The Mage Emperor

Chapter 39 – Back to the desk

Back to the desk

--- Yehan's pov ---

Looking at the small man and woman, my mind and body got flooded with a sense of dread that I found quite strange, considering that there were very few creatures and people that could pick a fight with me, much less make me fear them.

"I happened to overhear your words and since you want to talk to us, here we are," the man said with a smile as that sense of dread suddenly disappeared, turning his powerful image into that of a bug with no power. Not even our goddess Azael could make me feel the way they did, so no matter what image I had in mind for them, I knew better than to look down on them.

Seeing that I didn’t respond because I was thinking about how to handle the situation, the man called Seth continued, "I don't know too much about your customs yet but please call me Seth without any honorifics. You also shouldn’t be too stiff, I’m a rather open-minded person.”

“Everyone, please leave me alone with the guests,” I said as I turned around, thinking that we should chat privately, only to see that all the sector lords were lying on the floor, alive but unconscious.

What the hell? When did he knock them out?

“I’m sorry, I took care of that in advance,” Seth chortled as his eyes shone for a moment and the sector lords ‘stood up’ and took their seat under his control.

“Are you here with enmity or with peace?” I asked the most important question.

“You can rest assured we are coming with peace,” Seth replied shortly as he looked around.

Smiling faintly, the woman called Lien hugged his arm and said, “And while it’s true that we are coming with peace, I hope that you understand that attacking us would be akin to a declaration of war.”

Although I wasn’t too happy about being threatened by a woman, I had a feeling Seth would protect her if I said anything bad and maybe she wasn’t weak either.

“What do you mean? Why would I attack you?” I forced a smile on my face.

“What about all the guards who have arrived seconds after your people got knocked out and surrounded us with their mana ready to attack us any moment?” she asked with a frown, using her own mana to put some pressure on my body. Her power was definitely comparable to Seth’s so I felt lucky that I stayed quiet and didn’t offend her either.

“I apologize for that, they were just doing their jobs,” I said as I raised my fist and then opened my fingers to give the retreat sign to my men. They were all well-trained soldiers with training and abilities that made them near impossible to spot and yet Lien had seen through them so easily.

“Fine then,” she replied as she pulled back her mana, letting me take a deep breath once again.

“Can we sit? I don’t like standing while talking,” Seth asked as a few branches grew out of the tiles and turned into a comfy sofa with some squishy paddings on it right behind him.

Noooo, my palace! I couldn’t help but cry inwardly, staring at the broken tiles as he sat down with Lien by his side.

“Do you prefer standing?” he asked as he pointed behind me, making me realise that he made a sofa for me as well.

Great, there are even more broken tiles… these were some rare and high-quality ones!

Realising that I wouldn’t get anywhere by complaining in my mind, I sighed loudly and said, "Before we continue with our conversation, I would like to clarify the meaning of two words you mentioned earlier because I don’t know what they mean. One of them was  'date' and the other one was 'wife', what do they mean?" I asked, trying to pronounce them the way I heard. I had many questions but first I had to make sure I understood the meanings of his words, lest I ended up offending or misunderstanding one of them.

Raising his brows, he scratched the back of his head and said, "I didn't think that would be your next question but fair enough, you don’t know what they mean. I couldn’t find the counterpart of these words in your language in case they exist, so I apologize for that. The 'date' word just describes a day that you spend with a person you like with the intention of having fun together or getting to know each other better.”

“As for the ‘wife’ word, I guess I should introduce you to the concept of ‘marriage’ first since they are sort of related. We call it marriage when two people swear to live the rest of their lives in each other's company in love, in hate, in pain, or in whatever case, and the female in that kind of relationship is called ‘wife’ while the male is called ‘husband’.”

"Marriage and date… interesting concepts," I couldn't help but clap in admiration of the meaning and implications of those words.

“I suppose it’s based on some mutual agreement then?” I asked.

“Mostly, yes,” Lien replied.

"I also have a few women in the palace who I’m living with so I suppose they count as my wife?" I wondered aloud.

“It would be ‘wives’ if you have more than one but seeing your expression when you mentioned them, I have a feeling that your relationship is nothing like that of a husband and wife. It’s a bit more complicated than what you think," Seth shook his head while Lien nodded, making me even more confused.

Do they have different definitions for that word or what?

"Why so? They have been living with me ever since I became the overseer of this planet," I raised my brows in confusion.

Placing her finger on Seth’s chin, she made him look at her as she said, “My love, I think that you are starting to mix some concepts here. It’s not like a marriage of love is the only kind that exists.”

“Actually… you are right,” he pondered as he lowered his head to think about it while Lien turned to look at me and continued, “Simply said, they can be considered your wives if you had some sort of ceremony to mark the occasion. For example, in our culture, women wear white dresses and then our parents bless our relationship and give their approval. The reason my husband shook his head and disagreed is that marriages are meant to be the tie between a couple who is in love with each other. Unfortunately, some people marry only for the benefits or to strengthen the genes of their families.”

“But that’s still a valid marriage, I take?” I raised my brows.

"It is,” she nodded. “Although marriage can be born between a couple for various benefits and worldly things, for us, for me, it's so I can be by my husband's side and support him to the best of my abilities. I would do anything to make my husband happy and whenever I see him smiling in joy, I also feel happier and I believe that marriages should be like that,” she replied with a smile.

“I see, I kind of get the gist of it and it seems marriage can mean somewhat different things to different people,” I said.

“Indeed,” both of them replied at the same time, clearly agreeing on this point.

“But does he feel the same?” I asked in a hurry to see how I should deal with them but seeing the way they looked at each other once they heard my question, I muttered, "Never mind."

Just by looking at them, I was feeling like a total outsider who was disturbing their own little world. They kind of made me envious, even though I had over ten women serving me whenever I wanted it.

“Guess what,” Seth laughed, seeing me scratching the back of my head.

"Well, the answer was obvious, but let’s put this matter aside," I said, turning the conversation back to the matter at hand, "I have a more important question to you which may affect the future of our survival. Are you the cause of the huge change in the flow of mana that happened twice since early morning?” I asked, looking back and forth between them.

“Well, the first one was caused by Lien but the second one that actually broke your Stellar Formation was mine, in case that’s what you are worried about. And before you ask anything else, I just want to tell you that I’m going to make a better one that won’t break from something as simple as a change of mana flow,” he replied.

It's lucky I didn't look down on Lien. It turns out she is also incredibly powerful.

"Are you sure you can fix it?" I couldn't help but frown, hoping that he wasn't just trying to save time and then run away.

"I've literally just said that I would make a better one, not repair it. Do you think I was joking?" he shook his head.

"My love, our date can wait a little bit. You should clean up your own mess and fix it before he gets a heart attack,” Lien rolled her eyes as she looked at him.

“But he clearly doesn’t trust me, what if he thinks that I just made some formation-like stuff to escape?”

I do admit I thought that…. are you a mind-reader or what?

“Do you think I’m a mind-reader now?” he chuckled as he looked at me. “Seeing your expression, you do.”

“You’re talking too much… I’ll just go and fix the current one, you can make the new one later,” Lien said as a few runes made of mana appeared in front of her in less than a second.

As I ran my eyes over the runes, it took only a moment to spot the one that I had seen to be broken in the formation. I didn't have the time to check out every rune before I rushed back, so I assumed that the other twelve runes she made were also meant to replace broken ones.

"I'll be right back," she said as she disappeared, leaving me sitting face-to-face with her monster-like husband. Obviously, he wasn’t a monster because of his looks but because of his magic power.

“Great, now she will say that she had to clean up after me,” he snorted, leaning forward.

“And why would I say that?” she asked as she appeared behind him and hugged him from behind.

“Are you done?” he asked.

“Of course, why else would I be back?”

“Wait, how can you fix it so soon when the sun is so far away?” I asked with a frown, not believing my own eyes and ears.

Are they trying to fool me with some tricks?

“See? He won’t believe it, that’s why I wasn’t in a hurry,” Seth said as he pointed at me.

“Fine, fine, I have acted out of turn and I’m wrong,” she grumbled as she sat down next to him and threw her legs over his thighs.

They were really feeling at home… but with their power, I probably wouldn’t care about some lowly overseer like myself either… 

“You can go and take a look through this portal,” she added as she waved her hand and thirteen dark holes appeared in front of me. On the other side, I could see the stars and the sun, along with runes she made fitted into their own respective position in the formation.

Curious to see if it was real, I reached through the dark hole and instantly felt the coldness and the vacuum of space as the air started rushing out of the pores of my skin, so I quickly sealed it up with magic and tried to grab one of the runes. Just like in the past, the barrier around the rune activated and pushed my hand away to protect it.

“I believe you now,” I replied as I pulled back my hand.

“What kind of magic is this? Would you mind teaching it to me?” I couldn’t help but give it a try. It would make moving back and forth through large distances so much easier than my special ability.

"Are you satisfied with my wife’s work?" Seth chortled as he raised Lien’s hand to his mouth and kissed it. Although they didn't do anything perverted in front of me, I still felt out of place around them, most likely because the way they looked at each other was a bit too 'hot' for my comfort zone.

“It’s alright,” I replied with a smile.

They were starting to become an eyesore with all that love-filled staring, especially because I had no chance to feel like a true ruler in their presence, despite my position. I couldn't reprimand them for anything since they didn't know our customs and a bad word could easily cost me my life. As if that wasn't enough, they literally ignored me whenever one of them spoke something and paid full attention to each other instead.

It was understandable since they were husband and wife which seemed to implicate a very strong tie between them, but I was still a goddamn Overseer and I was being ignored! I had worked hard to reach my current position and yet the first people that came from a different planet were treating me like this…

The only thing that made it more pleasant to look at them was Lien’s beauty, even if her race which seemed to be the Solar Plesius was too tiny for me. Solar Plesiuses were quite rare, white-skinned people, usually reaching only a height of 180 centimeters, at most, while their counterpart, the Lunar Plesiuses had dark blue skin color and often reached a height of nearly 400 centimeters. My race was also of the Lunar Plesius which supposedly had some giant blood that made us grow so tall, though Yenasari was more commonly known about the Rufus Plesiuses whose skin was red-colored and Flavus Plesiuses whose skin was yellow-colored.

My kind had a rather low birth rate but we had superior mana reserves compared to the other races which naturally made us more powerful, generally speaking.

"Since you said it’s alright, we might as well leave if you have no other questions?" she said, sort of asking at the same time.

Once again, I felt like a loser. They just came in, chatted a bit, fixed a problem that could threaten billions of lives as if it was nothing, and then wanted to simply leave.

What Overseer… I'm a joke. Damn it, shame or not, the sector lords have been knocked out so this is my best chance.

"I do have a request that you didn’t respond to or decided to ignore… but could you guide me on how to create that black hole that can take me from one place to the other instantly? If I can reward you with anything, I’ll definitely try my best to achieve it in turn for your help," I pressed on, hoping that this time they would agree.

Raising their brows, both of them looked at me and then at each other.

"Did you think we hadn't heard you?" Seth asked with a frown. “I didn’t respond because I have no such intentions for the time being and hoped that you would understand it. I apologize for my lack of response and since it wasn’t clear, I’ll say it clearly this time. No, I won’t teach you right now, maybe I will do so in the future when I get to know your character a bit more,” he said.

I intentionally didn't use the teach word, for fuck's sake. I hope that the sector lords are still unconscious. But still… what a shame. I would rather lose some face and learn it but they didn’t even agree.

“I see, that’s really unfortunate but it is understandable,” I sighed loudly, seeing that they stood up to leave.

“Catch this,” Seth said as he threw a handful of rocks towards me.

“What are these?” I asked with a frown, sensing that it held some of his own mana.

“Whenever you crush one of those rocks, I’ll know that you want something from me, no matter where and how far away I am. I tend to give these to anyone who may want to meet me again in the future, though you obviously don’t have to use it,” he replied.

“I see, thank you in that case,” I said with a nod. “And where do you plan to go now?”

“We were in the middle of exploring the city when I heard what you were talking about so I came over. Now that your concerns have been answered, we will continue our tour. By the way, we came across a giant building in the city with a huge yard and all kinds of youngsters were going in and out of it, what is that building?”

“Ah, you must be talking about the Royal Academy. That’s where the most elite students train and learn magic. I also graduated from the Royal Academy many years ago… it kind of brings me back,” I smiled as I remembered various things from my academy life.

“Do you want me to take you around? You won’t be able to get in without becoming a student or my help,” I added.

“I would rather not waste my time to become the student of an academy where they wouldn’t be able to teach me anything new. I’ve done that many years ago, it wasn’t fun…” he replied, shaking his head.

“Ah, that kind of reminds me of how you walked past me that morning and then rushed to the classroom,” Lien started laughing as she looked at Seth.

“If only you knew how much I stared at your ass before I caught up with you,” Seth just grinned at her.

“How would I not know? It hasn’t changed one bit over the years. You’re still staring whenever I show you my back,” she replied.

“Of course, I must appreciate their beauty,” he winked at her, completely ignoring my presence as he put his hand on Lien’s bottom and squeezed it.

“Mhn~ you should be gentler than that.”

“Is that so? But you seemed to like it-”

“Khm,” I cleared my throat, hoping that they would stop ignoring me.

Pulling back his hand, Seth looked at me with a rather embarrassed look and said, “I apologize for my rude behavior.”

“By the way, I had one more question. We told you what ‘wife’ and ‘date’ mean and also what marriage is in our culture. But what about you? I think that we should know what kind of relationships you have with the opposite gender.”

Trying my best to forget about how they ignored me a moment ago and flirted with each other, I could feel a nerve popping out on my forehead as I replied, “Our women like strong men and when they want to get in a relationship, they must declare it to the public and start a tournament. All men are eligible to fight for the woman’s hand, the only restriction being incompatible race types. For example, even if your wife declared that she was looking for a partner and started a tournament, I wouldn’t be able to take part in it since our races don’t align and we couldn’t have offspring.”

“The woman can choose from the top three at the end of the tournament as she pleases, though if her chosen one is much weaker than the first place then her family is likely to ‘change’ her decision without her consent. Then again, it’s a very rare case since who would want to pick the weaker ones?” I shook my head, finding such people ridiculous.

“Why? Isn’t it obvious? It’s because they love each other, or is that not a good enough reason for you? In fact, when Seth asked for my hand, he was much weaker than many of my wooers who I refused previously. At that time, I didn’t even know he had the potential to become this powerful and found out only later on that he was hiding some stuff from me, isn’t that right, Hubby?”

“It is just as she said, though you refused to be my girlfriend and I asked for your hand only out of desperation, sort of as a bad joke…” he replied, rolling his eyes.

Raising her brows, she tilted her head to the side and said, “Well, my love, weren’t you supposed to be a bit more romantic when you asked me out? You could have prepared some more instead of rushing into my room and just throwing your question at my face out of nowhere. That’s why I refused you in the first place,” she laughed as she turned to look at him and slowly wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Eh? But you said that you just wanted to become my wife and refused me so that I would ask you-”

“Are you serious? How could I expect and predict that a guy who I just rejected would ask for my hand right away, even as a ‘bad joke’? I just wanted to punish you for your lack of romance and then answer with a yes. I didn’t think you would ask me to marry you in the next moment. But I love you so I answered with a yes anyway,” Lien interrupted him.

“So you lied to me when I asked why you refused to be my girlfriend?” Seth asked with a frown.

“I said that I was waiting for you to ask for my hand as a joke. I always wondered why you didn’t question it,  turns out you thought I meant it seriously,” she chortled as she kissed his face.

“Now I feel kind of stupid, but whatever… All that matters is that I can be sure that you married me out of love!” Seth replied, sticking out his chest proudly.

“Unlike you who was just lusting after some pussy,” she replied, sticking out her tongue.

“That… I admit that what I thought was love was just lust but I’ve come to love you soon enough, haven’t I?”

“Well, you did. I didn’t expect that my feelings would be reciprocated anytime soon so it was a nice surprise,” she replied.

Caressing his face playfully, he said, “It’s all because of my charms.”

“Okay, Mr. Ladykiller,” she rolled her eyes. “The only problem is that you are a lady killer only when they learn about your power. Most women would love you for your caring personality if they got to know you seriously, but you are a shut-in introvert so that’s unlikely to happen,” she said.

“Oh my, so I have the possibility to be an actual lady killer?” he gasped. “I wonder if I can tame this lady in front of me,” he added, slowly wrapping his arms around her waist. Seeing that his hands were moving towards her bottom once again, I reminded them where they were by clearing my throat for the second time.

“Could you please visit a fucking hotel or something?” I flared up, starting to get seriously pissed off.

“We will. Anyway, see you later,” Seth replied and before they disappeared, my ears managed to pick up on his murmuring, “Jealous bitch.”

Covering my face with my hands, I tried to hold it in but failing to do so miserably, I ended yelling at the ceiling to release my frustration, “FUCK YOU!”

Damn it, I guess I should follow them if they go to the academy. It would be a huge problem if some brat offended them.

Since I was the chairman of the Royal Academy, I quickly left my palace and went back to my office.

--- Seth’s pov ---

“Well, we sure as hell didn’t leave a good impression on him,” I laughed as Lien hugged my arm.

“It’s no wonder. Even I would be pissed in his place if a couple was acting so rudely in front of me. He probably worked hard to achieve his current position and instead of taking him seriously, we continuously ignored him and flirted instead. Shameful,” she shook her head.

“I know, but it was kind of funny to see his reactions so I couldn’t help it,” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Still… we should behave properly the next time we see him. I have a feeling it will happen sooner than one would think,” she replied, most likely sensing that Yehan rushed to that large building they called the Royal Academy.

The only reason I was curious and wanted to see their academy because I wanted to see how they taught the newer generations and how the kids behaved. Did they enjoy going to school? Did they take it seriously or did they feel that it was a bother? Magic has been around for thousands of years for them so maybe it wasn’t as important to them as to the people on our planet. I wanted to see how their culture and mindset differed when compared to ours.

Their ‘marriage’ system was also quite interesting, though sort of lacking for me. How could they simply marry somebody who was strong without even knowing their personality? Or did it not matter to them?

One thing I noticed as we wandered the streets was that there were no overweight people and everyone was kind of ‘beautiful’ and ‘handsome’ which was by no means a surprise to me. Even on the earth, people have become more nice-looking after mana covered the world, though it was mostly because people could fix their own deficiencies with magic. People were probably doing the same thing here.

Another thing I noticed was that technology wasn’t too advanced and it was mostly combined with magic by using various elemental crystals.

“Step aside! Everyone, move to the side!” a man yelled behind us by amplifying his voice with wind magic.

It was the army that left earlier to fight against the monster wave. Those who sat on mounts were pulling a giant platform behind them that was filled to the brim with the corpses of the fallen beasts.

Many of them wore armors that were made out of the hides and scales of various monsters and they all had five to ten small vials attached to their sides, presumably containing some drugs with healing or boosting effects.

“It seems they use the monsters’ bodies to craft armor and their organs to make potions,” I whispered to Lien as I moved to the side along with everyone on the street.

“You gave them a nice haul for free,” she chuckled while others next to us were praising their army for taking care of the beast waves so quickly and proficiently.

“Look, they barely left ten minutes ago and they are already back!”

“Our army has grown much stronger, it seems.”

“It must be because of the new captain’s training,” people continued whispering amongst themselves.

“By the way, did you notice that Yehan doesn’t know much about magic and mana?” Lien asked as she pulled up a sound barrier.

“Yeah, it seems that these people generally have way more mana and magic power than the people of Earth but thanks to their lack of knowledge in the field of science, their spells are very primitive,” I said with a nod.

“If you think about it, it’s understandable. Teleportation and various other spells may look common to us in Leviathan because it is taught to everyone, but even on the Earth, the rest of the world is way behind because we are keeping that knowledge exclusive, just like all the other major forces. For example, even if the leaders of Kyoto know how to teleport or create portals and cast a black hole, the rest of the people in the city don’t know how to do it and are using elemental magic because they have no access to the necessary information to create such spells. Even if somebody reinvents something, they won’t publicize it so the same thing may have been reinvented multiple times by multiple people by now,” she replied.

“I imagine it’s the same here and to top it all off, they don’t even know about science so they can’t create powerful spells. This also makes it hard for them to fight against monsters since even monsters can use simple elemental magic and their bodies are also way stronger,” I added, glad to see that we were once again on the same track of thought.

“The real question is… do you think we should teach the people of this world something new? It doesn’t have to be space-related so they won’t be able to cross large distances. It’s enough if we provide them with some minor information that could boost the power of their spells considerably,” she said. Looking sideways, she added, “But we have to find out how much they know about magic to do that… in case you want to help them?”

“Well, it’s not like some improvement would make them capable enough to fight against us, so I think that it’s fine to help them,” I said with a nod.

“So what now? Should we join as students to see how much they know? We can also just listen to their classes but I sort of want to go in,” she said with enthusiasm.

“Oh, come on. Why do you want to go in as a student? Do you want to bully others or what?” I rolled my eyes.

“Why would I bully others? Am I that kind of person?” she asked with a frown.

“I don’t remember ever seeing you bullying others unless they were your enemies, so no. But I still can’t imagine what you want to achieve by going in,” I shook my head.

“Do you never feel nostalgic or what? We don’t even have to take it seriously,” she said as she took hold of my hands.

“Is that all? Nostalgia? Is that your reason?” I raised my brows.

“Yes, so what?” she asked.

“Haah- fine. But I may or may not do some lewd things to you in class. I’ve been dreaming about it for years,” I said playfully, pulling her right hand towards my crotch.

“Pervert,” she slapped my hand away and turned her back on me.

Hugging her from behind, I squeezed her with all my strength as I gave a kiss on the back of her head and pressed my crotch against her ass.

“You smell nice,” I growled into her ear.

“You are poking me, you pig,” she mumbled in a low voice, her face slightly turning red.

“Are you being shy? For real?” I chortled, finding her incredibly cute.

“People are starting to stare…” she said, her eyes darting around.

“I’ll stop if you give me a kiss.”

“But we are in public.”

“I don’t care.”

Staring forward for a few seconds, she finally turned around and gave me a short kiss and then turned around once again, her face even redder.

“If I don’t screw you today, I’m not a man,” I said aloud as I let go of her and then canceled her voice barrier.

“By the way, I know that you are wet,” I chortled as I took hold of her hand and pulled her towards the Royal Academy.

Lowering her head to look at the ground, I could hear her cursing me silently for using pleasure touch on her all the while I was hugging her. I was unfair, but being unfair was kind of fun at times and those who said otherwise were lying to themselves.

“Of course, I am, you mother fucker… I felt as if you suddenly started fucking me in the middle of the streets,” she growled as she squeezed my hand.

“Ouch- but you actually got turned on by it,” I laughed.


Seeing that it was time to stop unless I wanted to enrage her or make her push me down, we spent the rest of the time in silence as we explored various parts of the city, crossing districts easily with teleportation. About two hours later, we felt that it wasn’t worth touring around anymore and went to the Academy. We still had about six hours before the kids woke up so we had plenty of time.

The academy had a giant gate with a small booth a few meters behind it on the right side where two kids were seemingly getting bored to the death. They seemed to be around eighteen years old so it was kind of weird that I considered them to be kids, but that was what came to mind whenever I saw people at their age. Maybe it was because I considered myself to be an adult, only when I moved out of my parents’ house and started taking care of myself. I just found it weird because I didn’t look much older than any of them.

While we were touring around, we also changed our clothes to some light leather armor since almost everyone was walking around in armor as if they were ready to battle any second. Even the kids in the booth were wearing armor. Although the weather was a tiny touch hot for it, both of us were capable of regulating our own heat with a thought so it didn’t really matter.

It was kind of weird to see that casual clothes were leather armors considering how lightly dressed we were when we came here and that the people of Earth were fine with just a thin piece of cloth. This also indicated that life on Yenasari was much more dangerous than on the Earth since people were battle-ready all the time and nobody dared to wear something as light as our clothes. Magic definitely played an important role in their lives even after thousands of years, which I was happy to see.

“Hello, how can I help you?” the receptionist girl asked as soon as we stopped in front of their booth.

“We came from far away so I might ask something stupid, but how can we join the academy?” Lien asked with a smile.

Smiling back at her, the red-skinned girl replied, “Changing academy in the middle of the year isn’t an easy task, but if you are confident enough, you can apply for a test from the headmaster or from one of the practical teachers. This will probably happen during class so if you aren’t sure you can pass and don’t want to shame yourself, you should avoid doing so.”

“And what do we have to do in that test and how hard is it?” Lien tried to act like a real student by asking around a bit more, even though it was kind of pointless.

“In the Royal Academy, you must be able to withstand the pressure of the teacher’s magic power for five minutes and then take three of their attacks without getting knocked out or dying. It can be quite dangerous. My test was like that at the start of the year but since it’s the middle of the year, you may have to take five blows and ten minutes or something like that. I’m sorry but I can’t give you a definite answer,” the girl replied.

“It’s alright. Thank you very much for your help. One last question, where should I go to find one of the practical teachers?” Lien asked.

“It’s wise that you don’t go to the headmaster since he is the Overseer of Yenasari, but you surely know that,” the girl said and then answered Lien’s question, “Can you see that large field? Any of the teachers you find there can test you.”

“I see, thank you again for your help. Take this as my token of appreciation,” Lien replied, stuffing a mana stone into her hand that was filled with our daughter’s mana. She wasn’t that powerful yet but her mana could be considered a smaller treasure for these people.

“This… I thank you very much!” the red-skinned girl quickly put it into one of her pockets and thanked Lien while the guy next to her was staring at the stone with envy and looked at us with regret. He probably thought that if he took the initiative to ask Lien instead of the girl, he would have gotten the reward instead.

Little did he know that my wife wouldn’t reward any guy other than me. Maybe thanks to being a different race, very few men looked after Lien which made me kind of happy but pissed at the same time. I felt annoyed because I thought bullshit like, ‘how could they not appreciate the beauty of my wife’, even though the answer was obvious, and I felt happy because finally, I didn’t have to endure other guys undressing her with their eyes.

I honestly felt like a retard when I thought about it but it couldn’t be helped.

Once we reached the eastern field where the girl pointed us, we noticed that many students were meditating, trying to cast various spells, and quite a lot of them were fighting against one another, sparing no mana and blood.

They weren’t playing around and crying even if they got struck by a human-sized fireball and got burned as a result. As soon as something like that happened, the white-clothed people stood on the side rushed to their sides, and healed them immediately.

“What the fuck? The people of Earth look like cats compared to these kids…” I told Lien through Link as I looked at the scenery in front of me in wonder.

“Well, they surely aren’t training pussies here who can’t even take an insult without being deeply ‘hurt’,” Lien replied with a slight smile.

Both of us understood that thanks to the danger the monsters posed and training like this, people here were much fiercer than on the Earth and wouldn’t tolerate weaklings and useless people. Although we felt tempted to test ourselves against Yehan, we annoyed him enough already so we decided to bother a teacher instead and picked the strongest one that was on the field.

“Greetings, we were told that we can apply to be students here,” Lien said as she stopped in front of the strongest teacher. He was a four meters tall red-skinned man with steel-like muscles that were larger than her head.

Frowning as he looked at her, he said, “You two? Were you told to come to me?”

“No, the receptionist told us to come to this field and any teacher could test us,” Lien clarified the matter to avoid making trouble for the girl. It was the truth anyway.

“Good then. So you intentionally chose me out of all the teachers? You do realise that the test is harder if you want to change school in the middle of the year, right?” the man asked as he continued frowning.

“It’s alright with us,” I replied with a smile.

“What are your names?”

“My name is Lien and he is called Seth,” Lien replied.

“Good, since you are daring enough to take my test, you can skip the theory test if you pass,” the teacher replied.

Oh, so there would have been a theory test as well for us. Oh, well, it doesn’t matter.

Thanks to the teacher’s loud voice, many students around us noticed that we were about to take the entrance test, but instead of stopping what they were doing and surrounding us, they continued as if nothing happened. I was once again pleasantly surprised by their mindset.

I didn’t think we would be able to join the academy right away. I thought we would have to come back some other day or something like that and maybe start next month. Maybe it was thanks to the lack of electronics and administration that everything was dealt with sooner. Then again, they most likely didn’t register students and just knew them by face, so even if one of them disappeared, they wouldn’t even know.

“Can we decide in which order we want to take the test?” I asked, hoping that I could get done with the ‘taking the teacher’s attack’ part as soon as possible.

“There is no need to worry, first you can take the pressure test and after resting a bit, we will get to the harder part-”

“I’m sorry but that’s what I want to avoid. Can we start with the battle part?” I couldn’t help but interrupt him.

“How do you plan to withstand the pressure afterward? Or do you feel that confident?” he asked with a frown, his eyes reflecting his doubts.

“I’ll be fine.”

Dude, I could kill you with a thought. I feel so stupid for coming here, and it’s all because of Lien! I’m definitely going to do something to her during class as punishment, I thought as I looked at her from the corner of my eye.

“Stop staring. I know you are annoyed,” she said, staring forward.

“I must be compensated for this,” I replied.

“I’ll take care of it…” she rolled her eyes and finally looked at me for a moment.

“I’m just kidding, you don’t have to do anything. I love you~” I mused, smiling at her.

“I know and I love you too,” she replied, smiling back at me.

“As you please but don’t cry if you fail because of it. Are you ready?”

“Anytime,” I nodded.

Noticing that I didn’t bother to move, he took a few steps back to make some distance and then started pouring his mana into a giant fireball. I sort of felt like facepalming seeing what kind of magic he wanted to use since I didn’t even have to defend against that kind of attack. My body was made up of condensed mana which was an even lower form of the elements themselves, so my body was capable of directly disassembling the elements into raw mana and treating it like extra energy.

“Should I actually cast some magic?” I asked Lien.

“You could at least pretend…” she rolled her eyes.

Shaking my head, I glanced at the fireball in his hand and started transforming its core to dirt with my trait.

“You are being too carefree, I hope that you will have the chance to regret it,” the teacher said, indicating that I would probably die once his attack hit me.

“That thing won’t hurt me,” I said as I pointed towards his palm and transformed the whole fire into a ball of dirt.

“What the-”

“Second, please,” I urged him.

“I see you aren’t just overconfident. Despite being a veteran myself, I admit I haven’t seen magic like yours before,” he said with a frown, taking me seriously this time.

“Let’s see how you deal with some shadow arts,” he said as he turned into a black fog and dispersed into thin air. Even if his physical body disappeared from sight, I could still see him both because of his soul and because he simply played some tricks to break the light around his body. It had nothing to do with dark magic since it had rotting and corrosive effects… it couldn’t hide anyone.

Since I was following him with my eyes as he walked around me, he stopped midway to look at me and waved his hand in confusion.

“Don’t do that,” knowing what I wanted, Lien said through Link.

“I can’t help it.”

“Dear… please?”

“I caaaaaaan’t,” I screamed inwardly as I waved back at him and started laughing.

Walking up to the teacher, I stood on my toes to poke his shoulder and canceled his stupid spell, “Does this make it two?”

“It does…” he replied, deeply in thought.

“How about you attack me once as the last test? I may let you pass right away if it’s good enough,” he said.

“Oh, that would be cool. Tell me when you are ready,” I said, pulling some of the mana in the area towards my palm.

Going back to his place, he took a stance and said, “I’m ready for it.”

“Please, don’t beat him up,” Lien begged me this time.

“I won’t,” I replied.


Since he used elemental magic, I decided to use the same thing but instead of fire, I chose lightning.

“Uhm, do you know how this works?” I asked, seeing that his eyes opened wide upon seeing my spell.

“I don’t…” he said in a low voice as a bolt of lightning flickered past his face. With over a million amperes, he would have died on the spot if that hit him. Naturally, it was perfectly under my control and the current wouldn’t go anywhere I didn’t want it to.

“Just to clarify things, this thing could directly kill you but that’s obviously not something I wish to do so I’ll just immobilize you with it-”

Thinking that he could avoid it or something, he rushed towards me so I just did as told and shocked him on the spot. As the current entered his body, his muscles started spasming uncontrollably and he froze in place, falling face-first to the ground.

Squatting down next to him, I stopped electrocuting him and asked, “Am I in?”

“You- you are,” he panted slightly as he stood up. “But why would you want to go to school if you are this capable?”

“Good question… right, Honey?” I asked as I turned to look at my wife.

“Stop whining,” she rolled her eyes.

Once the teacher recovered, he got ready to test Lien, but the moment she cast a bolt of lightning and led the current past his head, he immediately ceased gathering his mana and said that Lien also passed. It seemed he really didn’t want to get struck by lightning again which was by no means a surprise to me. It hurt quite a bit and losing twice in a row as a prestigious teacher surely wouldn’t do any good to him.

Asking his class to be careful while he is away, he led us to the teacher’s office where he fiddled around with some paper-like thing for a few minutes and then told us that we had been registered as students. He just wrote our names and age on the paper and then we had to sign it with our own mana.

There was also some short text written above our signatures but I wasn’t capable of reading and writing since I’ve barely seen any letters since I came here.

“You can skip the current practical training class to explore the territory of the academy, but make sure you are present in the following theory class. Take this token and bring it to the doormen, one of them will lead you around and tell you everything you need to know,” the teacher said as he picked up a small black plate from his desk and stuffed it into my hands.

Since we had nothing better to do anyway, we did as told and followed the same girl around who helped us last time. She showed us where to find the canteen, the classes where the theory lessons would take place, the teachers’ and the headmaster’s room, the toilet, and finally, the meditation rooms where a large formation gathered mana to make progress easier.

Once we finished our tour, I asked the girl, “Can we go to the classroom for the time being?”

“Yes, feel free to go there. There is one thing I would like to point out though, I’m not sure what it was like in your previous school but most students here try to take the front seats to see the teacher’s magic from closer and if you were to take someone’s place, you could get into trouble with that person. I recommend you go to the backseats and take a free seat only when the others in your class entered. You can always take their place later if you turn out to be stronger during practical class and they won’t complain or try to fight you that way,” she said, kindly telling me a rather important ‘custom’ of theirs.

She did a really good job of helping us to integrate and warned us in advance for anything that could go wrong. Neither of us wanted to pointlessly bully some kids or start some kind of family war.

“I have one more question,” Lien chimed in. “Are there people with special rights or powers behind them that we should be wary of? And by that, I mean people who if we beat up, their family would come after us or something like that.”

Raising her brows in confusion, she said, “Is that why you are changing school? That’s kind of shameful… I don’t think you have to worry about that unless you actually kill somebody. There are many students with powerful families backing them since this is the Royal Academy, but if they can’t even take care of their own peers, their family would rather kick them out for being useless than to chase you. Or if it’s because you are very powerful, they might try to recruit you instead. That is also a great thing if you don’t have a powerful family,” she replied.

I am the ‘powerful family’, I laughed inwardly.

Thanking her for her help once again, we stopped bothering her and went straight to the classroom that I was really excited to explore for various reasons. As we got in, the smell of old wood hit my nose like a train, bringing a wave of nostalgia along with it. I wasn’t fond of the idea that I would sit here and waste my time listening to some dude that knew less about magic than I did, but I had to admit, it was kind of worth it for the memories. Maybe Lien was right.

The classroom had large windows facing the door and many rows of tables that reached from the wall to the middle of the room. There was no space between the tables, only a corridor was left in the middle, leading all the way to the back of the room. One thing I noticed right away was that the front of the tables was closed, meaning that I could do anything under the table and nobody would see a thing.

As if that wasn’t good enough, the rows of tables were always higher up the closer they were to the back of the room, just like stair steps. Spotting the table in the top right corner which was touching the wall, I decided right away that it would be my place, no matter what. I could perfectly squeeze myself into the corner and bother my wife during class from that position.

My poor wife had no idea how many things I had planned for her already, but I wanted to stay quiet about it and pretend that I had nothing bad in mind until the time came. Looking at her face, I saw her staring at the same table where I looked a moment, and knowing what she wanted, I teleported to the inner seat in a hurry.

“Oh, come on! You are a father, an adult, why do you have to be so childish?” she stomped on the ground.

“Why does it matter to you then?” I asked with a smile, knowing that she wanted to take the same place.

“Aaaargh! This is totally like the time when I went back to Ushua and we met,” she laughed as she put her hand on her forehead. “Haah- whatever. I won’t complain because I’m a grown-up, unlike you,” she said proudly, brushing her hair to the side as she appeared next to me.

“Do you even believe what you are saying?” I asked.

“Nah, I don’t. I’m a fucking joke,” she shook her head.

“Hahaha, you aren’t a joke but I like that you are being honest.”

“Well, why would I lie to myself. I was the one who asked you to come here anyway so I will accept this as the price,” she said.

Oh, if only you knew the price would be much greater, I couldn’t help but sneer in silence.

“I bet you are thinking of something perverted now, don’t you?” she asked as she looked at me.

“What? Me?” I raised my hands, pretending to be offended.

“How and where did you imagine it?” she asked as she looked around in the room. Her eyes stopping on the teacher’s table on the podium, she added, “I bet you want to put me on that table and do something perverted.”

I did think of that… I guess she knows me well enough.

“Your face is telling me that I hit the nail on the head,” she said.

“That was one of my ideas, but I can’t do it since the students are about to flood the building and fill up the classrooms. I don’t want to get caught in the middle of the act,” I replied,

I’m sorry my love, but my ideas right now are all things that I will do to you during class.

“Why do I feel through Link that I’m in danger? What do you want to do?” she asked with a frown.

To avoid making her suspicious, I told her something simple, “It’s because I’m fantasizing about you.”


“Damn, did you see that? Orym beat Rydel with the Flame Pool spell. The teacher showed it yesterday and he has learned it so quickly,” a red-haired guy said as he entered the room.

“Yeah, but his family is proficient in fire magic. I bet he asked for help from somebody,” a blonde-haired and yellow-skinned student replied as he crossed the door a moment later, followed by a wave of people who were chatting similarly.

“Well, let’s put them aside for now. Today we have to showcase our progress in the Thorny Vines spell and I suck at nature magic…” the red-haired guy said.

“What do you mean? Don’t tell me that you still don’t know how to do it?”

“I don’t…” the redhead replied as he sat down in the middle of the row that was four rows ahead of ours.

“You had five days to learn it. You really suck at it,” the blonde rolled his eyes. “If not for excelling in wind magic, the teacher would have surely kicked you out of his class long ago,” he added.

“Don’t even mention it…” the redhead sighed loudly and then leaned closer to his friend to whisper, “By the way, did you notice those two in the corner? Are they new students?”

Yeah, did you notice us?

“I advise you to be careful with them. You were meditating so you didn’t see but they used some kind of strange magic that looked like lightning and knocked out our teacher with it!” the other guy replied.

“They knocked out the teacher?!”

“Yeah, I’ve seen it with my own eyes.”

“Well, Orym may get kicked from his front seat then soon enough,” the redhead sneered.

I’m sorry Pal, I have no idea why you want that to happen but I sure as hell won’t move from this place. To begin with, I would rather mute your teacher than to listen to him from the first row, I shook my head.

The other students were similarly whispering about us from time to time but none of them were talking lewdly about Lien or ridiculed us in any way. A few minutes later the teacher also came in and nodded upon seeing us in the back of the room.

“I see that everyone is here so let’s start,” he raised his hands, signing for the others to quiet down. Clasping his hands, he smiled at the students, “Let’s start with the last assignment that you had to do.”

The redhead instantly lowered his head and ducked down, probably hoping that he could avoid being tested. Unfortunately for him, everyone had to go out one by one and showcase their capabilities so it took only a few minutes to reach him. As he stepped on the podium, he took a deep breath and made a serious face as he drew his mana towards his palms, still attempting to cast the requested spell.

Sensing that he was trying to cast the sequence incorrectly, I surrounded him with a weakened form of my mana and showed him the right way as an attempt to help him. His face lit up in joy as he noticed my mana and followed it precisely, leading to a successful attempt in the end.

“I thought you would fail again… I’m pleasantly surprised, nice job,” the teacher patted his shoulder.

“It’s all thanks to a little help from the new student,” he said with a smile as he pointed at me.

“I wanted you to stay quiet about it, but whatever…” I told him through telepathy, which ended up confusing him.

“Who was talking to me?”

“What are you talking about? Nobody said a word. Anyway, go back to your place. You can thank him later,” the teacher urged him since the other half of the class still had to showcase the spell. If their magic was seriously limited to their own traits and elemental magic, we had a lot to teach them.

“Don’t be dumb. I was the one talking to you, the ‘new student’, but I’m using telepathy so others can’t hear me. They could if they knew how to use telepathy but that’s clearly not the case. Just get back to your place and stay quiet about me,” I told him, seeing that he was about to open his mouth to respond.

Turning towards me, he showed a thumbs up and then looked at the next student who stood up on the podium. Since we were new, the teacher exempted us from the showcase which I was kind of happy about because I didn’t want to stand out to cast such a shamefully low level of magic. I wasn’t one to care about pride and whatnot but as a person bearing the title of the ‘Mage Emperor’, I really didn’t want to do that.

Shortly after the last student cast the spell, the teacher continued talking about other elemental magic and showed us how to cast it at the same time. He was doing his job really well, it was just that the magic they taught was trash.

Seeing that my wife was leaning on her arm, her eyes unfocused and staring forward blankly, I understood that her initial enthusiasm withered like a tree in the deserts. If she really wanted to come here and have fun for whatever reason, I wouldn’t have complained and followed her without a word. Doing that much for my wife was no big deal to me. The only reason I tried to change her mind and refuse her was that I knew this would happen.

Knowing that she was the one to drag me here, she couldn’t just stand up and leave as she pleased either so she suffered in silence in her boredom. Luckily for her, I’ve got her back with my own plans.

Glancing at her from the corner of my eye, I slowly reached between her legs and started caressing her thigh without a word. As my fingertips touched her skin, she gave me a quick glance but seeing that I was looking forward, she also stopped staring. It was sort of my habit to caress her thighs and arms so unless I looked at her with lust-filled eyes, she considered it to be my display of gentle love.

While it was true that I usually caressed her because of that, she didn’t know that this time I was preparing her for something different.

--- Lien’s pov ---

What’s wrong with Seth? How come he isn’t lying on the desk, fast asleep? Something is wrong here, I thought as I felt him placing his hand on my thigh. Knowing him, he should be sleeping already while pretending to be awake with magic so his straight back and wide-awake expression didn’t make much sense to me.

I had to admit class was boring but I couldn’t just stand up and leave after dragging him into it, so I stayed quiet about it. He seemed to be having even more fun than me anyway. Although I found his hand slightly disturbing because of my sensitiveness to his touch, I didn’t mind it because he always put his hand on my thigh when we sat down.

Noticing that I was starting to get aroused because of his hand, I immediately realised that something was wrong because I’ve never had that kind of problem before. Most of the time I just fell asleep but this time his touch was different.

“Are you using pleasure touch?” I frowned as I looked at him.

“What? I’m just caressing your legs,” he shook his head with a frown, seemingly confused by my question.

“Do you think I wouldn’t notice when you are lying?”

“It’s not good to be too attentive,” he smirked as he suddenly activated his stupid spell and filled my body with a bunch of chemicals.

Cumming on the spot, I quickly covered my mouth to hold back my voice while he used his trait to remove my leggings, along with my panties. Seeing myself sitting in the middle of the class in a pair of boots and the upper part of my leather armor, I couldn’t help but cover myself in shame.

“Give my clothes back!”

“We both know that it’s not going to happen. I know that you are bored so let me liven up the mood for you,” he chortled, pushing my hands away.

Feeling his hand circling around my labia, I really wanted to tell him to stop but my lips simply didn’t move. As his fingertip slowly ran over my clitoris and gently rubbed it, all I could think of was the last night we spent together as he shoved his dick into me.

“Okay, I don’t care anymore…” I said as I spread my legs far and wide, letting him do as he pleased.

Placing two of his fingers on my labia, he slowly spread them apart and then shoved his middle finger into my vagina, once again using pleasure touch on me.

“Mh~” I almost cried out from the pleasure, but luckily the teacher was talking quite loudly so nobody heard my muffled cry.

“You are a very, very bad girl. You know that right?” Seth growled into my ear as he wildly rubbed my insides.

“Stop using pleasure touch. I can’t bear with this in silence…”

“Why not?”

“You idiot, I’m used to letting it out after all these years.” Placing my hand over his, I tried to pull back his hand but he just wouldn’t let go and continued fingering me vehemently. As if that wasn’t bad enough, my pussy was sloshing wet so it started squelching as he moved his fingers.

“Don’t worry, I set up a voice barrier so you can moan all you want. Look, the teacher is right in front of you and here you are enjoying my fingers,” he said aloud.

“Uh- fuck you.”

“Is that what you want? Fuck me? I’m fine with it but then we will have to go elsewhere,” he chortled as he intensified his stupid spell, making me orgasm and squirt all over his fingers.

“Miss, are you alright?” the teacher asked all of a sudden, seeing Lien’s red face.

Feeling a ball in my throat, I quickly cleared it and replied, “Yes. I’m just feeling a little hot.”

“Are you sure? Is he bothering you?” he frowned, looking back and forth between Seth and me. He seemed to be suspicious of us for some reason. I wondered why...

“We are a couple so there is no way he could bother me. As I said, I’m just feeling a little hot,” I replied strongly this time.

“Alright then”, he nodded, going back to the topic he was talking about.

Sensing that the sound barrier was back up, I looked at him and asked aloud, “Why the fuck did you continue fingering me even when I was talking?”

“Hahaha, it was fun to watch as you tried to keep your voice steady, but your lips were trembling the whole time.”

“Fuck you th- ohhh shit-” I couldn’t help but bite my lower lip mid-sentence as he used pleasure touch on me once again, making me orgasm for the second time in a row.

“Stop using this shit. It’s cheating! Why don’t you do it with your own dick?” I yelled at him, slightly annoyed that he could make me orgasm anytime he wanted. I was angry because it felt great, but I was annoyed because his magic took away from its charm and I still couldn’t resist it.

Raising his brows smugly, “I’m okay with it. But we both know that I rarely use it during our little sessions and you are still… giving in easily.”

“So what? It’s all because your thing just can’t go limp and as that hard and hot rod is rubbing my…” noticing that I was starting to crave it just because I started talking about it, he smiled at me while I decided that staying quiet would do wonders to me.

“Why don’t you continue? It was really amusing,” he chortled, leaning on the table as he looked at me, his eyes reflecting his amusement.

“How about no?” I rolled my eyes.

“Okay~ Just let me know where you want to go after class,” he said as he pulled out his fingers and used his trait to create new clothes for me.

Coming to school was a mistake. I should have known he would do something perverted to me.

Once the class was over, we skipped the rest of the classes and returned to our own room in our house to continue where we left off.

Of course, we also paid some attention to the teacher and what he was saying so we understood their level of magic. We just had to think it over and decide what to teach them and what we shouldn’t, but that was for later since Felice and Reiner were about to wake up!


(AN: Message for Patreons: The 40th chapter will be out in at most 2 days. I just need a bit more to finish it and then it needs proofreading.)

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