The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 31: Forgotten Ambition

“Kunon, we can start now.”


It was the second winter since they had known each other.

He had been far too busy since he met his teacher.

The passing of the months had somehow become as much a part of Kunon’s life as the seasons he felt on his skin.

In the early summer of this year, he turned eleven years old.

Other than that, there was nothing special about it.

Every few days, he would write up a report or something from Zeonly, and when they met, they would conduct experiments and verifications.

I’ve spent my days just repeating that.

Today was the day that Zeonly was coming.

Milica and Dario were with him, as usual.

And I thought that today would be another day of the usual experiments and verifications with Zeonly.


“It’s been two whole years since you became my apprentice. At the end of the next spring, you’ll be twelve years old.

I’m telling you that you can start preparing to go to the magic school. The school starts in autumn, so you should be ready to go by then.”


Kunon didn’t realize for a moment what he had said.

“Well, what about verification? Have you developed the box that attracts insects?”

“That’s not cool. Call it ‘Insect Box’.”

– It is a magical tool that attracts certain insects. The main purpose of the box was to collect wild bees and beneficial insects, and it was also supposed to be used for pest control.

It should be almost finished by now.

Or rather, Kunon had been thinking of various ways to experiment with it, with the intention of completing it today.

And yet.

“How do I complete the Insect Box?”

“Don’t mix in anything else. I can do the rest on my own. You’ve got work to do.”

As he said this, Zeonly picked up a bundle of documents that Kunon had prepared on the table outside, and which he had written down.

Apparently, he was already planning to pull out, even though he had just arrived.

“What do you mean I should prepare for the ……magic school?”

Kunon had completely forgotten about the magic school.

He had been too busy for the past two years.

It was both busy and fulfilling.

There was no time to think about anything else.

It’s been a lot of work, but I don’t have much to complain about.

It’s been really fulfilling, and it’s been fun to learn new things.

Making magic tools is interesting.

I’ve contributed to the completion of some of them, but I think there’s more I can do.

– If I would be honest now, I would rather continue working as Zeonly’s apprentice than go to a magic school.

But at the same time, I somehow know that this is not going to happen.

I’ve gotten to know Zeonly over the past two years, and I know his personality.

Zeonly is flexible in his thinking and open to the opinions of his students, but he has never changed his orders to his students.

And it is always an order that is given for the sake of the apprentice.

Zeonly told Kunon to go to a magic school.

It’s for Kunon’s own good.

That’s what he thinks.

– Kunon, who doesn’t know what a magic school is like, has no words of objection.

“Master, I’m……”

“Don’t tell me you’re not going. I can’t teach you water magic, I can only help you develop the fundamentals of it. But I made sure to stretch it out.

So go to school to learn proper water magic.”

I’m not sure I could find the words to disagree.

For the past two years, I have not been taught anything about water magic.

The range of magic that I can use has expanded, but the variety has not.

As always, there are only two types of magic I can use.

… Surely, he can’t just leave it at that. As for Kunon, there is no inconvenience in not having more magic to use.

“I don’t want to leave Her Highness at…….”

The magic school is not in the Kingdom of Huglia.

It’s in another country, so you’ll have to travel a bit further.

And if you enroll, you will have to attend for a few years until you pass the graduation exam… or get expelled.

It’s a place you can’t come back to.

In other words, you will not be able to see Milica.

“Kunon, go ahead. And as soon as you’ve done what you have to do, you can come back.”

Milica’s voice, now almost fourteen years old, had become that of a woman, not a girl.

Compared to the voice he remembered from the distant past, it sounded similar, yet different. I guess she’s getting closer to adulthood.

“Are you okay with not seeing me anymore, Her Highness?”

“No, I’m not.”

It was a quick answer.

“But please go.”

The words she added were also immediate.

“I’ll send out lots of letters, so please reply them, Kunon.”

It seemed that Milica had already prepared herself for this.


I don’t think I’m showing it on my face, but I’m sure she’s getting the vibe.

Milica took Kunon’s reluctant left hand in both of hers.

Milica’s hands are small.

But her palms are hard.

Her training in martial arts is still going on.

“I will definitely become a woman who is not ashamed of you. So please become a sorcerer who is not ashamed of me.

I don’t want to see you stuck on the butt of a selfish master forever.”


“Oh, well. I love my master. He takes good care of me after all.”

“Huh? I don’t like that about you, though!”

“Oh, that’s awful. Next time I’ll add a good scent ingredient to the water bed to make you sleep a little better.”

“…… Just kidding. So don’t ever do that again.”

It’s also known as the “magical bed that will surely ruin half a day”, according to Zeonly.

It’s a no-good bed that does more harm than good by being too comfortable to sleep on.

– Well, the bed, anyway.

“Okay, Master. I’m going to the magic school.”

Zeonly said it, and Milica agreed to it.

I can’t resist anymore. It’s useless to try.

And if I say I’m not interested, I’m lying.

This is an opportunity to touch the depths of new magic that I have never learned before.

How could I not be interested?

“So what do I need to prepare? A change of clothes?”

“A change of clothes is nothing to worry about.”

“But I can’t sleep without a certain loungewear. I also need underwear.”

“Then take them with you. Why don’t you just take everything in the closet? You have more important things to do than that.”


Kunon tilted his head.

The first thing that came to my mind when I was told what was most important was Milica herself, and the maidservant’s lesson about being a gentleman who always keeps a sense of humor.

“You…… didn’t even remember it, did you? I thought my students were relatively easygoing, but they’re more easygoing than I imagined. Don’t let it fool you.”

“Don’t be rude. I always hope to be a gentleman with a sense of humor. I will never forget this most important lesson.”

“……I don’t want to mess with you too much, but the most important lesson of all should be the one I taught you…….”

Zeonly let out a sigh.

The master may have been a little hurt by his student’s comments.

“It’s your eyes, kid.”

The moment he said that, unexpectedly, Kunon’s heart jumped.

… That’s right.

That’s right.

That’s right!

Why did I forget?

How could I have been so busy with my daily life that I forgot my most important ambition, my desire, my reason for living!

It must be because there were so many things I could do without being able to see.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I thought it was okay to remain invisible.

I was indeed carefree.

I was so naive that it surprised me.

The word “dumb” is more appropriate.

“I don’t have to say anything else, do I? I think it’s time for you to go…

Fifty-five stages of overlapping, three-dimensional magic circle, cylindrical fixed magic circle, imaginary circuit imaginary code, fluid desert pattern…… I taught you everything I could.

You’re used to make magic tools, aren’t you?”

Kunon gulped.

The mixed elements, like fragments he hadn’t thought of, came together to form a picture that just fits perfectly.

A magic tool.

A magician.

The encounter with Zeonly.

– This was all at the request of Commissioner Rondimond, a royal sorcerer who had met him only once in the castle.

That person knew Kunon’s purpose.

On the day we first met, he asked me what I wanted to do, and I sort of answered him, that I wanted to gain visibility through magic.

Rondimond’s answer to that question was to meet Zeonly.

And Zeonly was the person who was necessary to lead Kunon to his goal of “making eyeballs”.

“Master…… I need some time off.”

I just forgot about it.

In the back of Kunon’s mind, the flame of ambition is still burning. It’s burning brightly.

I’ve just pulled it out again.

It was as if he had forgotten about it, but it was raging hot and burning in his chest.

“Oh. Call me when you can. I’ll consult with you and make sure you succeed…… It’s going to be okay, isn’t it?”

Zeonly stroked Kunon’s head, who had a strong will in his lightless silver eyes as a replacement.

“If you’re my proud apprentice, there’s absolutely no chance of failing.”

The past two years have not been a waste.

My knowledge is enormous.

I’ve gained skills in magic.

In the past, everything was too much, too little, and I could never reach it.

But now, I can.

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