The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 68 Gathering

"Ten years, twenty years, it depends on who you want to kill." Pei Ye rubbed his back.

"Why, what magical skills did you pick up when you went out?" The old man chuckled.

Pei Ye paused for a moment, but what he said touched on his pain point. This time he went to the Dantian to plant seeds, but it turned out that the seeds were alive. They circled around in his stomach and went to other places.

"I heard people say that Dantian seeds can grow back." Pei Ye said.

"What nonsense did you hear? There is only one of this thing for each person. If it is gone, it is gone. If you want it, you can only find another one."

"Really, have you heard of "Xunlu"?" Pei Ye said.

The old man was stunned for a moment: "Where did you hear that?"

"People from outside said it." Pei Ye twisted the towel and started to rub the old man's chest, "Zhu Gaoyang came to find it. And when I fell asleep that night, Ming Qitian also asked me about it. .”

"I've never heard of these people."

"Zhu Gaoyang is number two hundred and ninety-six on the crane list."


"Ming Qitian is third on the list."


"See, you haven't heard that it's because you're behind on your knowledge. People say that "Xunlu" can regenerate a Dantian seed. Anyone who has lost a Dantian seed can grow another one by practicing this martial arts."

"..."Entertainment" is not just another one born out of thin air." The old man sighed, "But it can indeed solve your problem of not having a Dantian."


"Do you want this martial arts?"

"That's the way to go. Even if there is no news, I will definitely not be able to rob Ming Qitian and the others... and Ming Qitian also saved my life, so I don't want to compete with others."


"What's up?"

"If you want "Endurance", that's fine."

"Yes, but didn't I just say that if there is no news, we can't rob it?" Pei Ye rolled his eyes.

After washing, he took the old man out and put on his clothes. After pouring the water, he returned to the house and saw a black jade kitten standing on the window sill.

"Oh, I knew I'd come back." Pei Ye glanced at it.

There was no smile on Black Cat's face, and he said in a cold and calm voice: "I know the purpose of Taiyi True Dragon Immortal Lord."

Pei Ye paused: "What?"

"This birth was not a request from the Zhushi Cult from the beginning, but an instruction from the Immortal Lord himself."


"He secretly felt that there was something threatening to him here, so he released a ray of consciousness to destroy it."

"...What is it?"

"He doesn't know, and neither do I."

"How do you know this?"

The black cat stretched out its paws, and Pei Ye picked it up. There was some fatigue in his green eyes: "My consciousness is divided into two halves, one part is here; the other part, when I was surrounded and killed, Qiongqi left me In the piece of flesh bitten off under the neck.”


"At that time, Qiongqi didn't have the consciousness of the Immortal Lord in his body, so I could hide myself calmly."

"So when Ming Qitian comes, you will be in Qiongqi's body?"

"Yes, I originally thought that if she turned around and killed Qiongqi, I would try my best to expose myself and cooperate with her, but in the end she only rescued you." Black Cat glanced at him quietly.

"Ha ha."

The black cat snorted coldly: "Don't be happy. If you can't find that thing, he will destroy everything. Don't doubt that he really has this ability."

Pei Ye became serious: "When?"


"What should we do? Let's find something like this and hand it over to Him?"

"...Is that what you think?"

"Well, if we can't defeat him, we can't really let him ruin the entire Fenghuai."

The black cat looked at the young man's clear face quietly and said, "In my opinion, even if the entire Bowang State is ruined, it is better than letting him achieve his goal."

Xincang Mountains.

Raising the angle of view and looking down from above, a round patch of rose blue appears between the mountains. At first glance, it seems to be a lake, but the lake is not so blue and regular, but more like a huge gem.

It was like a bucket of dye being thrown down.

All plants and trees, no matter how big or small, from leaves to branches are all infected with blue. There is not even a trace of variegated color in this realm.

Animals are also in danger. As long as one "spore" enters the food chain, the entire ecosystem will not be spared, let alone thousands of spores falling at the same time.

Every animal that is possessed by the blue is frantically looking for prey to devour, until they meet each other, and after fighting and devouring, a stronger one is born.

In the rapid and crazy "integration", the chirping of birds and insects gradually disappeared, and the entire jungle became pure and dead, like a huge piece of blue amber.

At this time, there seemed to be a decree coming down, the fire began to burn on this piece of amber, and the entire piece of rose blue began to dissolve, melt, flow, and gather.

This is a thrilling experience that is rarely seen before. Thousands of wonderful creatures with different physical states are all transformed into the same substance. This is death and destruction, but also rebirth and unity. The most magnificent spectacle is to be performed with life.

The moment when this trace is discovered a few days later, it will be the first time that Immortal Terrace directly recognizes this Immortal Lord.

After returning to Shenjing, they will give the two old scholars promotions and titles, let them regain a job that has been abandoned for fifty years, and give them the highest file calling power.

When these two old men were young, one once proposed that "dragon blood" is an energy that is completely different from any substance in the world and exists independently; the other believed that on the contrary, it is the energy that contains all substances in the world. '.

But no one can see the miracle that is happening at this time.

The blue of the entire space merged into rivers, gathering towards the center. They merged, then compressed, and finally shaped into a human form similar to the frost ghost.

Same tall, equally ferocious, but this form is more majestic. It is not as slender as the frost ghost, but closer to the proportion of the human body - just more than doubled.

Its scales are black, and subtle flames of ghostly fire, mysterious frost, and purple lightning are revealed under the scales.

In the entire bare wasteland, he was the only living being suspended in the air, and he was the Lord of all spirits.

The golden eyes were slightly pointed in the right direction, and disappeared in a flash, and the airflow was pulled into a twisted ripple.

In the sky above Fenghuai, some short blue lines are swaying in the wind.

When they first rose against the wind, they were enveloped by the mysterious wind and crossed two high mountains at extremely fast speeds.

Now it seems that they have reached their destination, and the mysterious wind has dispersed, but they flew too high and were carried around by the wind, unable to fall down.

There are many such companions. Some of them fell down midway, some hit the mountains and got hung up in trees, and some were lucky enough to bump into a bird.

Only a few of them kept floating, and finally slowly landed above this small town. The small town was built between two high mountains, and the wind was much weaker.

They descended slowly, changing their subtle structures and trying to adapt to the wind current, trying to bring themselves to the huge moving food.

For companions that are too small, it is difficult to resist the slightest breeze, and in the end they have no choice but to accept the situation.

Only a few peanut-sized ones served the purpose.

A farmer who was resting took off his straw hat and wiped his sweat. Suddenly his neck felt itchy. He stretched out his hand and patted it, but couldn't pat it.

He turned around and looked around: "Dirty fly, it can only stay around for another month at most."

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