, the amount of liquid that can be driven doubled again. This time, Pei Ye felt more deeply that the "Qi" in his body should be almost the same as Lin Lin's, roughly equivalent to the five lives of a normal warrior's Vein Tree.

The cocoon of light is also more complex and profound, one step closer to maturity.

Pei Ye guessed the Zhushi Sect's plan. After the final host was born, it would combine with the seed, and that seed was now in Qiongqi's body.

Hei Chi said that Qiongqi's performance was completely unlike that of a normal Immortal Hunter, so did those leap-like increases in strength and weird and difficult-to-defend abilities come from this seed?

But Qiongqi also used it before it hatched. When the seed entered the light cocoon and was hatched, who did the Zhushijiao plan to control it? How to control it?

A noun suddenly flashed through his mind, and Pei Ye took a breath.

It was that cool and pleasant female voice.

"Is there any news about a book or a magical martial art circulating in your area?"

"It can be called the 'method of cultivating immortality in Dantian'."

Pei Ye thought about the connection between the information, and saw the traces left by Zhu Gaoyang on his return trip.

Compared with Zhu Shijiao's plan, when Zhu Gaoyang will arrive is more related to his own vitality.

Pei Ye put himself into Zhu Gaoyang's perspective and thought about how he would destroy Zhu Shijiao's plan.

It is nothing more than starting from two directions: seeds and light cocoon, to kill Qiongqi or destroy the light cocoon.

Needless to say, if you want to go to kill Qiongqi, if you want to come to this valley, it is not advisable to come early or late. If you come early, the light cocoons are scattered on many people, making it difficult to operate. If you come late, it means waiting for the success of Zhu Shijiao.

The most appropriate time should be between the final battle between the two and the fusion of the light cocoon and the seed.

The key to success lies in how well Zhu Shijiao takes precautions against his arrival, and how much strength he can still unleash despite being seriously injured.

There are fewer and fewer people left in the grotto. There are exactly three rounds left to decide the final host, and each subsequent round will be faster and faster. Perhaps Zhu Gaoyang can be reached without waiting for dawn.

This is the opportunity Zhang Siche told him.

If Zhu Gaoyang didn't come, he would have no choice but to put his life on the line.

In the past few hours, Pei Ye was not just listening to stories. Rather than sit back and wait for death, he would rather be a doctor on a dead horse.

That is to give the cocoon of light in your belly a stab in the back.

During the decisive battle, just lie down and pretend to be dead, letting the opponent eat it, and try to survive by relying on the powerful vitality from the black snake.

If the light beads suspended on the field had not absorbed him after the man in black robe left with the winner, then he would have survived because he became a dead person.

Pei Ye has taken a look and observed these two times, and there are indeed no more people watching around this place.

Of course, there are too many uncontrollable factors in this plan. Destiny is far greater than human affairs, so it is a dead horse being treated as a living horse.

"[Twenty-four wins], the next group is [Twenty-six, Twenty-eight]."

Pei Ye returned to a familiar place and sat down again. He took Zhang Sichuan's hand and wrote on his palm: "What if Zhu Gaoyang doesn't come?"

Zhang Siche looked at him and said via voice transmission: "You wrote three of the seven words wrong."

"..." Pei Ye became a little annoyed and turned to look at the next group of people leaving.

"I hope Gao Yang will come." Zhang Siche said.

Pei Ye wrote again: "Why are you so sure?"

Zhang Siche looked at him with a tangled expression and said, "Can I trust you?"

Pei Ye nodded matter-of-factly.

"Okay, then I'll tell you, because he told me this himself."


"When Zhu Gaoyang came, I happened to be captured into this valley. At that time, he had already killed a purple-robed man. He was covered in blood and was being chased by two purple-robed men. When he saw me, he killed the black-robed man who was detaining me. He wanted to take me with him. Unfortunately, he didn't make it in time. The two purple robes chased him too fast. "

"Then how did he escape?"

Zhang Siche looked at him a little doubtfully: "You really have no knowledge at all."


“You don’t even know about the world-famous magical technique in Longjun Dongting’s Suspicious Dragon Sutra, [Ling Ming Illuminating the World and the Dust Is Free]?”


"This magical technique can allow people to teleport hundreds of miles in one breath. However, the more people there are, the longer it takes to prepare. So Zhu Gaoyang only had time to leave by himself and could not take me with him."


"Aren't you curious why I can transmit the sound into the secret? The true energy should have been swallowed up." Zhang Siche asked himself and answered, "This true energy was sent to me by Zhu Gaoyang. He said he would come back again." ."

"Why are you so angry?"

"Because he also left me a magic weapon."


"Shh! I've handed over all my money to you." Zhang Siche looked around calmly, "This magic weapon can keep you and me safe in a short time. We just have to wait for Zhu Gaoyang to come and save us. Here You must never act without authorization before."

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