The Mage Emperor

Chapter 23 – Birth


Seeing my people gathering in the plains and staring at me sitting in the air, I couldn’t help but feel a little shy. It was so strange to be stared at by so many people but at the same time, I could see their reverence on their faces so I wasn’t that bothered.

I wasn’t bothered by other people’s stare because I was worried about what they were thinking of me. I simply felt uncomfortable when I was surrounded with no escape routes and all eyes on me. It was probably due to my lack of trust, though I was starting to get used to my own people more and more as time passed. Compared to the first time, I felt very good this time.

Hmm, it seems like everyone is here so I’m not going to wait any longer. Should I say something to them? Leaving silently would be quite strange, I believe. But what should I say? Damn it, I should have prepared better for this. It’s lucky that my mind is so quick and time barely flows when I put my all to thinking.

Should I call them Leviathaners? Doesn’t that sound lame? Oh, well, who cares, it’s not like I’m looking to make flashy names and titles. It’s better to call things what they are anyway.

After making up my mind about how to address the mass of people in front of me, I used a bit of my magic to block their voices and spread my words to everyone. “Welcome, Leviathaners. I shall refer to you people like that from now on and if you like it, you can spread it in the outside world as well.”

“Now then, back to the matter at hand. Once I take you back to the Germ’s island, I want you people to dress up like the Germs, like some of you have already done, and then spend your time doing whatever the Germ you killed was doing. Patrol the tunnels, keep watch in the outposts, and maybe fight mock battles in the larger chambers. If the Necrons don’t arrive in two days, we shall return.”

“If you see the enemy, don’t attack them or act weirdly, just keep calm and lead them towards the tunnels. Are there any questions?”

As usual, nobody had any questions so I silently opened the portal and crossed through it as the last person. I didn’t ask the other leaders to come since there was no need and I also felt safer if they were back at the base with Lien. No amount of defense and security would ever let me rest safe when it came to my wife’s safety.

“Hey, did you see the boss just now?”

“Yeah, he disappeared after he closed the portal.”

“How strange… did he teleport to the tunnels deep underground?” some of my people started whispering amongst themselves a few meters away from me. The reason they didn’t realise that I was standing right next to them was also very simple. I changed my appearance and hid my power.

“He probably left to meditate or something,” I chimed in. Although my power was hidden, the effect on their souls was still present so they all nodded while smiling at me as if I was their beloved brother or something.

“You must be right. Shall the four of us set up a camp?” one of them asked.

“I’m okay with it,” I replied. I spent the next few hours in their company, chatting about our past, telling some life stories, and such. It happened only then that a group of three appeared on the outer parts of the island. The tunnels were still filled with those dark green coloured bacteria clouds, so even if looked at from above, this place looked the exact same as before our attack.

"Hey, someone should go and look for the boss," one of the guys in my group called Jason whispered to us.

"No need, I'm here," I laughed, seeing their faces quickly turning.

"Keep your calm and wait for them to come here," I added.

Nodding their heads, they continued playing cards as if nothing happened and kept silent until the three people that came to the island arrived.

Although there were other teams nearby, I jumped up from my seat and walked up to the trio, hoping that I could deal with them personally. Their faces were wrinkled and their backs crooked, making them look like typical grandpas.

"Welcome, gentlemen," I greeted them politely, not even sure how I should talk to them.

"Humph, you think you can escape the beating if you act politely? Why did you not prepare the corpses for us, you fool?" the gramps in the middle replied, making me realise that our relationship wasn't supposed to be a good one.

"What do you mean, Sir? I've just joined recently and nobody told me anything. My mates have just sent me over here," I made up some excuse and pointed at the team I grouped up with.

"Ah, so boring! How dare those bastards send here a greenhorn?" another elder said, pointing his palm towards me. Feeling magic building up in his hands, I punched him in the face in my surprise, knocking him out right away.

"Huh?" the other two made a stupid sound, not understanding what just happened.

"He wanted to attack me!" I shouted as I turned around, intentionally showing them my back.

"You fool! Nobody is going to help you, and nobody can save you now that you've hit-" before he could finish his sentence, I turned around with my magic prepared.

Seeing the 'bind', 'paralyze', 'mute', 'space seal', and 'fall' words levitating in front of my chest, their eyes opened wide, but that was all they could do before my magic fired and took effect.

They both fell face first to the ground, unable to fight back in any way. Placing my hands on their backs, I carefully poured my soul force and mana into their bodies to seal their magic.

As for the one I knocked out, I didn't seal his magic or hurt him in any way. Rather, I used my soul force in a similar way to what Sylvanus was doing and poured a small bit of it into his. He wouldn't notice it in the future either since it would feel the same to him like all the micro lifeforms that live in our bodies. Tiny and 'unimportant', something that human brain skims over naturally.

Unless somebody would actively look for something like this in their souls, they wouldn't notice it. As for me, it'd be enough to track him down, no matter where he went in the world.

Now that I think about it, these properties make this method almost the same as the Tracking trait.

It was quite strange to realise that the soul-related spells that I continuously developed were almost the same as some traits. Maybe in the near future, I'd be able to confidently say that I have not one but multiple traits!

Leaving the third guy lying on the ground, I picked up the other two and returned to Leviathan with everyone. I planned to let one of them return to their base, hoping that I'd be able to find their 'nest'. After interrogating my captives and the other guy returning to their base, we found out their whereabouts and launched an attack against them.

We had caught many of their members alive, along with their leaders but this time things went much smoother since there were no human victims, only corpses in their base. They were definitely more powerful than the Germs but we had no trouble dealing with them.

First of all, they weren't prepared for our attack and our members were more powerful, and secondly, we had teamwork while they were closer to a bunch of gangsters, randomly attacking who was the nearest to them. That being the case, we could easily get rid of the other famous troublemaker organisation in Asia.

Although we couldn’t find out anything about the other three, we learned about many other small gangs and cruel sects that had to be cleaned up. I planned to make my citizens go on missions related to these smaller gangs in the future.

The whole cleanup took only three days and since we didn’t have to hide it anymore, many of the people we saved from the Germs started spreading news about our Leviathan. Since we quickly became a hot topic in many of the cities, the storytellers who wanted to earn good money also chose to talk about Leviathan, spreading news about us even further.

Hoping that we could control the news to some degree, some of the members were tasked with spreading valid information about our requirements, goals, and people, leading to something that I didn’t even dare to imagine before. My members often had to show some proof that they really came from Leviathan and it turned out they all used our crest to identify themselves.

I made all those coins personally, which showed a dragon coiling around an island, looking the exact same as Lien’s tattoo. Thanks to my members using the exact same item to identify themselves, it quickly became our symbol among the masses and spread like wildfire in Asia.

This in turn, triggered a very important change. These cities all used different currencies but there were too many powerful mages who could forge the exact same coins and have ‘infinite money’ and live like kings. This of course, caused many problems for the governors but there was nothing they could do about it.

As for the Leviathan Coins, as I referred to them, they had a bit of my mana sealed in them, effectively making it 'impossible' to fake them unless there were people whose mana was as powerful as mine. Even if there were people with comparable magic power, they surely didn’t lack in money and wouldn’t have a reason to fake Leviathan Coins.

Knowing all this, some clever governors that were in a good relationship with us and had a few of these coins, also stated that they'd accept our coins as a currency in the future. This caused news to spread even further, also prompting other cities to do the same, quickly turning our crest into a form of money. In just two weeks, about five percent of the Asian cities and towns started accepting it.

Skadi and Lug also introduced it in their countries so it started spreading in different parts of the world as well. I was very happy about all this since I was on a straight track to create a stable background both for Leviathan and my family.

There was only one problem. Lien was in her fourth week, close to giving birth to our children, and I was busy forging Leviathan Coins since I was the only one who could do it. It was strange when I thought about how I was turning into a super rich guy by literally making my own currency… Still, I felt that it was more important to be with my wife for the next few days, so after making a few billion Leviathan Coins, I put my matters aside and stayed with her.

--- Lien's pov ---

As I lay on the sofa in our living room, the back of my head resting in my husband’s lap, I couldn’t help but sigh loudly.

“What’s the problem, honey?” my husband asked, gently brushing my hair to the side and caressing my forehead.

“It’s just that I feel a bit left out…” I muttered to him. He had just finished telling me all the things that happened in the last few weeks and how things turned out, and after hearing it, I felt like an outsider since I didn’t do anything.

Although only a month passed and I could use magic to rid myself of many of my troubles, I chose not to and I could already feel what it’d be like to carry out a child for mortal women. It was indeed tiring and hard to accept how much you were limited, not to mention that normal women would probably feel tired after all this.

There were times when I was in weird moods and wanted to behave like a bitch with Seth but my self-control was good enough so I was quite sure that he didn’t have to suffer. I didn’t even have to use magic for that which made me a little proud of myself. Well, it surely helped that he was very understanding and took great care of me during my pregnancy.

“I don’t know what to say. You were left out but it was better for both our babies and me since I didn’t have to worry about you and them constantly. That’s the only reason I could focus on what I had to do, so in a way, you were there for me the whole time. Isn’t that good enough for you?” he asked, shaking his head.

“Uhm- I didn’t say that I felt bad or something… I just said that I felt a bit left out,” I muttered. Seeing him staring at me with his brows raised, I explained it to him, “I meant that this feeling of being left out is something that existed in me only for a few seconds. Although I couldn’t be there to help you and sometimes I was a little bored at home without anything to do and you being far away, I also felt great as I felt our babies slowly growing in my belly. That’s a feeling that made up for all my ‘losses’.”

“Oh, I guess I over thought it then,” he mumbled.

“You did. Should we call over our parents once our babies are born?” I asked, feeling that time was nearing. “Or do you want them to be present when it happens?”

“I don’t think they should be here when it happens considering that when your amniotic fluid flows out, we’ll cut up your belly and take them out directly,” he replied.

“Eh? But it’s just like a scratch to me and will heal in an instant. It’s just safer for the kids, why would it matter?” I asked but seeing him covering his forehead, I left it at that and continued, “Anyway, in my opinion, it’s better if it’s just the two of us. I want that moment to be ours like our first time together. Our parents weren’t there to watch it either!”

“This… Hahaha, I’ve just imagined the scene,” covering his face, Seth started laughing once he heard my words.

Clearing his throat, he said, “Anyway, it’s because I don’t think that your father and mother would be happy to see you like that, even if only for a moment. As for the moment being ours, I feel the same way. We can just call them over later, that’s why I didn’t tell my parents that you’d be giving birth this evening.”

“Oh, my, how considerate of you,” I chortled, placing my hand on his handsome face. Seeing his cute brown eyes staring down at me, sometimes glancing towards my breasts, I couldn’t help but laugh. He was so cute.

“I’ve told you about the outside world, now it’s your turn to tell me about what happened here,” he quickly changed the topic, realising that I caught him red-handed.

Naturally, while my husband was dealing with worldly matters, I was training my apostles and also held some classes for the 'Leviathaners', as Seth started referring to them. Thanks to my teachings, many of our citizens had become much stronger. As for my apostles, they were progressing better than I expected. If they continued working hard, in two years they could easily reach the Warlord rank.

By the time our kids turned ten years old, their powers could grow comparable to my current level, which would be great. When I was done explaining everything to my hubby, it was six in the evening, nearing the time my babies would come. Magic made things quite convenient since I knew the exact time I’d give birth.

I spent the remaining twenty minutes silently resting in my husband’s lap, enjoying the warmth of his hand on my forehead. When it was finally time and my amniotic fluid flowed out, I simply evaporated it. Although I could have waited for the whole process to start naturally, it wasn’t like I wanted to push them out so I wasted no time and separated the cells across my belly, opening it up completely.

Seth was right. Even seeing myself was kind of creepy, not to mention if my parents would have had to see me this way. As Seth raised up our babies with telekinesis, I destroyed the umbilical cords that connected my babies and me, and then healed my belly in an instant, also removing all the impurities that got into my body in the meantime.

At the same time, Seth cleaned Felice’s and Reiner’s bodies and wrapped them in soft and warm towels. Giving birth was a piece of cake! With our methods…

Well, my body had no sense of pain anyway so pushing them out wouldn’t have been too different. The pain was supposed to warn you of the dangers surrounding you but our bodies could heal almost instantly and it was hard to damage it, anyway. There was no need to reinvent my sense of pain as well when we rebuilt my body, and the same was true about Seth.

Quickly teleporting us all to our bedroom, Seth handed over our babies and put them on my two sides, right next to my breasts. Babies after birth were supposed to cry if they were ‘ignored’ for too long or if they were bruised during birth or something uncomfortable happened to them.

As for Felice and Reiner, their birth was smooth sailing and Seth introduced them to my breasts in less than ten seconds. They had literally no reason to cry and since we could scan their bodies thoroughly, we knew that they were both perfectly healthy and fine. While I tried to attach Reiner’s mouth to my right breast, Seth was working with Felice on the left one.

We were both surprised to see that once my nipples touched their mouths, they both ‘moved’ a tiny bit and latched straight onto them. For a moment I thought they’d be attached in the wrong position or something but as it turned out, my nipples were against the top of their mouths which was supposed to be the perfect positioning.

I asked my mother many times about this before and it also felt comfortable. My body simply sent me some signals of discomfort in place of pain so I still felt it if something bad was happening to me but that was all. Even if I lost all my limbs, I wouldn’t even budge or cry out.

“This… did you just see them moving their heads?” Seth asked with a stupefied expression on his face.

“I did and I can also feel mana leaking from their bodies,” I replied with a big smile on my face. Seeing their tiny hands touching my skin and feeling them attached to me, the warmth of their bodies, I was truly in bliss. Even more so considering that if I looked up, I could see the man that made all of this possible for me.

Looking at him, I could see that he was deep in thought and even without asking, I knew that he felt left out. I really wanted to do something about it but feeding our children was necessary and I couldn’t do anything about it.

“Seth, do you want me to use magic to fill them up with the necessary nutrients? They’ll fall asleep and you can hug them in that case,” I made up my mind and offered to him after a few seconds of consideration. I didn’t want to stop feeding them but seeing that he wanted to hug them and yet he couldn’t do anything about it, I felt way too sorry for him.

“Don’t be silly, you just continue doing what you must and I’ll keep watch over you,” he shook his head.


“No buts,” he waved his finger and even used magic to block my voice. Sighing inwardly, I let go of the matter and continued holding our children. After a long time of feeding, I could feel that they both stopped sucking on my breasts and fell asleep.

We spent the next few days caring about our children, often resorting to magic to deal with the ‘dirty work’ and some other stuff. It took some time for me to get used to the fact that I had to feed them almost every hour but once I got into it, it wasn’t that hard.

Naturally, that was only because I could get rid of my tiredness with magic. Being a mortal mother was definitely one hell of a job! Luckily, I had other means to take care of our children and I didn’t feel any less connected to them because of it.

As we started getting used to being parents and all the hourly tasks that we had to take care of, a month passed by in the blink of an eye. In the meantime, Leviathan grew even more famous in the outside world, causing the Leviathan Coins to continuously spread across Asia, Africa, and North America.

Thanks to the fact that it couldn’t be duplicated unlike other currencies, and that it could be used in many cities and countries, its exchange rate skyrocketed. After a single month, the Leviathan Coin became such a powerful currency that even a single one of them was enough to live for at least a week, and the price kept increasing. It was kind of like gold in the past, the powerhouses started gathering more and more of it.

Seth also stopped making them once he finished making the ten billionth coin. I was quite surprised to see that he didn’t realise that it was my doing even after a month had passed. He thought that some of the large cities started accepting the Leviathan Coins by themselves while in fact, I visited them personally and made a deal with each of them. I simply had to give the governors a few hundred thousand coins and they gladly introduced it to their citizens as a new currency.

Seth could easily make that many coins in less than an hour and he had a lot of it prepared beforehand, so I simply took good use of it. I didn’t think that he wouldn’t notice that I took out hundreds of thousands of coins. Maybe he was too busy and thought about too many things at the time. Regardless, I felt that I made the right choice at that moment.

It was really fun when he came home and told me happily about how it started spreading and then spent a few days making more coins. He looked so happy that I didn’t want to tell him that it was my doing. Well, it wasn’t like I was craving his praise, I had plenty of those anyway…

“Honey, it’s feeding time!” he came walking into the kitchen while I was in the middle of washing the dishes.

Whenever one of us sensed that our babies stirred and opened their eyes, I always walked over and offered up my breasts. Of course, they didn’t want it every time but since this was their first month, they often took the chance.

“Mhm,” I said with a nod and then continued doing my stuff. “I’d go if I had to but they aren’t hungry so let me finish this,” I explained myself, seeing that he was about to say something. By scanning their bodies, I had an exact grasp of their situation and knew that they were filled with enough nutrients.

“Oh. You’re right,” he replied a moment later, making a surprised face. It was indeed rare for them to wake up without being hungry but it was starting to happen more and more often as time passed.

“That’s great then,” Seth hummed happily as he walked up to me and stopped behind my back.

Feeling him placing his hands on my waist, I stopped my work and turned to look at him with a frown, “I beg your pardon but what are you doing?”

“I’m just hugging my wife,” he said with a smile.

I wasn’t frowning because he hugged me. I was frowning because he pressed his thing against my butt and made it hard for me to focus. Shaking my head, I turned forward, only to feel his fingers slowly sliding towards my crotch.

“I know that it’s early in the morning and that we’ve just had breakfast but… if you don’t want me to jump on you then don’t wear this kind of alluring gown when you get out of the bed,” he growled into my ear, pressing his body against mine.

I was wearing a laced black silk gown which was thin enough for him to see my underwear. I thought about changing clothes when I got out of bed but I was too lazy. I should have known that he wouldn’t be able to control himself for too long.

The worst of all was that I seriously wanted to be a proper woman but I just couldn’t help it. Whenever I felt his fingers moving towards my private place, my whole body started tingling and it felt as if my lower half was on fire. I’ve checked it many times before but he rarely used pleasure touch to arouse me.

It seemed like my body reacted to him, no matter what he did and what time it was. If he got in the mood, he barely had to do anything to my body and I was all ready to go. Maybe it was because he ‘trained’ me over the years, as he said, and my mind paired his touch with that heavenly feeling that flooded my mind during sex.

Pleasure touch was indeed a very dangerous spell… but it felt so good! It was all his fault for doing all those perverted things to me when I was still normal. Thanks to him I turned into a goddamn pervert. Feeling his finger finding its way into my panties and brushing past my entrance, I couldn’t control my grip for a moment and broke the plate in my hand into smithereens.

“My dear, what’s the problem? Why are you breaking plates now?” he chortled, knowing all too well what I was going through.

“You bastard, and whose fault is this?” I asked, leaning on the cupboard.

“It’s your fault for dressing so lightly. Do you want to make a third child as well?” he replied shamelessly.

“No, but I would be happier if you got to work because I’m starting to go crazy because of your edging,” I said, my heart beating in my ears.

“What the hell is wrong with me? Are you using magic on me? Why am I so aroused when you’re just fingering me?” Not believing that I was this much of a pervert, I couldn’t help but question him. I was literally craving him after he touched me a few times, and I couldn’t feel him use any magic, not even through Link.

Instead of answering my question, he made me understand the difference by using pleasure touch on me. A powerful jolt rushed through my whole body, the kind I felt only when I orgasmed.

“You’d feel this way if I used magic,” he growled into my ear. “But how can you become so wet when I barely did anything to you? My hands are soaked… aren’t you a huge pervert?”

“I am,” I quickly admitted to it, hoping that he wouldn’t bring it up anymore. “Could you hurry up? What if our babies become hungry and interrupt us?” I urged him.

Pulling down my panties without saying a word, he squatted down and pressed the tip of his tongue against my entrance, almost making me jump. I had to admit I wasn’t prepared for his quick movements since he usually teased me for minutes before doing something.

“Girl, you’re all ready for me,” he said, sticking his tongue into my pussy.

“I know, you dummy,” I replied as I covered my mouth, feeling his tongue suddenly twisting and turning inside me. Starting to feel weak in the legs, I sat on his face and grabbed his chin, pulling him upwards, deeper into me.

“I’m so close,” I said, my voice cracking up mid-sentence.

“Here you go then,” he replied through Link as he used pleasure touch through his tongue, directly affecting my pussy. A sense of unbearable hotness flooded my body, making my knees go weak. I was lucky that I could sit on his face else I’d have fallen. My senses have become much sharper after we rebuilt my body so pleasure touch was even more effective than in the past.

As much as I wanted to continue, our parents seemed to think otherwise since they all barged into our house in the next moment.

“Dear! Where are you? I want to see my grandchildren!” Father said in a loud voice as soon as he entered the house.

Jumping up from Seth’s face, I quickly pulled up my panties and fixed my clothes in a hurry. I could see Seth’s eyes twitching as he wiped my fluids off of his mouth and looked at me like a hungry wolf.

“Fucking hell,” he cursed in a low voice. Leaning over, his lips almost touched my ears as he whispered, “I’m so going to fuck you once they leave.”

His deep voice mixed with his hot breath almost made me melt on the spot. Despite cumming once, my situation wasn’t any better than his since I was even hornier than when we started. Clearing my throat, I turned towards the washing basin and continued where I left off as if nothing happened, also answering my father’s call, “We’re in the kitchen!”

By the time I spoke, he was standing in the doorway, staring at me with a large smile on my face.

“My little daughter, I haven’t seen you for three days!” he said as he came over and hugged me. “How have you been?”

Oh, dad… if you only knew that your little daughter is on fire, I cried inwardly, trying to swallow my burning lust. I could feel that my panties were soaked and I really hoped it wouldn’t start dripping on the ground. Well, I’d surely dry it with magic before it did if it got to that point.

“I’m- I’m perfectly fine,” I forced a smile on my face. I’m just fucking horny and you came at the worst time!

Most of the time they warned us in advance if they were planning to come over and we were rarely interrupted but it happened from time to time. Well, it was surely our fault since we did it no matter what time it was. For my parents, it was surely hard to imagine that there were people who were doing it in the middle of the day.

Noticing that Seth disappeared, I knew that he teleported to our room before my father could catch a glimpse of him. It’d have been inappropriate to meet our parents while he was having a tent in his pants.

“Hello~” my mother came in a moment later, doing the same as my father, followed by Anna and Peter.

“Where is my son?” Anna asked once we were done with our greetings.

“He should be in our room,” I replied as I used magic to finish the rest of the dishes and then led them to our room. It was a mistake on my part since the curtains were still let down and there was a bit of a ‘smell’ in the room. Luckily, Seth reacted quickly and used magic to deodorize the whole room. I was pretty sure we’ve left the room in a mess this morning but it was clean so Seth probably took care of it.

Once they were done with greeting my husband, they pulled the curtain around our babies’ cradle to the side and surrounded it with hunger in their eyes. Seeing that they were both awake, my mother and Anna picked up one each and then gave them a warm hug.

“Oooh~ how cute you are!” Anna cried out, staring at Felice.

“Look at Reiner too, he has the eyes of his mother!” my mother followed up.

Although it was very short, after a month both Felice and Reiner had some hair on their heads. While Felice inherited blonde hair, probably from my grandmother as my mother said, Reiner had the same brown hair as Seth and me. Surprisingly, they both inherited my green eyes, making Seth extremely envious.

He always wanted green eyes but he didn’t want to use magic to change it. Seeing that both his children and his wife had the eye colour he always wanted, he was a little grumpy for a few days. He was really cute at times.

One thing I noticed for sure was that they were growing quicker than normal babies, which probably had to do with the amount of mana that flowed through their bodies. Normal babies didn’t have mana reserves until they became at least three years old while Reiner and Felice had. I was really curious about their magic power but we couldn’t measure it unless they poured it into a mana orb.

Noticing that their nutrient level went down a notch while we were chatting and playing around, I took them from our parents to feed them.

“Noo! What are you doing?” Anna cried out, seeing her grandchild being taken away.

“I’m sorry but they’re starting to be hungry,” I replied.

“Aww, fine then,” she grumbled.

While I turned around to get a blanket, I was surprised to see that Reiner and Felice started tapping my breasts and tried to get it into their mouth. The poor things were a bit far away from my nipples and I still had my shirt on. Regardless, they were incredibly cute as they tried to get some milk from me, the sight alone was enough to obliterate all my lust and fill my heart with warmth. Being a mother was great!

Once they finally got what they wanted and I had my cover, I turned around and asked, “Hey, do you think it’s normal that they are literally grabbing my breasts and start sucking on them when they notice my nipples? I don’t even have to put it in their mouth or something… and it doesn’t hurt either.”

After a moment of silence, Anna and my mother asked at the same time, “Are you kidding me?”

“No, they grab my breasts every time,” I shook my head.

“My dear daughter. Breastfeeding is often a pain in the arse and I’m talking nice. When I breastfed you, you often latched onto my breast in the wrong way and then I had to readjust your position, and there is also the fact that I had to feed you over twelve times a day and couldn’t even sleep properly. You have no idea how tired I was and I suspect you’re using magic to restore your energy because you surely wouldn’t look this fresh otherwise,” my mother replied.

“Ah- it brings back memories. Seth was quite clumsy as well,” Anna covered her forehead.

“So I guess this isn’t normal…” I replied, biting my lower lip while staring at our children. Seeing Reiner glancing at me with his cute sparkling eyes, I smiled at him and kissed the top of his head. Fearing that Felice would feel left out, I did the same to her and then raised my head and continued observing them.

In the meantime, Seth stopped next to me and put his arm around my waist, filling me with a sense of warmth. Although I wanted to experience what motherhood was like, I wasn’t a masochist and had no intention of suffering even afterward. That being the case, both Seth and I used magic to take care of our needs, restore our tiredness, and other similar things.

Thanks to that, I didn’t find it hard or tiring to breastfeed them, even if there were two of them. It was true that our sexy times were sometimes cut short but it didn’t matter since we could continue whenever we felt like it. It was great that both of us had enough time to be at home and spend time together. Seth was very well behaved in front of our children and never even touched me in a perverted way.

If anything, he always caressed me and showed his love for me and our children. They seemed to observe us quite frequently so I believed he was trying to show a good example to them.

“Dear, how about we try this?” Seth asked a moment later as he conjured a mana orb.

“What do you want with that? That’s used to measure magic power and mana pool, how do you want to use it on them? They’d have to learn to control their mana first,” I said, shaking my head in confusion.

“I know but for some reason, I have a feeling that something would happen if they could touch this,” he laughed, gently pressing it against Felice’s right hand that was resting on my right breast.

“Hmm, nothing happened,” he muttered.

“Well, I’m not doubting your senses so why don’t you try it once they are finished?”

“Won’t they fall asleep then?” he asked as he was about to pull back the mana orb, only to see Felice reaching after it. She was only one month old and yet she was moving around like that… I refused to believe that it was normal!

“Uhm- what now,” Seth muttered, pushing it back against her tiny hand.

In the next moment, I was left flabbergasted to feel my earring shaking, meaning that something had been measured by the mana orb in front of me. Once I accessed the data, I was even more surprised to see that her magic power was one point seven amperes and her mana pool was twenty-five mmol per mol. Based on her magic capabilities alone, she could be considered an F-ranked magician. A little bit more and she would reach the E rank!

For comparison’s sake, she was almost as powerful as Seth when he was still a weakling. He was over fourteen years old at that time and yet our one-month-old children were comparable to our teen selves. Well, getting this kind of mana-driven body was nearly impossible for normal people so I was glad to see that it had such great effects.

But what was even more terrifying was the fact that she could be measured. That was possible only in one case, which was that she poured some of her mana into the mana orb.

“Hahaha, our kids are going to be crazy, it seems,” Seth laughed happily, clearly not surprised by the results.

“Don’t call them crazy! They’re just talented!” I reprimanded him.

“What does it matter for normal people? They’ll call them crazy anyway. I know what you are thinking but I don’t think that she can control her mana just yet. Mana flows directly through their bodies thanks to their mana cells and since she was touching you and the mana orb at the same time, it accidentally flowed towards the orb.”

“On the other hand, she has our enhanced genes so she doesn’t have to focus and guide mana particles like we had to when we were young. We can do the same now, it’s just that they can do it from birth,” he replied with a big smile on his face.

“Oh? Aren’t you afraid that they’ll become stronger than you in the future?” I laughed as I gave a kiss on his face.

“That’s impossible,” he replied without a shred of hesitation. “First of all, I’m already much stronger than them and we have the same kind of body so even if they train super hard, they won’t be able to catch up to me. There is also the fact that they have to take their time to train their souls. As for their magic power and mana pools, even if they can expand them easier than I did, it won’t be enough to close the huge gap between us.”

“It’s not like they’ll be more proficient at it than me or it’ll get harder to increase my powers when I get older. Lastly, there are two things that they don’t have. The first is a commandment like mine, the second is a wife like you. These two things make it impossible for anyone without the same commandment to catch up to me or even chase me. You’re my little rabbit, you know?” he poked my nose and smiled at me in a rather perverted way.

Feeling a little hot all of a sudden, I muttered, “Stop it. We’re in front of the kids.”

“We’re also here…” my father remarked, clearing his throat. Glancing at Seth’s father, I could see him secretly giving Seth a thumbs up. I bet if I was a guy, my father wouldn’t be so ‘strict’ with things like these. Well, I could totally see Seth being the same in the future. I was sure that whoever would try to become our son-in-law, they would have a hard time.

“What do you mean? I had no intention of doing anything,” he laughed as he looked at my father, slowly pulling back his arm. “Once you are done feeding them, I might have a taste of your milk, though,” he told me through Link.

“Are you being sneaky?” I laughed inwardly.

“Your daddy is such a pervert… What do you think?” I told Felice through telekinesis. It was important to establish who was the perverted one before they grew old enough to understand it!

Sadly, unlike Link, telekinesis was like a public channel. Whoever had the ability to sense your soul wave was able to hear your messages. Although our parents weren’t strong enough to do so, Seth had no trouble picking up on it.

“Dear… what are you telling our children?” he questioned me.

“It was nothing,” I chortled as I picked up the mana orb with telekinesis and pressed it against Reiner’s hand, hoping that the same thing as before would happen.

“If you don’t behave yourself, I’ll tell them how much of a pervert you are once they grow older!” he laughed as he openly threatened me.

This bastard… well, I was the one who started it.

“I have no words,” my mother shook her head, still hung up on the breastfeeding. “If only I knew magic like today when I was younger!”

“If that really happened, you wouldn’t have met Father and I wouldn’t have met Seth. He’d have stayed weak and Sylvanus would have destroyed Balan since nobody could have killed it. I’m not sure it would’ve been worth the trade,” I laughed at her words.

“That’s also true, and I’d never want to trade what I have now for anything, even if there were some bad things in the past,” she said with a solemn smile. “The only thing I regret is that I couldn’t be there when you grew up but we’ve talked about this many times already so I’m not going to cry over spilled milk.”

While we were chatting about the past and some possibilities, Reiner accidentally did the same as Felice and sent some of his mana into the mana orb, letting me measure his current strength.

“One point seven for magic power and twenty-four for mana pool. It seems like his magic power is a tiny bit stronger than Felice’s but his mana pool is smaller. My babies are so amazing!” I could only smile knowing the results.

I was looking forward to seeing what would become of our children!

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