The Losing Heroine Dumped by Her Shady Childhood Friend Will Definitely Win as Long as I’m Around!

Chapter 44: You Never Know What People Think

A corner of the school. It was inevitable that I witnessed this scene in that unpopular place.

There was one boy and two girls there. And I was hiding and peeking at the scene.

“Ayano… no, Matsuyuki-san. I’m sorry you had to go along with my selfish selfishness until now!”

“Eh, huh?”

Suddenly, Matsuyuki, who had been given a bow by Osako, was bewildered.

It was no wonder.

As soon as she thought she had been summoned by Chinatsu-chan, she was suddenly apologized by Osako, who was waiting for her. Even Matsuyuki, who always maintained a nonchalant face, could not hide her bewilderment.

“What’s wrong with you, Kentaro-kun!? I have no idea what’s going on.”

Osako looked up. The reason he didn’t get down on his knees this time was because Chinatsu-chan would have been angry with him. If she had not stopped him, he would have gotten down on his knees again and pulled away.

Osako’s words were not slurred, probably due to the presence of his chaperone, Chinatsu-chan. He must have been very nervous.

Because the other party had corrected his misunderstanding with the force of breaking his feelings. For Osako, this may be someone he would never want to be involved with again if possible.

“…Matsuyuki-san, when I told you that I was being bullied, you listened kindly.”


But he still decided to make a proper apology.

“I was so excited about it. … I misunderstood Matsuyuki-san’s good intentions, and did all kinds of selfish things. I didn’t take into consideration Matsuyuki-san’s feelings. …”

Osako told me how he and Matsuyuki got together.

What was the beginning? How did he treat her? How the relationship ended. … He told me everything without hiding the fact that he was embarrassed and didn’t want me to know about it.

“Osako… You don’t know anything about what Matsuyuki wants to do, what she likes and dislikes, where she wants to go…”

That was my impression after listening to his story.

Osako was so busy talking about himself that he did not seem to have heard anything Matsuyuki had to say.

It could be said that Matsuyuki didn’t talk about herself either, but I’m sure I was not the only one who thought it was not right for him to treat her as a lover.

Now, Osako was able to reflect on that fact.

“So, I’m sorry! I even made Matsuyuki-san go along with blaming Chinatsu. I pushed my feelings on you and neglected yours….. I did a really, really bad thing”

We did not know what Matsuyuki’s intention was in misleading Osako. Although Matsuyuki said that she did not intend to do so, it was clear that she intentionally misled Osako.

Still, only Matsuyuki herself could tell whether it was good or bad intentions. You can’t judge people’s feelings without their permission.


Matsuyuki didn’t open his mouth. I still couldn’t read what she was thinking from her expression.

Say something, Matsuyuki, … Otherwise, we’ll never know anything.

You can accept Osako’s apology. You may be angry, saying that an apology is not forgivable. It didn’t matter if she laughed at this point.

If there was some reaction, even Osako would have room to think about what to do next. But if she just stays quiet, his relationship with Matsuyuki will end there.

“Hey, Matsuyuki-san.”

Chinatsu-chan, who had been watching silently, opened her mouth.

Even Matsuyuki would not feel comfortable being alone with Osako after all this time. Chinatsu-chan was there not only for Osako’s sake, but also for Matsuyuki’s sake.


Chinatsu-chan held Matsuyuki’s hand. I thought I heard something strange, but was it my imagination?

“If you have something to say, I’m listening. If you don’t want to say anything, that’s fine. Just tell me how you feel right now.”

“…. that.”

Matsuyuki opened her mouth. Chinatsu-chan looked at her gently.

“Chinatsu-san, y-you’re…… not angry with me?”

“I have no reason to be angry. I don’t remember Matsuyuki-san blaming me for anything.”

“But you don’t like me, do you?”

Matsuyuki’s face was serious, without her usual smile.

“Kentaro-kun is the same way. He apologized, but how could he not hate me?

“Yeah, To tell you the truth, I felt cheated by you, and I hated you then.”

When Matsuyuki was told from the front that he “disliked her,” her expression became somewhat hurt.

It was only for a moment, and she quickly regained her cool face and uttered, “I knew it.”

But Osako stopped Matsuyuki from continuing with her words, “But.”

“Sano-kun told me and I realized. I didn’t listen to a single word Matsuyuki-san said. Now that I think about it, you were even against blaming Chinatsu.”


“It was selfish of me to dislike Matsuyuki-san. I am ashamed of myself. There was nothing to dislike about you, Matsuyuki-san.”

After a pause, Matsuyuki opened her mouth.

“I hate … Kentaro-kun and I hate …… Masataka-kun.”

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